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单词 On the basis of
1 Don't evaluate a person on the basis of appearance.
2 She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualifications and ideas.
3 Scholarships are given solely on the basis of financial need.
4 Benefit is calculated on the basis of average weekly earnings.
5 We do not try to fine-tune the economy on the basis of short-term predictions.
6 On the basis of evidence we deduced that he was guilty.
7 We do not differentiate between our workers on the basis of their background or ethnic origin.
8 On the basis of the five principles for peaceful coexistence there can be reasonable dialogue between any two governments.
9 It was found that the company still discriminated on the basis of race in promotions.
10 The two men were convicted on the basis of some highly suspect evidence.
11 It is possible to make a hypothesis on the basis of this graph.
12 They convicted the wrong man on the basis of a signed confession with no corroborative evidence.
13 This estimate was made on the basis of outdated figures.
14 Market researchers often segment the population on the basis of age and social class.
15 Decisions could be made on the basis of price, delivery dates, after-sales service or any other variable.
16 The denunciation was made on the basis of second-hand information.
17 Any action on the basis of such fragmentary evidence would be foolish.
18 It's illegal to discriminate against people on the basis of sex.
19 McGregor must remain confined, on the basis of the medical reports we have received.
20 I think this government operates on the basis of expediency, not of principle.
21 The marriage on the basis of money is bound to break up.
22 We made our decision on the basis of the information we had.
23 People should not be stigmatized on the basis of race.
24 It's necessary to put the wages up on the basis of increasing production.
25 The council must proceed on the basis of the vote.
26 On the basis of my own observations, I should like to elucidate a few problems concerning the Soviet Union and China.
27 Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age or disability is not allowed.
28 All our activities are premised on the basis of 'Quality with Equality'.
29 Isn't this simply discrimination on the basis of handicap?
30 Aside from a thorough medical family history, there is no need to offer any genetic testing on the basis of consanguinity alone.
1 She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualifications and ideas.
2 Scholarships are given solely on the basis of financial need.
3 Benefit is calculated on the basis of average weekly earnings.
4 We do not try to fine-tune the economy on the basis of short-term predictions.
5 On the basis of evidence we deduced that he was guilty.
6 We do not differentiate between our workers on the basis of their background or ethnic origin.
7 On the basis of the five principles for peaceful coexistence there can be reasonable dialogue between any two governments.
31 Infants do not discriminate on the basis of age.
32 It is assessed on the basis of written assignments.
33 The militants say talks should be held under United Nations auspices in Geneva, on the basis of self-determination.
34 Among wild creatures rarity is a relative condition, not always determined on the basis of actual numbers.
35 The amino-acid sequences were aligned on the basis of structural superpositions.
36 More than that, on the basis of the growing catalogue of evidence,(http:///on the basis of.html) the worst news may be yet to come.
37 On the basis of a crude comparison it appears that the prevalence of known opioid use has decreased by up to 400 cases.
38 The provinces are drawn on the basis of radioactive ages.
39 On the basis of many types of psychological testing of individuals, the researchers characterized a personality syndrome they termed authoritarianism.
40 She gave up trying to analyse Guy Sterne's character on the basis of his bookshelves.
41 The great cantors developed their own special variations on the liturgy, largely on the basis of folk tradition.
42 Segregation on the basis of race is a denial of equal protection in violation of the Constitution. 38a.
43 Of the total seats, 75 are filled by direct election and 25 on the basis of proportional representation.
44 The diagnosis is made on the basis of one or more of the following: 1.
45 As such, it is alleged that it is appropriate to be dealt with on the basis of qualified majority voting.
46 But perhaps we can waive our definitions and come to an understanding on the basis of an adjustment in the rent.
47 However, the market is highly specialised and it is important to operate only on the basis of sound advice.
48 Bouguer anomalies include a correction for altitude but only on the basis of an average crustal density.
49 It is channelled through the Research Councils which will allocate it on the basis of the projects submitted to them.
50 On the basis of their experiences, the Hamiltons have a number of suggestions for creating high-quality apprenticeship programs.
51 Student performance will be judged on the basis of degree examination results, thesis and continuous assessment, following current University regulations.
