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单词 Birth control
1) You may have heard of Birth Control.
2) She was a suffragette and a birth control pioneer.
3) She works in a birth control clinic.
4) Sex education and birth control are sensitive issues.
5) Today's methods of birth control make it possible for a couple to choose whether or not to have a child.
6) She supports birth control.
7) Condoms are an effective method of birth control if used with care.
8) The pill is the most efficient method of birth control.
9) The issue of birth control was touched on, but we need to examine it in more detail.
10) The Vatican is taking a hard line on birth control.
11) There are, moreover, other barriers to using birth control.
12) Meanwhile,[http:///birth control.html] the birth control movement was becoming more respectable.
13) Birth control pills decrease the chances of getting pregnant.
14) There are several birth control methods to choose from.
15) Have you discussed birth control with your daughter?
16) Tell us about the foreplay. What kind of birth control does she use?
17) Birth control devices and information had never been widely available, and now they all but disappeared.
18) Many Shiite clergymen maintain that birth control is proscribed by Islam.
19) They include birth control pills, other ovulation suppressors and long-acting hormones.
20) However, if the result is a more effective birth control programme, it may gain her active support.
21) A family doctor will be able to advise on suitable birth control.
22) Except not the end of the episode if there were a failure of a birth control measure and the result was conception.
23) By 1901, the population had grown considerably but increased use of birth control was narrowing the lower part of the pyramid.
24) He found there a country whose characteristics cast the philosophy of birth control in a new light.
25) The Church of Rome, on the other hand, hardened its attitude against birth control.
26) But there are no easy ways of determining the actual role of women in decision making in the use of birth control.
27) One year they asked me to be poster boy - for birth control. Rodney Dangerfield 
28) A rapid increase in population would be a natural corollary of any such changes in the birth control program.
29) Like clockwork, she goes to the local health clinic every third month for three new cycles of free birth control pills.
30) So far, women have borne the brunt of the responsibility for birth control.
31) Average age at last birth is about 40 years in populations not practising birth control.
32) Later that year she opened a birth control clinic in Brooklyn.
33) After the 1980 elections, we knew that the rights to both birth control and abortion were at risk.
34) It surfaced over the issues of abortion and birth control.
35) No-one feels so strongly against abortion at any stage that they picket the factories where birth control pills are produced.
36) Some women who used the birth control device became sterile.
37) How does one educate these people into birth control, a vasectomy or sterilisation?
38) Kabari women use whatever birth control technology they can lay their hands on.
39) At the dawn of the industrial revolution, birth control technology was still relatively crude.
40) The Church has been criticized for being intransigent on the issues of abortion and birth control.
41) Even more important, birth control has a crucial escape hatch.
42) I wanted a prescription for the pill. Birth control was still illegal then in some states, even for married couples.
42) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
43) Sterilisation may be the ideal method of birth control for couples who are sure they have completed their family.
44) Birth control advocates began to think they could gain more public acceptance on their own.
45) Couples desperate not to have a child sometimes fail to use birth control.
46) However unless birth control methods are used, sooner or later the woman is likely to get pregnant.
47) We do not recommend birth control or encourage birth control in any way, except to point out its failure rate.
48) Indeed, it is one of the chief means of birth control in many parts of the world.
49) Birth control Reared outside and fed on good pasture, lamb has a fine, fragrant flavour.
50) Many feminists were also interested in birth control as an issue although discretion dictated a public silence.
51) Birth Control Pills and Headache Headaches may rarely occur as a side effect of birth control pills.
52) The father of six children, he understands the consequences of adhering to the teaching on birth control.
53) Birth control pills may cause or aggravate vascular headaches as well as predispose the patient to cerebral venous or arterial occlusions.
54) Thus Sanger and her paper, now named Birth Control Review(), parted ways with her former financial backers.
55) Your partner is also welcome, so why not go along together to discuss the different methods of birth control?
56) Some parents feel that making birth control available to teenagers somehow condones sexual activity.
57) Despite significant advances in family planning, the report said, birth control had become a matter of global survival.
58) During the inter-war period birth control was discussed more openly than ever before.
59) Others suggested that because of its rigid op-position to birth control, the Church had forfeited its credibility in the reproductive debate.
60) Some are also unaware or confused about where to obtain birth control and what this involves.
61) The birth control methods most commonly used by working class families were as readily available in 1870 as they were in 1950.
