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单词 Expressions
1 I tend to overuse certain favourite expressions.
2 They greeted him with many expressions of pleasure.
3 His expressions varied from poker-faced to blank.
4 English is a language abounding with idiomatic expressions.
5 Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion.
6 Expressions of sympathy flooded in from all over the country.
7 The representatives of both sides reciprocated formal expressions of goodwill.
8 Her writing is full of colourful expressions.
9 They greeted the president with many expressions of pleasure.
10 Many informal expressions are gaining currency in serious newspapers.
11 All their expressions were not true.
12 The children's expressions were a joy to behold.
13 He uses a lot of unusual expressions.
14 The article was full of overworked expressions.
15 Facial expressions are part of the conveyance of meaning.
16 She niggled some expressions of my article.
17 His public expressions of grief are nothing but show.
18 This was the occasion for expressions of friendship by the two presidents.
19 These expressions are often used interchangeably, but they do have different meanings.
20 The rebel leader claimed to have received expressions of support from all the neighbouring countries.
21 Many dated expressions are being dropped from the new dictionary.
22 Difficult expressions are explained in the glosses at the bottom of the page.
23 It was downright panic—the frozen expressions on the faces of the actors was proof enough of that.
24 Have you an appointment? Some expressions with have are common even in informal language:I'm sorry, I haven't a clue.
25 We've received a lot of expressions of support for our campaign.
26 We can use our eyes and facial expressions to communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion there is.
27 In this dictionary we often gloss difficult expressions with an explanation in brackets.
28 Wheat color skin to a healthy sense of vitality, wearing Nike a complete set of pure white pink edge sportswear, the tiny curly brown hair tied in a relaxed and lively braids, always the confidence of cute expressions.
29 The fashionable remarks of today often become the commonplace expressions of tomorrow.
30 She soon regretted what she'd done. In the comparative or superlative or in expressions such as as soon as possible, soon emphasizes that something is done without delay:Please reply as soon as possible.
1 I tend to overuse certain favourite expressions.
2 They greeted him with many expressions of pleasure.
3 His expressions varied from poker-faced to blank.
4 English is a language abounding with idiomatic expressions.
5 Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion.
6 Expressions of sympathy flooded in from all over the country.
7 The representatives of both sides reciprocated formal expressions of goodwill.
8 All their expressions were not true.
9 The fashionable remarks of today often become the commonplace expressions of tomorrow.
10 In this dictionary we often gloss difficult expressions with an explanation in brackets.
11 In our reading we should always be alert for idiomatic expressions.
31 Some expressions are used more in speech than in writing.
32 In our reading we should always be alert for idiomatic expressions.
33 Send your fee by post/mail to this address. Mail is sometimes used in BrE in such expressions as the Royal Mail. Post occurs in AmE in such expressions as the US Postal Service.
34 She spoke in a quiet voice but used remarkably coarse expressions.
35 Humans can easily identify with the emotional expressions of chimpanzees.
36 In other families, these expressions are more subtle.
37 Voice, mannerisms, facial expressions, are all wholly repulsive.
38 Most players wore blank, numb expressions.
39 All the obvious expressions of sympathy were wholly inadequate.
40 They also notice your facial expressions.
41 This professor constantly uses vulgar expressions.
42 This includes facial expressions, body language, and the like.
43 People couldn't offer her expressions of sympathy.
44 It was very pale and had no expression, as though expressions were surplus to requirements.
45 How seriously is one to take his postwar repentance, his expressions of self-condemnation?
46 It is mainly through what they verbalise as well as their facial expressions and body language.
47 Words take second place to nonverbal cues, personal mannerisms, gestures, expressions, and overall appearance.
48 When he is excited and enthusiastic, hang in there an extra minute to respond to his words and happy expressions.
49 Even at this distance, I could see that the children wore expressions of concern.
50 Slightly smiling, alert to the expressions on three faces, Oliver came out of the shack.
51 This principle is concerned with the maintenance of distinctions between linguistic expressions.
52 Expressions of pain as the examination takes place rouse irritation or accusations of neurosis.
53 On the left-hand sides are the well-known expressions for the radial and tangential components of acceleration.
54 Tourists navigated with resigned expressions: this was Holiday and at least you could understand the lingo.
55 In this evolving climate, work redesign techniques are finding new expressions in new applications.
56 And since it is an evolving language, always changing its expressions, it is also a continually disruptive influence.
57 How can we reconcile the low frequency of expressions of emotional involvement in election campaigns with the high frequency of antagonistic partisanship?
