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单词 Digest
1. Fish is easy to digest when you're ill.
2. This conduct is more than I can digest.
3. Some girls can't digest fat.
4. I find that I don't digest meat easily.
5. I can't digest fat.
6. Most babies can digest a wide range of food easily.
7. The function of the stomach is to digest food sufficiently to enable it to pass into the intestine.
8. Blood-sugar levels go up as you digest food.
9. The company publishes a monthly digest of its activities.
10. You should digest what he said.
11. Her rudeness is more than I can digest.
12. It takes hours for a meal to digest.
13. I read only this digest of the novel.
14. I'll take a nap and digest.
14. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. Avoid heavy foods that are difficult to digest.
16. A digest of the research findings is now available.
17. He paused, waiting for her to digest the information.
18. I just cannot digest eggs.
19. Cheese is very difficult to digest.
20. Sit still and allow your meal to digest.
21. I struggled to digest the news.
22. Humans cannot digest plants such as grass.
23. This chapter is so difficult to digest, I shall have to read it again later.
24. Each Reader's Digest condensed book is an abbreviation of an originally longer work.
25. Cheese doesn't digest easily.
26. It took him a while to digest the bad news.
27. Katie can't digest fat.
28. Do not undertake strenuous exercise for a few hours after a meal to allow food to digest.
29. Meat-eaters must produce extensive bile acids in their intestines to properly digest the meat that they eat.
30. You should allow a little time after a meal for the food to digest.
1. Some girls can't digest fat.
2. I find that I don't digest meat easily.
3. I can't digest fat.
4. Most babies can digest a wide range of food easily.
5. Do not undertake strenuous exercise for a few hours after a meal to allow food to digest.
6. The function of the stomach is to digest food sufficiently to enable it to pass into the intestine.
7. Meat-eaters must produce extensive bile acids in their intestines to properly digest the meat that they eat.
8. You should digest what he said.
9. I read only this digest of the novel.
10. I just cannot digest eggs.
11. Each Reader's Digest condensed book is an abbreviation of an originally longer work.
12. Cheese doesn't digest easily.
13. It often takes a long time to digest new ideas.
31. All this has upset me. I need time to digest it all.
32. It often takes a long time to digest new ideas.
33. He has to avoid fat because his body can't digest it.
34. They learn well but seem to need time to digest information.
35. I can't digest this information.
36. It took a while to digest the theory.
37. She couldn't digest food properly.
38. Medved's article was condensed in Reader's Digest.
39. Pesso means to bake, ripen, ferment or digest.
40. The stomach produces acids which help to digest food.
41. Society has taken its time to digest the realities.
42. Some babies can't digest cow's milk.
43. The finer the food particles, the easier it is to digest.
44. After all,[] the Literary Digest Poll for the 1932 election came within a tiny margin of the actual result.
45. Most providers provide archive and digest service for the customer mailing list.
46. By the end of the day, I had a lot of new information to digest.
47. You shouldn't go swimming until your food has had a chance to digest.
48. In the bedroom Rufus retells my story, condensing it like it was Reader's Digest.
49. At any rate, the most prominent critic was Nick Seitz, the editorial director of Golf Digest and its sister publications.
