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单词 Insulin
1. Insulin is used to control the rise of glucose levels in the blood.
2. She has been injecting herself with insulin since the age of 16.
3. I have to inject myself with insulin.
4. In diabetes the body produces insufficient insulin.sentencedict .com
5. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas.
6. Insulin enables the body to use and store sugar.
7. Daily insulin injections are necessary for some diabetics.
8. Insulin is produced commercially from animals.
9. She has to have insulin injections for her diabetes.
10. Diabetes is caused by a fault in the insulin production of the body.
11. People suffering from diabetes have to have insulin injections, because they cannot produce their own.
12. This was treated with sliding-scale insulin therapy.
13. Challenging the orthodoxy of insulin resistance.
14. In 1918 insulin was still unknown.
15. Insulin controls blood sugar levels in the body.
16. Without insulin, blood sugar can not move into cells.
17. Insulin is, of course, used to treat diabetes.
18. These include continuous insulin infusion or plasma exchange.
19. Insulin therapy is started if blood glucose levels remain elevated despite following these measures.
20. So long as the proper dose of insulin is administered on a regular basis, diabetics can generally lead normal lives.
21. The insulin like growth factors are thought to mediate some of the effects of growth hormone on tissues.
22. Phil's a diabetic and has to inject himself with insulin every day.
23. A report recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggested that smoking increased the risk of developing non - insulin - dependent ...
24. Is there any task allocation at all - for example, do only one or two nurses give the insulin?
25. Diabetics have to eat regularly if their illness is to be kept under control with insulin injections.
26. Severe lipaemia in an undiagnosed diabetic will usually resolve with the institution of insulin therapy and effective diabetic control.
27. The increasing body fat makes cells reluctant to open when insulin knocks.
28. Many patients habitually use one or two sites and develop hard subcutaneous plaques or disfiguring insulin hypertrophy.
29. In most situations this seems to be a direct effect of insulin on the hepatic production of IGFBP-1.
30. There were no significant differences between the median serum IGFBP-1 and insulin concentrations in well grown compared with stunted patients.
1. Insulin is used to control the rise of glucose levels in the blood.
2. She has been injecting herself with insulin since the age of 16.
3. Phil's a diabetic and has to inject himself with insulin every day.
4. A report recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggested that smoking increased the risk of developing non - insulin - dependent ...
5. Diabetes is caused by a fault in the insulin production of the body.
31. Mr Goldring said Miss Lowe had been injected with a very large amount of insulin.
32. For patients with complicated infarctions requiring intensive insulin therapy the recovery phase will be heralded by a diminishing insulin requirement.
33. In a vicious cycle, weight gain increases insulin resistance increases weight gain.
34. Any trend towards human insulin might increase if the price were to decrease below that of porcine insulin.
34. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
35. Under these circumstances an intravenous infusion of insulin provides a very convenient and reliable method for managing the diabetes.
36. Perinatal islet function in gestational diabetes: Assessment by cord plasma C-peptide and amniotic fluid insulin.
37. She was a diabetic and hadn't taken any insulin with her.
38. Insulin in the bloodstream reduces the quantity of blood sugar.
39. Six subjects did not consent to a glucose tolerance test and tolerance was determined from fasting plasma glucose and insulin concentrations.
40. Without insulin, sugar lingers in the bloodstream, silently damaging the internal organs.
41. Those with moderate risk are randomly assigned to either an oral insulin or a placebo.
42. There is considerable individual variation with regard to insulin requirement.
43. Diabetes results when the insulin reserve no longer meets demand.
44. An increase in insulin levels in the blood decreases the normal relaxation of the coronary arteries.
45. Potassium is taken up by cells with glucose under the influence of insulin.
46. To alleviate the symptoms, about one in five diabetics in rich countries injects himself regularly with insulin.
47. The first two months was a run in phase during which patients remained on their usual insulin.
48. In the abstract they stated that there were 88 episodes of hypoglycaemia with human and 132 with porcine insulin.
49. This concept of selective insulin resistance is not new and has been well demonstrated in animal models.
50. Both foot amputations and insulin injections are treatments for diabetes, but only the latter is specific to the disease process.
