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单词 angelic
释义  an·gel·ic /ænˈdʒelɪk/ adjective  1  GOOD/MORALlooking good, kind, and gentle or behaving in this way 善良的;天使般的 She had an angelic smile, but a dreadful temper. 她笑起来像个天使,但脾气很可怕。2  RRconnected with angels 天使的 the angelic hosts 天使群,众天使 —angelically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusangelic• Meanwhile, he gave Sien a reference so glowing that she sounded positively angelic.• angelic beings• Kee loved a dead husband who was now angelic, beyond criticism, perfect.• Timmy has such an angelic face.• They knew that, like the Dickensian waif, a good wash and new clothes would reveal an angelic face.• He felt a joy so strong it might be measured in the language of angelic orders, of powers and dominations.• Her face, innocent and angelic, was always with·gel·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable  looking Corpus behaving and in kind, good, gentle or




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