58 In advanced capitalism neo-Marxists argue that the factors responsible for recruiting people into organized expressions of discontent broaden.
59 The most accurate way to assess an individual's temperament is by observing his expressions and behaviour.
60 That meant learning their language, composed mostly of guttural noises, facial expressions, arm movements and gestures.
61 And they also need a catch-all range of facial expressions to help clinch the deal.
62 A chimpanzee is an easy recipient for human projections since humans can easily identify with the emotional expressions of chimpanzees.
63 Some of his expressions of outrage were a little overdone.
64 You can catch sight of yourself looking at other things than your own reflection, wearing unselfconscious expressions of interest and curiosity.
65 Technical expressions which are in everyday usage within an occupational group, can be totally alien to outsiders.
66 With the same expressions, curled, wiggling eyebrow, and gestures, the first two fingers of his right hand pointing.
67 For these reasons, the Conservatives are a little more responsive to widespread expressions of serious doubt on their own backbenches.
68 Controversial views After the slick presentation, including player pics with facial expressions, the match section is disappointing.
69 One of the hardest expressions of self-assertiveness is challenging your limiting beliefs. Nathaniel Branden 
70 Background painted with F2-80, matt emulsion from Crown Expressions, £15.50/2.5 litres.
71 His changeable features, his tones, gestures and expressions seemed to defy descriptions.
72 Power is rarely overtly visible; it is often very subtle in its various expressions.
73 To the human eye horses use five distinctly different facial expressions to suit different circumstances.
74 The children were looking at the gifts with expectant expressions.
75 However, infinite decimal expressions, such as the full non-terminating expansion present certain difficulties.
76 Expressions of power often reflect honest differences between people seeking to achieve their work-related objectives.
77 On one occasion, a commission on terminology adopted 37, 795 new expressions in a single decree.
78 A wonderful, joyous mouth that could laugh and grin and smile in a hundred expressions of precious, life-giving mirth.
79 Politicians tend to repeat the same hackneyed expressions over and over again.
80 Similarly, mimicry of the expressions, stance and actions of a truly violent encounter can represent an intention or threat.
81 My services were much in demand, not only for sentimental verses, but for expressions of anger and rather cruel satire.
82 The Central Bank issued a statement warning against defacing bank notes with what it called "indecent expressions".
83 But semantic analysis also applies to those expressions that are made up of words: phrases and sentences.
84 They're a broody looking fivesome,(http:///expressions.html) all dark clothes and darker expressions.
85 This would not imply that all of the many thousands of formulaic expressions would be expressly taught.
86 Consequently, they may change the direction of their attitudinal expressions.
87 In the end, the poems must be read as expressions of sheer delight in friendship.
88 Do you see the people in your mind's eye-their facial expressions? the colour of their clothes?
89 The two most widely held theories are stark expressions of political and ethnic hatreds.
90 I look for smiles and expressions of contentment in people's faces as I pass, but I don't see them very often.
91 Ministers emerged as tight-lipped as they had entered, shirking the cameras and hurrying away with serious expressions.
92 I gave Maureen one of my best expressions, a sophisticated woman faced with some one less fortunate than herself.
93 However, Le Roy Ladurie sees the strikes and uprisings of this period as expressions or frustration rather than campaigns for political change.
94 Your facial expressions can help to emphasize parts of your speech too: try smiling, scowling, or raising your eyebrows.
95 In all its specific expressions, manhood is made, not born.
96 Tone of voice, facial expressions, and bodily postures can help or hinder communication.
97 Notice that the principle of contextual plausibility allows legitimacy to expressions which arise in the contrived contexts of the classroom.
98 We use language to talk about the meanings of linguistic expressions as well as about things that are not meanings.
99 Verily, the Academy is a raging inferno of inertia and glazed expressions.
100 Contrast also grants priority to lexical expressions that conventionally convey a specific meaning.
101 We waited to have our visas minutely examined by security police with green uniforms and humorless expressions.
102 One view was that they form a kind of virtuous circle of equally basic expressions definable in terms of each other.
103 They are tall and sharp and bony and their faces are chipped into expressions that never change, like flint arrowheads.
