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单词 Act as
1. I shall act as you advise.
2. Let's all get together and act as one.
3. He agreed to act as treasurer.
4. Twenty students volunteered to act as guinea pigs.
5. Will you act as interpreter for us?
6. They act as joint trustees of the fund.
7. Look for something that can act as a shield, like a dustbin lid.
8. Dustbags act as a filter and suction will be reduced if they are too full.
9. The new tax laws should act as a stimulus to exports.
10. The centre will act as a clearing house for research projects for former nuclear scientists.
11. You act as if you're ashamed to be seen with me.
12. The Premier deputed the Foreign Minister to act as his deputy.
13. He was happy to act as a consultant to the company.
14. The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers.
15. Some Sherpas act as guides and porters for mountaineering expeditions.
16. He was asked to act as an advisor on the project.
17. His first act as leader was to purge the party of extremists.
18. It was imperative that he act as naturally as possible.
19. His conduct made him unfit to act as director of a company.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. We must appoint sb to act as secretary.
21. Stress may act as a trigger for these illnesses.
22. Lip-reading can act as compensation for loss of hearing.
23. Why does he act as if he was stupid?
24. Can you act as interpreter?
25. Savings can act as a cushion against unemployment.
26. I volunteered to act as chauffeur.
27. The village people act as guardians of the land.
28. Financial institutions act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers.
29. Large fines act as a deterrent to motorists.
30. The small fines for this type of crime do not act as much of a deterrent .
1. I shall act as you advise.
2. Let's all get together and act as one.
3. He agreed to act as treasurer.
4. Twenty students volunteered to act as guinea pigs.
5. Will you act as interpreter for us?
6. They act as joint trustees of the fund.
7. The small fines for this type of crime do not act as much of a deterrent .
8. Look for something that can act as a shield, like a dustbin lid.
9. Dustbags act as a filter and suction will be reduced if they are too full.
10. The new tax laws should act as a stimulus to exports.
11. The centre will act as a clearing house for research projects for former nuclear scientists.
12. You act as if you're ashamed to be seen with me.
13. The Premier deputed the Foreign Minister to act as his deputy.
14. He was happy to act as a consultant to the company.
15. The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers.
16. Some Sherpas act as guides and porters for mountaineering expeditions.
17. He was asked to act as an advisor on the project.
18. His first act as leader was to purge the party of extremists.
19. It was imperative that he act as naturally as possible.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. His conduct made him unfit to act as director of a company.
