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单词 esquire
释义  Related topics: Mailes·quire /ɪˈskwaɪə $ ˈeskwaɪr, ɪˈskwaɪr/ noun [singular]  TCMNAME OF A PERSONa formal title that can be written after a man’s name, especially in the address on an official letter 先生〔写在男子姓名后的尊称,尤用于公函地址中〕Examples from the Corpusesquire• Among their other responsibilities, Donne was steward of Kidwelly and an esquire of the king's body.• By 1482 he had become an esquire of the king's body and was made captain and governor of Guernsey.• Berkeley, an esquire of the body, was constable of Southampton itself.• Baynton was an esquire of the body by 1522.• At Doncaster the king was joined by his esquire, Gloucester's associate John Pilkington, who lent him 100 marks.nEs·quire /ɪˈskwaɪə $ ˈeskwaɪər ɪˈskwaɪər/ trademark  na magazine for men, produced in the US and UK, with articles on fashion, sports, cars etc and pictures of attractive womenOrigin Esquire (1300-1400) Old French escuier; → SQUIREes·quire nounEs·quireLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  title be formal can Corpus written that a




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