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单词 Bruised
1. Tony emerged unscathed apart from a severely bruised finger.
2. The blow bruised her leg.
3. Peaches have delicate skins which are easily bruised.
4. She had slipped and badly bruised her face.
5. She fell off her bike and bruised her knee.
6. He fell and bruised himself/his leg.
7. She bruised her knee.
8. The ointment should be spread thinly on the bruised areas.
9. My arm is still tender where I bruised it.
10. Divorce generally leaves both partners feeling rather bruised.
11. He was very bruised and suffering from whiplash.
12. He was slightly bruised but otherwise unhurt.
13. I need someone to massage my bruised ego .
14. His face was quite badly bruised.
15. His pinching bruised the peaches.
16. The government will be severely bruised by yesterday's events.
16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
17. She bruised herself against the desk.
18. A bit of embrocation will soothe your bruised knee.
19. His ankle is bruised and quite badly swollen.
20. She was badly bruised but otherwise unhurt.
21. The whole of his finger was bruised.
22. The incident had bruised his pride.
23. I had only bruised my knee.
24. They had been badly bruised by the defeat.
25. His car bruised the auto fender of my car.
26. Her unkind remark bruised his feeling.
27. I escaped with severely bruised legs.
28. He suffered badly bruised ribs in the crash.
29. My leg is still very tender where it was bruised.
30. The right side of my brain had been so severely bruised that I was comatose for a month.
1. Tony emerged unscathed apart from a severely bruised finger.
2. The blow bruised her leg.
3. Peaches have delicate skins which are easily bruised.
4. She had slipped and badly bruised her face.
5. She fell off her bike and bruised her knee.
6. She bruised her knee.
7. The right side of my brain had been so severely bruised that I was comatose for a month.
8. The ointment should be spread thinly on the bruised areas.
31. The hunter bruised along.
32. My friend was badly injured with bruised ribs and a fat lip.
33. I don't think it broke Steve's heart when Cherise left him(), but it certainly bruised his ego.
34. My left arm is badly bruised and I was slightly concussed.
35. He was lucky to escape with just a bruised ego when he fell off his bike.
36. She continued massaging her right foot, which was bruised and aching.
37. Her legs were bruised and her feet were cut to ribbons.
38. The apples were all bruised after being dropped on the floor.
39. Payton bruised his hip ten minutes into the game.
40. Ryan was also sidelined with a badly bruised sternum.
41. Not getting the promotion really bruised his ego.
42. A bruised rib sent Shaw out of the game.
43. I think I've bruised my inner thigh.
44. His eyes seemed bruised around the rims, deep purple.
45. Restless, anxious, aching sore and bruised pains, tearing pains.
46. A bruised rib was taken for heart trouble, a headache for an incipient brain tumour.
46. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
47. Drinan suffered a concussion, a broken left hip, a broken left foot and a bruised lung in a Saturday crash.
48. An Arab ambassador said he was bruised, looked badly shaken and needed at least two weeks to recover.
49. Maryellen, standing beside them, looks at the bruised skin and grimaces.
50. The sore, bruised, aching feeling makes him restless; always having to change position.
51. The young prince will feel emotionally bruised that his parents' marriage is over.
52. After that race his family remembers him coming home with badly bruised and torn feet and looking like a skeleton.
53. Seaman badly bruised a hip and came off early in the second half last weekend but has received extensive treatment.
54. Keller badly bruised a hip, and came off early in the second half of the match.
55. But far be it for us to shed crocodile tears over the bruised egos of our male counterparts.
56. Past inaugurations have been replete with stories of bruised egos and sour encounters.
57. Tired, drawn and bruised that he was, even the hard-earned pint by his right hand was scarcely touched.
58. Taylor was left badly bruised down his right side-from leg to shoulder-but escaped without permanent injuries.
59. His talk about not wanting her had been nonsense, stuff handed out by a man salvaging a bruised ego.
60. S Tim McDonald, who missed some practice time this week with a bruised shoulder, practiced Friday and will start Sunday.