62) Another method of birth control must be used for a few months until two consecutive tests show there are no sperm left.
63) This information leaflet replaces those previously issued and those under the title Modern methods of birth control.
64) Contraception Birth control by prevention of conception or impregnation.
65) Choosing the best birth control pill can be difficult.
66) He also harassed the birth control advocate Margaret Sanger.
67) Birth Control is a long - term policy.
68) a reliable method of birth control.
69) Contraception birth control by prevention of conception or impregnation.
70) Birth control was illegal there until 1978.
71) Another name for the rhythm method of birth control.
72) Authors: Kunming Public Health Bureau,[] Kunming Papulation and Birth control Commission.
73) The birth control pill could also throw a spanner in the works of the laws of natural attraction as it prevents women giving off monthly fertility signals believed to be subtly alluring to men.
74) Most American women use contraceptive methods as the birth control pill.
75) The current ongoing crime by the Christian church is not recommending birth control, in an extremely overpopulated world.
76) Let's put stress on the importance of birth control and call on the whole nation to take more effective actions so that our country could have a brighter future.
77) And she joked that school overcrowding could be fixed with birth control.
78) Perforation of the uterus by an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) is not a rare complication with this means of birth control.
79) Vasectomy is the single most reliable form of birth control that exists.
80) Recently an oral contraceptive named Yaz has become the only birth control pill approved to treat PMDD.
81) Increasing use of birth control pills is also contributing towards rising impotency, he said.
82) " Margaret Sanger, who courageously pioneered the cause of birth control, icily promoted contraception "to be used in poverty-stricken slums, jungles and among the most ignorant people.
83) Over the next few months a birth control product called OvoControl P, which interferes with(2) egg development, will be placed in bird food in new rooftop feeders(3).
84) The minipill, also known as the progestin-only birth control pill, is an oral contraceptive that contains the hormone progestin.
85) Of course each type of birth control pill has its own risks and benefits. Understand the basics then work with your health care provider to determine the best birth control pill for you.
86) Using the basal body temperature method for birth control requires motivation and diligence.
87) If you'd like to use combination birth control pills, your health care provider can help you decide which type is right for you.
88) If you need birth control only occasionally over-the-counter male or female condoms might be appropriate birth control options. You might also consider a contraceptive sponge and spermicide.
89) The best solution to solve the problem of overpopulation is to exercise birth control.
90) Monophasic. In this type of combination birth control pill, each active pill contains the same amount of estrogen and progestin.
91) Still, you may have many questions about the potential effects of the birth control pill on your overall health.
92) A company in the United States has come up with the first chewable birth control tablet.
93) Even though I have not prescribed the medication in some years, a procession of symptomatically unhappy women taking birth control pills continues to flow into my office.
94) Be sure to talk to your health care provider about any health conditions you have or any medications you're taking before taking the combination birth control pill or the minipill.
95) Combination birth control pills that contain less than 50 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol, a kind of estrogen, are known as low-dose pills.
96) People who are obese, pregnant, taking birth control pills or hormones, or who have certain inherited clotting factor abnormalities are more prone to developing them.
97) If you plan to have a baby, how soon after stopping the birth control pill can you conceive?
98) If melasma is caused by the birth control pill, discontinuing the pill may cause it to clear and prevent future occurrence.
99) The government believes that birth control limits are essential for China.
100) In one study, use of birth control pills led to a higher risk of premenopausal breast cancer in women who took the pill for four or more years before having a baby.
101) Studies clearly show that rifampin decreases the effectiveness of birth control pills in preventing ovulation.
102) Thus the research on effects of inhibin is important theoretically and has application perspectives in improving the potential of animal reproduction and the research of human birth control.
102) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
103) The "pull-out" method, also known as the rhythm method, is potentially the worst possible form of birth control.
104) He got a hole in one"); semantic jokes that go beyond wordplay ("What do engineers use for birth control?
105) The sub-official escapes hangs mainly has the woman who in the prolificacy, produces densely, at childbirth many year sequelae, may add gradually stores implements the birth control now.
106) The wife took off birth control annulus, the hope wants a child, but for a long time is infecund .
107) Birth control is a two-way street(), and Dr. Berman asks Courtney and Pierce if they're prepared with two forms of birth control.
108) Do not use birth control pills; use a condom without spermicide instead.
