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单词 Individualistic
1. She has a highly individualistic approach to painting.
2. Young people incline towards individualistic behaviour.
3. His music is highly individualistic and may not appeal to everyone.
4. Most artists are very individualistic.
5. The more individualistic the inner life of individuals the more clear-cut the demarcation line between our subjects.
6. Frequently, early retirement is discussed purely in individualistic terms - as if it were a matter simply of personal decision-making.
7. The methodology supporting Pareto's analysis is individualistic, resting on a view of human nature rather than directly on assumptions about society.
8. This traditional organisation characterised by individualistic, vertical clienteles militates strongly against the horizontal group-formation typical of modern politics.
9. Self-confident, individualistic, indomitable and highly respected, they used to be the kings and queens of photography.
10. This more detailed and individualistic approach facilitates more accurate linkages between explanatory variables and the political behavior of gladiators.
11. It was a revolution so decentralized and individualistic that there was nothing for the state to react against.
12. Fiercely individualistic, Texas would just as soon give back the Alamo as institute a state tax.
13. It became even more individualistic and displayed few signs of the closely knit and hierarchically organized structure of the previous era.
14. The North American culture is individualistic orientation.
15. Spain remains a very individualistic country.
16. Liberal universalism embodies individualistic basic spirit.
17. The kangaroo is an individualistic animal.
18. But , of course, we don't lead individualistic lives.
19. Kohlberg would classify them as having an individualistic morality.
20. Nikola Tesla: "Invention is predominantly individualistic.
21. His car-driving was, to be as generous as possible in my assessment, highly individualistic.
22. Again, these relations were widely envisaged by social scientists as becoming individualistic, self-seeking, competitive and anonymous.
23. Cream extract from this musical language the possibility of individualistic elaboration.
24. Do you agree with those who contend that capitalism is so individualistic that it fails to protect the collective good?
25. However researchers might style themselves-methodological individualists or collectivists-all social scientific research adopts a methodology that is implicitly individualistic.
26. In its purest form, the doctrine advocated a return to subsistence economy but on a less individualistic and more communal basis.
27. Feminists of all persuasions distrust the medical model of health, with its mechanistic and individualistic bias.
28. The fundamental reason for this is a fact of ego-psychology which the individualistic fallacy and the therapeutic tunnel-vision of modern psychotherapy obscures.
29. We are challenged to rise above the narrow confines of our individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.
30. This has, of course, tainted their relations with other races[sentencedict .com], especially individualistic Gallenteans.
31. First came the earliest individualistic pioneers who depended on hunting and fishing for their livelihoods.
32. By contrast a popular culture is a large heterogeneous group often highly individualistic and constantly changing.
33. But they are still economists, with world views that are still excessively individualistic and rationalistic.
34. Take the me/mom finding, which, she argues, "attests to the strength of the overlap between self and [people close to you] in collectivistic cultures and the separation in individualistic cultures.
35. Young women are more individualistic than their mothers, and are seeking out lesser - known brands.
36. In Kitayama's view, only individualistic Westerners put a premium on personal freedoms and rights.
37. You can create a global continuum with the most individualistic societies — like the United States or Britain — on one end, and the most collectivist societies — like China or Japan — on the other.
38. Specifically, members of collectivistic cultures expect greater verbal indirectness, politeness, and non-immediacy than members of individualistic cultures.
39. Recognized as an artist of passion and integrity, the distinguished American pianist Peter Serkin is one of the most thoughtful and individualistic musicians appearing before the public today.
40. The collapse of the mine has helped pull together a geographically disparate, class-conscious, and often individualistic country.
41. GAURI NOOLKAR: "Another surprising thing was even though it is a very individualistic society, there is a notion that Americans just live for themselves."
42. In the space of myths, only onlooker knows the secret within, enjoying in the individualistic zone.
43. In the Chinese entrepreneur community, Ma Yunjiu is the human who such individualistic.
44. Judge-made law is individualistic which is more likely to be influenced by personal elements such as prejudice, likes and dislikes, emotions and capabilities of the judges.
45. Our society has become too individualistic, with too much rivalry and not enough common purpose.
46. Samoan culture is very localized, and centered on tight-knit extended families, whereas Western societies tend to be highly individualistic and homophobic.
47. The individualistic approach emphasizes the individual construction of psychological functions from collective symbols and artifacts.
48. Pictures can provide a concrete , yet individualistic structure of visual data to build upon.
49. Their individualistic measure of value sometimes goes to the extreme.
50. Today, he as always plays the individualistic heroism greatly, has been unable including Muliniao to endure!
51. So over time , we're moving towards a much more individualistic society.
52. As Scorpio mom's have an individualistic attitude, their taste invariably goes towards loving plant life.
53. By contrast a popular culture is a large heterogeneous group often highly individualistic and a pronounced many specialized professions.
54. The novel is meant to emphasize the need for cooperative, as opposed to individualistic, solutions to social problems brought about by the mechanization of agriculture and the Dust Bowl drought.




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