50. I always advise musicians to digest at least a certain amount of knowledge about their business affairs.
51. The aphids, in turn, have bacteria in their guts that help them digest food.
52. If we are to digest it properly it must be swallowed whole.
53. Lysosomes contain enzymes which digest and modify material brought into the cell by endocytosis.
54. So many antiques that Architectural Digest magazine devoted a lengthy article to the subject in its November issue.
55. The first, the Digest, was the classical Roman private law of the jurists.
56. The figures came in Social Trends, the official annual digest of facts and figures about life in Britain.
57. It took the Millau Ten less than an hour to digest the court's ruling and decide on a course of action.
58. Whole grains are higher in fiber than processed grains, making them harder to digest.
59. She needed time to digest the idea of Bridget and Geoffrey having been lovers, even for a short period.
60. We may not be able to digest foods as easily as we once could.
61. But more important, they stored their data in the digital form that computers so readily digest.
62. People can't digest the fact that a comedian can behave normally in his day to day life. The worst was the time when my father died and I was performing the last rites and somebody asked me questions like "How much do you earn?" and "Which is your next release"? Asrani 
63. There was concern that such a high concentration would be too difficult to digest or lead to side effects.
64. How might whole grains help? Whole grains are higher in fiber than processed grains, making them harder to digest.
65. There has been quite a lot of talk recently about adding enzymes to help the carp digest our sophisticated carp baits.
66. They need time to digest radical change, otherwise their immediate reaction is negative.
67. He gave copies of the report to all those present at the meeting, urging that they read and digest its contents.
68. In spite of its superb production values, Granta remains a kind of up-market Reader's Digest.
69. Really, he could use half an hour to digest the gobbets of this person.
70. He could describe how insects digest food and how thunderstorms happened.
71. There are many cases in the Digest in which there is a confusion between legacy and trust.
72. If you'd rather receive your mail in large batches than have it trickle through, request a digest where available.
73. When full details of the draw were finally dispatched it emerged that Readers Digest had a considerable involvement.
74. The gizzard-stone treatment meant that food took a long time to digest.
75. Edible - good to eat and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man,[] and a man to a Worm. Ambrose Bierce 
76. To make this easier, the octopus secretes an enzyme that helps to digest the tissue and loosen it from the shell.
77. First, we sense the information and then we digest it through past experiences, attitudes, values and beliefs.
78. A highly crafted, hugely sophisticated building-machine that rewrites so many rules of conventional corporate architecture is inevitably hard to digest.
79. On this point it seems that the Literary Digest Poll and others committed two errors.
80. You have time to digest the unexpected worm, as they say about early birds!
81. This rich food doesn't digest easily.
82. Some foods digest more easily than others.
83. This article first appeared in the NTU Staff Digest.
84. The organization publishes a regular digest of environmental statistics.
85. Goats use rumen, reticulum and omasum to digest silage.
86. The pepsin can digest the protein in food.
87. Our bodily systems are predisposed to digest meat.
88. Objective: To use neotype digestion device to digest tea.
89. Hepatology Digest: When intra-uterine transmission happens, the vaccination and hepatitis B immunoglobulin might not be functional.
90. Housing guarantee the smooth building, not only to guarantee the livelihood of the people implementing the policy, housing benefit and stock markets to digest.
91. Applying the uninterpreted CID spectra of the protein digest to searching in sequence database by the SEQUEST program could identify proteins conveniently and rapidly.
92. The partial digest (PDP) and the simple partial digest (SPDP) methods are the popular methods of DNA restriction mapping reform.
93. Reader's Digest and its lenders have agreed that the company will file for bankruptcy protection in order to convert a 'substantial portion' of its $1.6 billion in secured debt to equity.
94. This demonstrates COSCO's ability to embrace and digest new information, and such openness and learning ability are essential to the sustainable development of transnational enterprises.
95. The gland cell in entoderm of hypostome was able to digest foods, but it had no hurt effect to other Hydra.
96. Hepatology Digest: The liver is known as an immunologically privileged organ in solid organ transplants.
97. Hepatology Digest: Professor Xie, do you encounter metabolic syndrome in hepatitis C patients frequently?
98. Last year the government initiated land open bidding policy, land prices doubled around, and this factor at the beginning of this year, prices began to digest.
99. In the sandpit lay the immense Sarlacc, a vile creature that would digest its prey over thousands of years.
100. At the same time, the information explosion requires a method to analysis, arrange, digest the information and to offer firm basis of later decision .
