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单词 male menopause
释义  ˌmale ˈmenopause noun [singular]  SYa period in the middle of a man’s life when he sometimes feels anxious and unhappy because he is getting older – often used humorously 男性更年期〔常为幽默用法〕Examples from the Corpusmale menopause• My own diagnosis - male menopause with too much of the flesh pots - failed most miserably.• I am old, and cheap to insure as a motorcyclist - the classic early male menopause returner.• Maybe writer / director Michael Mann thought he was creating an existential male menopause movie masquerading as a cops-and-robbers drama.• Is this a sign of male menopause or what?• Her peer group was struggling with the male menopause, of course, but the sting of rejection had been no less sharp.ˌmale ˈmenopause nounChineseSyllable  the period a middle Corpus a in of




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