21. Large fines act as a deterrent to motorists.
22. I offered to act as mediator and tried to bring about a reconciliation between the two parties.
23. John will act as a deputy for me during my absence.
24. The personnel manager has been casting about for somebody who can act as receptionist.
31. The leopard's spots act as camouflage.
32. Good teachers can act as positive role models .
33. His headmaster agreed to act as his referee.
34. Chlorine will act as a catalyst.
35. She agreed to act as intermediary between the two tribes.
36. Fixed wages and lack of promotion act as a disincentive to employees.
37. A reduction in corporate tax should act as a stimulus to economic activity.
38. It is hoped the tax cuts will act as a stimulant to further economic growth.
39. A UN representative will act as a go-between for leaders of the two countries.
40. Will you act as witness to the agreement between us?
41. The former president has agreed to act as an intermediary between the government and the rebels.
42. The firm's director is confident that the new project will act as a springboard for/to further contracts.
43. He argues that the free supply of skilled labour will act as an incentive for employees to be more diligent.
44. Abraham was able to act as interpreter and interlocutor for our group.
45. My brother speaks French - he can act as interpreter.
46. A gentle walk can act as a warm-down after a race.
47. One of the men stood at the door to act as a lookout.
48. Your age should not act as a preclusion to you being accepted on the university course.
49. The rise in fuel prices is intended to act as a discouragement to car users from using their cars.
49. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
50. Rises in interest rates usually act as a brake on expenditure.
51. The ambassador has offered to act as a go-between for the two countries involved in the conflict.
52. She has agreed to act as a surrogate mother for her sister.
53. To act as you have done is to fly in the face of Providence.
54. I offered to act as mediator and tried to bring about a reconciliation between the two parties.
55. The United Nations will act as guarantor of the peace settlement.
56. Would you be willing to act as a witness to my signature when I sign my will?
57. Hopefully his punishment will act as a deterrent to others.
58. She wanted him to act as an intermediary in the dispute with Moscow.
59. The bank will act as trustees for the estate until the child is 18.
60. We want to encourage them to group together to act as a big purchaser.
61. I don't understand their language; you'll have to act as interpreter.
62. My role is to act as a mediator between employees and management.
63. We hope this book will act as a bridge between doctor and patient.
64. John will act as a deputy for me during my absence.
65. He will act as a go-between to try and work out an agenda.
66. Ask your teacher to act as one of your references.
67. A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person.
68. If you're going to rent out your house while you're abroad, you'll need someone to act as your agent here.
69. The general manager put my brother in to act as a business buyer for his company in Tokyo.
70. A five-year sentence should act as a deterrent to others.
71. The new managing director will act as spearhead of the campaign.
72. The insect's bright colours act as warning signals to its predators.
73. We will act as the exclusive distributor for these Russian goods to the world market.
74. Students in fifty schools are to act as guinea pigs for these new teaching methods.
75. They hope his election will act as a catalyst for reform.
76. Higher interest rates will act as a check on public spending.
77. The personnel manager has been casting about for somebody who can act as receptionist.
78. His former employer agreed to act as a referee for him.
79. High marginal tax rates may act as a disincentive to working longer hours.
80. When he tested an early vaccine on himself(Sentence dictionary)(), some described the act as foolhardy.
81. She's married, but she doesn't act as if she is, if you get my drift.
82. Several trading companies were set up in the early 1960s to act as fronts for money-laundering operations.
83. The company pays £220 a week for people to act as couriers.
84. The offer of economic help is intended to act as a goad to political reform.
85. He agreed to go with them and act as their guide.
86. A newly - devised microcomputer can act as a guide to a blind person.
87. The European Union can act as a sheet anchor for emerging democracies.
88. Sir Herbert took it upon himself to act as chairman.
89. The presence of the army should act as a check on civil unrest.
90. Women should be free to dress and act as they please.
91. She often had to act as a buffer between father and son.
92. Morgan Stanley will act as co-global coordinator.
93. Grove Projects will also act as consulting engineer.
94. They act as a barrier, holding in moisture.
95. Marketing itself tends to be a more specialist operation organised through trading companies who act as agents for manufacturers.
96. These structural problems will act as a major constraint on any potential recovery in the housing market.
97. Both act as a barrier against the elements in winter, but are rather unsuitable choices for summer.
98. As far as I know, he does nothing but act as adviser to the priesthood on technical details.
99. These verbal clues act as links between major and subordinate points.
100. If you sense danger, act as if you can see danger itself.
101. Except in the case of rent arrears, almost anyone can act as a private bailiff.
102. However, many new serums act as a protective barrier and seem to improve hair suppleness, too.
103. In both cases, the comic tends to act as a mere distraction from the main activity of drinking or dancing.
104. Do these eruptions act as a safety valve or will they lead to a cataclysm?
105. Almost, because fund expenses act as a drag on the upside and as a slight accelerator on the downside.
106. You're going to be a class act as Prime Minister, really you are.
107. They sometimes act as a source of strength and insight not available to the conscious mind.
108. The advisory teacher was then well placed to act as broker between the course requirements, the students and the schools.
109. The salt marshes act as barriers between the sea and land.http:///act as.html
110. A box with a blanket draped over the top to act as a door makes a home for how many children?
111. Trust Claire to act as if she were the centre of attention.
112. Mortal bodies act as a bridge between the raw body of nature and the ethereal body of Spirit.
113. After a period of training, co-counsellors are paired off, and thereafter act as both counsellor and client to each other.
114. Unfortunately, widespread foot-dragging continues to act as a brake on debt relief.
115. In a competitive situation, this would act as an effective discipline.
116. They act as a complement to his large works which are responses to a progressive environmental catastrophe.
117. In addition to examining ways to generate resources it would act as a consultative group linking potential donors and beneficiaries.