52 Consumer markets are usually segmented on the basis of geography, demography and buyer-behaviour.
53 Again they heard the allegations against them on the basis of which their children had been taken away.
54 The third segment might look very like a and be assigned a high score on the basis of its acoustic-phonetic features.
55 Usually the file clerk hands out material on the basis of time and topic.
56 It seems as though Strachan and Sterland have got their shirts on the basis of length of service.
57 We shall see that decision-makers tend to reach decisions on the basis of bounded rationality.
58 Obviously he was calculating on the basis of marginal costs of running the car, but this is what all motorists do.
59 In 1994, Raddad was jailed for 18 years for Marchal's murder on the basis of circumstantial evidence.
60 Finally, morbidity rates can be calculated on the basis of data provided by national surveys of self-reported illness.
61 All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. So I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do the impossible. William Faulkner 
62 There was also a senior executive who gave the appearance of selecting successors on the basis of competency.
63 They are paid on the basis of their superiors' assessments of performance, as in the public sector.
64 On the basis of this Tack signed a conditional agreement to buy the bacon curing business.
65 The Marketing Mix may effectively be described and analysed on the basis of the Four P's.
66 And in the long run the improvisation of a constitutional structure on the basis of currently perceived utility will be disastrous.
67 No doctor would order surgery on the basis of a single test result,(http:///on the basis of.html) without corroborating clinical evidence.
68 The population figures estimated by Dolgikh on the basis of this survey have become widely accepted in the Soviet Union.
69 Spenser could consider himself a gentleman only on the basis of having been to university and acquired a Master of Arts degree.
70 If I stay within conventional bounds I will create a self on the basis of what is offered me.
71 In some councils certain key administrative officers are appointed on the basis of their political sympathies.
72 Other members of the Court affirm on the basis of their reading of certain statutes.
73 Indeed, what is observed is quite inexplicable on the basis of classical theory.
74 A territory is normally allocated on the basis of workload and/or potential sales.
75 But the official said the quota had been determined on the basis of current banana consumption.
76 Validity can therefore be assessed only on the basis of the items which are included.
77 In addition, she allegedly claimed an earned income credit of $ 323 on the basis of his fictional dependent.
78 Another method is to allocate the total costs over the two years on the basis of work invoiced.
79 If you have reservations only accept orders on the basis of cash on delivery.
80 Both say they were convicted on the basis of fabricated confessions.
81 On the basis of their comments about their jobs, the women were assessed as satisfied or dissatisfied with employment work.
82 It can be drawn up on the basis of historic-cost book values, current-cost book values or market values.
83 That tentative conclusion probably is as far as one can go on the basis of empirical evidence.
84 Federal law forbids discrimination on the basis of race, sex, or color.
85 The employer is only allowed to discriminate on the basis of personal merit and suitability for the job.
86 Assessment is by coursework; dissertation work is carried out and supervised on the basis of individual interests.
87 The traditional approach to the training and selection of headteachers has been on the basis of technical competence reinforced by practical experience.
88 The fact is that the hon. Gentleman can not support his assertions on the basis of the available evidence.
89 Damages are assessed on the basis of the damage naturally arising from the breach and in the contemplation of the parties.
90 It could never take regulatory action on the basis of a criticism or a complaint alone.
91 Many had planned future campaigns on the basis of sustained growth.
92 This is allocated between local authorities on the basis of their population and a complex formula.
93 He must distinguish snakes from eels, tortoises from armadillos, on the basis of the bones presented to him.
94 She complained to an industrial tribunal alleging discrimination on the basis of the age range specified and she was successful.
95 Payments are calculated on the basis of the worker's age, length of continuous service,(http://) and pay.
96 A presumptive diagnosis of gout can often be made on the basis of hyperuricemia and the clinical presentation.
97 The total is then distributed among local authorities on the basis of the number of people listed on the Poll Tax register.
98 It is so much easier to conform to arbitrary rules imposed by some one else on the basis of age.
99 Bowling lanes are allocated on the basis of games rather than time.
100 The President would be elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a five-year term.
101 Most employers require inspectors to have a high school diploma or equivalent even when they qualify on the basis of experience.
102 Never allow your mind to wander untamed like a wild animal that exists on the basis of survival of the fittest. Tame your mind with consistent focus on your goals and desires. Stephen Richards 
103 They frequently discriminate on the basis of race, religion or national origin.
104 In the bottom-up approach, investment analysts produce earnings forecasts on the basis of detailed research into the firm's activities.
