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单词 Astonishingly
1 She did astonishingly well in her exams.
2 The most desirable properties necessarily command astonishingly high prices.
3 Jack took the news astonishingly well.
4 Isabella was an astonishingly beautiful young woman.
5 Astonishingly, a crowd of several thousands turned out to hear him.
6 The black vote is astonishingly loyal to the Democratic Party.
7 That would be an astonishingly fast action on the part of the Congress.
8 Astonishingly, I've never visited King's College Chapel in all the years I've lived here.
9 an astonishingly placatory speech.
10 They also, astonishingly, contain abundant organic material.
11 Progress on the raft was astonishingly rapid.
12 To my mind,[] the meal was astonishingly plenteous.
13 Astonishingly, Pound did not break off relations.
14 She had astonishingly long lashes and lips like ripe cherries, dark red and luminous.
15 Astonishingly, only about 50 percent will actually seek medical attention.
16 She is pictured with astonishingly beautiful delphinium blue eyes, matching the delphiniums growing beside her.
17 This is an astonishingly fine wine with great concentration and wonderful flavors of black cherry, chocolate, black raspberry and herbs.
18 I remember an astonishingly impassioned account of the finale of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony televised live from Berlin.
19 So far, allied casualties have been astonishingly light; in a land war they will soon multiply.
20 This is a real, functioning dictionary, an astonishingly impressive work of reference and research, however you look at it.
21 He likes to poor-mouth his candidate's chances so that the candidate will appear to have pulled an astonishingly strong victory.
22 But most important of all, they have just completed an astonishingly successful West End season in London.
23 I want to know all there is to know about an astonishingly beautiful girl called Ellie.
24 But belief increases the likelihood of a predicted outcome: placebos against psychic ailments work astonishingly well.
25 It was a little bit grotesque and a little bit miraculous, but at the same time astonishingly stark and uncompromising.
26 The reforms were reportedly prepared by a group of specialists and astonishingly kept secret from the prime minister's cabinet.
27 In a society still shackled by regulations and bureaucracy he was astonishingly impudent.
28 The speed of her rise to fame has been astonishingly rapid.
29 Bringing past legends to life is not that easy but Simon Cadell is astonishingly successful as Coward.
30 The minutes also record two accidents on the site, an astonishingly small number for such a large project.
31 Moreover, some of these polymorphisms are astonishingly ancient; they have persisted for geological eons.
32 In fact, however, it is astonishingly hard to credit them with much work that deserves to be called mathematical.
33 Astonishingly, they both work full time, Jenny as a district nurse, Michael a doctor.
34 Astonishingly the Commission failed to realize that its proposed ratio of one additional member for three constituency members would be inadequate.
35 Although these patients usually have astonishingly good morale and fighting spirit, everything humanely possible should be done to keep it up.
36 Indeed, the Bate Collection's instrument displays an astonishingly close resemblance to it.
37 Her complexion was pink and white and her eyes were very wide and of an astonishingly china blue hue.
38 I can not remember half of the astonishingly clever ideas which they were working on.
39 Astonishingly, several old Chernobyl-type reactors are still in service, despite their well-known design defects.
40 He was astonishingly adept at manipulating the big machine.
41 Astonishingly reproducible results can be obtained.
42 Their reactions were astonishingly mild.Sentencedict
43 Skin's tone is astonishingly even; texture dramatically refined.
44 Yet rates sexual crime are astonishingly low.
45 In the early 1800 s newspapers were astonishingly slow.
46 During the Seventies, Rundgren was astonishingly prolific.
47 They will soon glide by, and it will seem an astonishingly short time to look back upon when they are past.
48 Unlike, say, an electric milk float, EVs are astonishingly silent, with just the wheel rumble and an occasional electric whine to alert you to their approach.
49 The sun was setting, and this boat against the sky astonishingly beautiful.
50 The fearless rodent proved he was no scaredy-cat as he astonishingly squared up to his large opponent and refused to budge – giving a new slant to the game of cat and mouse.
51 E - mail has proved to be an astonishingly efficient tool for communication.
52 The lo es of the Allied Troo were astonishingly light.
53 Astonishingly, Tevez could be the 46 th player squashed into United's 2007 - 08 team photograph.
54 She had been astonishingly persistent . So earnest an effort was well deserving of a better reward.
55 Whence came the rich, elegant dresses, the astonishingly coloured buttons, the knick - knacks of silver and gold?
56 I felt astonishingly calm in my place by the captain.
57 The complex pattern of effects is hard to mimic by data calibration errors, which makes the test astonishingly powerful.
58 As a goddess of Taoism, she is astonishingly similar to the Guanyin Bodhisattva.
59 By the study of gestures in context, it became clear that the kinesic system has forms which are astonishingly like words in language.
60 This astonishingly exact date had been calculated by the mathematically-minded clergyman Archbishop Ussher, who preached just down the road in Lincoln's Inn.
61 Astonishingly, minutes after climbing from the stretcher the Welshman was involved in a bust-up with Chinese officials trying to man-handle him towards the medal ceremony.
62 The motion was defeated, but, astonishingly, almost half of David Cameron's backbench MPs defied his call for them to vote against it.
63 It is astonishingly advanced, yet intuitive and simple to use.
64 He was wearing, astonishingly, a frilly pink apron over shirt and trousers.
65 He was probably right. Working under his rules, an astonishingly high proportion of his students, including Cockcroft and Walton, won Nobel Prizes.




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