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单词 Maoism
1. Maoism is a potential thought.
2. But they left only tenuous intellectual ties between Maoism and Marxism.
3. Once the crucible of Maoism, Shenyang is by some accounts China's most politically unstable region.
4. She was not niggardly in praising " Maoism " and Mao.
5. Put aside the Long March, Maoism, the Cultural Revolution; put aside the invasions, conquests, disasters, and other major setbacks inflicted upon the Chinese people over their history.
6. First, Maoism was based on the belief that the peasantry is the principal revolutionary class, even though lip service was ambiguously paid to the principle of "proletarian leadership."
7. One of the pervasive features of Maoism was its voluntarist belief that human consciousness was the decisive factor in history.
8. Yet if Maoism is exhausted, this is not necessarily the case for other forms of Marxism.
9. Maoism not only strayed from Marxism in turning to the countryside but was also profoundly non-Leninist in celebrating the spontaneity of peasant revolt.
10. Deng , at long last, decided Maoism should be dealt a decisive blow.
11. Maoism, thus, inverted the Marxist (and Leninist) conception of the relationship between town and countryside in the making of modern history.
12. The latest law is only one step in the slow trudge China is making out of the blind alley of Maoism.
13. For a long while it looked as if China would never be liberalized, that it would remain locked in the super-Stalinism of Maoism.
14. It has been linked at the popular level to a general loss of faith in Marxism and Maoism, which has led to an interest in reappraising many once-discredited belief systems.
15. Best symbolized by the senior party leader, Bo Xilai, it includes a romantic revival of Maoism, harking back to a time when the Chinese were more unified and more isolated from the rest of the world.
16. Capitalism, too, was forged in blood and tears; it is just that it has survived long enough to forget about much of this horror, which is not the case with Stalinism and Maoism.
17. Again, no one is saying that China is or will soon become a libertarian paradise, but the contrast with anthill Maoism is staggering.
18. Among the communist leaders of the world, we often hear a name invoked, with an "ism" attached to the end, as in Maoism, Leninism, Trotskyism, etc.
19. The southern state of Andhra Pradesh has had great success in weakening Maoism with a combination of better development and policing.
20. The Left wing of the Party is the most ideological, hidebound to Maoism, driven in part by nostalgic longings and in part by a deep dissatisfaction with the current state of society.




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