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单词 Evolutionary
1. Some scientists have rejected evolutionary theory.
2. He is in favour of gradual, evolutionary social change.
3. Where do birds come on the evolutionary scale?
4. Humans are on the highest rung of the evolutionary ladder.
5. Other evolutionary theories of ageing have been proposed.
6. The evolutionary history of Figure 4 is a reconstruction.
7. Fisher imagined the following evolutionary sequence.
8. Evolutionary biology provides good confirmation of moral judgements.
9. Were metazoans part of that evolutionary event?
10. Bernards, in an evolutionary eye blink.
11. He thinks they have reached an evolutionary dead end.
12. Drugs, too, lead to evolutionary change.
13. This evolutionary process will be different for each company.
14. Social selection is undoubtedly one of the main evolutionary processes responsible for the emergence of ... behavioural characteristics.
15. Figure 4 shows one particular evolutionary history consisting of no more than 29 generations.
16. Spontaneous social orders, by contrast,(sentence dictionary) are evolutionary in nature and are not the product of rational design.
17. The sources of extrapolation theory, like those of evolutionary theory generally, are numerous.
18. Nowhere else does the evolutionary battle take place in an arena where, in effect, one player holds all the cards.
19. Every evolutionary history consists of a particular pathway, or trajectory, through genetic space.
20. An optimistic theory of evolutionary progress was surreptitiously beginning to replace the pessimistic doctrine of universal decay.
21. Ethology has always been profoundly concerned with evolutionary development, with phylogeny.
22. In choosing a partner we are subconsciously assessing their evolutionary fitness to be a mother of children or father provider and protector.
23. All the organisms in an ecosystem are part of an evolutionary continuum.
24. Such a unit of goodness has been defined as the result of the slightest favourable evolutionary change that could occur.
25. But to the ethologist, every species is fascinating - the end-point of millions of years of complex evolutionary pressures.
26. Not everyone was convinced, however, and there were many efforts by anti-Darwinians to provide evidence in favour of alternative evolutionary mechanisms.
27. Indeed it does, and that is exactly what the evolutionary theory would predict.
28. But after the Council, the Church had opened itself increasingly to the insights of modern psychology and evolutionary biology.
29. This gives a more powerful bite, and thus represents an important evolutionary advantage.
30. The need for analogue computers will grow with the realization that whole new fields will be opened up by evolutionary computing.
1. Some scientists have rejected evolutionary theory.
2. In choosing a partner we are subconsciously assessing their evolutionary fitness to be a mother of children or father provider and protector.
31. When these two separately evolved features came together, some interesting evolutionary changes became possible.
32. Ultimately systems should be designed with user involvement at every stage, on a continuous and evolutionary basis.
33. The ultimate evolutionary victory, on the theistic hypothesis, does not go to the most ruthless exterminators and most fecund replicators.
34. What undoubtedly stimulated great evolutionary changes in vertebrate history was the emergence of the first amniote egg.
35. Nevertheless, it is likely that birds have selected for sweeter fruits through evolutionary time.
36. The co-operation is understandable in evolutionary terms as the males and females in a single-female syconium are brothers and sisters.
37. This process of civilisation has, within the vastness of evolutionary time, hardly started.
38. If evolutionary progress had had to rely on single-step selection, it would never have got anywhere.
39. Evolutionary psychologists say that there are human universals which were laid down in the pleistocene epoch.
40. And always, wherever they went, the animals were tame because they had never in their evolutionary history encountered human predators.
41. The system represents a remarkable evolutionary adaptation of human behaviour patterns to the conditions of the rain forest.
42. The crucial question for evolutionary biology is where the balance is struck between signalling real information about your state and signalling misinformation.
43. The current diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa reflect this evolutionary process but they have yet to achieve the final category.
43. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
44. One implication of the neutral theory is that we can use molecular changes as a kind of clock to measure evolutionary events.
45. There is time for many cultural evolutionary events in each generation.
46. Soon, the new form will be gone, and the latest episode in the moth's evolutionary adventures will be over.
47. Such abilities and equipment gave them the opportunity to make the big evolutionary breakthrough which eventually lead to Homosapiens.
48. This sub-order, which is further down the evolutionary scale. includes the Tarsiidae, or tarsiers.
49. In theory, there is no limit to this evolutionary process of self-development.
50. Food for thought on a wet day for both the developmental and evolutionary biologist.
51. There is no vacuum. Evolutionary biology provides good confirmation of moral judgements.
52. This species, over evolutionary time, has lost its worker caste altogether.
53. On the other hand, the soft parts of most dinosaurs took the right evolutionary path.
54. The sequence adjacent to the insertion site is very well conserved over large evolutionary distances such as between fungi, algae and bacteria.