101. Hepatology Digest: The nuclear receptors are important in cholestatic liver disease.
102. Hepatology Digest nuclear receptors are important in cholestatic liver disease.
103. Serrapeptase : This is a natural enzyme which can digest non-living tissue, cysts, arterial plaque and inflammation of all forms.
104. GVPE supports the aes-128, aes-192, aes-256 and bf (blowfish) ciphers, and the sha512, sha256, sha1, ripemd160, md5 and md4 digest algorithms.
104. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
105. International Digest: There are studies which show that sclerotherapy can lead to worsening of portal hypertensive gastropathy. What's your opinion about it?
106. Hepatology Digest: Amniotic fluid is said to contain a wide variety of useful cells. Could you comment about obtaining cells in this manner?
107. Whereas two-minute video clips are the most popular form of contemporary erotica for men, the most popular form for women remains the romance novel, an artifact that takes many hours to digest.
108. Hepatology Digest: Should both lactulose and rifaximin be combined for the primary prevention of HE?
109. As Hepatology Digest, it is a newspaper distributes in China by thousands of copies to southern Chinese hepatologist .
110. In dietary instruction, give them fresh food which is easy to digest and nutritious.
111. Our bodies digest, absorb, and carry cystine to the cells where they convert it into cysteine.
112. The message digest (also called the message authentication code) is computed using a hash function.
113. Hepatology Digest: What is your opinion of non - invasive diagnosis of cirrhosis non - invasiveinvasive?
114. If key's length is longer than 64, then use hash to digest it and use the result as actual key.
115. Accordingly, VE provide for the knowledge imitating between knowledge demander and knowledge possessor the most complete and challenging mechanism which digest and absorb other's knowledge .
116. The digested method for the samples was studied digests and aqua regia was selected to digest the samples.
117. KTVs outlets across Shanghai will start trialing commercial advertising this year in an attempt to boost revenue so as to digest part of the royalty fees.
118. I once believed that the essence of life is the "Reader's Digest" advocated by those who, at dusk, reed pipe wind and rain after the two pairs of grasping hands, a bowl of Yang Chunmian.
119. In her "Science Digest" article, writer Ashley Montagu argued that crying not only contributes to good health, but it also builds community.
120. On Christmas day, Dec 25, a brunch with family is the norm, followed by some light sporting events, such as a country walk, to digest the heavy food.
121. Hepatology Digest: You have lots of data. How are you going to congeal this so it can be applied at a public health advisory level?
122. Solid text with no signposts is off-putting and difficult to digest.
123. Next, anteprandial do not drink water to the child, anteprandial drink water to be able to make gastric juice attenuant, go against food to digest, also affect appetite.
124. Our bodies don't completely digest the low-cal sweeteners, such as sorbitol, found in sugar-free gum.
125. Ravel sacrificed something for form, for a vegetable that people must digest before bed.
126. Over - eating or eating food difficult to digest often causes indigestion.
127. Hepatology Digest: Apart from genotype, HCV RNA, and steatosis, are there any other factors that affect the antiviral outcome of hepatitis C?
128. "Obama's ability to convey his feelings of self-worth to others may have helped him project the image of competence and confidence that voters found so compelling, " Zeigler Hill told the Digest.
129. For example, lactose intolerance — when the body is unable to digest lactose (milk sugar) — is caused by low levels of the necessary enzyme.
130. Honey has the role of embellish aperient bowel, lemon vitamin content rich, not only can promote gastric juice to secrete, still can digest.
131. To digest the rationalism further and return to the classical political philosophy are the two main shake-off strategies, and such a manner is taken by contemporary western thinkers.
132. At least he's provided you with a Manhattan apartment that looks like an Architectural Digest wet dream.
133. The magazine, Reader's Digest is famous for making complicated subjects understandable to millions of readers.
134. After gorging itself, the colo retreats to its cave dwelling to hibernate and digest.
135. The method is called DigestSearch because it uses the unique digest (one-way hash) value to represent a search word.
