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单词 drag
释义  Related topics: Computersdrag1 /dræɡ/ ●●● S3 W3 verb (dragged, dragging)  1  PULL ALONG THE GROUNDpull STH 拖[拉]某物 [transitive]PULL to pull something along the ground, often because it is too heavy to carry 拖,拉drag something away/along/through etc Inge managed to drag the table into the kitchen. 英奇费了很大劲把桌子拖进厨房里。► see thesaurus at pull2  NOT GENTLYpull SB 拖[拉]某人 [transitive always + adverb/preposition]PULL to pull someone somewhere where they do not want to go, in a way that is not gentle 硬拉,硬拖,硬拽 He grabbed her arm and dragged her into the room. 他抓住她的手臂把她拖进房间。3  drag yourself to/into/out of etc something informalMOVE/CHANGE POSITION to move somewhere with difficulty, especially because you are ill, tired, or unhappy 〔尤因患病、疲惫或不开心而〕费力地走到/进/出某处等 I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom. 我吃力地下床走进浴室。 Can you drag yourself away from (=stop watching) the TV for a minute? 你能停一下不看电视吗?4  persuade SB to come 劝某人来PERSUADE somebody TO COME [transitive always + adverb/preposition] informalFORCE somebody TO DO something if you drag someone somewhere, you persuade or force them to come with you when they do not want to 硬拉〔某人去某处〕 Mom dragged us to a classical music concert. 妈妈拉我们去听了一场古典音乐会。5  computer 计算机 [transitive] to move words, pictures etc on a computer screen by pulling them along with the mouse 〔用鼠标〕拖动 You can drag and drop text like this. 你可以这样拖放文本。6  be boring 无聊TIME [intransitive]LONG TIME if time or an event drags, it seems to go very slowly because nothing interesting is happening 进行得缓慢,拖沓 Friday afternoons always drag. 星期五下午时间总是过得很缓慢。7  touch the ground 碰到地上TOUCH THE GROUND [intransitive]TOUCH if something is dragging along the ground, part of it is touching the ground as you move 〔指某物〕拖地drag along/in/on Your coat’s dragging in the mud. 你的外套拖在泥里了。8  drag your feet/heels informalWILLING to take too much time to do something because you do not want to do it 做事拖拉,迟迟不做 The authorities are dragging their feet over banning cigarette advertising. 当局在禁止香烟广告一事上迟迟不采取行动。9  drag a lake/river etc SCPLOOK FORto look for something in a lake, river etc by pulling a heavy net along the bottom 〔用沉重的拖网〕搜索湖底/河底等 The police are dragging the lake for the missing girl’s body. 警方在用拖网搜索湖底,寻找失踪女孩的尸体。10. drag somebody’s name through the mud RUMOUR/RUMORto tell people about the bad things that someone has done, so that they will have a bad opinion of them 污损某人的名声11. drag somebody through the courts to force someone to go to a court of law, especially in order to make them have a bad experience because you are angry with them 〔因憎恨某人、想出口恶气而〕把某人告上法庭12  drag somebody kicking and screaming into something to force someone to do something that they do not want to – used humorously 逼某人做其不情愿做的某事〔幽默用法〕 The party will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. 这个政党,不管是否愿意,都将不得不面对21世纪。13. look as if you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards to look very untidy – used humorously 看上去凌乱不堪,看上去极不整洁〔幽默用法〕14  injured leg/foot 受伤的腿/脚 [transitive] if you drag your leg, foot etc, you cannot lift it off the ground as you walk because it is injured 拖着〔受伤的腿、脚等〕走动 a bird dragging its broken wing 拖着断翅的鸟 PHRASAL VERBS15 drag somebody/something ↔ down phrasal verb a) SAD/UNHAPPYto make someone feel unhappy and weak 使〔某人〕感到不愉快[虚弱] Joe’s been ill for weeks now – it’s really dragging him down. 乔已经病了几个星期了,这使他很沮丧。b) to make the price, level, or quality of something go down 使〔价格、水准、质量〕下降 Declining prices for aluminium have dragged down the company’s earnings. 铝材价格下跌使这家公司的利润下降了。c) if someone or something bad drags you down, they make you become worse or get into a worse situation 〔坏人或坏事〕把…拖下水,使…堕落 Don’t let them drag you down to their level. 别让他们把你带坏,使你堕落到他们那种地步。16 drag somebody/something into something (also drag somebody/something ↔ in) phrasal verb a) to make someone get involved in an argument, war, or other unpleasant situation that they do not want to be involved in 把…硬扯进〔争论、战争或其他不好的情况〕之中 I’m sorry to drag you into this mess. 很抱歉,把你扯进这烂摊子。b) TALK TO somebodyto talk about something when you are having a discussion or argument, even though it is not connected with it 把〔不相干的人或事〕扯进谈话[争论]中 Don’t drag my past into this! 别把我的过去扯进来!17 drag on phrasal verb PASS/TIME PASSINGif an event or situation drags on, it continues for too long 〔事情〕拖延地进行 for an expensive court battle that could drag on for years 可能拖延好几年的费用昂贵的官司18 drag something ↔ out phrasal verb LONG TIMEto make an event or situation last longer than is necessary 使〔事件、情况〕不必要地拖延 Neither of them wanted to drag the divorce out longer than they had to. 双方都不想把这场离婚案不必要地拖延下去。19 drag something out of somebody phrasal verb FORCE somebody TO DO somethingto make someone tell you something when they had not intended to tell you or were not supposed to tell you 迫使〔某人〕说出〔某事〕 Police finally dragged a confession out of him. 警方最终迫使他供认了罪行。20 drag somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb a) TELL A SECRETto mention an unpleasant or embarrassing story from the past, even though it upsets someone 提起〔令人不愉快的事情〕 Why do you have to drag that up again? 