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单词 Stitches
1. He had to have 10 stitches in his head.
2. The knitting should be 120 stitches wide.
3. The cut in my hand needed five stitches.
4. She sewed the seam with small neat stitches.
5. The dress was sewn with small stitches.
6. Knit the next two stitches together to make the garment narrower.
7. He had six stitches in a head wound.
8. Her mother counted the stitches on her knitting needles.
9. When are you having your stitches out?
10. I'm having my stitches out today.
11. Try to keep your stitches absolutely even.
12. She had the stitches taken out of the wound.
13. Her head wounds needed 50 stitches.
14. The play had us in stitches.
15. Here's a book that will have you in stitches.
16. Her jokes had us all in stitches.
17. Her dress was beautifully tucked with tiny stitches.
18. The cut needed eight stitches.
19. Try to keep the stitches small and straight.
20. You can see the pricks where the stitches were.
21. He had twenty stitches in a head wound.
22. I had six stitches in my foot after the accident.
23. It's very difficult to pick up dropped stitches in this pattern.
24. He needed 200 stitches after being attacked with a broken bottle.
25. Cast off four stitches.
26. Cast on seventy-six stitches and work two inches of plain stitch.
27. Secure the two pieces together with a couple of stitches.
28. He got hit with a broken bottle and needed five stitches in his cheek.
29. Jane's such a scream - her jokes have me in stitches.
30. At the end of the row, bind off seven stitches.
1. He had to have 10 stitches in his head.
2. The knitting should be 120 stitches wide.
3. She sewed the seam with small neat stitches.
4. The dress was sewn with small stitches.
5. Knit the next two stitches together to make the garment narrower.
6. Secure the two pieces together with a couple of stitches.
7. She had the stitches taken out of the wound.
8. At the end of the row, bind off seven stitches.
9. Join the blue wool onto the end of the gold pattern and work the same stitches into the back.
10. Join the blue wool on the end of the gold pattern and work the same stitches into the back.
11. Gather the waist in a little more with fine stitches.
31. At the end of the row, cast off seven stitches.
32. The scar is closing up nicely - it'll soon be time to take the stitches out.
33. Join the blue wool onto the end of the gold pattern and work the same stitches into the back.
34. I had to have five stitches when I cut my finger.
35. Purl and plain are the two main stitches in knitting.
36. Join the blue wool on the end of the gold pattern and work the same stitches into the back.
37. She remained po-faced all evening, even when the rest of us were in stitches at Bob's jokes.
38. I fondly imagined that surgery meant a few stitches and an overnight stay in hospital.
39. Gather the waist in a little more with fine stitches.
40. Gedge played the concert with stitches in his behind.
41. His son required hundreds of stitches.
42. Crossing chunky needles to transfer stitches just isn't possible.
43. But I drop stitches, I find.
44. Your swatch was 30 stitches to 10 centimetres.
45. The sight of him also had her in stitches.
46. The wound was deep and needed eighteen stitches.
47. The 250 stitches Stephen Thomas required have now been removed, but both physical and mental scars remain.
48. Alternatively, stripes on the body of the garment can be combined with a central woven panel using several different stitches.
49. After knitting the welt, transfer all the stitches to the main bed.
50. Knit together the first two stitches but only knit three stitches before you do the next knit two together.
51. Tuck stitch has a tendency to drop stitches and the tuck brushes are there to prevent this.
52. Miles and Casey needed stitches in facial gashes in a bruising contest and Lucas suffered a suspected broken arm.
53. The gilding was flaking off a clumsy clasp and some stitches had broken on the handle, leaving it frayed and shabby.
54. This clever device produces a parallel double row on one side and a single row of zigzag stitches on the other.
55. It consists mainly of a diagram of the shape, plus figures that tell you about the sizes, stitches and rows.
56. Work out how many buttonholes you need, allowing three stitches at each end of the band. 5.
57. He was a brilliant raconteur, with a wicked wit and a razor tongue, and he had them all in stitches.
58. He lost four pints of blood and required 17 stitches.
59. Apparently a Bull terrier needed six stitches after being attacked by a large pike as it chased a stick.
60. Once you have stocking stitch between simple lace strips you can transfer the stocking stitches to make a narrow cable pattern also.
61. Sandstrom needed 10 stitches to close a cut on his forehead.
62. Again cast on in full needle rib then transfer the stitches according to the diagram.
63. Mannie Pratt would have the bar in stitches doing an imitation of him.
64. With a sewing machine and polyester thread to match the garment, set two rows of straight stitches by the tacking stitches.
65. This allowed four stitches between hedgehogs if they were knitted as a band or series of bands on a sweater.
66. Cast on, transfer edge stitches and knit a few rows.
67. Tuck and slip are both textured stitches, where usually the purl side is the right side.
68. He was hospitalised and needed 28 stitches to a leg wound.
69. Two hundred and fifty stitches for street fight victim Prostite murder.
70. This means that to obtain the same measurement for height and width the proportion of stitches to rows will be different.