51. Therapeutically, this resistance can often be overcome by insulin injections.
52. The drug also improved the insulin sensitivity of the subjects, which could improve their overall health.
53. The other indication for insulin is of course when glycaemic control is poor on a maximal dose of a sulphonylurea.
54. Investigators and subjects were blinded to insulin type and the insulins were given in random order.
55. Responses to hypoglycaemia in a laboratory setting have been reported to be different in patients taking human and animal insulin.
56. Diabetes occurs when the body does not use or make the hormone insulin.
57. Insulin coma received widespread backing from the psychiatric profession, but after decades of use was exposed as worthless.
58. She wished that the little white pills prescribed for her teen-age daughter were real insulin, not inactive sugar crystals.
59. If human insulin does not cause a problem with hypoglycaemia awareness, what does?
60. The blood glucose should be monitored hourly after commencing an intravenous insulin infusion to ensure that the patient is not becoming hypoglycaemic.
61. Introduction Diabetic nephropathy kills many patients with insulin dependent diabetes.
62. Plasma insulin concentration was measured in duplicate by radioimmunoassay with a charcoal absorption step to separate bound from free insulin.
63. But our results argue against any systematic adverse effect of human insulin.
64. You use insulin to store the excess sugar away until your blood sugar levels drop.
64. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
65. It is essential that patients ensure there are no leaks of insulin where the infusion set is connected to the syringe.
66. Vaccines, antibiotics, insulin for diabetes and kidney transplants are just a few examples.
67. The recent introduction of genetically engineered insulin has lead to some problems for diabetics who have changed from animal-derived insulin.
68. In this form of diabetes, the pancreas stops making insulin or makes only a tiny amount.
69. All patients gave themselves two or more insulin injections daily.
70. This test was also used to compare total hormonal responses to human and porcine insulin in the clamp studies.
71. People who have type 2 diabetes do not produce enough insulin, or their bodies can not properly use the hormone.
72. Main outcome measures - Glycaemic control and frequency of hypoglycaemic episodes during two months' treatment with each insulin.
73. The increase in the serum insulin concentration after steroid treatment may reflect increased energy intake or induction of insulin resistance.
74. Several hormones, particularly insulin, the hormone that is deficient in sugar diabetes, control these processes.
75. Tests revealed that he had abnormally high levels of insulin in his blood, which could only have been injected.
76. Their results are compatible with a 37% smaller or greater adrenaline response with human insulin compared with porcine insulin.
77. These differences were always in the same direction - more pronounced hormonal responses and more reporting of symptoms with porcine insulin.
78. In most cases, the insulin resistance is due to obesity, especially the accumulation of too much fat within the abdomen.
79. Also, about 15 percent of the patients on 400 milligrams were able to stop insulin injections altogether.
80. Sugar is positively detrimental to bodybuilding due to the fact that it causes a rise in insulin levels.
81. This difficulty is caused by a fault in the insulin production of the body.
82. The assay is particularly useful in patients with circulating insulin antibodies or in those being treated with insulin.
83. Administration of indomethacin caused no decrease in the glucose induced insulin release in our preparation confirming previous studies.
84. Of these six hormones, insulin is the only one that decreases the blood glucose level.
85. This is the first treatment designed to specifically target insulin resistance, which is a precursor to diabetes.
86. In an effort to persuade cells to respond, even more insulin is released.
87. In type 2, the pancreas produces some insulin, but it is not used very well.
88. The concern comes after a reported increase in deaths of diabetic patients, most relying on genetically engineered human insulin.
