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单词 Seasonable
(1) He gave his foolish nephew some seasonable advice.
(2) December brought some seasonable snow showers.
(3) I'll wait for a seasonable moment to speak to her.
(4) Seasonable dehumidify, alleviate low pressure is anoxic state.
(5) Answer when high fever seasonable and antifebrile .
(6) Hot weather is seasonable in July.
(7) There is no seasonable rivers.
(8) Seasonable announcement farmer remands reclaim breed.
(9) SeasonaBle fresh fruits . Please select carefully Caveat emptor.
(10) Contagion is like not seasonable precaution and cure.
(11) Seasonable rain fell after a long drought.
(12) Motolora company declines any seasonable comments to this report.
(13) This adjustment was not only very seasonable but also extremely successful.
(14) Reply to can make him seasonable fatigue, new residence still has very big very luxurious piscina(), can lay 10 people at the same time bubble bath.
(15) Though small in size, the shop specially supplies seasonaBle goods. You'll never Be disappointed.
(16) The advantage with seasonable, swift Internet is couldn't get completely reflect.
(17) The sound film seasonable and lived along with the technical development and audience's need.
(18) Having the exclusive selling rights for seasonaBle fresh fruits, we are awaiting your presence and negotiation.
(19) They observe the system is tight, monitor seasonable, source is all ready, manage normative science.
(20) The epidemiology in subtropical areas is basically similar to that in temperate zones, except that the seasonable timing of events is different.
(21) When late, the cerebrum oxygen requirement will increase, will be seasonable when makes the breathing.
(22) Insomnious patient wants as far as possible the habit of seasonable go to bed when education is Mondayish.
(23) If forehead and eyebrow bend ministry are contused to want to note the eyesight case of seasonable self-check eye, preliminary judgement has injure secondhand without optic nerve.
(24) About fortune, american steely king such Carnegie seeing: "If wealthy person is dead when rich still, then he dies unworthily . " Euramerican now country is popular " seasonable do good works " .
(25) If sore throat is caused as a result of streptococcic infection, cure is not seasonable, can cause the complication such as myositis of rheumatism sex heart or endocarditis, rheumatoid arthritis.
(26) Have again even if can make airline gets accurate seasonable airline ticket to sell information.
(27) Of course the rate that this wants to treat infection, if be pure sex urethritis, without amalgamative disease, pass seasonable cure again, it is to won't cause infecund barren.
(28) The 2 nd, had made kind of egg accept check and seasonable disinfection job.
(29) Cold hind coughs for long, think quite quite went, without seasonable cure.
(30) Mary screamed for help when they were searching for her . They gave her seasonable aid.
(31) It cannot assure information authenticity, accuracy, integrality, seasonable sex , fair sex.
(32) Reason is feculent to having the person of coital history, must observe pudenda and the position that produce chancre possibly, achieve seasonable discovery, seasonable cure.
(33) If the child is made a living to grow hormone to lack disease by diagnose, want seasonable treatment, final height is OK and basic insusceptible .
(34) When organic acid cannot outside seasonable eduction body when, can erode sensitive cuticular cell, make the skin is lost exquisite with flexibility.
(35) There was a welcome fall of seasonable snow in north China.
(36) Ought to believe, should treat only seasonable , reasonable, insomnious disease is cured not hard.




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