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单词 Sect
(1) They thought the religious sect was guilty of brainwashing.
(2) Members of the sect committed mass suicide.
(3) Hundreds are initiated into the sect each year.
(4) When he was sixteen he joined a religious sect.
(5) Many people thought the religious sect was guilty of brainwashing.
(6) The leader of the religious sect and thirty of his followers killed themselves in a suicide pact last year.
(7) Followers of the sect espouse pure love and nonviolence.
(8) According to other accounts, the Dositheans were a sect dating back to Maccabaean times.
(9) She is a member of a religious sect that was formed from various aspects of Asian religions.
(10) This sect was and still is considered bizarre and highly irresponsible.
(11) The documentary explores the success of a Jewish sect intent on keeping ancient traditions alive.
(12) The sect did use assassination as a highly effective weapon, however, against other Persian groups.
(13) Justice to all, irrespective of race, sect or class is the inalienable right and the inescapable obligation of all.
(14) The third was to contain the sect heavies[sentence dictionary], once they had been overpowered and captured.
(15) All the others were from the sect hierarchy's lesser rank of Disciples.
(16) And yet you never hear about one sect of Baywatchers violently terrorizing another.
(17) They had come under the influence of a strange religious sect.
(18) When he was sixteen he ran away from home and joined a religious sect.
(19) In the 1890s there was a revival of interest in the sect, and several members of the Salvation Army joined Prince.
(20) A recent example is the 11-month campaign against the banned spiritual sect, Falun Gong.
(21) Paramat stood by the doorway with the attitude of a tourist at the shrine of an exotic religious sect.
(22) Two of the rigs were to provide transport for the ordinary sect members, after their release.
(23) Antislavery history thus entailed building a monument to the sect.
(24) Only two questions remained unanswered - the puzzling absence of any sect heavies and Grant's worrying non-return.
(25) The two figures in front of the small group were robed sect members.
(26) Today such a dilemma would engross only members of a sect, but then political society was also involved.
(27) Shinto sanctuaries came under the control of this new sect, known also as Dualist Shintoism.
(28) Longobardi had also stressed the remarkable accord on points of doctrine to be found among authors of the literati sect.
(29) This well-known story from Marco Polo's account dates from two hundred years after the sect had been crushed.
(30) It must be stressed that the Zealots were not a religious sect or denomination.
(1) They thought the religious sect was guilty of brainwashing.
(2) Members of the sect committed mass suicide.
(3) When he was sixteen he joined a religious sect.
(31) As these opportunities appeared, so at the same time the lines of religious party and sect hardened.
(32) During the first half of the eighteenth century no other sect was as widely spread as the Quakers.
(33) Because the Pharisees were the predominant sect, few, Sadducee writings have survived.
(34) He believes Dinah has either been murdered or is the prisoner of a religious sect.
(35) Divorced from the mass movement, a revolutionary cadre becomes a sect.
(36) Behind the gate, however, is a religious sect that former members say indulges in polygamy and other questionable practices.
(37) One classificatory device that has been used frequently draws distinctions between church, denomination, and sect and cult.
(38) The simplicity of the sect attracted thousands of poor peasants.
(39) A monk named Kashyapa is regarded as the founder of the Zen sect of Buddhism.
(40) Study of genus Corydalis sect. Trachycarpae Fedde.
(41) Rarely do the Amish marry outside their sect.
(42) Study of genus Corydalis sect. Rapiferae Fedde.
(43) The sect is a breakaway of the Mormon Church.
(44) And Taoism is a religious sect./sect.html
(45) New taxa of the genus Corydalis sect. Elatae.
(46) A taxonomic discussion on genus Carex L. sect. Boernera.
(47) Study of genus Corydalis sect. Oreocapnos M. Popov.
(48) A residual sect persisted in Phrygia for some centuries.
(49) If I know your sect I anticipate your argument.
(50) Hindu sect worshiping of Vishnu.
(51) The Mennonites, who include the traditional Amish sect of Pennsylvania, believe in a strict interpretation of the bible and often seek isolation in remote areas.
(52) Then, she might have come down to us in history, hand in hand with Ann Hutchinson, as the foundress of a religious sect.
(53) The sect has claimed responsibility for the Christmas Eve attacks on churches in Maiduguri and multiple bomb blasts and reprisals in the central city of Jos in which 86 people were killed.
(54) Around the same time, Nestorianism , an earlier sect of Christianity, was introduced into Xinjiang, but it was not widespread in the early years.
(55) Falun Gong, a quasi-religious sect, outlawed as a threat to stability.
(56) Mithraism, an established but exclusive sect devoted to social justice, was assimilated by state-sponsored Christianity before being disposed of in name.