118. The councils, which are locally autonomous, act as courts for the whole area.
119. We could replant with beech interspersed with conifers to act as nurses to the beech trees until they had got established.
120. Avoid dry leaves, twigs, puddles and mud as any noise will act as an alarm signal to the animal.
121. The federal army has been called in to act as a buffer in areas of high tension.
122. In his will he left £12 to be given to twelve old maids who were to act as pall bearers.
123. Thus a disordered sequence of clauses or sentences can act as an iconic representation of material or emotional disorder.
124. These channels act as on-ramps to the Internet or other on-line information services.
125. He does not, but his genes act as if they do.
126. Compton proposed that the quantum of light could act as if it were a particle, and he christened this the photon.
127. A Zoological Society was founded in London in 1826 to act as a showcase for Britain's colonial possessions.
128. This sentence certainly will not act as a deterrent to other drunk drivers.
129. The black and white stripes of the skunks act as a powerful deterrent, even from a great distance.
130. To deal with disputes over such matters, regional health authorities will act as conciliators.
131. They act as a bond between people through providing amusement or an experience shared and believed to be held in common.
132. These people need to be enabled to act as representatives for their agencies and as link-persons with other agencies.
133. Let us therefore assume that nervous disorders act as an intervening variable.
134. And then your office can do what it does best: act as an arena for your focused business energies.
135. This obscures the fact that although States act as their representatives in international arenas, individuals remain as third parties.
136. For example, the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis has the ability to produce crystalline spores which act as natural insecticides.
137. But he was prepared to act as Guntram's agent in his dealings with bishop Theodore of Marseilles.
138. Whether that would act as a deterrent is, of course, another question altogether.
139. The gorge was his theater and the railways were delighted to act as his agents.
140. Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. William James 
141. In the meantime, his assistant, Mr Ronnie Moran,(http:///act as.html) would act as caretaker manager.
142. W I Carr Pension Trustees act as trustee and administrator for the plan.
143. I was not ready to act as if I were dead already.
144. From then on, act as if you've never met her before, avoid the mundane and lavish her with compliments.
145. The developer or his land buyer should act as the catalyst in such situations.
146. Lord Reid said that the courts must carry out this task by construing the Act as a whole.
147. It is your civic duty to act as a juror.
148. And I could act as if running a new household was an ambition f could concentrate on and fall in love with.
149. Even in towns women did not normally act as traders.
150. This traffic also permitted the firm to act as a channel of communications between the two governments in wartime.
151. Indeed, permanently fixed exchange rates could be positively harmful since changing parities can act as a buffer to absorb economic shocks.
152. Rivers also provide a means of disposing of waste, and act as a transport medium.
153. Such evidence may also act as a catalyst for improving the methods by which meta-analyses are conducted.
154. Most people who ask for advice from others have already resolved to act as it pleases them. Kahlil Gibran 
155. This is usually dictated by the need for a flat area immediately next to the house to act as a sheltered sun trap.
156. Advocates of manned flight agree that robots should act as interplanetary scouts, blazing trails that humans can safely follow.
157. In small amounts it can act as a stimulant, in larger doses causing hyperactivity, headaches and insomnia.
158. It is because such interfaces are believed to be dangerous that men act as they do in ritual situations.
159. Group norms and values will act as constraints and even informal rules can be as rigid as formal rules.
160. For external audits identify some one within your firm who can act as a contact point and be present throughout the audit.
161. In 1951 and 1952 he continued to act as the Rassemblement's main spokesman(), addressing rallies and holding press conferences.
162. The effect may be to limit greatly the opportunity for solicitors to act as advocates in more serious criminal cases.
163. She was able to act as a reconciling agent in a way no one could ever have foreseen.
164. The committee also continues to act as adviser to the Professional Conduct Department on the technical aspects of disciplinary complaints.
165. A solicitor or accountant can act as an Executor if you so wish.
166. Toned muscles can also act as a natural corset, improving the body's shape and contours.
167. You should remember, however, that this can not act as a barrier if you have damp problems.
168. In April 1992 they persuaded Boris Yeltsin to put three industrialists into the government to act as a brake on the free-marketeers.
