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单词 Shiny
(1) She slipped on the shiny floor and fell.
(2) In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.
(3) The boys looked covetously at the shiny new motorcycles.
(4) The marble has a smooth, shiny surface.
(5) All the cups are clean and shiny.
(6) He saw a shiny green beetle on a leaf.
(7) His face was red and shiny.
(8) Her blonde hair was shiny and clean.
(9) Look at the lovely shiny finish on that piano.
(10) The horses were hitched to a shiny black carriage.
(11) Her hair was thick and shiny.
(12) What shiny shoes you're wearing!
(13) She fell over and slid across the shiny floor.
(14) The floor has been rubbed clean and shiny.
(15) In his designer suit and shiny shoes he looked quite the man about town.
(16) She gazed proudly at the shiny buckles on her shoes.
(17) The furniture was old[http://], with the shiny patina of frequent polishing.
(18) Avoid pans with a shiny, reflective base as the heat will be reflected back.
(19) The boys gazed in wonder at the shiny red Ferrari.
(20) Place the material on a flat surface, shiny side uppermost.
(21) Magpies are attracted to small shiny objects which they carry away to their nests.
(22) The road was shiny with puddles, but the rain was at an end.
(23) The table had a shiny surface, but underneath it was dull and rough.
(24) The biker was dressed in full regalia, with shiny black leather and lots of chains.
(25) I picked a piece of fluff off my shiny black suit.
(26) Spring leaves were still new and shiny and satiny.
(27) He puts grease on his hair to make it shiny.
(28) The trend now is towards "lifestyle" electronics — black, shiny gee-whiz things that people like to own.
(29) An occasional wipe with a soft cloth will keep the surface shiny.
(30) The old gentleman likes to put grease on his hair to make it shiny.
(1) She slipped on the shiny floor and fell.
(2) He puts grease on his hair to make it shiny.
(3) He saw a shiny green beetle on a leaf.
(4) What shiny shoes you're wearing!
(5) She gazed proudly at the shiny buckles on her shoes.
(31) He was its shiny new toy.
(32) He lines it up on the shiny sideboard.
(33) It was now full of shiny red apples.
(34) What do those shiny surfaces do?
(35) Trilobal: lightweight nylon with a shiny finish.
(36) A pressing cloth prevents fabrics from becoming shiny.
(37) It is shiny and much too small for her.
(38) Paler,[http:///shiny.html] shiny colours help thin lips look more full.
(39) She wore a fashionable jacket and high shiny boots.
(40) It will be thick and shiny on top. 2.
(41) His grey hair was shiny with rain.
(42) There was a shiny brass bed for Melanie with a round-bellied white chamber pot underneath it.
(43) But this time, Duval and Mickelson are being carried inside a shiny pair of silver Mercedes-Benz minivans.
(44) A big shiny pickup truck crammed with men in base-ball caps slowed down and took a look at me.
(45) Every now and again the forest would be split by a tumbling river or a path covered in shiny brown mud.
(46) We overhauled our image and moved into shiny, new offices.
(47) His face looks like a Halloween mask - fixed and rigid; a shiny mask all over his face.
(48) Every day Mones came to class in a short-sleeved dress shirt and shiny black tie-up shoes.
(49) Enough fuel leaked into the lake that nearby boaters could see the shiny residue and smell the gasoline.
(50) His hair was shiny, his arms tanned, his eyelashes thick and long.
(51) The rubber soles of my shoes squeaked on the shiny floor.
(52) Just a shiny pink counterpane, with a nightgown folded neatly in the middle of the bolster.
(53) Walking along the shiny marble aisles, he would dream about living in the White House, or just a better home.
(54) If the first shape is a series of rough-hewed approximations, the second is a shiny patchwork of beautifully stitched leather cut-outs.
(55) Mainly made of cotton with a shiny surface on one side where the weft threads lie on the surface.
(56) The sofa was upholstered in yellow and blue satin, shiny and tight, finished with rolled gold cord and tassels.
(57) She touched the jellied space in her mouth and found a drop of blood like a shiny ladybird resting on her finger.
