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单词 Heinrich himmler
1. Heinrich Himmler was the chief architect of that nightmare, He shared Hitler's obsession with an Aryan master race, Together they manufactured the genocide of the Final Solution.
2. Heinrich Himmler -- der treue Heinrich -- had also deserted the sinking ship of state.
3. Heinrich Himmler, Germany's Minister of the Interior, designated the camp as the locus of the "final solution of the Jewish question in Europe."
4. In Germany, top Nazi official Heinrich Himmler commits suicide in the Allied custody, weeks after the Third Reich's fall in WWII.
5. Right-wing historians have claimed the planning for the murder of six million Jews was carried out by SS chief Heinrich Himmler.
6. But in 1937 the chimney - sweep law was revised by Heinrich Himmler, then the acting interior minister.
7. Before my death, I expel the former Reichsfuehrer of the S. S. and the Minister of Interior Heinrich Himmler from the party and from all his state offices.
8. The rewriting was supervised by the chief Nazi ideologist Alfred Rosenberg and Heinrich Himmler led the way in de-Christing Christmas.
9. At first glance, the neat lines and red rectangular sketches look like any number of typical plans, but chillingly they bear the handwritten initials H.H. - infamous SS chief Heinrich Himmler.




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