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单词 Childcare
1, What childcare facilities does your company offer?
2, Many working women rely on relatives for childcare.
3, Ideas on childcare may differ considerably between the parents.
4, The conversation revolved around childcare problems.
5, Private childcare is still too expensive for the average earner.
6, The lack of childcare provisions made it difficult for single mothers to get jobs.
7, The party's policy on childcare facilities has struck a responsive chord with women voters.
8, Problems with childcare remain the biggest barrier to women succeeding at work.
9, The Minister will have responsibility for coordinating childcare policy.
10, She had to shoulder the burden of childcare.
11, Organizing childcare for three small children is difficult.
12, Britain lags behind in the European childcare stakes.
13, She is trying to sort out childcare.
14, Employees regarded the childcare charges as penal.
15, Often there is no formally organized system of childcare.
16, The childcare issue has split the employers' group.
17, Without the adequate provision of childcare, many women who wish to work are unable to do so.
18, As a volunteer on the childcare project, I really saw life.
19, The high cost of childcare made returning to work economically impossible.
20, Lack of childcare provision can be a major obstacle for women wishing to work.
21, They may be able to help with childcare so that you can have a break.
22, Arranging childcare over the school holidays can be quite a conundrum for working parents.
23, Childcare was seen as women's work,(http:///childcare.html) and men disdained it.
24, People earning low wages will find it difficult to pay for childcare.
25, She has fought a one-woman campaign for ten years about the lack of childcare provision in the town.
26, He has spent the last two years working on a book about childcare.
27, The Government has tried to wriggle out of any responsibility for providing childcare for working parents.
28, The main thrust of her argument was that women are compromised by the demands of childcare.
29, I think more women would work if there were better childcare facilities .
30, Sexual equality will not be achieved until there is more provision for childcare.
1, What childcare facilities does your company offer?
2, Many working women rely on relatives for childcare.
3, Ideas on childcare may differ considerably between the parents.
4, The conversation revolved around childcare problems.
5, Private childcare is still too expensive for the average earner.
6, People earning low wages will find it difficult to pay for childcare.
7, The lack of childcare provisions made it difficult for single mothers to get jobs.
8, The party's policy on childcare facilities has struck a responsive chord with women voters.
9, She has fought a one-woman campaign for ten years about the lack of childcare provision in the town.
10, Problems with childcare remain the biggest barrier to women succeeding at work.
31, Childcare schemes take on an added importance at a time of national recession.
32, They are pushing on with their campaign for improved childcare facilities.
33, We had the luck to find good childcare quite quickly.
34, I'm afraid so far there have been more words than action on the matter of childcare provision.
35, Childcare facilities in Britain compare unfavourably with other European countries.
36, There had been much debate on the issue of childcare.
37, Leach has written many popular manuals on childcare.
38, Elaine brought up the issue of childcare.
39, Pressure is mounting for tax allowances on childcare.
40, The school offers after-hours childcare.
41, Women entering the workforce, poor childcare facilities, marrying too late, all are blamed.
42, And in the London area, we have introduced an information service to provide employees with advice on childcare options.
43, Advice on childcare for baby adopters may involve discussion on breastfeeding.
44, The building of new public housing has all but stopped education and childcare facilities are crumbling.
45, Most single mothers spend a large part of their earnings on childcare.
46, Three-fifths of this was spent on travel, tuition fees, exam and registration fees and childcare.
47, There were also innovations in childcare, community education and adult literacy.
48, We shall continue to encourage the development of childcare arrangements in the voluntary and independent sectors.
49, This is true particularly in regard to the financial burden of childcare, a subject I treat throughout this book.
49, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
50, What I mean is, women are vulnerable when they are housewives because they also have sole responsibility for childcare at home.
51, This flexible approach to arranging help for childcare has been adopted by several companies.
52, As far as childcare is concerned, professional women have to rely on paid care.
53, Lack of childcare provision was cited as a major obstacle for women who wish to participate in training and employment initiatives.
54, For years, parents and teachers have bemoaned the fact that we do not have a national childcare policy.
55, How much does it cost an employer to provide childcare facilities and what is the cheapest option?
56, Mortgage relief is available only up to £30,000 while childcare expenses can not be offset against tax.
57, Interviewees also voiced fears that the price of goods and services, like childcare, would rise.
58, The roles of both parents should be underwritten by proper parental leave and by universal and trusted childcare.
59, You can't pay for childcare without having a decent job.