104 His attempt to win southern gaucho voters by playing up family links there backfired when he got his regional expressions muddled up.
105 Later, when my mind is rearranged, their expressions will come to seem contemptuous; even malevolent.
106 It will invite expressions of interest in fund holding, which will be available from April 1993.
107 They were identical, skinhead clones with square faces and frightening brutish expressions.
108 Gaius claims no more than that these four expressions are typical; his list is not exhaustive.
109 It's a useful little phrase book, full of colloquial expressions.
110 About thirty airmen sat around wearing a variety of expressions from sickly smiles to tough bravado.
111 One could not say her face softened, for softness was not in her repertoire of expressions.
112 She included difficult filler items without pronouns to divert the subjects' attention from the anaphoric expressions.
113 She accepted his expressions of sympathy and gratitude for seeing him(/expressions.html), with sweet womanly grace.
114 Ocean island and continental flood basalt occurrences represent different expressions of plume activity.
115 Such expressions of piety are written from the highest motives, and are true to the faith in one way.
116 I should stress again that I am here concerned with meanings qua posited objective thought-contents of linguistic expressions.
117 Expressions of indebtedness for specific forms of assistance are noted at appropriate points in the text.
118 These men appeared with shaven heads and grim, worried expressions.
119 In a 1974 study of eighty families, sociologist Richard Gelles found more nonreligious than religious homes involved in expressions of violence.
120 However, do avoid the use of slang or dialect expressions unless the context calls directly for such deviations from normal speech.
121 The Expressions salon in Hammersmith also offer a weave-on service and prices are £80 for straight hair and £90 for curly hair.
122 If family relationships are relatively harmonious, expressions of affection and acceptance may be given frequently and in an unqualified manner.
123 The Oval is hardly the place for such expressions, but Feeleyand the President had a good relationship.
124 Some of these expressions may be unfamiliar to your students.
125 Likewise, finite decimal expressions of unrestricted length give us nothing new, since these are just particular cases of fractions.
126 But the adjoining wall bears one plaque that probably says more about her outlook than all the formal expressions of gratitude.
127 Though he was naturally reserved in expressions or gestures of affection, Stewart freely expressed his love in letters to Avon.
128 Subsequent releases lost that initial edge, as the band looked to more complex expressions of their art.
129 I could see various expressions pass over the faces of the waiting constabulary.
130 So many expressions crossed his dark face and even when he was amused there was a sort of hard sensuality about him.
131 A void jargon Jargon consists of words or expressions developed for use within particular groups or professions.
132 Both of these expressions, however, have rather different underlying assumptions.
133 But the peculiar expressions of the constitution of the United States furnish additional arguments in favour of its rejection.
134 Gandhi describes religions as human constructs or expressions of that which underlies them and gives them reality.
135 The crucial point is that such expressions should be warranted by conceptual and communicative purposes recognized as having point in classroom activity.
136 But the animals and the people did not have facial expressions.
137 One has to do with learning to read body posture, facial expressions, and the like.
138 The next question is - do all these adverbial expressions function in the same way?
139 This women's protest was received with expressions of outrage and puzzlement by men within the dominant political culture.
140 The language makes available different types of expressions to do different types of jobs in connecting words to the world.
141 They had scornful eyes and superior expressions and were all called by sensible names like Susan.
142 Some expressions are more common in spoken English than in written English.
143 Upon meeting them you instantly see what they look like, and quickly observe their facial expressions, gestures and body language.
143 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
144 People were eating lunch, and I saw the same faces and the same expressions I had seen the day before.
145 These include pointing, walking in a certain direction, and facial expressions to convey emotion and communicate intentions.
146 One of the most widespread expressions of the colleague contract is compadrazgo.
147 His expressions range from that of a contented Cheshire Cat, to a somewhat frenetic frown.
148 In a sentential context, they are represented by syntactically incomplete predicative expressions.
149 With expressions such as these, we are obviously approaching another transitional area bordering on idiom.
150 In the case of attitudinal expressions, there are reversals, as rhetorical and historical contexts change.
151 Existence claims, after all, involve certain claims about concepts, and concepts are represented by predicative expressions.