71. Continue in this way across the bed, leaving stitches on the needles as you crochet.
71. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
72. His face was full technicolour with red and black the predominant hues, with stitches over one eye and underneath the other.
73. Several stitches at the edge of her eye, and a broken wrist.
74. The needles for the stitches which will be knitted with colour one from the main yarn feed.
75. He suffered a broken leg, a displaced ankle and lacerations to his head which required five stitches.
76. Put the side levers to O, conveying the message that you now want all the stitches to knit.
77. You can't knit such complex patterns this way, but you're not limited to 24 stitches.
78. This makes the pattern more pronounced and the distortion of the stitches within the fabric greater.
79. With a pair of sharp scissors cut round just above the machine stitches.
80. By way of taking lessons in sewing, I have often examined your stitches in my work bag.
81. The seam of the shirt was straight and the stitches tight and regular.
82. It was a blur, his crying, just like when you go to a hospital to get stitches.
83. One elderly woman needed 19 stitches to a head wound after being covered in glass.
84. Nakki caught me frowning at those stitches and pulled her lips tight to stop herself from smiling.
85. Remove the stitches from the standard gauge machine with the garter bar and replace them on the chunky machine.
86. The lace carriage is going to transfer the selected stitches and the main carriage is going to knit them.
87. Tracer laid stitches across the sky: the bombers still in formation were firing long shots at him.
88. Pick up the second edge of the band keeping the stitches in the hooks again, then knit them through. 11.
89. She found a similar cushion hanging in front of her place, sewn in neat wool stitches.
90. You will need to decrease across the cable stitches before shaping the shoulder to prevent a fluted edge.
91. Those stitches that were on the selected needles have been transferred to the needle on the left.
92. If you try to move the carriage too lightly or too quickly you might not transfer the stitches firmly enough.
93. Bring 15 stitches at both side edges to E holding position.
94. The dresses were secured at either one or both shoulders, with brooches, pins or possibly stitches.
95. If it doesn't want to do something it will refuse to, probably by dropping stitches or jamming the carriage.
96. Anthony Jones needed 100 stitches to his face, arm and leg.
97. This prevents any stitches becoming snagged and broken causing the filling to shift from its proper place.
98. It can't be used, for example, for casting off a few stitches at the armhole.
99. In the bright early pages, the author stitches life and secret life exuberantly though sometimes roughly together.
100. Picture by Brendan O'Sullivan Few of us get through childhood without a broken bone or a few stitches.
101. You will find that the stitches do not knit cleanly off and you will get patches of bad knitting.
102. Next row: Knit the first two stitches of the row together.
103. Cast off stitches 2,3,4, and 5. Knit stitch 6 by hand.
104. This is the method used to cross two or more sets of stitches during knitting to form rope-like patterns.
105. Repeat from * until the remaining stitches are in working position.
106. I did need a few stitches, but frequent use of the bidet helped fast healing.
107. I have found that transferring too many stitches sometimes results in stitches being dropped.
108. Possibly she had pulled her stitches, or had developed an infection in them.
109. Leonora counted stitches for a moment, then let her eyes stray over Penry Vaughan's magnificent physique.
110. Not only did I have loops at the edge, but seven or eight stitches actually leapt off the needles.
111. Police said the severely-shocked horse suffered three deep wounds which needed stitches.
112. Transfer all the stitches to the main bed, placing two stitches on alternate needles.
113. The officer later detained the man after a struggle,() but needed ten stitches to the wound.
114. The Toronto Sun reported that she received two stitches, but neither the Rangers nor the hospital would confirm that.
115. As before this simply tells you in which direction to move the lace carriage to transfer the selected stitches.
116. Mr Taylor was taken to Middlesbrough General Hospital where he received seven stitches to his nose.
117. And his own unique brand of droll self-mockery had his audiences in stitches.
118. The shoemaker was threading stitches through tiny holes he had punched in the leather.
119. That is all it does, once the stitches have been transferred, the main carriage will knit the row.
120. Surgeons had to put three stitches in a deep wound in his shoulder.
121. I was allowed no anaesthetic because I was so drunk, but felt nothing of the emergency dental surgery or stitches.
122. Transfer all stitches to the front bed, leave back bed needles in working position. 2.
123. The controls are set to knit alternate stitches on every row.
124. The evening cape illustrated in Figure 1 is straight piece of knitting, using 16 rows each of purl and plain stitches.
125. Seth had ploughed into the back of another van, earning himself a broken nose and twenty-five stitches in his face.
126. Transfer alternate stitches and knit two rows of stocking stitch throughout, always transferring in the same direction.