(58) Shimmering on the surface of the water were massive, shiny blotches of oil.
(59) Fernandez drives a shiny SUV painted with the company logo.
(60) It was shiny black with red enamel trim and a gleaming chrome blade.
(61) His breeches were made of white shiny silk and so was his waistcoat.
(62) The floor was dark green and shiny like a sheet of still water, and everything else was white.
(63) He wore motor-cyclist's leathers underneath, black and shiny, with calf-length boots to match.
(64) Put kitchen foil, shiny side facing you, on the wall behind any radiators fitted on outside walls to reflect heat.
(65) Shiny plastic and vivid purple padding on the waist and shoulder straps make the sack stand out and guarantee a closer look.
(66) When the shiny silver B-29s were in the sky, we children ran inside our homes immediately.
(67) Ronni dressed quickly after an even quicker shower and ran a brush through her shiny blonde hair.
(68) Jeremiah was wearing his pin-stripes with the seat shiny from decades of polishing the council furniture with his bottom.
(69) Each cellmate grabbed a steamed bun, leaving one,[] fist-sized and gray in color with a shiny skin.
(70) The nits are shiny and firmly attached to the hair.
(71) I also learned not to step on the shiny ones and that red pebbles usually have sharp edges on top.
(72) Pomade - a perfumed oil or ointment put on hair to make it smooth and shiny.
(73) His shiny shoes pounded the sidewalks, and neon signs flashed the names of increasingly seedy nightclubs at him.
(74) She was always laughing, and her gums were all pink and wet and shiny.
(75) To keep the surface shiny, apply a clear, high-gloss varnish.
(76) Quincy is walking down the stairs looking shiny and brand-new.
(77) And the hair that looked as though it had been dramatically carved out of something shiny rather than been grown in the normal way.
(78) He wore a navy fisherman's jersey and gumboots, and a heavy anorak, shiny and running with wet.
(79) He lurched to the catwalk with the breath tearing in his throat and the sweat shiny on his face.
(80) Two shiny hearses were standing outside, waiting; the black-capped drivers were standing together smoking and grinning over a joke.
(81) They were smooth and shiny, the skin bright in the light of the overhead lamp.
(82) It's an attractive shrub with dark shiny leaves, that has clusters of white flowers in early June.
(83) But I remember two things about him-his false teeth and shiny balding head.
(84) This was shiny and square, with lambs and ribbon knots on the blue cover.
(85) Bite into a shiny, red apple and taste insipid sponge.
(86) The seat of her navy blue school uniform was shiny and wrinkled.
(87) Her shiny, dark hair was done up in a pony tail with a big red bow.
(88) It was pouring with rain now, but standing right there on the shiny Eighth Street pavement was Signe.
(89) And this guy came out and had on red and black silk and these black shiny shoes.
(90) It was black and he had a big shiny hat.
(91) It had a slick, shiny surface like smooth, sweating skin.
(92) It was shiny metal, with a large black leather seat and huge black handlebars.
(93) It was given by a professor from Cambridge, Christopher Ricks, and it was a very shiny performance.
(94) The dark figure turns out to be a No. 3 male and the shiny object is a knife.
(95) Add sufficient extra flour to make the dough manageable, then knead it thoroughly for about 10min, until smooth and shiny.
(96) The comfortable chairs and sofa are covered in a shiny white chintz with purple thistle motifs.
(97) At 7:30 p.m. sharp, a shiny limousine pulled in front of the building.
(98) He smiled suddenly at her tiny feet encased in shiny,[] high-heeled pumps.
(99) In it sat Marita, thin, head down, hands in her lap, her shiny hair covering her face.
(100) Why, in a day, he could scrape up that split linoleum, then lay down tiles as shiny as glass.
(101) The higher grades of employee were supplied, as was the custom with many firms, with shiny, new company cars.
(102) Avoid glare on the board - shiny surfaces can be prevented by careful blackboard maintenance.
(103) She was back within the hour, her face shiny with dried tears, her eyes red-rimmed.
(104) He kept his promise and in a couple of weeks my beautiful, shiny bicycle was ready.
