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单词 Monstrous
1. She endured the monstrous behaviour for years.
2. It's monstrous to charge that much for a hotel room.
3. The illustrations show monstrous beasts with bodies like bears and heads like tigers.
4. They complain that the monstrous edifices interfere with television reception.
5. It's absolutely monstrous to pay men more than women for the same job.
6. Your behaviour in class is monstrous!
7. Such monstrous injustice is hard to understand.
8. The killer committed monstrous acts.
9. But that's monstrous - he can't be allowed to get away with it!
10. Broadcast television is available only to monstrous corporate powers.
11. His bearded face was monstrous in the gaslight.
12. A roaring, dripping maw yawned with monstrous hunger.
13. A monstrous form lay on it, covered by sheeting.
14. Avoid monstrous gowns that take up more than your share of floor space.
15. In hindsight, an unalloyed catastrophe of monstrous proportions was inevitable.
16. Frequently they were outspoken wives, who were considered monstrous shrews or unnatural traitors to their husbands.
17. The wastelands are inhabited by all kinds of monstrous creatures and it is here that the armies of Chaos gather their strength.
18. Twenty times this monstrous frozen barrier slowly built up, inch by inch, and oozed south.
19. Perhaps Lou had told him the monstrous lie that I didn't love him any more?
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. Its monstrous supine silhouette was clearly visible on the stairs.
21. A monstrous pain crackling along the frozen nerves to leave her dry crying, wordless sobs of abandonment.
22. The smoke began to whirl and grew into a monstrous column.
23. Any suggestion that I accepted bribes would be a monstrous slur.
24. I looked up, startled to find how I had forgotten everything but the antics of these two monstrous beings.
25. In his own colorful expression, he had laid a monstrous egg.
26. I sat through lunch hour staring at a poster of a crab louse magnified to monstrous proportions.
27. Below, the stairwell door split down its length under the frenzied and monstrous assault.
28. In the dark hours after breakfast it was some way of controlling the monstrous disjuncture between his private and his public life.
29. In turn the opposition parties denounced ministerial policy as monstrous interference with the democratic rights of local authorities.
30. It didn't matter to her that Timothy Gedge intended to enact monstrous scenes in a rectory garden.
1. She endured the monstrous behaviour for years.
2. It's monstrous to charge that much for a hotel room.
3. The illustrations show monstrous beasts with bodies like bears and heads like tigers.
4. They complain that the monstrous edifices interfere with television reception.
5. The killer committed monstrous acts.
31. The bath looked as if it had been hollowed out of a single lump of the stuff, with monstrous gold dolphins for taps.
32. Carr has created a monstrous villain, a female killer of children.
33. It sits on top of a pyramid of related images of deviant women as especially evil, depraved and monstrous.
34. She throws monstrous tantrums if her parents try to leave her at daycare or with a baby-sitter.
35. An ugly church, monstrous and vulgar as the cloth merchants who had built it.
36. The plan called for five dams and reservoirs, all of them of monstrous size.
37. Or a monstrous mysterious sphinx, aloof from all that lives.
38. The heap of lumber on my neighbour's veg patch grew to monstrous proportions.
39. Addison also takes the opportunity for a side swipe at tragicomedy as a monstrous invention.
40. Such monstrous deeds always angered the gods and they served him as he had served others.
41. The ravaging giant of Eirena's territory finds counterparts in other figures depicted as monstrous, cruel, degenerate, and corrupt.
42. In the centre of the room was a monstrous machine, black and towering; its huge bulk awesome with power.
43. Penn shows us the human soul inside a monstrous man.
44. Who was this monstrous man who had just inflicted on her one of the most unpleasant encounters in her entire life?
45. The Prophet Jonah, too, was swallowed by a monstrous fish.
46. Due to their weight and size the ancient fossils were handled with military precision as they were placed inside the monstrous fire-breathing cart.
47. The ideas of evolution were denounced by many as monstrous and antireligious, if not downright silly.
48. "It's monstrous!" Jackie fumed.
49. This was a monstrous busy lizzie which started out quite small, but is now rather exaggerated in size.
49. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
50. Read in studio Protestors have condemned plans for Britain's second biggest reservoir as monstrous.
51. Had she gold, poor woman, so to entrap for herself that monstrous lump of selfishness?
52. Alice was, to his way of thinking, a fat, discarded hippie, dragged down by two monstrous happy-face earrings.
53. The monstrous tiger on which Asmodeus sat crept forwards, sulphurous plumes of smoke rising from its nostrils.
54. In his mind, at least, Max sails off to an island inhabited by monstrous but not so dangerous creatures.
55. Nor have they any legal commitment to managing the monstrous forests they created for their absentee landlords.
56. Insult is a monstrous scorpion, and compliment is a likeable nightingale; one stings mercilessly, and the other sings sweetly. Mehmet Murat ildan 
57. Meanwhile the monstrous and unmanageable dreams about Sethe found release in the concentration Denver began to fix on the baby ghost.
58. He had twisted in that grip, tried to bring the gun round to bear on that monstrous maw.
59. View from the top: The monstrous folly that's a magnet for tourists.
60. The request for release from monstrous tyranny is made by Eirena herself to the Faerie Queene, whose champion Artegall is.
61. For example, sound recording for films and television is done with a monstrous array of equipment and techniques.
62. Representations of him grew more monstrous in proportion to the scale of the struggles he provoked.
63. It was blowing a monstrous gale.
64. A monstrous sea creature mentioned in the Old Testament.
65. Mr. Hill to impute the monstrous to her.
66. How dare you impute such monstrous intentions to me?
67. Is it not monstrous that this player is here?
68. Domestic races often have a somewhat monstrous character.
69. Yap. This city is monstrous.
70. It is monstrous to preach hatred.
71. It'squirmed along the ground like some monstrous worm.
72. The monstrous monarch monopolied monarchy.
73. This monstrous flare would undoubtedly incinerate all life on the surface of the earth.
74. Jack-o'-lantern is typically a carved pumpkin with an image of a monstrous or comical face on the outside surface. jack-o'-lanterns illuminate from within by candles.