152 Although physically perfect for the role, his clumsy facial expressions make him a lumbering presence in Lilliput.
153 Kirov's eyes continued to scan Ybreska's face, trying to probe the strange mixture of expressions which it displayed openly.
154 These are haunting and elegiac poems, in which expressions of sorrow and loss are given ceremonious form.
155 The expression in other words is just one example of a range of expressions which have been classified as apposition markers.
156 Her emotions were as confusingly mingled as the child's expressions laid one over another.
157 They tried writing and rewriting, each time coming up with dull and wordy expressions.
158 The ones that are declared as inputting variables are used only for input and subsequent use in expressions.
159 Structural semantics refers to the way in which lexical meanings combine to produce complex semantic expressions.
160 Homerton has already received expressions of interest from some 40 or 50 applicants for the new course.
161 The fifteen girls across the bar turned their eyes on him with identical expressions of bland, fathomless contempt.
162 Facial expressions and body posture can show a speaker that you are listening.
163 All we have is a difference in the referential relations between linguistic expressions and the world outside language.
164 Proximity, physical appearance, direction of gaze, and gestures and facial expressions all affect our perceptions of one another.
165 We are not now accustomed to associate democracy with such overt expressions of class hostility and social conflict.
166 The government found it expedient to slacken the grip of censorship in order to encourage loyal expressions of support for the Emancipation programme.
167 Some held their chins high, stretching necks, their expressions agonized, like martyrs in paintings.
168 Their expressions were drained of personality which gave them the family resemblance possessed by a flock of sheep.
169 In Seville he had often pleaded ignorance over some of the expressions she used.
170 The driver and another soldier leapt over the ditch, put on pleasant expressions like masks and strode towards us.
171 He concluded that these expressions evolved through natural selection.
172 The machine Zeno has human-like facial expressions and characteristics.
173 Most XPath expressions, especially location paths, return node-sets.
173 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
174 From Cairo came expressions of regret at the attack.
175 Performs a bitwise AND on two expressions.
176 Anywhere expressions can contain multiple address spaces.
177 One of these expressions is Hobson's choice.
178 The chimpanzee uses facial expressions for communication.
179 On the basis of building the ship radiated-noise model, the mathematical expectation expressions of ship radiated-noise demodulation spectrum harmonic clan feature were educed.
180 The following code example uses regular expressions to look for exact substring matches.
181 According to statistical theory, the numerical computation expressions of various parameters of crosslinking structure are derived, while the original molecules are distributed in Flory manner.
182 His facial expressions are sketched in my memory for life.
183 Correction coefficient for the wave meter and expressions for wave height calculation are inferred and three methods for observation and calculation of wave height are addressed.
184 This is valuable information because you can construct expressions that can be optimized through constant folding.
185 Matching word boundaries is a little different but adds a very important capability to regular expressions.
186 The main expressions of CPE consisted in decreased cell diopter, rounding reduced cells, modified particles and formation of multinuclear large cells due to cell fusion.
187 XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics [in development] gives a precise formal meaning to each of the expressions of the XPath 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 specification in terms of their data model.
188 These are the Big Six, quite literally, the in-your-face emotions - the ones that everyone the world over exhibits with the same dramatic and characteristic facial expressions.
189 Expressions are still validated for syntax appropriate in the context of the field type, but can be in the full range of grammar as supported by the runtime.
190 Use grammar learned in Level 1 through Level 3 as a basis to create varied expressions.
191 Objective:To investigate the changes in histogenesis and expressions of related oncogene protein in recurrent bone tumor.
192 By means of analyzing the mathematical expressions, the projective drawing and the error curves(), the appropriate limits and conditions of using the circular pitch arc in place ...
193 The integral expressions for scattered fields including the second-order scattering terms are given based on the reciprocity theorem.
194 Euphemistic Expressions are a frequently used pragmatic strategy of politeness language in the international business negotiation.
195 I can't, frankly, keep arithmetic expressions and parenthetical nestings clear.
196 The analytic expressions to calculate stabilizable radius of interval plant family with infinity-norm are given based on edges theorem.