(105) Her slender body was untidily bundled up in a big leathery jacket and she was wearing long, shiny red boots.
(106) They were dignified men with stiff white shirts and shoes as shiny as black marble.
(107) Lightly falling raindrops splashed into her open mouth and eyes, skittering across her taut, shiny face.
(108) Manny gets down on one knee and looks at the pieces of shiny metal and black rubber.
(109) A: Shiny, heavy aluminum or steel pans are best for baking.
(110) The cabbage was all gone and the shiny ankle bones of smoked pork were pushed in a heap on their plates.
(111) If you rub hard the knives will become really shiny.
(112) He had wrapped the damned box with the shiny silver paper and a white ribbon with a bow.
(113) Knittle picked up the shiny anvil and rested it on the palm of her hand.
(114) And now here was a shiny new fence, built out of the blue while our backs were turned.
(115) A maroon jacket and a panama hat with a shiny black ribbon.
(116) His features bunched low on his face, as though shrinking with awe from his shiny domed forehead.
(117) High boots were the in-thing - sleek and shiny with chunky zips fastened with huge decorative rings or tabs.
(118) The bedhead was florid and overblown, its shiny walnut carvings reaching almost to the ceiling.
(119) The female head louse lays shiny yellow eggs and glues them one by one to individual hairs, close to the scalp.
(120) The modern ones were like fallen doors. Thick slabs of shiny granite.
(121) She had shiny black hair, skin as white as snow, and cheeks as red as the setting sun.
(122) It has a long snout, erect ears, a shiny brown coat, and a tail thick as a muff.
(123) They laid her on the grass and her wet hair was shiny, like it was slick with grease.
(124) His bald head was shiny; his black shoes were shiny; and his lecture was very shiny indeed.
(125) From his shiny, greasy, biker-looking jeans to his short, greying beard, he was muscle and bone.
(126) Tommy, following instructions from the uniform department, had shiny new black ones, with black socks.
(127) Skyscrapers are sprouting, shiny car showrooms are opening in place of old state shops.
(128) It's long and shiny and it takes me ages to do it.
(129) That was when he noticed the shiny steel bracelets on his sunburned wrists.
(130) My plants look real healthy in the sun and the photos Marie's stuck on the wall are all shiny.
(131) If the bird fans its tail and has a shiny black breast color,[] it's a male.
(132) He was a strikingly handsome man, with shiny hair and dark skin and bright eyes.
(133) When the paint has dried, varnish it over with clear nail varnish to keep the colours bright and shiny.
(134) Through open front doors, Elizabeth caught glimpses of shiny tiled floors and highly polished furniture.
(135) I love the shiny brown line, I love the crinkle of the silver foil.
(136) He looked as mean as ever, a pallid, unsmiling figure in black-suede jacket and very shiny black shoes.
(137) It was bright and shiny, very fresh and not at all like tomato ketchup.
(138) Big shiny chunks, thin pale nuggets, dull velvety dust, huge rocks like slippery ice.
(139) Two shiny bronze plaques marked the former entrance to the palace.
(140) He shone his torch ahead but all he could see was its bright reflection against the shiny damp wall.
(141) Two impassive cops in shiny black raincoats levelled guns like the Gestapo rehearsing for a massacre.
(142) And I could stick some shiny leaves together to make matching curtains.
(143) She smiles, and two dimples appear in her pasty cheeks, still shiny from last night's application of face cream.
(144) The building was besieged by Right-Ons, many wearing dungarees and riding shiny hi-tech bicycles bought on credit in Covent Garden.
(145) Yes, it had a mouth full of teeth, yellow, shiny teeth.
(146) The bike is shiny as a fire engine, looking showroom fresh thanks to Horne.
(147) If you scrape your foot on the pavement you can make shiny black marks, like slugs make.
(148) But her boy, who already has one success in the can, would settle for a shiny new toy.
(149) On each side was a spiderweb, outlined in black, shiny beads.
(150) The Captain was a dapper little man with a neat moustache and shiny shoes.
(151) They are added to rinse water to speed up drying and to achieve shiny finish without spotting, smearing or other blemishes.
