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单词 Chewing
1. The dog was chewing a bone.
2. He is always chewing gum.
3. He swallowed without chewing.
4. You've been chewing away all afternoon;you can't still be hungry.
5. He spent the weekend chewing over the problem.
6. The dog was chewing on a bone.
7. Randall stayed chewing the fat for a while.
8. The mandible is protracted and retracted in chewing.
9. I've been chewing the problem over since last week.
10. She was chewing at her lower lip.
11. Would you like a piece/stick of chewing gum?
12. This town is notorious for chewing people up and spitting them out.
13. The sound of her own chewing and swallowing were explosively loud.
14. He was leaning over the gate chewing on a straw.
15. Daniel leaned back on the sofa,() still chewing on his apple.
16. He sat for a moment chewing the cud before he spoke.
17. Helen sat there, chewing a piece of gum.
18. Your goddess, perhaps, is chewing gum.
19. Somewhere between ginger, orange, peppermint and chewing gum.
20. For some, it's the chewing itself that relieves tension.
21. My worst habit is chewing gum.
22. At Disney World, no chewing gum is sold.
23. The sound of her mouth chewing the food.
24. My teeth are soft like chewing gum.
25. Television is chewing gum for the eyes. Frank Lloyd Wright 
26. When you left, Faunce was chewing nails!
27. One girl was chewing gum.
28. To sweeten your oral cavity, you can have a piece of chewing gum.
29. If you bring the deposit bottles back, you'll have enough money for chewing gum.
30. We sat in a bar most of the evening just chewing the fat.
1. The dog was chewing a bone.
2. He is always chewing gum.
3. He swallowed without chewing.
4. You've been chewing away all afternoon;you can't still be hungry.
31. Randall stayed around chewing the fat for a while.
32. Becky was chewing gum, Rufus thought.
33. Judith has a thing about people chewing gum.
34. Sincerely, it is more in than chewing gun.
35. All around me camels sat peacefully chewing the cud.
36. Chewing properly is crucially important.
37. Amelia was chewing it over(), undecided.
38. I think chewing tobacco is a disgusting habit.
39. Claude was chewing on an ice cube.
40. He had a pair of rimless bifocals in one hand, chewing on one of the stems as he read.
41. If the cooling system sprang a leak pilots had to land and mend the pipe with chewing gum and insulation tape.
42. Ever since they had started the journey Christopher had been chewing barley sugar.
43. Even when refined sugar is combined with refined flour to make cakes or desserts, the chewing required tends to be minimal.
44. Are aliens at this very moment chewing on babies under the Nevada desert?
45. She took out a piece of chewing gum and popped it in her mouth.
46. He continued to sit there, chewing on a chopstick while glowering at me.
47. I wondered if it was responsible for the quiet acceptance of their fate shown by the rabbits chewing their final greenery.
48. Chewing, waiting to get his hit, he seems to be listening for some distant sound.
49. In experiments with rats, increased electrical activity was recorded in the satiety centre of the brain during chewing and swallowing.
50. Chewing and sucking are comforting for the human being and the roots of this go right back into babyhood.
51. Ashley Haworth-Roberts, London Is there any physiological reason why chewing gum always keeps me awake while driving my car?
52. Types of smoking cessation aids Nicorette, a chewing gum containing nicotine, is by far the most widely tested cessation product.
53. I found this vaguely reassuring; a short, sharp death seemed preferable to a long, slow chewing underwater.
54. But the serpent sensed hunger chewing at its stomach like David sensed it gnawing at his soul.
55. Walter flew out the door; leaving Gordy and Ivan chewing their lips and wringing their hands.
56. Despite throwing chewing gum wrappers at stand-in boss Howard Wilkinson, he was still unable to get a game!
57. And he loved apple juice and chewing gum and watching ice hockey games.
58. He and other starved men chewing at roots and grasses to stay alive.
59. Chewing tobacco is not a safe substitute for smoking cigarettes.
60. There was a cow in the field, slowly chewing a mouthful of grass.
61. The prey assemblages of the other mammalian predators have low values, probably because of the destruction of bone through chewing.