61. He bruised his right shoulder the week before in the win over the Rams.
62. Mom fell on the ice and bruised the side of her leg.
63. It turns out her nose is sore but unbroken, not even bruised.
64. Then, glancing quickly at Jem, he slowly climbed the stairs, feeling his bruised stomach muscles protest with every step.
65. She was sitting on the top deck and was cut and bruised by branches.
66. She found her friend, Felicia Moon, bruised and scratched after a fight with her husband.
67. The area between his gashed top lip and his nose was heavily bruised.
68. They went home with pinched ears and bruised legs where she'd hit them.
69. Battered and bruised as usual, a sizable portion of their offense decimated by injury.
70. She put her hand tentatively to her face, a small, fretful, cry escaping from her bruised lips.
71. Zeno's head shook with fury as he sucked her and bruised her.
72. Even Sal and Kitty turned up their noses when he offered them such delicacies as black bananas and bruised apples.
73. Her eyes were black, and fear bruised them, like fallen plums.
74. Jessica clucked her tongue in sympathy when she saw his bruised arm.
75. Despite the caked blood and the chalky bruised skin I recognised the victim.
76. Two friends of the woman countered by saying she was an honest person who was bruised and upset by what happened.
77. The models reeling down the catwalks are stick thin, their faces cavernous and bruised[http://], their hair matted.
78. Safety Tim McDonald had bruised a left shoulder in the Rams game, which flared up again Sunday.
79. There was a little blood around his mouth and his eyes were badly bruised.
80. She thought of Yevdoxia, his wife, dragging his decayed body and bruised mind around.
81. He's badly bruised and has difficulty moving because of the stab wound to his back.
82. He displayed a swollen, bruised digit and a mangled thumbnail.
83. Launching into the career search process with even a slightly bruised attitude will end in failure and more dents to your confidence.
84. Trapped in an eddy Graham was retrieved from the barrel badly bruised, just before he almost died of suffocation.
85. Tallis went to the makeshift corral and let the animal out, stroking her bruised face, patting her flanks.
86. I crouched, holding my bruised temple and cursing the arrow of pain which coursed through my face.
87. The problem is, the supermodel's new exercise video could give you more than a bruised ego.
88. His nose had bled and his forehead and face were badly bruised from his fall; but he was not seriously hurt.
89. Boy was bruised badly around the mouth, and had red burn marks around both of his wrists.
90. She phoned me in my room to say she had slipped in the bath and badly bruised her face.
91. Are the bottom corners bruised and in need of building up?
92. Labonte spun out as he took the checkered flag, still the winner but battered and bruised by Earnhardt's persistence.
93. Their leading scorer, Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, suffered a bruised right quadriceps against Seattle on Wednesday and missed the game.
94. Dinah sat placidly beside Paul, aware that the bruised turmoil that was her body had subsided into a kind of contentment.
95. Don't buy sweet potatoes that appear bruised or have indented areas.
96. Lotus has been badly bruised by the sudden switch to Windows.
97. I pressed snow against my bruised face, and managed to melt more snow in my mouth to quench my thirst.
98. Bulger is also leaving behind bruised feelings on Beacon Hill because of his soon-to-be published memoirs.
99. It's badly bruised - it may have been knocked by a car.
100. She's very shaken and her arms are badly bruised from where the men held her.
101. But her whole body, strained and bruised as if he had beaten her, that was the monument to his reality.
102. Zeier took over in the second quarter after starter Vinny Testaverde suffered bruised ribs while being sacked.
103. My forehead hurt like hell and my body was bruised all over, but no bones were broken.
104. The bedchamber was hung with silks which were so fine that they bruised if something brushed against them.
105. Seven or eight months pregnant with bruised arms and a purple bruise round her eyes.
106. He was standing just inside the doorway, supporting Piper O'Rourke, who was looking old,[http:///bruised.html] tired and bruised.
107. Wilson came in, slightly bruised from his scrap with a photographer.
108. Behind the back-to-backs, a bruised industrial sky blackens, and fills with cooking smells, and rains.
109. Three women hit by the runaway car were cut and bruised - and one suffered a broken leg.
110. Marcus Camby bruised a knee in Hawaii, but quickly came back against Syracuse to score 20 points and secure 11 rebounds.