136. The results showed that Avian antiscolic is ideal drug for curing digest tract parasitosis of domestic pigeon caused by ascaris and ...
137. But just now I've got dyspepsia . Most of what you was sayin'I can't digest.
138. [Attenborough: "The Earth, as it makes its annual journey around the sun..."] Because nothing says happy birthday like being linked with a meat-eating plant big enough to digest a rat.
139. Leben is compared with milk however, leben is easier to digest sum sorption , its nutrient utilization ratio improves to some extent will do.
140. Journalists can digest a story from a good press release in a few minutes.
141. In the process of nature aesthetic education, three are three functional bourns : to please oneself, to get civilized by affection, to digest philosophy.
142. Rich, ornate prose is hard to digest, generally unwholesome, and sometimes nauseating.
143. Xu Xianming, Xu Xiangmin. The incorrectness of "give law back to people". Legal System Digest, 1986, 2.
144. International Digest: Hypermetabolism is a frequent feature of cirrhosis. What are the major causes of this?
145. This will be China's real estate inventory for longer periods of time to digest markets.
146. A digital signature is a data digest encrypted with the private key of the signer.
147. Hericium erinaceus with alias of monkey mushroom is natured and sweet, benefitting for internal organs, digest and weak.
148. By the time the higher elevations are reached, such strange notions as Einsteinian curved space-time and the quantum uncertainty principle, heavy meals indeed, seem not so difficult to digest.
149. International Digest: How we would assess severity of protein energy malnutrition?
150. Peptone is an enzymatic digest of protein used to cultivate non - fastidious organisms, producing low - level growth.
151. Green: Digest benignantly , stimulative body is balanced, can have composed effect, had been opposite move or the person that press press of body and mind ors is beneficial.
152. The birds usually digest the pulp rather than the seeds.
153. As whole wheat and whole grain flours are made from the intact grains, we digest whole grain breads more slowly and feel full longer, and don't experience a blood-sugar freakout.
154. The reader's digest is noted for its simple language and clear style.
155. Hepatology Digest: Has there been any other trials to your knowledge looking at the benefits and drawbacks of rifaximin and lactulose?
156. The intestines and stomach of the group with vegetable tallow was increased 8.39 percent to that with animal tallow, it may be correlation to that the animal tallow is easy to digest and absorb.
157. Fermentation also makes bread dough rise and helps us digest food.
158. Conclusion: by the use of trypsin and collagenase in digest process and the L polylysine differential adhesion method highly pure Schwann cell can be obtained in short time.
159. This paper in introduces the frame of merit system online, including how to use digital digest and digital encrypt method for secure communication.
160. Hepatology Digest: For nucleotide analogues, drug resistance is an inevitable problem.
161. Hepatology Digest: Cholestatic liver disease is a rare chronic liver disease. Would you please give us a brief introduction about its pathogenesis?
162. Not everyone can dissect and digest the public information they receive.
163. Note: The Digest Search 2 database (Digest2.nsf) includes an agent called Process database index that creates an index for the documents from the source database.
164. He soon published articles about the Nation of Islam and Malcolm in Reader's Digest and The Saturday Evening Post.
165. Hepatology Digest: A number of endogenous anti- and pro-fibrogenic factors are involved in liver fibrogenesis.
166. UBS's capital base has obtained adequate financial support to digest is debt.
167. Plant polyphenol is closely linked with human life. As a savageness substance with biological activity, plant polyphenol effects digest, nutrition and health of human.
168. Hepatology Digest: Recently, the clinical trial result for the use of Etanercept for alcoholic hepatitis was published in Gastroenterology, and you were one of the authors.
169. Digestion high - pressure tank, also known as hydrothermal synthesis reactor, pressure melting shells, can digest.
170. Marvin hall of fame and one of 'Thirty Deans of American Design Institute' by Architectural Digest, and won design award of American Institute of Architects.