62. She found the rabbit, chewing on a stubby cactus, and stabbed it in the neck.
63. Nicotine chewing gum can now be bought over the counter at the chemists.
64. It is thus of note that 27% of coal miners in our survey have a history of chewing tobacco.
65. The nationwide minimum age of 18 to buy cigarettes and chewing tobacco remains in force.
66. She'd found some hawthorn berries on a bush and was chewing her way through one with every sign of enjoyment.
67. If it isn't the dry rot in the roof, it's insects chewing the timbers.Sentencedict
68. The infant spat out its porridge, and even without teeth enjoyed chewing on a piece of bread.
69. After chewing the cud for a minute or two, they continue the fight.
70. The Sandrat bit into the wrist of one of the Minutemen, chewing until she severed the artery.
71. Nowadays he liked nothing better than drinking rather too much with journalists, and chewing the fat.
72. Welling have stuck to Reading like chewing gum to the sole of a shoe.
73. Despite this finding, the more people are using chewing tobacco and snuff.
74. Clean transport, safe transport with nice conductors and no chewing gum on the seats.
75. Then a friend asks if you've just been chewing a clove of garlic.
76. All we need are cowboy boots with spurs and some Red Man chewing tobacco.
77. After one encounter, I did draw one: I let no one near me with chewing gum in his mouth.
78. Informal sector activities include such occupations as street-vending of lottery tickets, food, combs, cigarettes and the inevitable chewing gum.
79. A trolley was wheeled past by two brutish-looking orderlies chewing gum.
80. She was chewing savagely on something, making nasal snarling sounds as she ripped the thing apart with her sharp teeth.
81. Gladstone had recommended chewing each bite thirty-two times, so Fletcher chewed every mouthful of food until it was pulverized into liquid.
82. Maxham took out something which looked like a piece of chewing gum.
83. Is there a gremlin outside, chewing on the wing of the plane?
84. The horse softens food before swallowing by chewing the food between his molars with a sideways grinding action of the lower jaw.
85. She might be pacing up and down, chewing her fingernails.
86. The boy in front of her is chewing gum; his jaws rotate with the same motion as hers: to and fro, to and fro.
87. The rhythmic, monotonous noise of their chewing was soothing to Nails.
88. They all walked on to the big stage and turned into Olivier doing Hamlet, chewing up the scenery.
89. See how long you can take to eat a meal or a sandwich, chewing every mouthful as slowly as possible.
90. His brother Gawain ignored him, gazing at the salt cellar or the window for minutes at a time and stolidly chewing.
91. She could feel nothing, as if her entire body were mummified in thick wads of flavourless chewing gum.
92. Chewing on her lower lip, she trundled after him along a flagged passageway and up an ornate wooden staircase.
93. Lee sat reading, folded over the book, chewing a knuckle now.
94. Some smokers use chewing gum containing nicotine to help them kick the habit.
95. This will never be a civilized country until we expend more money for books than we do for chewing gum. Elbert Hubbard 
96. Unfortunately, a glance over the rise will usually reveal a fat sheep chewing vacantly at some grass.
97. She stuck her chewing gum on the bottom of the chair.
97. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
98. Chewing gives psychological satisfaction, and even in scientific experiments the chewing of gum has been found to help reduce tension.
99. But a child chewing one of these Castor beans would very likely die.
100. He never appeared on stage without a rope in his hand and chewing gum in his mouth.
101. Clench the jaws, as if chewing hard, while pushing your tongue hard against the roof of your mouth.
102. He watched silently and impassively, chewing his overdone steak, and retrieving his cigarette from the ashtray between courses.
103. When it had finished chewing, it lifted its head, and the light of its antlers dimmed to a discreet glow.
104. He'd pushed forkfuls of food into his mouth, chewing it mechanically, drinking water to make swallowing easier.
105. Secondly, hemiplegic patients often have difficulties eating, chewing and swallowing, and this can seem repulsive to the carer.
106. With smoking now prohibited on so many flights, airlines may face another problem: chewing gum.
107. She stood there watching the house and chewing herself up.
108. And there one writing, probably a letter(), holding the paper sideways and chewing her nails.
109. At dinner parties, people were so busy chewing there was scarcely time for conversation.
110. It was chewing the rope with its ugly yellow teeth.
111. Hugh Farnham was discovered in a retirement home in Florida, living under an assumed identity, obsessively chewing on his rusks.
112. After a while she noticed his reflected look and looked back, chewing on the leather chinstrap.
113. She began to bite her nails, chewing at them viciously until the blood welled up.
114. Here and there you see a black-bereted soldier chewing a fag on a street corner.
115. He lowered himself into an old leather chair and continued chewing while he waited.
116. By comparison, lottery tickets can be bought as easily as chewing gum at hundreds of retail outlets and news agents.
117. It is as much a pattern of their inner being as is tail-wagging or chewing the cud.
118. She was just chewing her dinner and her jaw locked.
119. His head was still chewing over the problems he had discussed with his young students at the polytechnic.
120. Along with democracy and equality came chewing gum and Christmas.
121. Here, bacteria get to work on it, softening it up and making it ready for chewing.
122. Chewing her lip, she debated her next course of action.
123. What I like is chewing - gum. ".
124. The horse is chewing the cud.
125. She was admonished for chewing gum in class.
126. Do you used to chaw chewing gum?
127. Let's stop chewing and get down to work.
128. It is forbidden accost others while chewing.
129. They stopped up leaks with chewing gum.
130. Oral fibrosis can cause betel nut chewing and mouth.
131. I've tried everything from herbal cigarettes to chewing gum.
132. As he spoke, he mimicked the act of chewing with his hands(), moving his fingers up and down like a puppeteer bringing a slow-munching Pac-Man to life.