105 As enacted in 1974, the formula allocated funds on the basis of three elements-population, overcrowded housing, and poverty.
106 Confidence intervals for these were calculated on the basis of the associated binomial probability.
107 The assessment is riddled with judgements made on the basis of professional experience or political choice.
108 The government calculated its figures on the basis of the growth rate of consumer prices on an annual basis.
109 Appointments are rarely made on the basis of professional or technical competence alone.
110 On the basis of their canonical nucleotide sequences they can be classified as group I introns.
111 They chose each other carefully before leaving college on the basis of previously existing friendship.
112 Scepticism is dogmatic when assent is withheld on the basis of prior conviction without considering the evidence.
113 Can we use a shape difference measure to classify the axes into groups of similar types on the basis of their shapes?
114 Employers are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of race or sex.
115 Regional banding could not be agreed to simply on the basis of national wage bargaining.
116 Negative assurance may be expressed as a result of review work, on the basis of inquiry and analytical procedures.
117 People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive. Blaise Pascal 
118 Collective deliberation on the basis of choices served up by the official machine go against Mrs Thatcher's personal grain.
119 Contributions are determined by qualified actuaries on the basis of periodic valuations using the projected unit method.
120 We live in a highly credentialed society that can only assess people on the basis of pieces of paper.
121 These groups were selected on the basis of their annual sales and total assets.
122 The question then is to decide on the basis of observation whether further action is appropriate.
123 It is particularly concerned that assessments should not falsely accuse parents and families on the basis of unproven diagnostic and predictive techniques.
124 A valuer who knows what he is doing will value on the basis of one key criterion: available future cash flow.
125 The Labour party approaches all economic matters on the basis of the new wonderful world of cost-free pay.
126 On the basis of available facts,(http://) the Mandelas' cult following in international political circles seems inexplicable.
127 It is important to appropriately balance these risks on the basis of adequate information.
128 They picked rulers on the basis of achievement, not birthright.
129 This usually comprises coursework on the basis of a formal curriculum consisting of lectures and practical work.
130 June Sheppard did not make a direct correlation between waste vills and regular plans on the basis of the limited evidence available.
131 It was therefore not possible to predict, on the basis of patient characteristics, those who would develop cardiac arrhythmias.
132 The rest accepted the waste on the basis of the labelling on the containers or its consignment note.
133 She then told her husband so that he could decide on the course of treatment on the basis of accurate information.
134 Influenced by Darwin ? s Evolutionism, Nietzsche formed his cultural evolutionism on the basis of life philosophy.
135 Both systems analysis, programming, or system management must be based on the basis of data management.
136 On the basis of this concept, the noninterference model is extended to nondeterministic systems.
137 Popper interpreted the idea of his open society on the basis of criticizing closed society.
138 Differential velocity centrifugation Differentialcentrifugation separates the subcellular organelles on the basis of their size.
139 Kant founded self - discipline ethical philosophy on the basis of having criticized empiricism.
140 On the basis of the mohr - coulomb's theory, compacting mechanism of tamping is discussed.
141 Firstly, it elaborates why the plea bargaining is reasonable on the basis of value analysis.
142 The Double feedbacks is developed on the basis of the theories of cybernetics system.
143 SBYB - 465 K two - impeller torque converter is made on the basis of the improvements of existing converter designs.
144 Cytogenetics experiment teaching system is built on the basis of its experiment materials.
145 Non - curriculum - grade special education students and students with on the basis of actual need.
146 The reality of the neutrino had to be accepted on the basis of rather indirect evidence.
147 The black hole is a special celestial body, predicted on the basis of general relativity theory.
148 A vegetation analysis starts with the choice of stands on the basis of the reconnaissance.
149 Ad valorem duties are levied on the basis of the product's value.
150 Hua ( Man ) Sanliu is an elaboration on the basis of Sanliu.
151 On the basis of understanding allkinds of ceding techniques, the system choose DCT technique.
152 Wheat flour proteins classically divided into albumins , globulins , gliadins, glutenins on the basis of differential solubility.
