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单词 So as
1. Work expands so as to fill the time available. 
2. He inclined forward so as to hear more clearly.
3. so as not to be noticed.
4. He read a lot so as to learn about the intellectual history of Europe.
5. We'll have to be quiet so as not to wake the baby.
6. They recycle empty tins so as to use the metal.
7. She trod lightly so as not to wake the baby.
8. He noted every detail so as to fix the scene in his mind.
9. They wore gloves so as not to leave any fingerprints behind .
10. She spoke in a quiet voice so as not to wake him.
11. She dressed down to visit her poor relatives, so as not to offend them by a show of her wealth.
12. We left in the daytime so as not to arouse suspicion.
13. He cut across the fields so as not to be late.
14. It was virtually impossible to synchronise our lives so as to take holidays and weekends together.
15. We talked quietly so as not to be overheard.
16. I'll leave early so as to dodge the rush-hour.
17. We went early so as to get good seats.
18. He tilted the barrel so as to empty it.
19. You should exercise more so as to keep energetic.
20. They mowed the field so as to provide the cattle with fodder.
21. Please keep your voice down so as not to wake the children.
22. They walked across the room on tiptoe so as not to waken the baby.
23. We raced against the clock so as to fulfill our production plan according to schedule.
24. Keep your valuables locked away so as not to put temptation in the way of thieves.
25. I wanted to put the meeting over until Sunday so as not to interfere with my work.
26. After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil , so as to enrich the soil.
27. My father's business is failing; he's mortgaged all his assets so as to save it.
28. Don't stop, because others will over you; don't look back, so as not to fall down.
29. Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world--the fight for the Liberation of Mankind.
30. He was never happy living at home with his parents, so as soon as possible he flew the coop and got his own place.
1. He inclined forward so as to hear more clearly.
2. He read a lot so as to learn about the intellectual history of Europe.
3. I wanted to put the meeting over until Sunday so as not to interfere with my work.
4. We'll have to be quiet so as not to wake the baby.
5. After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil , so as to enrich the soil.
6. They recycle empty tins so as to use the metal.
7. My father's business is failing; he's mortgaged all his assets so as to save it.
8. He noted every detail so as to fix the scene in his mind.
9. They wore gloves so as not to leave any fingerprints behind .
10. She spoke in a quiet voice so as not to wake him.
11. She dressed down to visit her poor relatives, so as not to offend them by a show of her wealth.
12. We left in the daytime so as not to arouse suspicion.
13. He cut across the fields so as not to be late.
14. It was virtually impossible to synchronise our lives so as to take holidays and weekends together.
15. The portrait was touched up so as to make it lighter.
16. Two policemen held up a truck so as to inspect the driver's license.
17. The test questions are kept secret so as to prevent cheating.
18. Tap the lid down carefully so as not to break the contents.
31. He interacted closely with us so as to finish the difficult task.
32. They must reduce the books price so as to bring them within the reach of all students.
33. The player had to fade back so as to have room to pass the ball.
34. Let us discipline ourselves so as to help feed a hungry world.
35. At worst we'll have to sell the house so as to settle our debts.
36. Please address your letters properly so as to reduce delays.
36. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
37. I always keep fruit in the fridge so as to keep insects off it.
38. She hitched up her skirt so as not to get it wet.
39. A politician soon learns to swim with the tide and offer the voters things that they want, so as to gain their votes.
40. She stole out of the room so as not to wake the baby.
41. I took a careful note of where I had left the bag, so as to be sure to find it on my return.
42. She tiptoed quietly out of the room so as not to wake him up.
43. A warm-up is important before a run so as not to strain any muscles.
44. The lumberers hacked away at the trees all day long so as to make room for the new railway.
45. She angled the mirror so as to reflect light from a window.
46. We are going to lay down a new railway so as to carry the coal to the riverside.
47. A singer must learn to project his voice so as to be heard in a large hall.
48. Kemp knocked loudly so as to be heard above the high babble of voices.
49. He disconnected the phone so as not to be disturbed.
50. The criticisms had been watered down so as not to offend anybody.
51. We rushed through the last few design drawings so as to go home early.
52. The two girls dropped back so as to be alone.
53. We're liaisoning with the department concerned so as to solve the problem as soon as possible.
54. I'd like to put the meeting over till Saturday so as not to interfere with my work.
55. The two lovers dropped back so as to be alone.
56. He was being very careful with the coffee so as not to spill it.
57. I drove at a steady 50 mph so as to save fuel.
58. I left a message so as to be sure of contacting her.
59. He has adopted an informal register so as not to alienate his audience.
60. Our common practice is to sell the buildings in which our offices are and to lease them back so as to free large sums of money.