89. So the tissues that should respond to insulin are less responsive.
90. This immune response leads to the destruction of the beta cells that make insulin.
91. Insulin will bring a diabetic to normal without the faintest need of a knife, but appendicitis needs an operation.
92. The close inverse relationship between insulin and IGFBP-1 is well recognised in normal and diabetic children.
93. It is now established that insulin has an antinatriuretic action resulting in increased sodium reabsorption probably from the proximal convoluted tubules.
94. There have been few controlled prospective studies of the effect of transferring to human insulin on the clinical presentation of hypoglycaemia.
95. The pancreas is vital for digesting food, because it produces digestive enzymes as well as the hormone insulin.
96. Glucose metabolism and insulin secretion are disturbed; hypoglycemia is common and potentially lethal but usually responds promptly to dietary correction.
97. Only recently has the importance of the timing of insulin injections in relation to meals become fully realised.
98. All that concentrated sugar can be dangerous for a person who has insulin resistance, and is at risk for diabetes.
99. And constantly high levels of glucose and insulin raise risks for diabetes and heart disease.
100. And for about 25 percent of people, weight gain increases insulin resistance, and can lead to diabetes.
101. Most will need two injections of intermediate-acting insulin a day with some short-acting to cover breakfast, a mid-morning snack and lunch.
102. The most common pitfall in managing insulin-requiring diabetes is to respond to elevated blood glucose levels by increasing the dose of insulin.
103. Their data can not exclude a 20% lower glucose threshold for adrenaline or a 24% lower threshold for noradrenaline with human insulin.
104. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates how the body converts food into energy.
105. Most people caring for diabetic patients realise the importance of the patient actively participating in the very first injection of insulin.
106. Both hormones are antagonistic to insulin and hence increase blood glucose.
107. If insulin is required a convenient regime is to use a highly purified porcine or human short-acting insulin subcutaneously.
108. The discovery of insulin in 1921 would have lifted that sentence and offered him a long and reasonably healthy life.
109. Both in this situation, and associated with insulin and fluid therapy of diabetic ketoacidosis, phosphate moves rapidly into cells.
110. When the patient is over the acute episode and begins recovery the insulin requirement usually decreases.
111. This control mechanism involves the substance called insulin, secreted by the pancreas.
112. Doctors put the life expectancy of sufferers at about 40 years - even if they have daily injections of insulin.
113. In patients taking insulin this may mean deliberately inducing hypoglycaemia under controlled circumstances.
114. Case 3 - An insulin dependent diabetic woman aged 74 gave a history of nausea for one week and poor diabetic control.
115. This applies to patients taking short-acting insulin to cover meals and snacks.
116. Achieved plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were determined as the mean of the 50, 55, and 60 minute samples.
117. To date, diabetics rely largely on insulin medication, discovered in 1921, to regulate their blood glucose levels.
118. People with Type 1 diabetes must closely monitor their blood sugar and take daily insulin injections.
119. Does glycuresis take medicine since the insulin still is?
120. Mitogenic action of insulin: friend, foe or 'frenemy'?
121. The turbulence of excretion of amylin induces insulin resistance.
122. Dr. Asa Tivesten and colleagues at Goteborg University prospectively followed 313 white men enrolled in the Atherosclerosis and Insulin Resistance Study.
123. But the study found that even mashed, baked or boiled potatoes were unexpectedly plumping, perhaps because of their effect on the hormone insulin.
124. Insulin sensitizer pioglitazone can improve hepatocyte steatosis,[/insulin.html] but has no effect on the formation of liver inflammation cell infiltration.
125. ResultsCSII and MSII are able to target blood glucose quickly, CSII standard time, a relatively small amount of insulin, hypoglycemia occurred in fewer, but more MSII high hospitalization costs.
126. Interestingly, PP 2 A has been described to inhibit also insulin signaling in adipocytes.
127. The liver-secreted protein Fetuin-A is elevated in insulin resistance, is an independent predictor of type 2 diabetes and is associated with atherosclerosis.
128. DPI , des ( B - chain C - terminal ) pentapeptide ( B 26 - 30 ) insulin; DOI, des ( B - chain C - terminal ) octapeptide ( B 23 - 30 ) insulin.
