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单词 As a consequence
1 As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse.
2 lack of elegance as a consequence of pomposity.
3 Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with this chemical.
4 As a consequence of expansionism by some European countries, many ancient cultures have suffered.
5 As a consequence, fertility has been highly volatile.
6 Emissions have drastically been cut as a consequence.
7 As a consequence, they were sent home.
8 As a consequence the markets were distracted from fundamentals and concentrated instead on special situations and gossip.
9 As a consequence the recent decline in public spending on services, such as education, has gone virtually unchecked.
10 As a consequence, the balance between employee and employer will probably shift towards the employee.
11 As a consequence some have suffered irreversible damage to their health.
12 As a consequence, this junction in the rocks represents a huge gap in the record.
13 As a consequence, up-to-date ratings of quality will be made, department by department, across the spectrum of higher education.
14 As a consequence they typically occur in very small groups and males therefore mate with fewer females each year.
15 As a consequence this response breaks with the traditional obsession of the mainstream of corporate law scholarship.
16 As a consequence, Volunteers were not informed of a number of significant factors.
17 As a consequence, those figures became inspirational to other slaves who attempted to emulate them: the Richmond-Molyneux effect.
18 As a consequence of their different interpretations, they had different criteria for judging attainment.
19 As a consequence the equilibrium level of aggregate demand will fall.
20 This effect can be understood intuitively as a consequence of the perspective viewing of a surface from two slightly different positions.
21 As a consequence of this fact it is possible to delineate the proper role of the congregation in the eucharistic prayer.
22 As a consequence the houseworker stands indicted as the worst enemy the environment has.
23 As a consequence of the suggestion Laureen Williamson was approached and readily agreed to undertake the daunting task.
24 As a consequence, few of those involved in the training program had had any previous experience in the country.
25 The warning failed to sink in, and he got into trouble as a consequence.
26 Scientists think it unlikely that any species will actually become extinct as a consequence of the oil spill.
27 It inquires whether the conception of community has undergone any change as a consequence of the crowd phenomenon.
28 Realism is now out of fashion,[] in large part as a consequence of those silly semantic claims.
29 The Lydende Party vehemently opposed the committee chairperson, partly as a consequence of longstanding family feuds.
30 Nor will courts building upon Roe be likely to hand down erroneous decisions as a consequence.
1 As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse.
31 As a consequence he placed considerable emphasis in meeting the deadline for the submission of the self-assessment document.
32 People with identical opportunity sets make different decisions, because of differences in tastes, and as a consequence have different measured incomes.
33 As a consequence, private schools flourished, from the very expensive to the shantytown schools run by women in the slums.
34 In fact, we find tendencies toward both the conservation and the erosion of non-capitalist forms as a consequence of uneven development.
35 Suppliers are not being paid by Brent Walker head office and as a consequence are threatening to withhold their services.
36 As a consequence it has been possible, for over a century, to adopt two apparently quite contradictory positions simultaneously.
37 As a consequence of the above cases, it had often been implied that breach of any restrictive covenant would be irremediable.
38 As a consequence peat has been the market leader for the past forty years.
39 As a consequence it might have been present in the putative progenitors of mitochondria.
40 In summary, then, animals undoubtedly can modify their behaviour as a consequence of their experiences.
41 As a consequence, a large cheque which was presented against my account was returned unpaid.
42 This may arise as a consequence of an unsuccessful or ill-considered approach to a potential target.
43 As a consequence, Marcia has had to hire baby sitters.
44 Percapita consumer expenditure as a consequence had reached early 1960s levels at the end of 1982.
45 As a consequence, the government starts out with a legitimacy based on the will of the people.
46 As a consequence, greater emphasis has been placed upon encouraging locally-based regeneration, and especially upon a revival of small firms.
47 Small forest antelopes are selective feeders and, as a consequence, are solitary and monogamous.
48 As a consequence, we need to ask questions that help us to conduct a sociological analysis of teachers and teaching.
49 As a consequence there is no practical experience and no feedback to modify the approach in the design of subsequent estates.
50 As a consequence of this trend, defensive mergers took place to protect local oligopolies.
51 As a consequence, patients may feel a profound anorectal discomfort and have minor leaking.
52 The hon. Gentleman spoke with anxiety of the possibility of a rise in miners' wages as a consequence of this Bill.
53 As a consequence, only laboratories with immediate access to particle accelerators can carry out this sort of work.
54 As a consequence land has become unproductive as unpalatable weeds have replaced nutritious fodder.
55 As a consequence we seem to have entered a strongly conservative phase with an unmistakable emphasis on consumer rights.