(57) The species of Sect. Camellia plants of Genus Camellia are rich in Hunan. There are 13 species 1 subspecies in Hunan, it takes up about 23.6% of total species of China.
(58) He was rejoiced at so early an opportunity of distinguishing his faith in his new sect.
(59) He used the example of the Millerites, a millenarian religious sect that came to believe that Jesus Christ would return to earth on October 22, 1844. He didn't.
(60) The naturalist literary sect always thinks shallowly, which determines its short duration.
(61) But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.
(62) Toutuo ( unconstraint ) is one of the key conceptions of Yang Wanli's on poetry, which stemmed from Chan sect.
(63) The third part analyses the adaptability of Hasidism in the mainstream of American society through it in such a point of view as the sect of religion and political participation.
(64) To be sure, the Puritans had been a dissenting sect in England, but they became an established church in Massachusetts.
(65) "I recollect, " said Waverley; "but did not the triumph of Presbytery AT the Revolution extinguish thAT sect?"
(66) The Soto (Chinese: Ts'ao-tung) sect, transmitted to Japan by Dogen on his return from China in 1227, prefers the method of sitting in meditation (zazen).
(67) Officials in Texas are taking the polygamist sect case to the state's highest court.
(68) Juad Ibne Dirham, a leader of atheist sect had kept some mud and water in a glass bottle.
(69) Thus, the Zen sect resulted in the dual tendency of tranquil mental pursuit and sentimental low-spirited mentality of the early song literary men.
(70) That strange new religious sect conducts its services in dog Latin.
(71) Some 80 members of the Branch Davidian sect died in a 1993 siege in Waco, Texas, after a 51-day stand-off with federal agents ended in a fire.
(72) Sect is only one of many weighting factors to be considered in judging a nativity.
(73) He said that today not only participates in the demonstration to have Shiah, but also has from the northern Kurds autonomous region Kurd and the sunni sect which comes from the Salahe tetracene .
(74) Quanzhen Sect 3 of the Ecumenical thinking is very clear that this is an important feature.
(75) The decision to cast Cruise in the role has caused anger in Germany because of his strong links to the Church of Scientology ,[] which is regarded here as a sect.
(76) "Quaker" is a popular name for a member of a Christian sect named the Society of Friends and founded by George Fox in mid-17th century England.
(77) Sociologists of religion have appropriated the term "sect" as a label for a specific type of religious movement.
(78) The group breakaway Mormon sect that advocates polygamy and underage marriages.
(79) Since last week, police have interviewed members of the polygamist sect looking for evidence.
(80) It seems to some fans the principles of druidism would be antithetical to the majority of high elves, and it didn't appear there was any indication of any renegade sect of druids.
(81) A member of an Anabaptist sect originating in Moravia and now living communally in parts of Canada and the northwest United States.
(82) Perhaps it was unwise of him to blame just one religion for trying to mark out urban territory; in recent memory, one British city (Belfast) had no-go areas for people of the "wrong" Christian sect.
(83) The philosophy of perfect interfusion, put forward by Chih-i, the de-facto founder of Tiantai Sect, is the basis of Tiantai Buddhism.
(84) A police station in the northern Nigerian city of Maiduguri has been destroyed in an attack blamed on the Boko Haram Islamic sect.
(85) There was a pre-Christian sect called "the Essenes" that was influential in the moulding of Christianity, and it behooves us to look at them briefly.
(86) Romance of Enfeoffment to Deities shows strong mysticism of foreign culture with plenty of cultural elements of mi sect.
(87) The Moravian happened not to please his colleagues(), and on his death they resolved to have no other of that sect.
(88) So we can say that he changed Shiah Sect in Lebanon and Lebanon.
(89) Unitarianism – a sect that, perhaps more than any other, embodies the spirit of Enlightenment religiosity – saw its membership decline by 20 percent during the last quarter of the 20th century.
(90) There is no question of Beijing mounting pressure on the SAR to ban the sect.
(91) The author studies the active file delivery mode and proposes the automatic scheduling strategy which relies on the time sect load and the statistic of the file popularity.
(92) After his midday meal the Master went to the Panchavati wearing a beautiful yellow robe. Two or three Vaishnava monks were there, clad in the dress of their sect.
(93) This temple is still the headquarters of the Jodo Shinshu religious school which is a sect of Zen Buddhism.
(94) Cynic is the member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers.
(95) We have found this to be a pestilent man, and raising seditions among all the Jews throughout the world, and author of the sedition of the sect of the Nazarenes.
(96) At this time the Socinians were an important Arian sect amongst intellectual circles. It may be that Newton fell under Socinian influences, but I think not.