你干吗又要提起那件事?b) be dragged up British English if a child is dragged up, their parents do not teach them to behave properly – used humorously 〔孩子〕被胡乱拉扯大〔幽默用法〕 Those children have been dragged up, not brought up! 那些孩子是胡乱拉扯大的,没有好好培养!→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdrag• The last two hours of the play really dragged.• Why do physics lessons always seem to drag?• It was like trying to drag a sled with a pile of bricks on it.• That's better than letting it drag and drag; you lose a lot of the vibe that way.• And then what a cheat, to be dragged back to daylight!• As the months drag by, you find out who your real friends are.• She loved it down there so much, we just about had to drag her out of the water.• Mumphrey dragged her up a flight of stairs and beat her repeatedly.• Alexei dragged his coat off what remained of the lantern pole.• Grouse are dragged in as the hungry lynx turn to them when their main item of diet disappears.• One of the firemen went back in and dragged my husband out through the flames.• The day dragged on, and there was still no sign of Jake.• As time dragged on, I gradually got worse.• So the campaign drags on to the next election.• Pick up your chairs, children. Don't drag them along the floor.• You can delete the files by dragging them into your "trash" folder.• Mom dragged us to a Barry Manilow concert last night.drag and drop• Actions such as downloading files are simple copy operations accomplished by drag and drop.• For example: To move a data file from a folder to the desktop, you click, drag and drop.• The desktop manager supports drag and drop, and includes graphical file systems management and administration.• This is called drag and drop, and it's a pleasant way to shuffle your spreadsheet about.• You can now drag and drop any folder, or shortcut within a folder, and place them within your new category.• Clicking on a directory will open it, clicking on a file or dragging and dropping it should start the download.• With most programs it's as simple as dragging and dropping the file.• Either drag and drop them into a message or choose Send Page from under the File menu.drag along/in/on• More layoffs may be in store if the federal shutdown drags on.• The Grunwick dispute is still nominally dragging on.• What to do when the school holidays drag on.• He dragged on crumpled clothes, tried to eat breakfast but spat out the mouthful, fled to his car.• I took a huge drag on my cigarette and realized that I had smoked almost the whole thing.• Legal proceedings against Papon began in 1982 and have dragged along since.• Her long skirt dragged on the ground and her tangled hair fell around Janir as she hunched over him.• Kayla's scarf dragged along the sidewalk as she walked.• Then both took a drag on their cigarettes.Related topics: Tobacco, Engineeringdrag2 noun  1  a drag informal a) BORINGsomething or someone that is boring 乏味无聊的事[人] Don’t be such a drag! Come to the party. 别扫大家的兴了!来参加聚会吧。 b) something that is annoying and continues for a long time 令人讨厌且耗费时间的事 It’s a real drag having to travel so far to work every day. 每天上班得跑这么远实在讨厌。2  be a drag on somebody/something PROBLEMto make it hard for someone to make progress towards what they want 是某人/某物的累赘 Any slowdown in the economy is going to be a drag on the president’s re-election campaign. 经济增长稍有减缓,便会成为总统竞选连任的绊脚石。3  ON CIGARETTE[countable]DFT the act of breathing in smoke from your cigarette 吸入一口烟 Frank took a drag on his cigarette. 弗兰克吸了一口香烟。4  in drag SYwearing clothes worn by the opposite sex, especially to entertain people 〔尤指为逗乐而〕穿着异性服装 The whole performance is done in drag. 整场演出都是男女反串。5  FORCE[uncountable]TTTE the force of air that pushes against an aircraft or a vehicle that is moving forward 〔作用于行进中的飞行器或车辆的〕空气阻力 The car’s rounded edges reduce drag. 汽车的圆形边缘降低了空气阻力。6  the main drag TTR American English informal the biggest or longest street that goes through a town 〔横穿城镇的〕主干道,主马路 Our hotel is right on the main drag. 我们的宾馆就位于主干道上。Examples from the Corpusdrag• Here Susskind Eikhl winked at Bella and took a drag on his cigarette.• Kevin tried another drag at the cigarette.• The car's low profile and rounded edges reduce its drag.• He did a remarkably accurate imitation of the soft, low drag of a rapidly disappearing device.• The resultant drag could topple the plane from the sky.took a drag• Here Susskind Eikhl winked at Bella and took a drag on his cigarette.• Then both took a drag on their cigarettes.• Dmitri took a drag of his joint; then he removed the needle from the disc.• At times when he took a drag on his cigarette, one caught a gleam of sorrow in his features.From Longman Business Dictionarydragdrag /dræg/ verb [transitive]COMPUTING to move words, pictures etc across a computer screen by pulling them along with the mouseEither drag and drop the page into a message or choose Send Page from under the File menu.→ See Verb tableOrigin drag1 (1300-1400) Old Norse draga or Old English dragan; → DRAW1drag1 verb →PHRASAL VERBS1drag2 nounChinese  the Corpus Business because ground, pull to along something often




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