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单词 Blinded
1. His optimism blinded him to many problems.
2. He was blinded by the smoke.
3. His infatuation blinded him to her faults.
4. Blinded by the soap, he had to feel for his glasses.
5. She was blinded by the lights from an oncoming vehicle.
6. The explosion blinded her.
7. Her charm blinded me to her faults.
8. Her eyes were blinded by scalding tears.
9. The glare of the headlights almost blinded us.
10. Her love for him blinded her .
11. Blinded by tears, I walked towards the door.
12. The attackers blinded him with acid.
13. The soldier was blinded in the explosion.
14. She was blinded in the explosion.
15. The strong light almost blinded him.
16. He was accidentally blinded in the left eye.
17. She was momentarily blinded by the light.
18. His sense of loyalty blinded him to the truth.
19. His eyes were blinded by tears.
20. The sudden bright lights in his eyes blinded him.
21. The explosion blinded him in the right eye.
22. The dust choked and blinded him.
23. He had been blinded in an explosion.
24. Clouds blinded the moon from our view.
25. Their political dogma has blinded them to the real needs of the country.
26. They were not blinded to the defects of Western society.
27. For a moment she was blinded by the harsh glare of the sun.
28. We were momentarily blinded by the light of the sun.
29. He was too puffed up with his own importance(), too blinded by vanity to accept their verdict on him.
30. Steve passed out on the floor and woke up blinded and in severe pain.
1. His optimism blinded him to many problems.
2. He was blinded by the smoke.
3. His infatuation blinded him to her faults.
4. Blinded by the soap, he had to feel for his glasses.
5. He was too puffed up with his own importance, too blinded by vanity to accept their verdict on him.
6. She was blinded by the lights from an oncoming vehicle.
7. Steve passed out on the floor and woke up blinded and in severe pain.
8. The explosion blinded her.
9. The glare of the headlights almost blinded us.
10. He was accidentally blinded in the left eye.
31. For a moment I was blinded by the glare of headlights coming towards me.
32. She was blinded by the glitter and the glamour of her own life.
33. His desire to do it blinded him to all the difficulties.
34. Blinded by the stream,he had to fish around for the soap in his bath.
35. He should have known better. But he was blinded by his own self-centredness.
36. Turning the corner the sun blinded me, so I didn't see the other car.
37. She was blinded in an accident at an early age.
38. When she went outside she was temporarily blinded by the sun.
39. The light from the shirt almost blinded him.
40. Richards had been blinded in the war.
41. I am blinded to the heart.
42. I was blinded by the truck's headlights.
43. Creed was blinded by stunning white light.
44. Outside, the steam turned to frost and blinded me.
45. A riding accident left her blinded in one eye.
46. Onlookers were blinded by the flash of the explosion.
47. A few shakes and the dust almost blinded him.
48. Don't be blinded by emotion.
49. Large animals, drinking, bounded back into the undergrowth, blinded by our lights.
50. It blinded Willie and trickled down inside the collar of his mackintosh.
51. The floodlight had blinded him and he couldn't see to reload his gun.
52. A milkman has been temporarily blinded by two men who sprayed superglue into his eyes.
53. His body was found very close to it, but he had obviously been blinded by the blizzard.
54. The blinded windows rattle in my pale Bones, the skeleton that never tires.
55. The heart fools the mind, where eyes went deaf to words, that fell on blinded ears to easy to fall in love. Anthony Liccione 
56. Unfortunately, we did not anticipate the importance of observer bias, and we did not arrange for third party blinded observation.
57. People are often blinded by love, making bad judgments and wrong choices, or doing stupid and foolish things(http:///blinded.html), under the influence of love. Dr T.P.Chia 
58. Thus was I blinded to the fact that he is, in fact, the quintessential heavy metal arsehole.
59. With a terrible flash that all but blinded the onlookers the island vanished, around it the storm of magical energy.
60. Thus preventing the driver being blinded by anything but science.
61. Totally blinded, his spectacles streaming with water as he bobbed up, he tried to float himself into the galley.
62. But the caution of other princes may not have blinded their followers to the possible propaganda value of the Laudes.
63. Critics of opponents to development frequently accuse them of being blinded by nostalgia and motivated by personal vested interest.
64. The exquisite creation they had made of their own lives blinded them to the aspirations of less fortunate men and women.
65. The therapists and the interviewers who assessed treatment effect were blinded to the drug treatment the patients were receiving.
66. She adjusted the mirror to avoid being blinded by the glare.
67. At 29 Howard's Avenue the builder's skip was still outside and the rusty scaffolding blinded its shabby windows.
68. Half blinded by the foam, Christine scrambled for something to grab on to to break her fall.
69. Investigators and subjects were blinded to insulin type and the insulins were given in random order.
70. Jimmy was temporarily blinded by the orange light which suddenly illuminated the car windscreen.
71. The captain and rear admiral, viewing the aircraft-launching operations from the island, are blinded by the flash.
72. He was approaching a state of exhilaration, a state which can be achieved only by human beings blinded to context.
73. He covered his face, grasped at a stick, a flash of clenched teeth real close before a punch blinded him.
74. Whoever slew a hart or hind was to be blinded.
75. The crash happened after drivers were blinded by a mixture of fog and thick black smoke.
76. After this blinded choice, patients were randomised again to receive air or oxygen.
77. Prisoners taken were blinded, mutilated, dragged behind the hooves of horses and used as target practice by archers.
78. Every year, some careless motorists wind up blinded by acid.
79. They had taken a burst through the cockpit, and the debris from the shot had temporarily blinded Sherman.
80. He got back in the car even though he was nearly killed and partially blinded by a wreck in 1994.
81. While he was blinded, Jane grabbed his beard with both hands and tugged.
82. Humans would develop skin cancers; plants would be genetically damaged and crops devastated; animals would be blinded.