129. This suggests that resistin gene expression is not correlated with insulin resistance.
130. Because canaliculus of insulin stimulative kidney is answered, absorb sodium possibly to concern.
131. People with type 1 diabetes must take insulin eery day.
132. If an expectant mother can't metabolize sugar properly , her fetus may start producing extra insulin.
133. In one major form , juvenile - onset dia - betes , the pancreas supplies little , if any, insulin.
134. Conclusions: The combined treatment of Mazindol and Metformin can improve the insulin resistance(IR) and has an effective treatment to abdominal obesity. It has a clinical and practical value.
135. Tonghua Dongbao main products are second-generation recombinant human insulin, are insulin giant Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly(), the third to the second generation of insulin-production company.
136. Insulin-like growth factor I(IGF-1) and insulin may be important regulators if intestinal growth.
137. Objective:To summarize the aspect of clinical usage and research progress on insulin sensitizer, and evaluate their clinical efficacy and safety.
138. OBJECTIVE:To explore the effects of leptin in female pubertal development as well as its interrelations with growth hormone, sex hormone and insulin.
139. Objective : To investigate the changes of glucose ( GLU ), insulin ( INS ) and C - peptide ( CP ) in liver disease.
140. Recombinant AAV vector carrying PDX-1 can not only transduce PDX-1 gene into C2C12 cells, but also increase insulin excretion of insulin-secreting cells differentiated from C2C12 cells.
141. Objective To investigate the expression of insulin receptor substrate - 2 ( IRS - 2 ) in the liver of nonalcoholic fatty liver ( NAFL ) mice.
142. Oral glucose tolerance test and insulin release test were carried out to measure plasma glucose concentrations, serum insulin concentrations and serum FFA levels.
143. On the basis of keeping harmony mental psychological state, and giving reasonable diet and suitable exercise, the patients received Tangzhiyakang capsule, insulin, diformin and self-message.
144. OBJECTIVE To design and synthesize compounds with insulin sensitizing activity.
145. Insulin is depended on modelDiabeticSee more come on at children and adolescent, come on commonly urgenter, the illness when coming on is serious, constant with ketosis acid toxic head hair symptom.
146. Insulin is secreted by beta cells, specialized cells in the pancreas.
147. When the chitosan nanoparticles loaded insulin ( INS ), the pharmacodynamics after pulmonary administration in vivo was evaluted.
148. The translocation involves two fundamental processes, pathways of the insulin signal and the GLUT 4.
149. Furthermore, these cells had transformed themselves into the insulin - producing islet beta cells.
150. The results showed that 1. Obese rats were in hyperinsulinemia, low insulin sensitivity and insulin resistance.
151. The underlying incredible news from this study is that if we know how to bypass the gastric tract that has insulin production issues, we can then recreate a chemical mechanism... hence new medications.
152. Objective To study the effect and mechanism of amylin upon oral sulfonylurea drugs and its action to stimulate the islet cell secretion of insulin in rats.
153. Results: The amount of insulin in lateral pterygoid muscle in young growing rats enhanced after functional mandibular protrusion.
154. After two months, the rod was removed and the insulin - producing piglet cells replaced it.
155. Objective : To determine lipid peroxide ( LPO ) and malonyldialdehyde ( MDA ) in insulin buccal spray ( IBS ).
156. Chromium in the yeast partly exists in an organic species-glucose tolerance factor(GTF). The GTF with high activity can assist insulin to play a certain role in maintaining normal glucose tolerance.
157. With AHST, beta cell function was increased in all but 1 patient and induced prolonged insulin independence in the majority of the patients"."
158. The mechanism of GDM is remain unknown, and the present opinion is that the insulin resistance and the decrease of the secretion of islet beta cell are important parts in the pathogenesis of GDM.
159. The cells combined human proinsulin gene has the ability of producing insulin with increase in glucose concentration in vitro.