55. It is therefore hard to see personal identification as the main evolutionary pressure leading to the famous black and white pattern.
56. Here, parexcellence, is the meeting of the ways for developmental and evolutionary biology.
57. It is to be deceived by a relatively stable evolutionary strategy, to mistake the means for the end.
58. As a result regional trading blocs are emerging as natural stepping-stones in an evolutionary process toward a truly global economy.
59. His key evolutionary innovation was separating the heating chamber from the cooling chamber; this made his engine extremely powerful.
60. Social psychologists, apart from those educated in ethology, have no evolutionary theory.
61. There seems to have been no evolutionary selection for specific avoidance behaviour -- cowering giraffes are not a sensitive predictor of thunderstorms.
62. Secondly, the Fabians pressed evolutionary theory in service of a collectivist ideal.
63. It is not only biology, but cosmology, physics and astronomy that presuppose a general evolutionary account of the cosmos.
64. In the 1970s evolutionary biologists realized that species do not change much.
65. The former was essential to the evolutionary process, as individuals competed for resources.
66. Contrary to most political and economic models, parental love is generally recognized by biologists to be a very precious evolutionary asset.
67. Scientists interested in biological diversity, and the evolutionary reasons for it, already see it in that light.
68. Again and again in recent years evolutionary biologists have found themselves returning to the theme of parasites.
69. In this light of evolutionary time, ecology can be seen as one long dress rehearsal.
70. Many aspects of the evolutionary scheme which Marx and Engels present would now be unacceptable to anthropologists.
71. Victorian scholars were divided in their views of the precise nature and order of the stages of man's evolutionary progress.
72. One can explain many apparently strange human characteristics by pointing to their value for survival at various stages of evolutionary development.
73. It is an increasingly influential idea in evolutionary theory, and one that will recur throughout the book.
74. There are certain assumptions in the study of pottery from an evolutionary perspective.
75. They were called the chordates, and started a momentous chain of evolutionary events.
76. Specimens are now providing DNA samples that could answer questions about evolutionary links.
77. Yet aposematic coloration has not always evolved among kin-grouped prey and we need to identify the variables that are of evolutionary importance.
78. Quantum, optical, chemical, analogue and evolutionary computers all offer opportunities to rethink completely the way we do computing.
79. First we have no intuitive grasp of the immensities of time available for evolutionary change.
80. He also uses the idea of mankind as food to emphasise the evolutionary truth of man as one more source of protein.
81. The book in other ways also reflects how little they had yet formulated a detailed evolutionary history of society.
82. Darwin's integration of evolutionary and physiological biology had been attempted, in the 1840s, through pangenesis.
83. This evolutionary development was not the result of the growing significance of natural rights doctrines.
84. The first such questions arises over the specific status of the evolutionary sequence which is being put forward.
85. This so-called parasitic genetic material turns out to serve a useful evolutionary function.
86. They will find anatomical and physiological features which are the product of an evolutionary history.
87. The acquisition of those two characters constituted the next great evolutionary breakthrough.
88. In this, Ancient Society resembled the other evolutionary schemes for the history of mankind which we have just noted.
89. Rather than drawing some evolutionary ladder or tree, the best representation is a sort of multi-twigged bush.
90. Without both elements, evolutionary computing will struggle to have sufficient power to emulate the success of biology.
91. Less acceptable today, surely, is the evolutionary scheme and cultural prejudice that form one aspect of Feuerbach's historical thesis.
92. Yet this view implied, or rather was explicitly based in Comte and Spencer, on a historical view of evolutionary progress.
93. What evolutionary advantage has this extra effort conferred on cats? a. Cats are fiercely territorial but very socially aware creatures.
94. None the less, Darwinians began to think that perhaps human history might be illuminated by a beam of evolutionary light.
95. Cuvier seemed to contemporaries to have had little trouble in demolishing the evolutionary scheme of his contemporary Lamarck.
96. The rise of the eugenics movement in the early twentieth century crystallized the intellectual and political imperatives of evolutionary biology.
97. Both were escaping from an historicist notion of evolutionary development, traditional to their disciplines.
98. Is it possible that the two planets started out similar to each other and followed divergent evolutionary paths?
99. Evolutionary reconstructions suggest that all the citrus fruits were derived from crosses between four different species.