61. How can we word the letter so as not to offend the parents?
62. I saw her in the High Street, but she sheered off so as not to meet me.
63. How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?
64. He got up at six so as to make certain of being in time.
65. Students should take notes so as to make revision easier.
66. I kept off the subject of divorce so as to spare her feelings.
67. Mother trod softly so as not to wake the baby.
68. Liz sat down on the bed, lowering herself carefully so as not to crease her skirt.
69. They tiptoed upstairs so as not to wake the baby.
70. We went along silently on tiptoe so as not to disturb anyone.
71. We crept around on tiptoes so as not to disturb him.
72. The portrait was touched up so as to make it lighter.
73. Two policemen held up a truck so as to inspect the driver's license.
74. She modified her views so as to accommodate the objections of American feminists.
75. Claire positioned herself so as not to obstruct David's line of sight.
76. The speaker raised his voice so as to be heard.
77. She opened the door gently so as not to rub against the wet paint.
78. They laid the sails aback so as to stay on course in the storm wind.
79. There is a plan afoot to pull down the old building so as to widen the street.
80. She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping child.
81. The test questions are kept secret so as to prevent cheating.
82. Speak louder and clearer so as to make everyone hear you.
83. We arrived early at the theatre so as to preempt the front seats.
84. I was beginning to feel alarm, but kept it to myself so as not to worry our two friends.
85. He promised to be quick so as not to inconvenience them any further.
86. Tap the lid down carefully so as not to break the contents.
87. All the far-flung stars must be cataloged, so as to chart a course for sailors over the oceans of the Earth.
88. The policy of Decius's successor Valerian was to execute bishops and senior clergy so as to leave the Church leaderless.
89. And how did they come to interrelate with one another so as to make possible a coherent, intelligible universe?
90. As a conciliatory gesture, the restaurant was built like a large shack, so as not to be too obtrusive.
91. Winsocks should be written so as to be accessible from either 32-bit or 16-bit workspace.
92. America has the moral sense and willingness to reform and change so as to become a better nation. Dr T.P.Chia 
93. Please permit her to do so as arranged with you by phone.
94. Spousal abuse is much in the news, as much or more so as child abuse.
95. Attempts to rebuild the curriculum so as more nearly to meet the socioeconomic needs of the region are beset with cultural obstacles.
96. So as time goes on they watch their balloon with increasing anxiety.
97. Then comes anaphase I: the quartet of chromatids are pulled apart so as to form two sets of paired chromatids.
98. They have done so as part of a widely comprehensive output,[/so as.html] ranging from chamber music to symphonies and opera.
99. The only way to conquer a fear is to face it, and to do so as frequently as possible.
100. It gradually tightens itself so as to not allow for expansion of the rib cage.
101. I carefully examined every photograph in minute detail through a magnifying glass so as not to miss a thing.
102. He'd returned at dawn, creeping into the apartment so as not to wake her.
103. Such a State should act in good faith so as not to frustrate the objects of the treaty.
104. I'll be as brief as possible so as not to waste your time.
105. To conceal traces so as to elude pursuers.
106. To mate so as to produce a hybrid; interbreed.
107. Hubby: So as me narrow - minded.
108. They told her she was in a room next door, so as not to traumatise her.
109. Objective: To diagnose neonatal septicemia in early stage so as to reduce complications and decrease mortality.
110. The method of correction is primarily to strengthen education so as to rectify individualism ideologically.
111. He did fortune - telling by taking apart Chinese characters , so as to cheat people of their money.
112. Objective To analyze obstetrical factors of neonatal asphyxia so as to reduce the incidence.
113. Objective To explore effective detection methods of Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus so as to improve detecting level.