160. Objective To explore the relationship between specific insulin, proinsulin and sleep snoring.
161. Church recalls seeing plasmid and gene sequences for the first time—penicillinase and insulin, the lac repressor and interferon.
162. The chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps regulate insulin and blood sugar.
163. The two diseases have biological correlativity, such as corticosteroid - secreting rhythm disturbance, insulin resistance and so on.
164. All menstrual disorder patients took orally diane 35 and patients accompanied with insulin resistance added biguanide again.
165. OBJECTIVE : To study the hypoglycemic effects of insulin aerosol ( INS AOL ) by pulmonary delivery.
166. Metabolism Syndrome was a syntrophic disease, which was insulin resistance as foundation and caused by abnormal metabolism of glucose and lipoid.
167. Therefore, the rapid-acting insulin analogues may play important roles in controlling the blood sugar to target level and decreasing the prevalence of diabetic complications.
168. The insulin - dosage rate is set in the electronic controller according to the patient's needs.
169. Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate the effects of a salicylate derivative (triflusal) on insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion.
170. Glucophage lowers glucose levels and increases insulin sensitivity, so you'll be less hungry and less likely to overeat, explains Cederquist.
171. Objective To study metformin to reduce insulin secretion and increase ovulation and the ovulatory reponse to clomiphene in polycystic ovary syndrome.
172. The exudation of the insulin inside body basically suffers effect of the following element: (Chroma of 1) blood sugar is influence insulin excretive the mainest factor.
173. The menstrual cycle has no significant effect on the basic values and sport induced reaction values of insulin, catecholamine hormone, growth hormone and glucocorticoid.
174. Small differences in insulin - regulated genes in granulosa cells also noted between obese and normal weight women.
175. The destruction of the islets leads to an absolute lack of insulin that characterizes type I diabetes mellitus.
176. Type II - insulin - dependent diabetes mellitus, which is caused by insulin resistance.
177. Among the many mammalian hormones are ACTH, sex hormones, thyroxine, insulin, and epinephrine.
178. Objective:To investigate plasma levels of insulin like growth factor 1(IGF 1) and its binding protein 3(IGFBP 3) in type 2 diabetes and their relationship with microangiopathy.
179. Diabetes is a familiar internal secretion disease, caused by the concentration of blood -glucose is hoisted because of absolutely or comparatively absence of insulin in body.
180. Objective To investigate the effects of glucocorticoids and insulin on serum leptin level and its diurnal rhythmicity in patients with Cushing′s syndrome and obesity as well as in normal subjects.
181. To evaluate serum levels of insulin like growth factor I (IGF 1) and IGF binding protein 3 (IGFBP 3) in newborns with congenital hypothyroidism (CH) before and after the replacement therapy.
182. Her carpenter father had been an insulin - dependent diabetic who died when she was six.
183. The total PKCIs in human ASMCs and ASMC count were increased along with the increase of concentration of insulin and PMA.
184. Hepatic insulin sensitizing substance ( HISS ), plays an important role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance.
184. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
185. Biotech entrepreneur Living Cell Technologies Ltd (LCT) wants to transfer cells from the pancreas of pigs to produce insulin in type-1 diabetes sufferers.
186. OBJECTIVE To synthesize and test the insulin sensitizing activities of some 1, 3 - dicabonyl derivatives.
187. Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of insulin glargine, acarbose and benazepril in the combined treatment of early-stage diabetic nephropathy(DN) in type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM).
188. Objective: To establish a method of detecting anti-insulin receptor antibodies of serum and study the relationship between anti-insulin receptor antibody and insulin resistance.
189. Pregnancy is associated with relative carbohydrate intolerance and insulin resistance.
190. Amylin can inhibit insulin releasing, increase the plasma level of free fat acid ( FFA ).
191. Objective To explore the prevention of hypoglycemia and hypoglycemic symptoms during the therapy of diabetes ketoacidosis(DKA) with low-dose insulin.