127. The stitches in B position will knit and those in E position will remain under the carriage.
128. I hear the rat-ta-ta-tat of the foot pedal, as she stitches along.
129. He was badly shaken and needed nine stitches in a head injury.
130. Steve's left ear was half-severed and he required more than 250 stitches in a 5-hour operation.
131. Using an Aran weight yarn cast on about 60 stitches.
132. It took forty-seven stitches to put that whippet back together but it lived.
133. She found a pair of nail scissors and cut the stitches.
134. One of the youths slashed him across the nose and he needed eight stitches in the wound.
135. Instead of regular shaping at the armhole edge(/stitches.html), the decreased stitches seem to be bolder and less frequent.
136. Use these 9 stitches from holly leaf for green parcels and scarf.
137. The final chapter - on whither the wedding cake - had this reviewer in helpless stitches.
138. Then again by hand, knit two tubular rows on these same eight stitches.
139. I also find it useful for patterns which have a lot of single stitches in them.
140. I continued knitting until I had about twenty centimetres, eight inches, and removed the stitches from the machine.
141. Now knit the next four stitches in the ordinary way.
142. These form open-fronted pockets, held by a run of stitches on their outer sides to a symmetrical pattern.
143. And making a fuss of me because they knew that my stitches had burst.
144. He managed to grab it; the stitches gave a better handhold.
145. In this situation I knit the joining rows by hand, making sure on the final row to knit using large stitches.
146. Once you have cast off several stitches, move the weight, so that it is actually hanging on the cast off edge.
147. Kelly needed five stitches in his head as a result and was kept in hospital for three days.
148. Use very small stitches to suture, otherwise an ugly scar may result.
149. In general, owners seem fascinated by the number of stitches their pets have after surgery.
150. Suppose you have 130 stitches cast on and you have knitted to where you want to start the neckline.
151. Then put the wool around the needle and pull the wool through both of the stitches.
152. There was no anesthesia, either, for the eighteen stitches it took to close all the wounds.
153. The comedian had us in stitches.
154. The wound was closed with fourteen stitches.
155. Sylvester: I was in stitches during Rush Hour 2.
156. The surgeon closed the incision with stitches.
157. When I grin, the stitches tauten.
158. You can use embroidery stitches for further decoration.
159. My nose seamed several needles, take out stitches when painful?
160. A knit stitch is one of the two basic stitches of which all your patterns are made from.
161. The hilarious comedian had us in stitches with her jokes.
162. The initial chain crochet stitch is the basis for all other crochet stitches.
163. Fix dropped stitches when knitting scarves by using a crochet hook.
164. The most common used of basting is continuously even stitches.
165. She kept dropping stitches.
166. Nem was sent to the emergency room where several stitches were put in.
167. The good thing about double crochet stitches is that there are holes everywhere.
168. The first one she did was knitting. But you get too many stitches on the needle.
169. Men say that a stitch in time saves nine,(http://) and so they take a thousand stitches today to save nine tomorrow.
170. Emily had to cast on extra stitches to make the pullover wide enough.
171. The shark clamped down his ankle while he was surfing south of the Daytona Beach. He has more stitches than the doctors could count.
172. Low neck cut, sleeveless blouse with smocking stitches and embroidered at sweep.
173. The stitches are neat.
174. What a shame such a shapely sash should such shabby stitches show.
175. Apply one or few colors to print over stitches, patterns, images, words and lace can be applies.
176. Learn how to make a treble crochet stitch with expert tips and advice on crochet stitches in this free craft video series.
177. We were in stitches watching the antics of the chimpanzees at the zoo.
178. When she had knitted the twentieth row of stitches she bound off.
179. Cast on three stitches at each end of the next four rows.
180. What a shame such shapely sash should such shabby stitches show?
181. These are seam ripper , for ripping out unnecessary stitches and for opening machine - stitcjed buttonholes.
182. Place dropped stitches in knitting back on the needle properly with help from an experienced knitter in this free video on knitting.
183. Find out the effects of crocheting a beanie with various types of stitches in this free video.
184. English travelers kept their friends in stitches while describing this ridiculous Italian custom.
185. My tear duct was almost cut and I ended up with 7 stitches and I couldn't return to the game.
186. The stitch or 'bight' as it is usually called can also be altered to close or open out the stitches to the desired width and density.
187. Cast on seventy - eight stitches and work two inches of plain stitch.
187. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
188. She embroidered the cloth with a pattern in yellow and green stitches.
189. Wrap as for a knit stitch and draw the working yarn through both stitches to make one stitch which is now on the larger, right hand needle.
190. Bind off three stitches at the end of the row.
191. The doctor will take the stitches out of the wound tomorrow.
192. Cool! You know, everytime I watch it, I am in stitches.
193. I now have 20 stitches and 5 staples in my arm, no lunch, and a puking wife.




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