153 New York Stock Exchange on the basis of material stocks and energy stocks caused by pressure.
154 On the basis of analyzing the butterfly structure of trellis, complex branch metric calculation is simplified.
155 Then,(sentence dictionary) Several typical ATC calculating methods on the basis of determinable model are compared.
156 The emerging field may eventually classify individuals on the basis of their metabolic type, or metabolite.
157 Design multi - stage decimation system on the basis of Halfband filters and CIC filters.
158 Compensation should be chosen on the basis of amplifier bandwidth.
159 On the basis of microtome section theory, we get the hydrodynamic model.
160 CZJ - 1 - proton magnetometer is on ground proton on the basis of a well - developed magnetic measurement equipment.
161 The optimum space of square Helmholtz coil was evaluated on the basis of mathematic deduction.
162 The Fresnel integral can be computed on the basis of geometrical properties of Cornu spiral.
163 Risk for bipolar disorder can be defined on the basis of symptoms alone.
164 On the basis of that , a photosensitive unit recognition method is proposed.
165 They promote or transfer employees on the basis of seniority.
166 Space rendezvous and docking station is built on the basis of technology.
167 Compton scattering can't be understood on the basis of classical electromagnetic theory.
168 Finally, on the basis of factor analysis we give suggestions from macroscopic and microscopic aspects.
169 A reverse engineering software prototype was developed on the basis of algorithmic research.
170 You cannot prove conclusively that Sellafield caused cancer. You can only work on the basis of probability.
171 All 60 seats will be elected on the basis of universal suffrage.
172 On the basis of experimental data, a database for cushioning package design was developed with Visual FoxPro.
173 Another important aspect of Chinese statecraft is recruitment of officials on the basis of examinations.
174 On the basis of analyzing sensor , a method of measuring projectile muzzle velocity is put forward.
175 Article 15 Doctors must prescribe psychotropic drugs on the basis of the actual need in treatment.
176 On the basis of this, supporting platform based on three - layer network architecture is developed.
177 Some measures for lightening the Rn harm are put forward on the basis of investigation results.
178 Possible stereochemical interpretations are made on the basis of thehemoglobin model constructed by Perutz et al.
179 Neertheless, the FDA approed Ketek entirely on the basis of noninferiority trials.
180 The trophic state in Hedi reservoir was evaluated on the basis of TSI and other methods.
181 ' secondly, hospital directors should be appointed mainly on the basis of open competition and competitive selection. ".
182 New forms of relativistic quantum mechanics are presented on the basis of amended de Broglie relation.
183 On the basis of it, a few advanced intellectuals contrived some elementary electoral system of China.
184 The motion error of the tripod universal joint is analyzed on the basis of kinematic analysis.
185 The classic Sanskrit literature flourished on the basis of the Vedic and Epic literature.
186 Nigeria also borrows heavily on the basis of future oil earnings.
187 What if the sale is made on the basis of sight draft?
188 Paraffin waxes are normally marketed on the basis of a melting - point test.
189 Basketball and throwing events were analyzed on the basis of parabola principles.
190 On the basis of this, design foreign trade feeder line adjustment strategy for GCT.
191 On the basis of coalescing this kind of element can separate oil from compressed air.
192 Objective : To evaluate the germplasm of Rehmannia glutinosa on the basis of photosynthetic pigment contents ( PPC ).
193 Our policy should rest on the basis of self - reliance.
194 The discovery well was drilled in 1927 on the basis of magnetic and torsion - balance surveys.
195 An XML parser is implemented on the basis of expat library.
196 On the basis of irrefutable evidence he was sent to jail.
197 On the basis of which the concept and types of coal metamorphism region was put forword.
198 We forecast the turnover on the basis of a 6 % price increase.
199 A muscle electric inducing apparatus on the basis of USB 2.0 was introduced.
200 Liverpool grew fat on the basis of the slave trade.
201 The intercept algorithm of ASAT is discussed on the basis of the optimization of the SRM.
202 A novel adsorbent was prepared on the basis of collagen fiber by cross - linking reaction of formaldehyde.
203 It would be risky to reach this conclusion on the basis of the gas thermometer alone.
204 Kailen is a new modified polyester fiber on the basis of polybutylene terephthalate fiber ( PBT ) .
205 The above - quoted prices are all on the basis of CIF Copenhagen net per metric ton.
206 Also, on the basis of this knowledge, chemical equilibria can be predicted theoretically with great accuracy.
207 On the basis of judicial practices, the basic theories and practices of subrogation system are discussed.
208 I was speaking on the basis of a legal contract, not a social contract.
209 The paper analyses absurdity in the novel Slaughterhouse - Five on the basis of the text - analysis and existentialism.




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