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单词 subnormal
释义  sub·nor·mal /ˌsʌbˈnɔːməl◂ $ -ˈnɔːr-/ adjective technical  LESSless or lower than normal 比正常少的,低于正常的 subnormal temperatures 低于正常的温度Examples from the Corpussubnormal• I forgave him for the many occasions on which he had unthinkingly made me feel mentally subnormal.• More than half the total number were categorized as educationally subnormal.• The authorities treat the children as subnormal.• A great deal hangs upon the species difference, the human capacity of the less subnormal, and the potentiality of normal infants.• It provides special education, as noted in Chapter 4, for educationally subnormal children and for those previously described as ineducable.• Consent can not be given by a child, for example, or by a severely subnormal individual.• It is unclear what standard of consent should be employed with respect to children or those of subnormal intelligence.sub·nor·mal adjectiveChineseSyllable  than Corpus lower normal or less




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