133. He devoted a full column to chewing out government for illegal wiretapping.
134. He sat in front of them, dressed in a plain, ill-fitting suit, never moving, his dusty face masking his age. He kept chewing the inside of his lip a lot, frozen into some personal cocoon of silence.
135. Toothpick, Rubber Band , Band Aid, Pencil, Eraser, Chewing Gum, Mint.
136. Chewing stimulates nerves that promote the release of hormones responsible for activating the gastrointestinal system, wrote study author Rob Schuster of Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital in California.
137. Results: All skin flaps and chewing function of patients restored.
138. She looked at the lank figure leaning against the porch column, chewing a straw.
139. Chewing sugar-free gum after meals can reduce the risk of dental decay, but if you also want to avoid dental erosion it is important not to pick the fruit-flavoured varieties.
140. It's 9:45 o'clock, and not a single picture hat or piece of pineapple chewing gum has showed up yet.
141. Above: Chewing up the scenery in the War Room: "Dr. Strangelove" (Stanley Kubrick, 1964).
142. Section yellowish-white have concentric rings grain or white channels point, chewing the micro aculeate throat feeling.
143. Today, I went to a petting zoo to take pictures. I look down to see a goat chewing the sleeve of my new sweater, so as I reached down to get it loose, it started eating my hair.
144. And last, Ohio invented chewing gum and the hot dog.
145. As much ad he can, he times his explosion for the particular day or week when he choir members most need a chewing out.
146. The accompanied problems are motor incoordination, difficulties in chewing and swallowing, and developmental language problem.
147. Objective To investigate the effects nonnutritive chewing on gastrointestinal function in severely burned patients at early stage, and to explore its possible mechanism.
148. Astragalus genuine, traits of identification to get flavor, and its gas micro, taste sweetened, chewing it beany flavor.
149. Our company specialize chewing gum marshmallows, lollipops , bubble gums, chocolates and toys with candy.
150. She just stood there calmly gazing at me and chewing he cud.
151. Then he stood in the lobby, chewing the ends of his moustache.
152. The woman, in fact, seemed to be chewing gum as she unemotionally clicked off a series of commands for me to perform.
153. The short detention time is aggravated by improper chewing of food.
154. Objective To investigate the relationship between tooth abrasion and long - term chewing betel nut.
155. Inflation away at its buying power with the steady appetite of waves chewing at sant chiffs.
156. Wax and chewing gum, with ice cube superpose a little while, make frozen contraction, then gently sweep, reoccupy wet dishcloth or dip in with dishcloth on right amount floor cleaner is wiped.
157. Let's stop chewing the fat and get down to work.
158. Without the cumbersome chewing musculature, brains could grow bigger, marking the divergence of humans from apes.
159. The woman supervisor was almost chewing him out because of his frequent tardiness.
160. Harry saw Fenrir, skulking, chewing his long nails; the great blond Rowle was dabbing at his bleeding lip.
161. Furthermore, personal traits in regards to areca nut chewing had no significant relevance.
161. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
162. East Market to buy a horse, Western saddle under the city to buy mats, driving cattle to buy Nanshi promoter and used in chewing the reins, the whip Taipei to buy cattle drive.
163. Function of chewing, deglutition, respiration and speech was restored well.
164. This is a natural chewing gum from the sap of the mastic tree that grows wild in Greece.
165. Accompanying him also were the smells of chewing tobacco, well-oiled leather and horses—a combination of odors that she always associated with her father and instinctively liked in other men.
166. "Don't disillusion me, " said Kath, chewing buttered toast more greedily than genteelly.
167. First , order to maintain good tone, preferably a chewing gum before kissing.
168. There are sharks munching on seals (filmed at 2,000 frames per second and slowed down to capture every bone-crunching detail), sharks attacking people and sharks chewing cameras.
169. He took out a pack of Red Man chewing tobacco, put a wad in his mouth, then handed it to Kearney, who followed suit.
170. Here flowers, sunny, I huddled in the shadows, the chewing of inner Chalazion cream.
171. That prompted the launch of other products, such as blueberry - flavored chewing gum.
172. Kool - aid , chewing gum, nail polish motor oil , rust, paint and wax removal. Restore original look.
173. A giant, plant-eating dinosaur had a wacky way of chewing.
174. THE HOST: Now, bamboo until recently was something you made furniture out of or watched a panda bear chewing into for a snack.
175. They are chewing the juicy grass which makes their fur sleek.




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