192. The insulin composition is one of way of treating operative incision disunion of diabetes patients.
193. This study examined the effects of oral insulin on the changes of concentrations of insulin in plasma and the functional development of glycometabolism in new born normal piglets and IUGR piglets.
194. AIM To explore the relationship between serum insulin-like growth factor I(IGF-I) and metabolic syndrome(MS), insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia.
195. Activated-AMPK plays important roles in increasing glucose uptake in skeletal muscle cells, increasing fatty acid oxidation, improving insulin sensitivity and regulating gene transcription.
196. "The variation we see in insulin secretion in humans and susceptibility to diabetes is likely related to this clock mechanism, " said Bass, an endocrinologist trained in molecular genetics.
197. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that milrinone impaires the abilities of insulin to suppress lipolysis and HGP, and insulin-mediated glucose utilization in peripheral tissue.
198. Objective To assess the efficacy of Shuang-huang boracic acid mixture and insulin in the treatment of diabetic wound surface.
199. Objective:To realize the effect of insulin pump therapy on secondary failure-to sulfonylureas in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
200. Does Shenyang where have the insulin that sells a Hua Dongbao production?
201. Insulin glargine is approved for once - a - day dosage by subcutaneous injection ( injection under the skin ).
202. Conclusion Serum APN, TNF - α level is significantly correlated with insulin resistance.
203. To study the effect of indomethacin on insulin sensitivity and glycometabolism.
204. Synthesize adipose insulin alone only, in the late evening excretive is more.
205. This article reviewed the function of insulin signal transduction disorder in the development of insulin resistance.
206. The supposed mechanism that increases stillbirth and congenital anomaly rate includes insulin resistance and impending or undiagnosed diabetes.
207. Insulin or insulin secretagogue treatment of diabetes mellitus is the most common cause of hypoglycemia.
208. Objective To discuss further scientific, brief and applied Math Judgment Method about the Function of Pancreas B-cell and Insulin Resistance.
209. This an insulin spike and allow greater absorption of the creatine ( So more is stored ) .
210. In contrast, no significant changes in insulin resistance parameters were observed after transdermal estrogen, except for a decrease in the glucose-insulin resistance ratio.
211. Lightening skin pigmentation was found after treatment with phlebotomy, chelating agent and regular insulin injection for 16 months. We herein present this case and review the literature.
212. Conclusion Obesity (BMI), serum level of leptin and pubertal development were independent risk factors for insulin resistance in children aged 7 to 17 years.
213. It was confirmed that the synthesis of lipoylbenzotriazole was successful by its modification reaction with insulin, and lipoylbenzotriazole showed a high reaction activity as an acylating agent.
214. The hormone is called insulin - like growth factor , or IGF - one.
214. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
215. ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of glucose and insulin on the synthesis and secretion of adrenomedullin (ADM) by rat aortas in vitro.
216. As body mass index rose, so follicular fluid levels of insulin, lactate, triglycerides, and C - reactive protein.
217. China was the first country in the world to synthesize crystalline insulin, a bioactive protein.
218. Conclusion: Obese acanthosis nigricans is usually associated with insulin resistance, so these patients will be detected the levels of blood insulin and glucose and receive the corret therapy.
219. The device, possibly implanted under the skin, would monitor blood - sugar levels, then release insulin as needed.
220. Conclusion: anti-insulin receptor antibodies could have resulted in insulin resistance.
221. Objective To investigate the relationship between the sensorineural hearing loss and autoimmune Diabetes mellitus insulin autoantibodies.
222. Objective : To study the relationship between cholelithiasis and some factors correlated with insulin resistance.
223. Conclusion Expression clone of human insulin mutant is successfully constructed.
224. Insulin is one metabolism accelerant. It can improve the metabolic level of cell and tissue.
225. Main Outcome Measures: Glucose, insulin, proinsulin, glucagon, GIP and GLP-1 levels were measured after 50 gr oral glucose.