197 A number of words and expressions have come into the language from American English.
198 The amusing incongruence between their woefully out-of-tune singing and unflinchingly dedicated facial expressions soon became a hot topic among student-netizens.
199 Possibly because of their overachievement in "mind reading," women often find blank expressions, or a lack of response, completely unbearable.
200 Contours are graphic expressions with uniform spacing depicting a structure's character.
201 GalC expressions of Schwann cells in high glucose was also increased significantly.
202 For the case that one CSMA/CD system is connected with two gateways, the expressions of equivalent parameters in the equivalence model are derived.
203 Semantically, the terms and expressions related to man usually have neutral or appreciative implications while the woman counterparts are depreciative, or even related to sex.
203 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
204 What Conrad explores in Lord Jim is also the expressions of the themes of existentialism.
205 The reasons for inducing quadrature error and offset error are analyzed and the expressions of quadrature error and offset error are induced.
206 The rank expressions, simple or complex, define a numerical value that expresses preferences.
207 In other studies, smiling individuals recalled happier memories than those with furled brows or neutral expressions.
208 From the expressions on their faces, I realized the gravity of the situation.
209 Metonymic expressions of emotional conception are mainly grounded in various physical sensations and bodily agitations.
210 The expressions of the chromatic function and the chromatic weight polynomial of a P-graph about a permutation group H are established, de Bruijn s Theorem follows from th.
211 The subsequent expressions, however, produce boolean values using relational comparisons, then use logical operations on the results.
212 Women find happy men less sexually attractive than those with expressions that show pride or hint that they have done wrong and know it, according to Canadian researchers.
213 Binary trees are represented in the input file as LISP S - expressions having the following form.
214 Words and expressions mark aspect, discuss the aspect of function diverse, lexical category widespread, quantity is rich, and use freedom.
215 More attention on language complexity could drive students to apply more expressions and sentence patterns into actual use, which would help to improve the current situation.
216 Because of the specific mode of life, customs and environments, there are a lot of terms and expressions not easy to translate into other languages and render their meanings.
217 All the above are the concentrative expressions of our value concepts.
218 Typically, expressions that refer to labels, variables, procedures, or functions are relocatable , since the final address of these symbols is unknown at compile time.
219 The results indicate that this model of towline is simple and practical, with the simple expressions and satisfactory computation outcome.
220 The non-instrumental feature of language is the cause of different expressions in the "sayable" and "unsayahle" facts as well as the conceptual and non-fine discrimination of expressions.
221 The expressions in simultaneous form of the generalized Coulomb and Biot - Savart laws are presented.
222 The analytical expressions for the dynamic stresses and perturbation of magnetic field vector are obtained by means of a finite integral transform and Laplace transform.
223 Numerical examples indicate that the modified expressions keep to the principle of conservation of energy.
224 His speech seems to have no original ideas, furthermore it's full of hackneyed and stereotyped expressions.
225 The expressions are derived which relate the cumulative probability of sidelobe to the range of element position errors, subarray position errors and a phase error in each element.
226 More precise analytic expressions for ferromagnetic resonance of single crystals are calculated, the approximation being carried to terms quadratic in the magneto-crystalline anisotropy field.
227 Within a statement, you can use variables, expressions, and literal data such as strings and numbers.
228 As with other parts of this article series, whole books have been written on regular expressions and computer language theory.
229 All of the SQL expressions for any attributes that were selected as columns in the SELECT clause should also be in the GROUP BY clause.
230 Starting from paraxial wave equation, analytical propagation expressions of hyperbolic secant pulsed beams with narrowband and broadband are derived.
231 The exact expressions of the reflective and transmissive fields are derived.
232 Examples are given that by using this expressions, large number of equations in authors' study on inorganic oxidation-reduction reactions have been balanced by only one computer processing.
233 Objective To compare the beneficial effects of Atenolol and Metoprolol on cardiomyocyte apoptosis and related gene expressions after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in rats.
234 It is also limited by intersymbol interference when transmission speed of code accord with Shannon expressions in the course of baseband transmission of digital signal.
235 It'suggested itself to him that women were often very emphatic in their expressions.
236 The syntax uses PRCE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions), a very powerful way of matching any desired string pattern.