83. The onlookers, blinded by the flash, burned by its searing heat, covered their eyes and cringed in terror.
84. Before Hector is blinded by a lust for glory, he say to Troilus: But value dwells not in particular will.
85. Anyone inside would be temporarily blinded, momentarily stunned, unless they were trained personnel and had taken precautions.
86. At that moment, there came a terrible white flash, brighter than the Sun, which temporarily blinded me.
87. When he came into the barn from the brilliant sunlight outside,(http:///blinded.html) he was momentarily blinded.
88. As he emerged from the narrow gangway he was momentarily blinded by bright lights shining straight into his eyes.
89. When a vicious tackle leaves him blinded from a spinal injury, his life takes the predictable downward trajectory.
90. I stare dumbly from behind a glass At snow falling down the blinded door.
91. And loyalists claim a second inmate was blinded for 48 hours after riot squad prison officers turned high-powered hose on his face.
92. He stopped wearing the goggles and was struck and blinded in one eye by a piece of metal.
93. He has a bullet lodged behind his eye and needs treatment quickly or he will be blinded.
94. The claim that he strangled a son of David I in revenge for being blinded is late and seems improbable.
95. He pulled the mask forward slowly, relying for his protection on Forster while he was temporarily blinded.
96. He stopped to wipe away the excrement, which blinded his eyes and coated his lips.
97. They become so blinded by adoration they manage to convince themselves their child has qualities of genius.
98. Both the microbiologist and the pathologist were blinded to the treatment by coding the samples with random numbers.
99. His Spelling Book everywhere was opening blinded eyes.
100. Was blinded in an industrial accident.
101. He was blinded by the lust of lucre.
102. Blinded by dawning so you would take me.
103. The glare of the oncoming headlights temporarily blinded me.
104. I was blinded by a bomb blast during the Second World War.
105. Don't be blinded by the dust of the short sellers, who are virtually carpet bombing Chinese stocks lately.
106. The pair of them were both blinded by their own cockiness.
107. Historians, especially those so blinded by their research interests that they have been accused of"tunnel method, "frequently fall victim to the"technicist fallacy.
108. Hera was so exasperated by Zeus's triumphant grin that she blinded Teiresias.
109. So even though that work was anecdotal and not blinded and not publishable, it was very convincing.
110. Fever episodes were classified by two independent investigators who were blinded to procalcitonin results as infectious or noninfectious origin.
111. After randomization, a physician blinded to the group allocation evaluated the patients for contraindication to HBO therapy.
112. It is a mesothermal to hyperthermal deposit related to the blinded Yanshanian fine-grained granite or granite-porphyry dykes.
113. ECE findings were interpreted by examiners blinded to endoscopy results.
114. Methods parallel group, stratified randomization, double blinded, muti - center clinical trail was designed.
115. Natural wines 'have the wind of fashion behind them at present' and even the clear-sighted can be blinded by fashion, but in the end only the best natural wine will endure, the critic says.
116. The angel that Pierre had married in Madagascar had become a termagant, blinded by jealousy.
117. Blinded by the soap, he had to fumble about for his glasses.
117. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
118. A woman blinded with acid in Iran has pardoned her attacker, a man who was scheduled to lose his sight in an eye for an eye punishment on Sunday.
119. He was very weak and was afflicted with a giddiness which at times blinded him.
120. Although blinded by the explosion, he faced the future with matchless courage.
121. When David steps out of the front door he is blinded for a moment by the white , fizzing sunlight and reaches instinctively for his dad's hand.
122. Retinal infusion injury in intervention fibrinolysis by micropuncture of retina! veinRetinal vein occlusion is a common blinded illness.
123. Blinded by a fever in infancy and self-taught as a lawyer, Chen became an inspiring figure among rights activists for his dogged pursuit of justice.
124. There was no answer for Job except blind trust; bowing a blinded knee.
125. They have even helped restore sight to mice blinded by degenerating retinas.
126. However, the pedlar of a few be blinded gain is cogged on balance entrap consumer.
127. To shut one's eyes to half fo life that one may live securely is as though one blinded oneself that one might walk with more safety in a land of pit and precipice.
128. Any unfortunate Tyrannosaur or Triceratops gazing upwards would have been blinded instantly.
129. The attack blinded Bahrami, who sought to have authorities render the ancient punishment of "an eye for an eye" in accordance with Islamic law.
130. But as the number of those sickened, blinded and killed rose, authorities found that many victims had consumed drinks from a factory near the city of Guayaquil.
131. The wind and the storm wreaths and the sheets of stinging spray blinded and bewildered us.
132. Public opinion there was blinded by the illusion of neutralism.




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