114. A die incised so as to produce a design in relief.
115. A male singer castrated before puberty so as to retain a soprano or alto voice.
116. The mica test pieces were prepared by cleavage so as to be atomically smooth.
117. Used in RO system, prevent ionprecipitating on RO membranes, so as to protect RO membranes expediently.
118. It is important to significantly increase the programme's size, so as to underpin business confidence.
119. To engage and interlock securely so as to be immobile.
120. Alarmed, Hung - chien urged her to rouse herself a little so as not to disappoint Hsin - mei .
121. Hemolytic streptococcal infection is a predisposing factor for psoriasis, so as tonsillitis, avoid cold, pharyngitis.
122. Cody: Ok so as as there was the first wave, right ? There was the first surfer.
123. A steamship with the bow and upper deck rounded so as to shed water.
124. We'd better instead face them rationally and tolerantly, so as to show and maintain our dignity.
125. So as a child was brought up in Iran, Bangladesh, Algeria etc.
126. The gas pressure is adjusted so as to balance the beam.
127. This is the grouping of system variables so as to cancel out their dimensions.
128. It's believed that people primarily blather to themselves when alone so as not to appear nuts.
129. They dress in quiet colors so as not to call attention to themselves.
130. He shall not defile himself , as a leader among his people , so as to profane himself.
131. These verbs mean to disturb or disquiet a person so as to evoke moderate anger.
132. So as technology hurtles forward , we must think back to thatlegacy.
133. Can we eliminate cancer so as to reduce death rate?
134. Conclusion Position of patient after flat 6 - hour should be changed so as to, avoid bedsore occuring.
135. To strike so as to produce a loud, reverberant noise.
136. I was mightily refreshed by the beverage, as much so as a giant with wine.
137. To add nonfissionable matter to ( fissionable material ) so as to prevent use in an atomic weapon.
138. He and Jane decided to leave so as to avoid any more unpleasantness.
139. Food container cannot purposes so as to avoid the bricks, food product.
140. Conclusions Autologous tumorvaccine therapy can restore cellular immunity so as to enhance the treatment efficacy.
141. To redistribute profits nationally so as to minimize taxes is certain to get particular partner.
142. You must watch your step so as not to fall down.
143. To blow ( a wind instrument ) so as to produce an overtone instead of a fundamental tone.
144. Any academic studies involve value judgment , so as comparative educative research.
145. So as understands in the beautiful marriage that believing in tolerantly is a perfect happy marriage.
146. So as to prevent cheating , he was asked to reshuffle the cards.
147. Perform meritorious service to atone for one's crimes so as to obtain clemency from the people.
148. Every system has its basic theory, so as the retrial procedure.
149. Mind your bicycles so as not to be stolen by the thieves hereabout.
150. People are expected to act so as to maximize their well - being.
151. Some politicians tried to ingratiate rich or influential people so as to get more supporters.
152. So as to enhance the life of the plunger valve.
153. To make the sign of the cross over so as to sanctify.
154. Do not water when the unIt'so that cable, power cord so as to avoid fracture.
155. I send you this short letter so as to extend my holiday greetings to you.
156. Quaker Oats merged by PepsiCo, so as engineering consultant for some company.
157. I am poor -- as much so as a church mouse.
158. The insole can be arranged in various shoes as needed so as to heat the shoes.
159. In most cases perfect gas conditions are assumed so as to simplify the analysis.
160. They went camping so as to be independent of hotels.
161. So as to we advise you oder the good from that factory.
162. Could you come before that so as to enjoy a leisurely meal?
163. Bend or crush ( sth ) so as to spoil its natural shape.
164. They infiltrated behind the lines so as to annoy the emery replacements.
165. When he hung up he decided to get properly dressed so as to save rime afterward.
166. To enter ( an organization, for example ), surreptitiously, so as to gain influence or information; infiltrate.
167. As a modern ads designer, one needs creative thinking so as to produce ads with creativeness.
168. We must think so as to avoid dupery. ( William James ).
169. Hepatic veins should be reconstructed if necessary, so as to anastomose with recipient inferior vena cava.
170. So as I've mentioned before I live at a youth hostel.
171. He immersed himself in work so as to stop thinking about her.
172. To adjust one's vision or an optical device so as to render a clear, distinct image.
173. To retrospect 638 allergen skin tests in otolaryngology so as to direct clinical work.
174. Mate an ass with a mare so as to produce a mule.
175. He chose and sang several representative songs from the album so as to enliven the atmosphere.




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