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单词 leading
释义 Word family  noun lead leader leadership adjective lead leading verb lead  lead·ing1 /ˈliːdɪŋ/ ●●○ W3 adjective [only before noun]  1  IMPORTANTbest, most important, or most successful 最好的;最重要的;最成功的 The army played a leading role in organizing the attempted coup. 军队在策划这场未遂政变的过程中起了最主要的作用。 the leading industrial nations 主要的工业国 a leading heart specialist 最好的心脏病专家 leading members of the government 政府要员2  leading edge a) technicalAV the part of something that is at the front of it when it moves 〔物体的〕前缘 b) ADVANCEDthe part of an activity where the most modern and advanced equipment and methods are used 〔技术的〕前沿,尖端leading edge of This is the leading edge of medical technology. 这是医疗技术的前沿。 → leading-edge3  leading light IMPORTANTa respected person who leads a group or organization, or is important in a particular area of knowledge or activity 受人尊敬的领导者,有影响的重要人物 The two women were leading lights of the women’s union. 这两位女性是妇联的主要人物。4  leading question ASK A QUESTIONa question that deliberately tricks someone into giving the answer you want 诱导性问题 Don’t ask leading questions. 不要提诱导性的问题。5. leading lady/man APTAMthe woman or man who acts the most important female or male part in a film, play etc 扮演女主角/男主角的演员 → leading articleExamples from the Corpusleading• In private practice, and by virtue of his influential writings, Maudsley soon became the leading alienist of his generation.• After two days all but the twenty-four leading amateurs and the thirty-six leading professionals would be eliminated.• She was one of America's leading athletes.• Gordon's, Tanqueray and Booth's Gins are similarly leading brands in the white spirits market.• The leading crews are due to reach the end of their voyage at Southampton on Sunday.• His reasoning is lengthy and perhaps not quite the same as that of the leading judgment.• Debbie was one of the leading lights in the drama club.• Most of this fibre is from cereal sources which are particularly recommended for their health value by some leading medical researchers.• Some of the world's leading politicians will be meeting in Geneva to discuss disarmament.• CCI is a leading provider of cellular phone service in Ohio.• The course is recognized for producing graduates who are immediately employable and who can play leading roles in the development of computing.• the leading scorer in college basketball• The item input is taken as is, including commas, quotes and leading spaces.played a leading role• And in the creation of all this euphoria Berel Karlinsky had played a leading role.• The Bolsheviks played a leading role both in the Moscow Soviet and in the December rising.• He topped the poll for the shadow cabinet elections and played a leading role in the policy review process.• The company has played a leading role year in promoting tax and electric rate relief for Massachusetts businesses.Related topics: Constructionlead·ing2 /ˈledɪŋ/ noun [uncountable] technical  TBClead used for covering roofs, for window frames etc 〔盖屋顶用的〕铅片;〔固定窗玻璃的〕铅框Examples from the Corpusleading• Then McClure turned in another sparking display, assisted by solid leading from Ronnie Oliver to lift the pairs title.From Longman Business Dictionaryleadinglead‧ing /ˈliːdɪŋ/ adjective [only before a noun]MARKETING best, most important, or most successfulthe leading software provider in the domestic PC marketthe nation’s leading seller of personal computerslead·ing1 adjectivelead·ing2 nounChineseSyllable  best, successful important, most Business Corpus or most




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