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单词 generalist
释义 Word family  noun generalization general generalist generality adjective general generalist generalized verb generalize adverb generally  gen·e·ral·ist /ˈdʒenərəlɪst/ noun [countable]  a person who knows about many different things and can do many things well 多面手,多才多艺者 OPP specialist —generalist adjectiveExamples from the Corpusgeneralist• The conflict within public bureaucracies between specialists and generalists is familiar to all students of modern government.• Others are generalists, providing information on many destinations and methods of traveling.• Once the managers began to see that they were running a business, they realized that their role was to be generalists.• It also requires presentation in a manner acceptable to both generalist and specialist managers.• Workplace 2000 companies will be looking for flexible generalists, not specialists.• This raises the question of the role of the specialist agency in relation to the generalist and the development of a referral system.From Longman Business Dictionarygeneralistgen‧e‧ral‧ist /ˈdʒenərəlɪst/ noun [countable] someone with knowledge of many subjects, rather than detailed knowledge of one subjectThe state can no longer be governed by generalists; each policy area demands considerable expertise. → compare specialistgen·e·ral·ist nounChineseSyllable  and things Business Corpus different a many can about who knows person




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