171. A prototypic digest of the protein is analyzed and the resulting peptide mass map is compared with corresponding map of known sequences in database.
172. Rats received two intravenous injections of either heparinase III to digest HS or neuraminidase to remove neuraminic acids.
173. Promoting digest effect, Cardiotonic, Reduce the Lipids and Pressure of Blood, Antibiosis, Scavenging free radical, Diuretic, etc.
174. The results showed that Avian antiscolic is ideal drug for curing digest tract parasitosis of domestic pigeon caused by ascaris and capillaria.
175. But I haven't had time to digest it yet", said a middle manager from Microsoft in his 30s.
176. It was advantageous to animals digest and imbibe soybean's nutrition composition.
177. Hyphae are parasitic or saprophytic and the tips secrete enzymes to digest and penetrate the food supply.
178. The histological structure of digestive organs are made up of the zymogen granules and secretory granules[], these granules are related to the function of digest and anti-disease.
179. Tampering is addressed by a message digest, which is a fixed size numeric representation of the contents of a message.
180. Hepatology Digest: There is now a special interest group at the Liver Meeting that focuses on HCV.
181. Ttyptone is a pancreastic digest digest of casein, used in prepairing microbilogical culture media.
182. Hepatology Digest: Please give us a brief introduction of the study of ubiquitination of liver disease.
183. Help digest, only diarrhea, constipation, anti - virus infection, treatment of insomnia, muscle pain.
184. Remember, almost every long-distance runner turns into a veganwhile they're racing, anyway — you can't digest fat or protein verywell.
185. Trying to digest new information in one lump is difficult.
186. For a message digest, the strength of the algorithm is determined by the size of the hash or check sum that the algorithm generates.
187. It's a proposal from the SFL, I've not really had a chance to digest it all yet.
188. Hepatology Digest: Would you please give us some advice on how to treat patients with Cholestatic liver disease?
189. Soybean – Casein Digest Medium is suitable for the culture of both fungi and aerobic bacteria.
190. Public key cryptography, combined with the traditional symmetric cryptograph and the message digest technology, can provide confidentiality, integrity and proof of origin.
191. Don't give the baby meat to eat, because he cannot digest it.
192. Rats received two intravenous injections of either heparinase III to digest HS or neuraminidase to remove neuraminic acids (positive control).
193. Hepatology Digest: When intra-uterine transmission happens, the vaccination and hepatitis B immunoglobulin might not be functional. What is the incidence of this and how might we prevent it?
194. Edible health food: Yoghurt and barmy milk can activation digest must material, conduce to improvement alvine path is microbial system, prevent abdominal apophysis thereby.
195. METHODS:Polymerase chain reaction(PCR) combined with restriction enzyme digest ion were used to detect gene specific junction fragments of the 23 CMT1 patients and 30 normal controls.
196. Other playing editors at Golf Digest include Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus and Phil Mickelson.
197. The Reader's Digest is noted for its simple language and clear style.
198. Increase feed conversion rate, did not digest the obvious decrease in feed in the excrement.
199. The naturally soft curd formed by goats' milk protein may be easier for your baby to digest.
200. Does a pedant digest his common place book into a folio? he quickly becomes great.
201. Hepatology Digest: The nuclear receptors are important in cholestatic liver disease. Would you please talk about the potential mechanisms in the treatment of cholestatic liver disease?
202. Not only that when we take that food it will digest easily and we can also enjoy the real deliciousness of the food.
203. The goats' milk fat in Karicare Goat Formula has a high proportion of medium chain fatty acids which are easily absorbed and may be easier for your baby to digest.
204. Hepatology Digest: This next question in on primary biliary cirrhosis.
205. As the advertisement says, food products with roughage are not only full of nutrition, but also contain fiber which helps you digest food and makes you feel full.
206. Therefore, the resistant starch and raffinose with high content is the major reason why fresh chestnut is difficult to digest and ripe chestnut is easy to induce flatulence.




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