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单词 Intermittently
1. The malaria victim fevers intermittently.
2. The talks went on intermittently for three years.
3. Protests continued intermittently throughout November.
4. We've discussed this problem intermittently, but so far we've failed to come up with a solution.
5. They are also fed intermittently with stunned insects.
6. The episodes occurred intermittently for up to five hours, and were accompanied by frequent stretching and yawning.
7. My breath is short, and my heartbeat thunders intermittently in the ear against the pillow.
8. A possible suitor wearing a Walkman sang along intermittently much louder than he realized.
9. After three doses, she slept deeply, waking intermittently during the night only to urinate.
10. Intermittently throughout his long career, Wagner attempted to formulate his aspirations in prose.
11. The drizzle which has been intermittently falling all morning has momentarily stopped.
12. A dark stain was discernible running intermittently from the door to the bottom of the stairs.
13. Girls now sat at the computer terminals, tapping intermittently with glum looks on their faces.
14. As he steamed off southeast, he came intermittently under heavy fire from ships in Beatty's and Hood's squadrons.
15. Seams in the anorthosite series are only intermittently exposed.
16. I began to write intermittently and spasmodically.
17. A geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring.
18. The resin moves intermittently down and out of the bed.
19. Results Coarse and twist intermittently grained barium spots of mucous membrane folds in the disease area.
20. Because it may be triggered by the vigorous smaller-scale fluctuations, such an instability will normally occur intermittently.
21. Similarly, there are few restrictions on temporary use of loudspeakers, such as when messages are blasted intermittently from mobile vans.
22. At the same time, though less abrasive, the book is only intermittently less sophisticated than those that preceded it.
23. Mary had been looked after by a nanny until the age of seven and had then stayed intermittently with elderly relatives.
23. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
24. So ended a dispute between the Crown and its subjects which had gone on intermittently for more than four hundred years.
25. Resistance from left-wing militia forces and loyalist Civil and Assault Guards was intermittently intense but incapable of seriously holding up the advance.
26. Sammy scampered leisurely in front of him while he stopped intermittently to pick up sweet chestnuts on the way.
27. Still another system is designed to send out transient pulses intermittently.
28. The rebuilding of the nave was Begun by 1376 and continued intermittently until Tudor times.
29. The esophagus appears dilated, and contrast material passes slowly into the stomach as the LES opens intermittently.
30. The pull-model is ideal for applications that connect to the bus only intermittently or are incapable of maintaining a persistent connection with the bus.
1. The malaria victim fevers intermittently.
31. Intracardiac tumors or ball - valve thrombi can intermittently obstruct blood flow heart, producing presyncope or syncope.
32. The orchards and forests run intermittently for nearly 200 km.
33. If stations are only intermittently visible it may be the only practicable system.
34. Fortunately, Selby is eager to share his expertise: the historian cum weekend warrior has been intermittently giving free lessons at his home on Victoria Peak for 15 years.
35. They can produce a "ball valve" effect by intermittently occluding the atrioventricular valve orifice.
36. The let-off may be activated intermittently or continuously. Together, negative and semi- positive let-off systems make up the majority of those found on looms.
37. He kept in contact with her, if only very tenuously and intermittently.
38. The age replacement decision for the system with intermittently used equipment is studied in this paper.
39. Thus, an intermediate store body of formation gold placer was formed. Being raised earth crust intermittently, havigng affected of sanking stream, gold placer and gravel were retained...
40. It is better for a dry battery to be used intermittently.
41. The production condition of zoospore of P. sojae was studied. The results showed that the mycelia could be induced to produce sporangia that released zoospores by changing intermittently.
42. During the experiments, the concentration of enflurane in the blood was measured intermittently by Gas Chromatography.
43. Perhaps the implausibility of its own existence makes the skeleton think it hilarious to hide in a barrel, cackling intermittently for some three hundred years until a victim happens by?
44. They are massively compressed neutron stars that intermittently sendout bursts of radio waves that can last for as few as two milliseconds withdark gaps lasting as long as three hours.
45. The Hundred Years' War refers to the war between England and France that lasted intermittently from 1337 to 1453.
45. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
46. For decades, the building behind the statue has intermittently housed an eatery named Aist (stork).
47. ConocoPhillips says there are intermittently active 'seeps' related to the original problem, but says they total no more than two liters a day, all captured, from holes 'the diameter of a small coin.'
48. All screens must be equipped with some type of mechanism to continuously or intermittently clean the openings in the perforated barrier. Otherwise, the screen plate would rapidly plug up.
49. Does the impairment of your hearing occur constantly or intermittently?
50. And the military, despite its intermittently heavy-handed responses, is heedful of public sentiment to a degree unprecedented under the old regime.
51. After the cleansing work, testing will be conducted and fire alarm bell will ring intermittently.
52. After the emergency work, testing will be conducted and fire alarm bell will ring intermittently.
53. The clock interrupt processing program tests the state of the printer intermittently, and decides whether the printer will be started again.
54. During the entire period biopoesis appeared many times in different biogenetic placeseither continuously or intermittently.
55. It and reversing current different is not to be, but with a anode intermittently stop, because the intermittent power supply current interrupted, cathode potential with time periodically change.
56. A numbers station is a government operated radio station broadcasting intermittently on the short - band frequencies.




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