237 Accordingly, it finds expressions in his striking consciousness of problems, critical attitude, independent personality, and practice to get through a line of demarcation between disci...
238 Keep a note of these expressions and we’ll go over them in the debrief and explain what they mean and how they can be used.
239 Using it the scale of electrical networks which can be topologically analysed by a computer will be increased, and the result expressions are terse.
240 "Sayable" is a relatively closed system of expressions, and "unsayable" is a relatively open one.
241 The puppets are intricately crafted and feature highly exaggerated expressions.
242 As discussed, rule expressions may take on a wide range of forms, and a key design decision is the identification of which rules are best expressed in which form.
243 Expressions that refer to memory locations are called "l-value" expressions.
244 According to cross-cultural studies by social psychologist Paul Ekman, the facial expressions are able to read your emotional expressions clearly.
245 In particular, approximate expressions for the air gap flux and the airgap flux density are derived.
246 Since superstitions are " traditional expressions, " they are folklore.
247 Even today, many French expressions occur in traditional ceremonial language.
248 Use some useful expressions and sentence structure you have learned.
249 We deduced a expressions for threshold voltage temperature coefficient of short channel MOST.
250 Because continuity and smooth of curve of off-volume-stress and volume-strain were taken into account, the modificatory expressions are consonant with the testing result.
251 Binary logic in XPath expressions is a bit more complex than simply true and false.
252 You can even combine history expressions to yield sigil soup such as !
253 The characteristics of four syllable expressions in Dai language are an organizing and summarizing of the objective language material.
254 In this, and similar, expressions, order of evaluation of the operand isn't an issue.
255 Characterized by accuracy, brevity and clarity, the language of the law reveals itself in the use of words and expressions, which shall serve as an objective statement rather than an subjective one.
256 One limitation of inner classes — and lambda expressions too — is that they can only refer to final local variables from their lexical scope.
257 Moreover, Friedl's book includes some truly mind-blowing regular expressions to properly match fully qualified e-mail addresses and other Request for Comments- (RFC) specified strings.
258 The expressions of P - gp in AFTO 24 group and control group were ( 31.7±10.2 ) % and ( 12.6±3.9 ) %, respectively ( P & lt ; 0.01 ).
259 For its planned $1 billion rights offering, Hana is receiving expressions of interest from potential investors until year-end.
260 Gestures, facial expressions and body movement compose ninety-three percent of communication--only seven percent of understanding derives from words.
261 Therefore rational expressions must be possessed of mature minds, judgment and analytical abilities. In addition, a certain amount of cognitive reserves is required.
262 The study of nonlinguistic bodily movements, such as gestures and facial expressions, as a systematic mode of communication.
263 Detecting the expressions of LOX-1 protein in the peripheral blood monocytic macrophages would be a useful method of predicting the occurrence of CHD.
264 Truth Table Generator For Boolean Expres - This program creates truth tables from boolean expressions.
265 The intonation of a character's voice will effect their facial expressions.
266 These complimentary expressions were uttered in a somewhat absent and distracted manner.
267 The hula combines flowing movement with facial expressions(http:///expressions.html), all set to special chants and music.
268 Methods 90 cases of the operation resection samples and biopsy specimens of ESCC were studied. The expressions of HSP70 were detected with immunochemistry .
269 The analytical expressions of the electromagnetic field generated by the DC electric dipole in the upper space for the two-layer mode were obtained by using the method of mirror image.
270 And the coefficients of eigen-polynomial expressions were closely related to the circular sets of a directional graph.
271 For a complanate parallel chords truss, the axial forces of a member can be solved by the shear-diagram and two simple expressions.
272 In all such expressions, the type of an assignment expression is the type of its left operand, and the value is the value after the assignment.
273 Second Daughter - in - law and Third Daughter - in - law exchanged glances, simultaneously wiping the genial expressions from their faces.
274 The concept model and material expressions was put forward which can forecast the continual state attribute.
275 Yes, there are lots of squirmy arms and rolls on the floor, but they're all distinct personal expressions.
276 In the latest several months, I have met some persons with those eye expressions, and naturally attribute them to be self-righteous persons.
277 You are using deictic expressions this or that to indicate something in the immediate context.




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