109) St John's wort can lessen the effectiveness of various birth control pills and can also interfere with an anti-blood clotting drug.
110) A woman who takes birth control pills, smokes, and is older than 35 years of age runs a much higher than normal risk of developing lethal blood clots.
111) The government was asked to redefine its program on birth control.
112) Vasal sterilization is the main method for male birth control. The main methods which have drawn great interest are no-scalped vasectomy(NSV), chemical vas occlusion(CVO) and MPUvas occlusion(MPU).
113) A report by the US department of health and human services last month said the success of birth control measures means the growth of China's labour force may soon cease.
114) If you are taking a low-estrogen birth control pill, consider using another method of birth control, i.e., condoms, for several weeks after stopping the pill.
115) In this type of combination birth control pill, the amounts of hormones in active pills vary.
116) "This redefinition really could end up reclassifying all of these effective and safe birth control methods as abortifacients, or agents that induce abortions, " he says.
117) For Searle and growing pharmaceutical company, the prospect of a birth control pill was tempting - and terrifying.
118) It's possible to prevent your period with continuous use of any birth control pill.
119) Melasma is also known to arise among women taking hormonal birth control pills, and it sometimes occurs in women taking progesterone hormone replacement therapies following menopause.
120) Use Condoms without spermicide for Birth control instead of Birth Control Pills. Use Natural Progesterone instead of HRT.
121) And while Mason of Personhood USA says he doesn't think his proposals would interfere with most forms of birth control, he doesn't deny that some could.
122) Natural family planning may be an appealing birth control option if you can't or choose not to use traditional contraceptives.
123) It's also possible to use combination birth control pills or ParaGard — an intrauterine device — for emergency contraception.
124) Using the rhythm method for birth control requires careful record keeping and diligence.
125) Spermicide isn't a highly effective birth control method when used alone.
126) In this type of combination birth control pill, each active pill contains the same amount of estrogen and progestin.
127) If you're considering using birth control you have many options — from natural family planning and over-the-counter birth control products to prescription contraceptives or sterilization.
128) The birth control pill is unpopular, as many people believe it harms a woman's body.
129) My girlfriend has reservations about going on the birth control pill.
130) Now it is as just about as cosmetic, and as non - essential, as birth control or orthodontics.
131) Abstinence frees you from the dangers of various birth control methods.
132) The oral contraceptive pill, known simply as "the pill, " is a marvel of modern chemistry. It's the most popular form of birth control in the United States.
133) ACLU attorney Kolbi-Molinas says that banning forms of birth control along with abortion is exactly what the personhood backers have in mind.
134) Will a pregnancy test be accurate if you're taking the birth control pill?
134) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
135) I just employed the most ancient form of birth control Coitus Interruptus, as the Romans called it.
136) However, use of birth control pills also decreases the risk of other types of cancer, such as ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer.
137) In small, overpopulated countries that have no land, birth control is acceptable.
138) Vaginal birth control sponge assumes the circular, its diameter is about 5.5 cm, 2.5 cm, thickness of about one side sag can cover your cervix, a belt to ring after sex pull out the sponge.
139) Continuous use of your birth control pills works best if you're taking a monophasic pill — with the same hormone dose in the three weeks of active pills.
140) If you use the birth control pill — that is, an oral contraceptive — you're probably happy with its convenience and reliability.
141) No one had fought harder to make contraception available to all women than the country's most outspoken birth control advocate(), Margaret Sanger.
142) The '60s sexual revolution, and the widespread availability of the birth control pill, changed all that.
143) More troubling, St. John's Wort can increase the rate at which estrogen is broken down by the body...and for ladies on the birth control pill, that can mean increased risk of unintended pregnancy.
144) If you're most concerned about effectiveness prescription contraceptives — such as contraceptive injections a vaginal ring or an intrauterine device — might be better birth control options.
145) Keep in mind, however, that natural family planning methods aren't as effective as prescription birth control and don't offer protection from sexually transmitted infections.
146) Birth Control Pills: Women who take even a low-estrogen birth control pill may be twice as likely to have a stroke than those who don't and the risk may increase if other risk factors are present.
147) Some Americans think abortionvery cruelagainst humanity. Most American women use contraceptive methods such birth control pill.
148) Most American women use contraceptive methods such as the birth control pill.
149) In an extremely overpopulated world, religion calls for more births and demands a ban on birth control.




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