226. Objective To explore the effects of insulin in preventing and curing stomach esophagus stomal fistula.
227. And the saturated fat in red meat contributes to insulin resistance.
228. Conclusion: The recombinant human insulin gene could regulate the insulin secretion with the increase of glucose concentration in vitro.
229. Objective: To explore the mechanism of vanadate in improving the insulin resistance and glucose metabolism disorder after severe scalding in rats.
230. The application to rats of recombinant human insulin gene retroviral vector plasmid mutated in three place with physiological regulatory element constructed by us was safe.
231. Eating high - GI foods triggers a rapid and sustained increase in blood glucose and insulin demand.
232. OSAS patients often had complications of angiocardiopathy, gastroesophageal reflux, insulin resistance and disfunction of kidney, etc.
233. Overall, hypoglycemia episodes were 7% less likely with long-acting insulin preparations. In terms of severe and nocturnal episodes, such preparations cut the risks by 27% and 30%, respectively.
234. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a heterogeneity dysfunction disease with unclear pathogeny. Its main manifestation are sterility, obesity, hyperlipemia, insulin resistance, high hemocrinia.
235. Below normal circumstance, insulin is contained about in insulin of excretive of cell of pancreas islet B former 5% .
236. Insulin helps the body process blood sugar (glucose), and those with type 2 diabetes have a deficiency of insulin or a resistance to its effects. More than 7 million people in the U.
237. The insulin sensitivity of animal models was quantified by insulin tolerance test, glucose tolerance test and gluconeogenesis test, etc.
238. The medicine blocks the degradation of incretin hormones that are released in the digestive tact in response to food, and mediate glucose-dependent insulin secretion.
239. Previous research, which Diabetes UK reported on last year, also claimed that naringenin could prevent weight gain and balance glucose and insulin levels.
240. The results indicated that SOS, BUA and STI in diabetic groups were all lower than those in normal group. This phenomenon was most obvious in insulin hyposecretion group.
241. Objective To investigate the relationship and changes between insulin resistance and serum resistin, leptin, lipid, and bone metabolism in type 2 diabetic patients with obesity.
242. I got my insulin , all right, but they broke all the damn needles.
243. Insulin stimulates the translocation of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT-4) from intracellular GLUT-4 storage vesicles (GSV) to cell membrane in striated muscles and adipose tissue.
244. Insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia are seen commonly in women with PCOS.
245. The first protein to have its sequence of amino acids determined was insulin.
246. Objectives:To study the value of the phosphorylated isoforms of insulin like growth factor binding protein-1(IGFBP-1) in cervicovaginal secretions in prediction of preterm labor.
247. The incretin effect was measured as the difference in insulin levels in response to oral and to an isoglycemic iv glucose load.
248. It is conceivable that other phenol-like molecules could also be used to enhance the stability of the hexameter in solution, leading to range of insulin preparations of increased stability.
249. To observe the effect of combination therapy of acarbose and Liuwei Nengxiao capsule (LWNXC) in improving senile postprandial hyperglycemia and insulin sensitivity.
250. Animals genetically altered in a way that limited their synthesis of ceramide didn't become insulin resistant when taking the drug as normal animals did.
251. There were anti - insulin receptor antibodies in 3 of 26 diabetes mellitus.
252. Insulin is secreted by special cells in the pancreas when a person eats.
253. Objective To determine the effect of VPA on glycometabolism in children with epilepsy by observing the change of weight, BMI, blood glucose, insulin and insulin resistance(IR) after VPA mono-therapy.
254. Combining insulin with metformin or an insulin secretagogue in non-obese patients with type 2 diabetes: 12 month, randomised, double blind trial.
255. The cell that the target cell of insulin action basically has liver cell, adipose cell, muscle cell, blood cell, lung and kidney, spermary cell.
256. Objective To study the PHF activity in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and its relation with insulin resistance.
257. In type 2 diabetes, the incretin levels are decreased, contributing to insulin deficiency and high blood sugar.




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