60, Financial difficulties and childcare / domestic responsibilities, have been shown in other research on participation to be fundamental barriers.
61, Another frequent response is that additional, affordable childcare facilities are required.
62, The argument most often put forward against tax relief for childcare is that it would be extremely costly to the Exchequer.
63, This money would be used to provide education, job-training assistance, childcare and program administration beginning later this year.
64, The engineers are not cavalier in their attitude towards the women they employ to do part of their domestic work and childcare.
65, The second part clarifies when employers may obtain tax relief for the costs of providing childcare assistance for their employees.
66, Someone's put up a notice in the library offering childcare for $11 an hour.
67, His announcement at the annual conference of the Association of Children's Reporters in Peebles received an immediate welcome from childcare agencies.
68, Even women in well-paid jobs, who can afford childcare and domestic help, face a stark, all-or-nothing choice.
69, Employers who do not offer career breaks and childcare facilities may find themselves passed over in favour of employers who do.
70, There is no special leave for newlyweds and no childcare provision.
71, He also targeted the childcare industry, promising to step up inspection of the 40 percent of local facilities he called substandard.
72, Both partners shared childcare.
73, Assistance with childcare costs is offered by some forward-looking companies.
74, The Act requires childcare facilities to be registered to ensure that standards are maintained throughout the country.
75, The University Childcare Officer is also able to provide information about other childcare facilities in the local area.
76, For many mothers, one of the attractions of childcare in the workplace is the chance to be near their children.
77, It fails to provide the infrastructure for mothers' independence - shelter, childcare and jobs.
78, All employers who meet childcare costs can set these off against their liability for corporation tax.
79, Some reforms have been made in the regulation of childcare.
80, Chodorow hypothesizes that male involvement in childcare would change these patterns.
81, Of course, people earning low wages will have a difficult time paying for childcare.
82, Within six months, every local education authority will have to set targets for steadily increasing nursery and childcare services.
83, And we will act where a push by government is needed to stimulate the provision of childcare.
84, They all do exams, even if this is only the one in childcare.
85, Since we both worked, childcare might be a problem.
86, The cost of private childcare should be made tax-deductible.
87, Arrange childcare for younger children or pets.
88, Her duties included cooking and childcare for the baby.
89, The man was employed as a substitute childcare worker in the Dutch capital from February 2007, but he also advertised for work as a babysitter via the Internet.
90, Among other things the state provides universal tax-funded childcare, parental leave, health care, education (including university), retirement pensions and sick leave.
91, Males are now often encouraged to share childcare duties and financial responsibility for their families.
92, The medicines now under threat are for childcare, in the maternity departments, and for conditions such as cancer, epilepsy, haemophilia and thalassemia.
93, One example is what Americans call concierge services -- domestic help, childcare(http://), gardening and decorating.
94, Reason it rates: For the second year in a row, this software firm takes top honors for its many great perks, including an on-site gym and healthcare facility, as well as cheap childcare.
95, A key feature of living in the Balmoral Beach area, for example, is the ritual morning walk (or run) of the mothers, swapping news and arranging emergency childcare.
96, Britain has one of the worst records for state-run pre-school childcare in Western Europe.
97, The features of the and childcare center determine their the management importance.
98, We randomly selected 806 children under 6 years of age from 45 primary anganwadi (childcare) centres in Chandigarh, Punjab, India, that were chosen through multistage stratified random sampling.
99, A fifth of boys agreed with the that a career in childcare sounded interesting.
100, With backing from British Prime Minister David Cameron, Clegg condemned "Edwardian" attitudes to childcare and traditional family roles.
101, In duct unit for larger central HVAC systems. Ideal for office buildings, hospitals, schools, restaurants, nursing homes, childcare facilities, food packaging or handling facilities, etc.
102, A: Yes, childcare be provided for children under age 4.
103, She recommends offering more money to cover extra childcare or transportation expenses.
104, "Feminists are wrong to claim that men should do a larger share of the housework and childcare because on average, men and women already do the same number of hours of productive work, " Hakim said.
105, The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) doesn't necessarily provide workers with all the protection or time they need to be present for family members if childcare or eldercare becomes necessary.
106, The gap between the best and poorest childcare provision in the European Union has widened.
107, Most of her childcare experience comes from caring for her own family.
108, This comprises $24.7 billion in tangible costs which include out-of-pocket expenses, forgone wages or productivity and hospital and childcare protection costs.




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