(97) Each religious sect in the town had its own church.
(98) Coincidentally, Mr Chana is also head of a sect that allows members to take as many wives as he wants.
(99) It is believed that to this small but powerful sect, the birthday of Mithra, December 25th, was the holiest day of the year.
(100) The country, divided by region, sect and ethnicity, has always been a work in progress.
(101) Since last week, the police have interviewed members of the polygamist sect looking for evidence that girls younger than 16 were forced into marriages with older men.
(102) A member of an ancient Jewish sect that emphasized strict interpretation and observance of the Mosaic law in both its oral and written form.
(103) Perhaps the nearest modern equivalent in Anglo America is the Amish, a German American farming sect that largely renounces the products and labor saving devices of the industrial age.
(104) Tim and Rebecca Wyland belong to the Followers of Christ Church, a religious sect whose members refuse modern medicine and instead rely on prayer and faith healing.
(105) Why? Job hunters are the lowest sect in the corporate caste system.
(106) Nestorianism , the heretic sect of the Christianity, having been persecuted in the Byzantine Empire, was spread into Persia and the Central Asia, and further into China.
(107) Mahendra belonged to the Vaishnava sect and was Ram's neighbour.
(108) They are a no-good bunch, driving you out of the sect and you still treat them as friends?
(109) The sect, which broke from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints more than a century ago, believes polygamy brings glorification in heaven.
(110) Kenya's National Commission on Human Rights blamed the police for the execution-style killings, earlier this year, of 500-odd members of the Mungiki, a sect drawn from the Kikuyu ethnic group.
(111) The other thing that you need to know is the concept of benefic and malefic planets, as well as the correlate concept of planetary sect.
(112) Note that wahabi is thename of a Muslim sect, and that gmail is of course owned by Baidu-competitor Google.
(113) A religious sect originating in Jamaica whose members worship Haile Selassie as savior and regard Africa, especially Ethiopia, as the Promised Land.
(114) About 90 % of Mongolians are Buddhist, followers of Gelugpa sect of Tibetan Buddhism.
(115) Within the Amish sect, a long, full beard may denote mature stability, but on an unemployed financial planner,() it suggests rather the opposite. Grooming the beard doesn't remove all problems.
(116) An orthodox Anabaptist sect that separated from the Mennonites in the late17th century and exists today primarily in southeast Pennsylvania.
(117) Also on Saturday, rebels with the Shi'ite Zaidi sect said they shot down a Saudi military helicopter in Yemen.
(118) Zhigung Celestial Burial Ground has masters who are monks with Zhigungti Monastery of the Garyu Sect.
(119) The results were that TX -KA101's its driving voltage is reasonable, have three- sect current protection, its soft turn-off time and over - current protect threshold value can be regulated.
(120) The Nigerian authorities have closed a university in the northern city of Maiduguri because of continued attacks in the region by the Islamist sect Boko Haram.
(121) His sect is noteworthy because It'stresses absolute obedience to the guru ( teacher ).
(122) Never ever differentiate or discriminate your vajra brothers and sisters from all other places as we are following the same sect, same lineage and same Guru.
(123) Members of Islamist sect have been blamed for series of attacks in Maiduguri from where it launched a short-lived armed uprising in 2008.
(124) The essence of the extrication of Chan sect is the freedom of life.
(125) The Rinzai (Chinese: Lin-chi) sect, introduced to Japan from China by the priest Ensai in 1191, emphasizes sudden shock and meditation on the paradoxical statements called koan.
(126) Modern Chan Society ; Amitabha Buddha Recitation Society; religious movements; sect ; charisma; tension; Li Yuansong.
(127) Chinese Taoist sect claiming to follow the teaching of Lao - Tzu but also incorporating pantheism and sorcery.
(128) Surely, need we, as human beings, belong to any sect, whether Muhammadanism, Christianity, Hinduism, or Buddhism?
(129) The Chan sect of China has called itself"Supplementary Biography of Buddhism", but its MuniuYus not only come from Mahayana, but also have a bearing on Hinayana.
(130) The abrogation of compulsory celibacy showed the utter instability and lack of moral foundation of the sect.
(131) He heads a local Christian religious sect, called the "Chana", which allows polygamy.
(132) The offering up of the wisdom consort to the guru necessary in the high tantras was likewise practiced by the AUM sect.
(133) But now the vast Paraguayan wilderness of thorn trees, jaguars and snakes known as the Chaco is being transformed by a Christian fundamentalist sect and hundreds of Brazilian ranchers.
(134) Even for Gelug sect , does your status really surpass Panchen Lama?




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