111. But key central defender Alan McDonald is out after being released from hospital with bruised kidneys.
112. Eric's ego was bruised when the crowd jeered a wayward shot and he tore off his shirt in disgust.
113. Strong safety Tim McDonald bruised his left shoulder, an injury he brought into the game and exacerbated.
114. Entering the final phase, I noticed with a shock the year was old and light got bruised by 4 o'clock.
115. But 39-year-old Patrese clambered out with just a pair of bruised knees and trembling hands.
116. The right side of her body is badly bruised and her head and eye are swollen.
117. Wait a little longer and the brown turns to black; this means the flesh has become bruised or mouldy.
118. The pale, badly bruised face and thin trickle of blood from one ear, suggested a skull fracture too.
119. The bruised right knee that hampered him until last week apparently is quite well.
120. At last, badly bruised and scratched, they were forced to haul themselves back up to their island prison.
121. The Cherokee occupants were unhurt and the Cheetah pilot, though shocked and bruised, was not seriously injured.
122. Bruised shadows of fatigue showed beneath her eyes - eyes in which Trent read gratitude and the beginnings of dependency.
123. Her body felt bruised, her lips pulpy and tender.
124. My brother played boys'lacrosse. He was bruised.
125. Brendan Haywood had gone out with a bruised left thigh.
126. One side of Pockmarked Li's face was bruised and swollen.
127. 'I don't tell anyone, not even my daughter,' the grande dame reveals, shooting me a look as she clasps a Latex glove containing frozen peas to her bruised cheeks.
128. The merchandiser and the fruit grower have blamed each other for bruised unattractive fruit.
129. And for the bruised and cantankerous American psyche, it could not come at a worse time.
130. Forsyth is doubtful for tonight's game with a badly bruised leg.
131. Will ducked, darted inside its reach, and battered its bruised midsection—punching through flesh and ripping out wriggling chunks of the composite eel colony.
132. Eight hundred miles south of the North Pole, stalactite-like stratus clouds—churned by 90-mile-an-hour winds—and the light of a bruised dawn paint an apocalyptic portrait over Inglefield Bay.
133. A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out.
134. Napoleon appeared to change countenance, and sharply ordered Boxer to let the dog go, whereat Boxer lifted his hoof, and the dog slunk away, bruised and howling.
135. West Palm Beach police released the video Monday, the suspect suffered a broken jaw and bruised eyes.
136. Toula Portokalos : [ Pointing to Ian's bruised nose ] What happened? Biker fight? nose job? What?
137. His body was bruised, his hands were bleeding(), and his rags were all besmirched with mud.
138. England international Cole could be out for up to three weeks because of a bruised foot.
139. BEAR : If someone sells you a bruised apple, don't make a fuss, make applesauce.
140. Leaning against the wall behind her stood Job , apparently uninjured, but bruised and trembling.
141. Her coat is muddy and torn, her hair is dishevelled and her face is bruised.
142. Still unwilling to sleep, he watched the young woman in his arms, removing a bruised flower petal from her tangled hair.
143. He said his brother had a bruised eye, is missing an upper canine tooth and has cigarette-burn marks on the backs of his ears.
144. But the young know they are wretched, for they are full of the truthless ideals which have been instilled into them,[] and each time they come in contact with the real they are bruised and wounded.
145. His forearms were bruised and his fingernails were split bloodied from digging.
146. There the three disciples straightened the mangled limbs, and folded the bruised hands upon the pulseless breast.
147. Other injuries included a cut leg, a rope burn to the hand, bruised ribs, and a bruised shoulder.
148. At her best, playing warmhearted floozies in Some Like It Hot and Bus Stop, she's like a slightly bruised moonbeam, something fragile and funny and imperiled.
149. Avoid soft, mottled, or bruised fruits, as they are likely to be watery and quite flavorless , and will spoil rapidly.




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