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单词 woman
释义 Word family  noun woman womanhood womankind womanizer womanizing womanliness adjective womanly womanish verb womanize  wom·an /ˈwʊmən/ ●●● S1 W1 noun (plural women /ˈwɪmɪn/)  1  female person 女性 [countable]WOMAN an adult female person 成年女子,妇女 I was talking to a woman I met on the flight. 我正和一个在飞机上认识的女子交谈。 married women 已婚妇女 a popular women’s magazine 一本受欢迎的女性杂志 When a woman is pregnant, the levels of hormones in her body change. 女人怀孕时,体内的荷尔蒙水平会发生变化。woman priest/doctor etc (=a priest etc who is a woman) 女牧师/女医生等 Ireland’s first woman president 爱尔兰的第一位女总统 women artists 女艺术家2  any woman 任何女人 [singular] formalWOMAN women in general 〔泛称〕女人 A woman’s work is never done (=used to say that women have a lot to do). 女人的活儿永远干不完。3  businesswoman/spokeswoman etc BOWOMANa woman who has a particular kind of job 女商人/女发言人等 Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher 国会女议员埃伦•陶舍尔4  another woman/the other woman informalGIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND a woman that a man is having a sexual relationship with, even though he is married to someone else 别的女人〔指已婚男人的情人〕 I’m sure he’s got another woman. 我敢肯定他有别的女人了。5. be your own woman INDEPENDENT PERSONto make your own decisions and be in charge of your own life, without depending on anyone else 独立自主,不依赖他人6  partner 伴侣 [singular] spokenGIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIENDMARRY a word meaning a wife or girlfriend, which many women find offensive 老婆;女朋友〔许多女性认为这具有冒犯性〕 Did he bring his new woman with him? 他带新女朋友来了吗? → kept woman7. form of address 称呼形式 [uncountable] old-fashioned not politeWOMAN a rude way of speaking to a woman when you are angry, annoyed etc 婆娘〔生气、恼怒等时对妇女的粗鲁称呼〕8. servant 佣人 [countable]DH a female servant or person who does cleaning work for you in your house 女佣,女仆 → cleaner, daily help → old woman, → make an honest woman (out) of somebody at honest(8), → be a woman of the world at world1(21) THESAURUSwoman a female adult person 成年女子,妇女a young woman with dark brown hair 一个深褐色头发的年轻女子lady a polite word for a woman – used especially when you do not know the woman, or when the person you are talking to does not know the woman 女士,夫人,小姐〔礼貌称呼,尤用于称呼或谈及不认识的女子〕A glass of white wine please, for this lady here. 请给这位女士来杯白葡萄酒。The young lady stood up and shook my hand. 那位年轻女士站起来和我握手。girl a young female person – usually used about someone younger than about twenty 女孩,姑娘〔通常用于年龄约在20岁以下的年轻女子〕a very pretty girl 很漂亮的女孩teenage girls 少女female formal a woman – used especially when you are giving information about women, for example in formal surveys and reports 女性,女人〔尤用于正式调查、报告等提供有关女性的信息时〕Females account for 46% of Internet users. 因特网用户中女性占46%。relating to women 与女性有关的female relating to women or girls 女性的female voters 女性选民Advertisers try to sell things by using images of the female body. 广告商试图利用女性的身体形象来推销商品。feminine used about qualities that are considered to be typical of women 有女性气质的,具女性特征的You must not cry or show any other feminine weakness. 你不可以哭,也不可以表现出任何其他的女性弱点。the ideal of feminine beauty 女性美的完美典型womanly behaving, dressing etc in a way that is thought to be typical of or suitable for a woman – used to show approval 有女子气质的,有女人味的her womanly figure 她富于女性美的形体the womanly virtues of compassion and patience 有同情心和耐心的女性美德girly/girlie informal behaving or dressing in a way that is thought to be typical of young girls, or suitable for a girl – often used disapprovingly 女孩子气的〔常含贬义〕Stop being so girly! It's only a mouse! 别这么女孩子气!那只是只老鼠!a very girlie pink dress 很女孩气的粉红色连衣裙effeminate disapproving a man who is effeminate looks or behaves like a woman 〔男子〕女人气的,女性化的His long blonde hair made him look rather effeminate. 他长长的金发使他看上去很女人气。a pale effeminate-looking young man 一个面色苍白、女里女气的青年男子Examples from the Corpuswoman• women's clothes• Women drivers tend to be much more careful than men.• What can a woman do when she can't trust her best friend?• And women go through a monthly pain cycle.• Could a man who deserted his wife and child for another woman get off free without scars?• Rebecca Stephens was the first British woman to climb Mount Everest.• an exciting new collection of short stories by women writers• Mrs Thatcher was Britain's first woman prime minister.• All participants were new sales and marketing managers, fourteen men and five women.• Who was the dark-haired woman you were talking to?• Not long ago, the Church of England voted to ordain women priests.• Some women work because, having reduced responsibilities and ties, they have more spare time and freedom.• Who's that woman you were talking to just now?• In some African countries, the women do most of the agricultural work.• But this woman was nothing like her.woman priest/doctor etc• One such male priest conducted a ritual of purification of a church after a woman priest had celebrated Mass there.• Is it worse than being a woman doctor?• I think they should tell people if they are going to see a woman doctor.• The Oxford Diocese overwhelmingly endorsed women priests in a poll last year.• Woman vicar death threat HATE-mail threats to decapitate a leading activist for women priests are being treated seriously by police.• When girls come here and meet women doctors, it may make all the difference for them.• Programme S.TDY 6:30 27/10/93 Episcopalians in a moral dilemma over the appointment of woman priests.• A decision on the ordination of women priests will be taken by the General Synod in November.nWoman trademark  na British weekly magazine for women, especially popular with married women who have familiesOrigin woman Old English wifman, from wif ( → WIFE) + man “person”wom·an noun →THESAURUS1WomanLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  an Corpus female person adult




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