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单词 Multiplying
1, Mistakes have been multiplying.
2, Dividing by two is the inverse of multiplying by two.
3, One can make 18 by multiplying 3 and 6 .
4, The churches are growing and multiplying rapidly.
5, Insects emerge in the spring and start multiplying rapidly.
6, But the foreign business delegations and conferences are multiplying.
7, Costs for each patient were then calculated by multiplying the mean cost per procedure by the number of procedures performed on them.
8, Once, multiplying or dividing by zero had terrifying results, reducing orderly arithmetic to instant nonsense.
9, They were adding, multiplying and dividing, mentally, on paper and with a calculator.
10, Private ownership would grow gradually, with small firms multiplying even as big ones stayed in state hands.
11, Acid output was calculated by multiplying the hydrogen ion concentration by the volume of the gastric aspirate.
12, Other acid outputs were calculated by multiplying the acid output during the second 15 minutes of each infusion period by four.
13, Multiplying timeshare complexes are the biggest development to assault a number of National Parks.
14, Why is there no such urgency about demonstrable, multiplying failures in the criminal justice system?
15, This in turn means that multiplying her age by her age equals 900.
16, That figure is arrived at by multiplying the total length of traffic jams by their duration.
17, Adding this in and multiplying by a factor of 2 produces the delay for the round trip Earth Venus-Earth:.
18, The resulting expression is and multiplying out the right-hand side we obtain the required trigonometrical relations.
19, And fears are multiplying that professional counterfeiters will take advantage of the unfamiliarity of the new currency to circulate forged notes.
20, Paley rammed home his argument by multiplying up his examples.
21, Note that the ways of adding and multiplying polynomials in this new notation are precisely those you have always used.
22, This temperature can then be converted into Celsius by subtracting 32,(http:///multiplying.html) multiplying by 5 and dividing by 9.
23, As soon as one type of white cell meets the antigen that fits its locks, it begins multiplying.
24, Though more commonly associated with wet weather, early morning dews or irrigation may be enough to keep rust multiplying.
25, The priesthood of central computing has already given way to a secular world of laypeople playing with multiplying microprocessors.
26, Beha uses math and together they figure out what other tasks would require multiplying with fractions.
27, Nevertheless the political and diplomatic links which bound her to the rest of the continent were slowly multiplying and becoming stronger.
28, The nucleus must be taken from cells that are multiplying.
29, Grocery store banks, open weekday evenings and during the day on weekends, are multiplying across the country.
30, This rise in prices is eliminated from the figures by dividing national income by the price index and multiplying by 100.
31, In particular multiplying the wavefunction by - I does not change the physics at all.
32, This is calculated by multiplying the number of shares in issue by their market price.
33, What factors had prevented the insect from multiplying and taking all the red maples?
34, Quad, Current Output, Serial Input 14-Bit Multiplying Digital-to-Analog Converter.
35, As the years add up, God's faithfulness keeps multiplying.
36, In DS - CDMA , the spectrum is spread by multiplying the baseband signal with a fast pseudorandom sequence.
37, Based on the existing support of resource, a scheduling model was built with the cost of multiplying the number of scheduling resource and the time and the road impedance variable.
38, Some are buying China's listed securities, which are multiplying fast, while others are taking the leap into direct investment, expecting eventual fat payoffs.
39, The device now resumes its scaling-up operation, multiplying the input integers by the newly updated factor.
40, When multiplying numbers ending in nought , bring down the noughts first.
41, The output end of the multiplying circuit is connected with the demisting control switch through the relay or the output circuit.
42, The induced net minus energy of a closed universe equals the density rate of the second time change multiplying a constant.
43, The multiplicative identity is 1, that is, multiplying any number by 1 will yield that same number.
44, Instead of multiplying profit margin by asset turnover, the rate of return on assets can be calculated more simply by dividing net income by total average assets (Figure 6).
45, Multiplying rapidly as it flows through tubes, stacked 14 high in four long rows, the organism thickens and darkens like the bioweapon of a deranged scientist.
46, The controller process -- perhaps after performing some computations using as input the multiplying factor sent to it by the device -- sends a new factor down to the device over a dedicated channel.
47, NIST measures the AC-DC difference of customer's thermal voltage converters by comparing them with standards composed of a thermoelement in series with a multiplying resistor.
48, The study was based on the TC1796 development board by setting relevant hardware and designing software,(Sentencedict) and then achieved a higher precision frequency multiplying signal.
49, Then the deformation of a curve or surface is achieved through multiplying the equation of the curve or surface by the deformation matrix or scaling factor.
50, Brokers annualize a yield on an investment by multiplying weekly dividends by 52 and dividing the answer by the net asset value per share.
51, An ideal hysteretic model with approximate linear characteristics is transformed into an actual expected output model by multiplying a slope conversion factor.
52, IP Switches greatly expand the number of segments while restring the flattened topologies of bridged environments, thus multiplying the opportunities for broadcast storms.
53, The machine , drawing power from the human body an endlessly multiplying, infinitely renewable energy source.
54, Most antibiotics kill only microbes are growing and multiplying are hibernating.
55, Meanwhile, the Rosenberg video was entering the public consciousness, multiplying and regenerating like a spirochete.
56, You do not need calculus or algebra, but you must be on easy terms with basic math - adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.
57, Also, the multiplicative inverse is the reciprocal of any number, that is, multiplying the reciprocal of any number by the number itself will yield the multiplicative identity.
58, A network is mostly useless without a hypermedia system sitting on top of it, and multiplying its effectiveness.
59, In the presence of radiation trapping effect, the effective radiative rate is equel to the spontaneous radiation rate multiplying the transmission factor.
60, The integrand includes a multiplying factor of the vertical directivity of the noise intensity, and the layered ocean environment affects the spatial coherences via this directivity factor.
61, Comprehensive plans existed at the Admiralty for multiplying our anti - submarine craft.
62, The growing and multiplying Tibet Nationality on snowfield of highland creates the brilliant Tibetan traditional culture.
63, Then an arithmetical mean, which came from the geometric mean of these three measures multiplying sub-band weighted coefficients, was used as final comprehensive assessment indicator.
64, The main processing is trivially simple -- just multiplying the speed and the time.
65, The military intelligence agency means multiplying the effectiveness of military forces deployed for operations.
66, This occurs because the fields are empty, so we are actually multiplying nothing by nothing (or empty set by empty set).
67, Whatever it is, breath or sensation,(http:///multiplying.html) we learn just to observe it without losing our mental balance. We stop reacting and multiplying our misery.
68, The design value of horizontal coefficient of consolidation can be made by multiplying its standard value and design coefficient or by multiplying its mean and central design coefficient.
69, The results show that the dynamic stability analysis can be replaced by quasi-static method with the static load multiplying an amplification factor in calculation.
70, Plaque grows when bacteria attach to the tooth and begin multiplying.
71, The investment account value equals to the number of units multiplying the bid price of the units.
72, By method of illustration, we introduce envelope demodulating instead of multiplying demodulating for balance amplitude modulation wave.
73, The variational parameter multiplying each coordinate is called a scale factor.
74, Therefore our primary objective is to help fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ by multiplying disciples of Christ.
75, inject is an instance of One2OneChannelInt that will be used by the controller process to send a new multiplying factor (which also serves as a wake-up signal) to the device.
76, A new method for determination of benzoyl brightener by multiplying photometry is first reported.




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