56 The union withdrew its support; the women lost their case for unfair dismissal as a consequence.
57 As a consequence,[Sentence dictionary] a parent is unlikely to discover the identity of an informant if that person has requested confidentiality.
58 As a consequence women could until 1975 opt to pay a lower rate of national insurance and receive a lower retirement pension.
59 Trade, output, and employment suffered as a consequence on an international scale.
60 Mrs Thatcher was, of course, strongly identified with the tax and her personal popularity plummeted as a consequence.
61 Braverman believes that as a consequence of the changes outlined above the skills required of most routine white-collar workers are now minimal.
62 The consignors then shopped the piece around, and Washington dealer Guy Bush got a very good buy indeed as a consequence.
63 As a consequence, higher levels of output are predicted than under profit maximisation.
64 As a consequence, the volume of bank deposits has a minor influence on the general price level and total expenditure.
65 The Empress miscarried in April 1853 and as a consequence remained extremely unwell for months.
66 By the early 1960s, as a consequence, anticommunism had lost its cachet.
67 Already as a consequence of the war, half the children up to five years are short for their age due to malnutrition.
68 As a consequence, Bob Dole is not somebody that they have followed in his career.
69 As a consequence, the retail price of Freon has zoomed to $ 25 to $ 35 per pound.
70 Section 56 is breached by entering into an investment transaction in the course of or as a consequence of an unsolicited call.
71 What do you anticipate as a consequence of your present situation?
72 The influence of the trade unions has been weakened as a consequence of legislation, our economic circumstances, and demographic decline.
73 As a consequence there are, at present, serious obstacles to analysing directly the functional organization of the human brain.
74 To identify changes and trends in trade and consumer practices and as a consequence research and recommend appropriate enforcement/advisory techniques.
75 As a consequence, remarkably little action has been taken to stop a preventable disease.
76 The salute and stamp of boot on bare floor were smarter than normally as a consequence.
77 As a consequence, undergraduate teaching laboratories operated close to maximum capacity throughout the year.
78 As a consequence, the expected rise in capital-labor ratios did not occur.
79 It arose as a consequence of the Norman conquest and settlement of the Vale of Glamorgan in the early twelfth century.
80 As a consequence, abnormally high rates of spontaneous abortions among women coffee-harvesters have been recorded.
81 It may be that that individual does not function normally as a consequence of the sensory deprivation.
82 As a consequence, whatever the result the Dominions would be disappointed and disgruntled.
83 It came about not for economic reasons but as a consequence of complex political processes.
84 As a consequence, almost every economy benefited from rapid growth and high employment.
85 As a consequence, the goldsmiths' receipts began to circulate as generally acceptable means of payment.
86 The behaviour of the body as a whole will then emerge as a consequence of interactions of the parts.
87 Force of historical circumstances had dramatically reunited two friends temporarily disunited as a consequence of Cold War expediency.
88 A little variance in forecast numbers may be anticipated as a consequence.
89 As a consequence direct mortgage lending to owner occupiers increased sharply.
90 As a consequence type checking becomes undecidable.
91 As a consequence, their living standards were low.
92 As a consequence, principle of tariff concession arises out of the practice of liberalization.
93 This is viewed as a consequence of our inability to understand and treat a complex problem.
94 You are going to see what results as a consequence of this: the link of the oral drive is made to this amboceptor object.
95 I regret to inform you he died as a consequence of his injuries.
96 As a consequence, they cannot be used to determine whether bilateralism could lead to agricultural global free trade.
97 Biogenic amines are aliphatic, alicyclic or heterocyclic organic bases of low molecular mass, which arise as a consequence of metabolic processes in animal, plants and microorganisms.
98 As a consequence, second, the analyst does not present himself as a master that knows better than the analysand.
99 As a consequence, the psychological background behind his literary creation forever determines him as a hesitant romancer, a utopia-like romance experimentalist.
100 As a consequence of the above result , we have that implicative semilattices form an algebraic variety.
101 The Parental Care Model hypothesizes that endothermy is arisen as a consequence of selection for parental care because endothermy enables a parent to control incubation temperature.