75. If resistance waits till life is reduced nearly to one uniform type, all deviations from that type will come to be considered impious, immoral, even monstrous and contrary to nature.
76. I just hope the people who committed this monstrous evil will be able to live with themselves.
77. To me, confidence is a motor for a long trip, a wing for a tercel . Confidence pushes us to go forward in monstrous wave and guide us to soar in high wind storm.
78. Perhaps the most famous legendary squid is the Norse Kraken, a monstrous, tentacled beast as large as an island that devoured ships whole.
79. 'John Silver,'he said,'you're a prodigious villain and impostor - a monstrous impostor,(http:///monstrous.html) sir.
80. It would seem that socialists, however self-complacent, could not avoid seeing this monstrous legal plunder that results from such systems and such efforts.
81. Two monstrous women with brick-red forearms folded across thelr aprons were talking outside a doorway.
82. Terrible, formless shapes, vague figures, gigantic , monstrous , distorted, whirled at a gallop through his imagination.
83. Thriving on the hormones, the Snakehead fish grow to monstrous proportions , devouring everything within reach.
84. He was not to do this to her, it was monstrous.
85. Seldom in human history, never in modern times, had a man so insignificantly monstrous become the absolute head of a great nation.
86. Finally , everyone I've ever met has a monstrous , overly developed inner critic, which I call the Gremlin .
87. John Knox, a 16th-century Calvinist, condemned the governments of Queens Elizabeth and Mary (of Scots) as “this monstrous regiment [rule] of women”.
88. A few paces away, a monstrous, meter-high sea spider was staring at me with beady eyes, poised to spring at me.
89. Drunkards had reeled by, cursing and chattering to themselves like monstrous apes.
90. The barrow image, like a monstrous shadow, follows her throughout the novel.
91. Lucy is monstrous pretty, and so good - humoured and agreeable!
92. Some day, when we get a few more hands and crowbars to work, we'll topple it over(4), along with all its rotten life and unburied dead, its monstrous selfishness and sodden materialism.
93. But from a monstrous humanitarian crisis has come a new self-awareness, a recognition of the Chinese people's sympathy and generosity of spirit.
94. Maverick, unlawful human action rules the markets, unexpected and unimaginable monstrous events shape the markets.
95. The poison secreted by the gallfly produces monstrous growths on the wild ro se or oaktree.
96. Before Mandelbrot developed his theories, mathematicians dismissed efforts to understand objects like clouds and coastlines in geometrical terms as "monstrous" and "pathological."
97. Its monstrous wings seem to wheel in the leaden air around me.
98. She could best any of the monstrous combatants in the gladiatorial games held regularly on the world.
99. The appearance description of characters in the prose of the pre-Qin and the two Han dynasties is filled with necromancy, spirit of reason, the beauty of elegant delicacy and monstrous absurdness.
100. He conjures the indecorous image of the dead Lycidas under the whelming tide visiting the bottom of the monstrous sea.
101. By illustrating an ugly, absurd, monstrous and nightmare-like world with unique skills, she not only described the hideousness of humanity, but also bewailed at the destiny of human.
102. Lady Clavering likes to be asked for lunch, and is uncommonly kind, and monstrous hospitable.
103. The mayor is condemned for the monstrous malfeasance of his administration.
104. Organic chemistry is full of the most remarkable things, a monstrous and boundless thicket.
105. He could have seen worse: children with monstrous lolling heads and palsied, tiny limbs, adults with gnarled growths erupting from their bellies.
106. If your club tries to big itself up, you are a monstrous egotist.
107. Such things were impossible. It'seemed monstrous even to think of them.
108. He felt as if it had all been a monstrous dream.
109. His oily, insinuating tones, his greasy smile, and his monstrous self - conceit grated on my nerves.
110. These magnetic forces are monstrous when compared with the magnetic field strength of our planet -- which measures in at less than 1 gauss at the Earth's surface.
111. Pen was bewildered with wonder, perplexity, fury, at this monstrous and unreasonable persecution.
112. Our company be commensurate to the monstrous beautiful woman colleague!
113. He pulled a lever and made his mind revolve about him, a monstrous wheel of fortune, a merry-go-round of memory, a revolving sphere of wisdom.
114. Arguably the most dangerous is the monstrous Pao Kai, a cousin to the Wyvern of the northern steppes.
115. It may have once been a monstrous 793 carets, before a jeweler's maladroitness and a few subsequent refinements chopped it to the mere 109-caret chunk it is today.
116. That is because it is a monstrous thing , to slay a unicorn.
117. It is rather that without material resources it will tend to twist into the monstrous caricature of socialism known as Stalinism.
118. And then in will to power 1052 the note says that in the Dionysian state, quote: being is characterized as holding enough to justify even a monstrous amount of suffering.
119. Life is all moon shine, a monstrous humbug, a grand suck - in.
120. When Juliet's father gives her hand in marriage to the monstrous elephant seal Prince, Juliet must fake her death in order to be reunited with Romeo.
121. It would kill this monstrous soul - life, and without its hideous warnings, he would be at peace.
122. Az turned him into this monstrous surface to answer his rude call.
123. Frank Castle, the Punisher was sliced to pieces by Wolverine's son, Daken and returned as the monstrous FrankenCastle.
124. What monstrous perversion of the human spirit leads a sniper to open fire on a bus carrying children?




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