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单词 number one
释义  Related topics: Musicˌnumber ˈone1 noun  1  BESTFAVOURITE/FAVORITE[uncountable] the best, most important, or most successful person or thing in a group 最重要的人[事物],头号人物[事物] Until his marriage, his job was number one in his life. 在结婚以前,工作是他生活中的头等大事。 Shearson is number one in the market this year. 今年希尔森是市场上的领导者。2  APMAMT[countable, uncountable] the musical record that is the most popular at a particular time 最热门的唱片 number one in the charts 排行榜榜首的唱片 They’ve had three number ones. 他们已经三次荣登榜首。3. look out for number one  (also look after number one) spokenSELFISH to look after yourself and not worry about other people, in a way that may seem selfish 只顾自己4. [singular, uncountable] spoken informal a word meaning urine, used especially with children to avoid saying this “一号”〔指小便,尤用于对孩子的婉转说法〕Examples from the Corpusnumber one• Diana's children were always number one in her life.• The song was number one in the charts for two months.ˌnumber ˈone2 adjective  1  IMPORTANTmost important or successful in a particular situation 头号的;最重要的;最成功的 The University of Maine has the number one hockey team in the country. 缅因大学有全国最好的曲棍球队。 Sweden’s number one model 瑞典的头号模特2  FIRSTfirst on a list of several things to be considered, done etc 首要的;第一的 item number one on the agenda 议程上的第一项 This has got to be our number one task. 这必须是我们的首要任务。Examples from the Corpusnumber one• Number one - always lock doors and windows.• Safety is our number one concern.• California is the number one travel destination in the U.S.ˌnumber ˈone1 nounˌnumber ˈone2 adjectiveChineseSyllable  the Corpus person best, most successful most or important, or




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