(152) The shiny black Porsche purred through the slightly shabby suburb.
(153) Gradually add the egg, beating well after each inclusion, until the mixture is shiny and of piping consistency. 4.
(154) We undressed and walked right through the shiny white-tiled shower room where a woman attendant was scrubbing some one with a loofah.
(155) I like the man who's playing this great big shiny thing like a fog horn.
(156) She sighed as she inspected her one good dark blue wool dress, its seat shiny with wear.
(157) The harder parts gave a much more satisfactory finish with clean shiny cutter marks even in the interlocking grain.
(158) They have a handsome shiny lustre which makes them conspicuous from a distance.
(159) The major wheezed his farewells and Stephen found himself the possessor of a shiny belt, new boots and a deferential batman.
(160) Its hard, shiny finish means it not only looks smart, but withstands knocks, bumps and scrapes.
(161) If President Reagan wants some shiny new lasers, let him have them.
(162) Impatiently she struggled out of her blue gaberdine suit and began to rip open the thick, shiny bags and the gleaming boxes.
(163) When the Prince murders Polonius, the body lies in a huge, shiny pool of blood.
(164) Slowly beat in the boiling water until the mixture is creamy and shiny.
(165) She had desperately scrambled at the shiny sides of the toilet-bowl as she slid into the water but to no avail.
(166) Annie was so solid and content, she was like a shiny red apple.
(167) The shoes were made of shiny black leather with ankle straps and tiny heels.
(168) Her finger nails were shiny long and black, and her face was floury white.
(169) A new furniture shop with a three-piece suite in uncut moquette in the window next to a cocktail cabinet shiny as toffee.
(170) For most animals, a shiny coat is a sign of health.
(171) His black suit, now tinged with green, was shiny at the elbows and knees.
(172) He wore white loafers, shiny blue nylon sweat pants, and a white golf shirt a size or two too small.
(173) His skin, where his jaw meets the little roll of flesh sheltering under it, is shiny in the automotive light.
(174) The weevil is a shiny, cylindrical beetle.
(175) The dog tracked mud all over the shiny kitchen.
(176) His face was sallow and shiny with sweat.
(177) The floor has been scrubbed clean and shiny.
(178) The characteristics of Water Face are deep-set shiny eyes with long lashes, large forehead, thin, expressive eyebrows, wide, flexible mouth, prominent chin.
(179) He was dressed in an hussar's jacket with gold buttons, shiny leather boots and an odd-looking wooden cloak sticking out of his back.'
(180) a shiny black car.
(181) Did the driver come for you in a new big shiny auto?
(182) Has a long and thin head, short shiny tentacle, and a transparent white body.
(183) It seems a trifle cruel to be sexually molesting a mollusc to allow a vain human to have something shiny to dangle from their ears.
(184) A mezzanine floor , eyes suddenly a bright : a 6-month-old baby while lying in a baby bed, a pair of shiny eyes looking uplift us.
(185) These consist of small grains of monocrystalline silicon. The cells consist of many small, shiny elements.
(186) The shiny links packed with forcemeat fed his gaze and he breathed in tranquilly the lukewarm breath of cooked spicy pig's blood.
(187) She was looking almost festive in very shiny black satin.
(188) As part of your pet's daily care and grooming routine, it can help promote a shiny revitalised coat.
(189) It has a low density and is a strong, shiny, corrosion-resistant to chlorine, sea water and aqua regia, and a transition metal with a silver color.
(190) His skin was tanned and smooth and shiny with sweat.
(191) As the hair fiber ages and gets weathered by exposure to pollution and through washing so the cuticle layer loses its shiny appearance and the cuticle scales flake away from the hair shaft.
(192) It was dark and shiny, and was wrapped in silver paper.
(193) A large, shiny black limo pulled up to the curb.
(194) A shiny fossil'stone " called amber is in a beautiful box.
(194) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(195) Think of a very inexpensive item you'd like to own, such as a Popsicle or a shiny new pencil with your name stamped on it in gold-colored letters.
(196) Hoban's brown eyes now dominated his face , alert, concerned, and shiny.




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