100. How coral colonies grow Tearing itself apart Only slightly further up the evolutionary scale in terms of reproduction are the Echinoderms.
101. In evolutionary terms, it is no consolation to the dead butterflies that some others are benefiting from their death.
102. Anyway, it's not neurotic, it's a fact of life, a biological, evolutionary thing.
103. Psychological explanations may be to the point here,(Sentence dictionary) or speculations about the evolutionary history of the faculties in question.
104. Information from the planetary probes indicates that all the terrestrial planets have undergone differentiation, but they have followed different evolutionary paths.
105. Arms races are run in evolutionary time, rather than on the timescale of individual lifetimes.
106. It is quite possible that the evolutionary process may continue during that time.
107. Here, as in other areas, we see ecology emerging from a deliberate revolt against the evolutionary morphology of earlier decades.
108. This may reflect lower evolutionary constraints on the structure of this region in the two proteins.
109. As we descend the evolutionary ladder, our behaviour becomes, increasingly extreme.
110. The relevance of this little piece of history is considerable, we are effectively going through just such an evolutionary change today.
111. One qualification is that some evolutionary changes occur by chance, without natural selection.
112. I even had a picture of the evolutionary sequence of bodies leading up to my insects by slow degrees from a dot ancestor.
113. Deuterostome radiations Molecular data r6-8 suggest a profound evolutionary gulf between deuterostomes and protostomes.
114. These connections continue to be explored by psychologists who have studied the relationships between evolutionary genetics and the subconscious.
115. Bees are a reminder that individuals are just part of the evolutionary equation.
116. Birds are much lower on the evolutionary scale, which is another criterion in determining what we consider cruelty to animals.
117. I personally doubt whether any clear evolutionary picture would emerge if we were to base ourselves simply on Formen.
118. Sampson applies an evolutionary model due to Simon, originally devised for quite different domains than the present one.
119. There are two kinds of connection between evolutionary theory and ethics: one normative, and one explanatory.
120. The one exception to this evolutionary process will be in new plants or divisions-the so-called greenfield sites.
121. It follows from all this that natural selection can not be the sole explanation of evolutionary change.
122. In fact, without evolutionary and learning pressures, the society of mind in a brain would turn into a bureaucracy.
123. However, for a variety of reasons animals become less similar as the evolutionary process continues and molecule patterns begin to differ.
124. She saw his physical symptoms as evidence that he was trying unsuccessfully to apply the brakes on a natural evolutionary process.
125. They were wrong both about how to interpret Genesis and in thinking that evolutionary theory was unimportant to modern science.
126. It is also found at all levels, not just among our nearest evolutionary ancestors, the monkeys and the apes.
127. Evolutionary computing needs analogue computers with a digital storage of genetic material and noise to demonstrate its true effectiveness.
128. We know that Mars underwent extensive internal melting early in its evolutionary history.
129. The change appears to be a genuine evolutionary development that has taken place with unusual rapidity.
130. Secondly, evolutionary biologists have tested their theories by searching for expected patterns of behaviour across different human cultures.
131. Evolutionary Morphology Darwin himself had done extensive morphological work in a detailed study of barnacles during the 1850s.
132. Life has its own evolutionary process.
133. A related phenomenon is evolutionary parallelism.
134. You simply cannot predict evolutionary events like this.
135. Their evolutionary rate does seem to have slowed down.
136. The resemblance of families such as the Verbenaceae and Labiate is the result of evolutionary convergence.
137. Technological networks will make human culture even more ecological and evolutionary.
138. Indeed , this, according to Dr Migliano's hypothesis, is the crucial evolutionary pressure.
139. Evolutionary biologists and paleontologists ask such questions more and more frequently.
140. Molecular clouds play an integral role in the prestellar evolutionary sequence of interstellar matter.
141. These results suggest evolutionary convergence in the mechanisms of peptide hydrolysis.
142. For these reasons, many evolutionary biologists and paleontologists wonder if there is more to the story.
143. A more recent advance in the evolutionary story of snakes is the development of fangs.
144. These are fascinating questions to be resolved by the evolutionary studies of plants.
145. The federal system , it has been seen, was the last step in the evolutionary process.
146. Dynamics, functional relationships, and control mechanisms are key words in an evolutionary ecology.
147. The ecological setting acts as a stage for evolutionary processes.
148. Histler gave free rein to his bent for historical philosophy and vague evolutionary theories.
149. The introduction emphasized the thoroughly evolutionary nature of modern astrophysics.
150. Some experts have speculated that sleep may be an evolutionary mechanism to conserve energy.




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