169. The state Department of Insurance conducts financial checkups and can act as a patient advocate with health-maintenance organizations.
169. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
170. Trenches Throughout everything, the divisions of class act as trenches as surely as those dug by the soldiers.
171. A spokeswoman for his department said it would effectively act as a cap on costs.
172. Feed the sitting tenants to act as a diversion when adding new fish to an aquarium. 3.
173. The waste form and the cannister should act as barriers for 1000 years each.
174. I really should have had an accountant to act as a buffer, and filter all money issues through his skeptical gaze.
175. It will no longer act as a spring but at least it will give the cabin a more solid base.
176. If you want a quality, act as if you already have it. William James 
177. Like oil, gas and coal fields, peat bogs act as vast carbon stores.
178. When entertaining friends, the garden can act as the fitting backdrop for a successful party.
179. A group of young people without Saturday jobs, will act as a control group.
180. The jacaranda pods were too stiff to act as castanets.
181. It will provide a comprehensive district-wide service for the first time, and act as a central focus for the community.
182. By offering pre-service training we can surely do no worse than act as honest brokers in a fairly honourable profession.
183. He was recruited because a man could not be found to act as porter for the annual salary of £27.
184. It will act as a barrier to you in putting your own psychological discoveries directly to your reader.
185. You may act as a role model and a mentor to others.
186. The bankruptcy order does not act as an automatic stay of all proceedings against the bankrupt.
187. Instead he will, in best bib and tucker, be performing his last official act as the Masters champion.
188. The classification scheme is intended to act as an authority in selecting the relationships to be shown.
189. Now a further prosecution is pending after a local businessman agreed to act as a prosecution witness.
190. It is known to act as a barrier to the development of delinquent tendencies, among other things.
191. In theory, and to some extent in practice, it does act as a means of distancing broadcasting from government.
192. But I act as general dogsbody, carry books, go fetch, good boy, that kind of thing.
193. A: Air couriers act as delivery persons for packages too urgent or sensitive to fly as general cargo.
194. Security forces will act as they judge the situation best, Mr Singh said, signalling a more aggressive policy towards militants.
195. This threat of takeover may act as an effective discipline in some cases, although it is hard to prove.
196. He continued nevertheless to act as unpaid organizer and adviser to the Peelites up to 1852.
197. Thus administrative receivers must be qualified to act as insolvency practitioners and can only be removed from office by the court.
198. Banks should have money to act as a cushion against possible losses from loans.
199. It was to act as a subject board,(http:///act as.html) consider and where appropriate approve proposals which fitted the CNAA-university guidelines.
200. Financial institutions - which act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers, and manage their own asset portfolios. 3.
201. The U.N. forces will act as a buffer between the warring sides.
202. The seminars are intended to act as the basis for developing a future programme of collaborative research in the periphery.
203. As time passed, however, the Church censors began to act as if the distinction were of no importance.
204. Double glazing may act as a deterrent, and may firms fit window locks as standard.
205. To what extent do girls act as brakes on, or motivators of, delinquent behaviour in masculine adolescent gang-culture, for example?
206. Killing the fatted calf is another Biblical phrase which ought to act as an antidote to killjoy Christmases.
207. You act as a decoy and we'll sneak out the back.
208. They act as a catalyst for a company and help it to focus on a higher level of performance.
209. Overburdened by commitments elsewhere, Unesco can only act as a clearing house for independently sponsored initiatives.
210. The service provider will register the domain name for the customer and act as the customer mail forwarder.
211. Why does guidance act as a punisher since a child may enjoy the contact it brings?
212. Each customer is looked after by a manager who will act as a personal adviser.
213. The third arbitrator will act as the presiding arbitrator.
214. The world's natural ecosystems act as a buffer.
215. He was supposed to act as the marshal's aide.
216. Alcoholic drinks act as a poison to a child.
217. Augmented reality controls allow any surface to act as an interface.
218. Act as a HR coordinator on behalf of the branch head.
219. Molecules or ions which act as ligands should therefore have lone pairs of electrons for donation.




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