102 As a consequence, newborn baby anteaters are often discarded by their parents.
103 The Chapman - Kirk method will become more intelligent , as a consequence of the present trcatment.
104 This material inversion excites irregular, and as a consequence passionate, concern.
105 As a consequence, the task of configuring a mobile device is getting even more complex.
106 And the more we can work together, the more our people will benefit and -- as I said before it sounds chauvinistic, but the more the world will benefit as a consequence of our cooperation.
107 In this paper, a new coincidence theorem for multivalued mappings of upper hemicontinuous is given. Some new fixed point theorems are obtained as a consequence of this coincidence theorem.
108 As a consequence, the generation that left Egypt was not allowed to enter the promised land.
109 Numerical solution shows the entanglement density depends on time varying sinusoidally about a cycle-averaged value that is regarded as a consequence of an equivalent steady shear rate.
110 This stagnant Japan myth put about as a consequence of some macroeconomic data and a rise in unemployment to levels that the United States would love, is journalistic puff-puff.
111 Unification of aim: survival and avoidance of the destruction hanging over your heads as a consequence of the machinations of psychopathy.
112 As a consequence, either additional credit has to be taken up, thus triggering constraints of exponential growth, or there will be a redistribution of income from debtors to lenders .
113 The oligohydramnios resulted from markedly diminished fetal urine output as a consequence of polycystic kidney disease.
114 This abdominal CT scan with contrast demonstrates right hydronephrosis and hydroureter as a consequence of ureteral obstruction.
115 As a consequence, the initial loading of an ArcExplorer project can result in long delays.
116 Thermodynamically speaking, this molecular ordering lowers the system's entropy,[http:///as a consequence.html] so the system compensates by heating up as a consequence of energy conservation.
117 Groundwater overexploitation rapidly reduced the water table and runoff as a consequence.
118 This new outlet came as a consequence of the development of a future town.
119 As a consequence we engaged in contingency planning that we felt would keep people safe.
120 As a consequence, diskettes are often used for off-line storage of information.
121 As a consequence large - scale afforestation schemes have been started to provide cheaper sources of wood.
122 As a consequence, global standards governing communicative competency have been strengthened by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) through its legal instruments.
123 As a consequence, in those moments in which the epiglottis does not have time to cover the trachea, we choke.
124 As a consequence, U. S. nuclear doctrine was based on the threat of " massive retaliation" to punish Russian adventurism in areas deemed vital to the West.
125 As a consequence, television broadcasters now need little more than half the spectrum they hogged before switching to digital transmission.
126 So, as a consequence, we're going to stick with the worst case analysis.
127 The right lung is atelectatic and floating in bloody fluid filling the right chest cavity as a consequence of trauma. This is a hemothorax.
127 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
128 As a consequence, seafarers are now subject to tight security regulations in port that have cut down on their right to shore leave and access to shore-based welfare services.
129 In this changing business environment, different demands are being placed on employees. As a consequence, the education system needs to change.
130 Many leukemic oncogenes form as a consequence of gene fusions or mutation that result in the activation or overexpression of a tyrosine kinase.
131 Suppose that the Update software stack scenario was not to include Step 8 anymore, as a consequence of a change in the process.
132 I'll speak to him to hear his intentions and then comport myself as a consequence.
133 As a consequence, the major halocarbon producing nations agreed to phase out production of CFCs, halons, and related compounds, a process that was completed in 1996.
134 As a consequence, they fell into the temptations predicted by Jesus and Paul when they warned against the deceitfulness of riches.
135 As a consequence, two equivalent formulations of the nonempty intersection theorem are obtained.
136 As a consequence, structured finance had remained a niche and highly bespoke practice throughout the 1990 s.
137 The clinical course that this individual experienced has, to our knowledge, never been seen as a consequence of exposure to adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors or naturally occurring AAV.
138 As a consequence of the transfer of shares, the Nordic Air Group would be subject to SEK 712 million for financial losses.
139 As a consequence, I have directed that an immediate appeal be taken to the Supreme Court of the United States.
140 Based on the definitions of generalized positive definite matrix, a further study of it is made in the present paper, and several new results are obtained as a consequence.
141 As a consequence, classicism in painting was quickly taken the place of by romanticism.
142 As a consequence of this irregularity, the Soundex is not particularly well suited to spell checking in the English language.
143 The markedly elevated phosphate levels, coupled with very low calcium levels, led us to conclude that the cause of death was cardiorespiratory failure as a consequence of phosphate overdose.




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