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单词 Swam
1. The boys swam across the lake.
2. They swam till the tide began to ebb.
3. Franklin swam and sunbathed at the pool every morning.
4. A cloud swam slowly across the moon.
5. The very salty water buoyed her as she swam.
6. We swam in the chilly water.
7. We swam out to the yacht.
8. She swam out into the cool water.
9. The dog swam across the river.
10. The swimmer dived into the water and swam energetically away.
11. He jumped in and swam to the opposite bank.
12. He swam his horse across the river.
13. A shoal of fish swam past.
14. He swam to the shore against a strong current.
15. A few hardy people swam in the icy water.
16. The survivors swam to shore.
17. My brain swam at the complexity of the calculations.
18. She swam with strong steady strokes.
19. We swam out beyond the breakers.
20. A water vole swam vigorously upstream.
21. She swam with a graceless stroke.
22. She swam up and down, practising the crawl.
23. She swam her horse across .
24. She swam and sunbathed, went sightseeing and relaxed.
25. I swam out into the middle of the lake.
26. He aboutturned and swam all the way back.
27. The pages swam before her eyes.
28. The numbers swam before my eyes.
29. He pushed off from the side of the pool and swam slowly to the other side.
30. The very salty water buoyed him up as he swam.
1. The boys swam across the lake.
2. They swam till the tide began to ebb.
3. Franklin swam and sunbathed at the pool every morning.
4. A cloud swam slowly across the moon.
5. The very salty water buoyed her as she swam.
6. We swam in the chilly water.
7. We swam out to the yacht.
8. She swam out into the cool water.
9. The dog swam across the river.
10. He pushed off from the side of the pool and swam slowly to the other side.
11. The very salty water buoyed him up as he swam.
12. The swimmer dived into the water and swam energetically away.
13. He swam his horse across the river.
14. A water vole swam vigorously upstream.
15. White clouds swam in the blue sky.
16. We swam upstream against the current.
17. He dived off the springboard and swam down to the shallow end.
31. His head swam and he swayed dizzily.
32. We swam out to the boat.
33. Together they swam to the ship.
34. His head swam with various strange ideas.
35. White clouds swam in the blue sky.
36. I swam two miles this morning.
37. Among them swam shoals of fish.
38. She swam across the pond.
39. He swam down but could not touch bottom.
40. He dived underwater and swam away.
41. She dived in and swam out to the yacht.
42. He swam with them, piggybacked them and attended them.
43. She swam back towards the shore.
44. We swam across the river.
45. We swam upstream against the current.
46. He swam with long powerful strokes.
47. He swam back with long slow strokes.
48. The room swam before his eyes/around him.
49. He swam three lengths of the pool.
50. The survivors swam to the shore.
51. He swam to the farther side of the lake.
52. The water rippled as the bird swam along.
53. Tropical fish swam slowly around in the tank.
54. I was pitched into the water and swam ashore.
55. Keith swam to the surface and gulped for air.
56. The fish swam all around her and nipped at her legs.
57. Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.
58. He dredged a bottle up that swam on the water.
59. I left my watch with Helen for safekeeping while I swam.
60. Exhausted, they swam ashore.
61. He dived off the springboard and swam down to the shallow end.
62. Paul swam in his ungainly way to the side of the pool.
63. The temperature was below zero last night. Under is used to mean 'less than':All our goods are under £320. You use under to talk about movement from one side of something to the other side:We swam under the bridge.
64. He swam ten lengths of the pool as a warm-up.
65. Stepped is a weak form; swam and swum are strong.
66. They ran to the pool, dived in, and swam to the other side.
67. She swam the 400 metres medley ten seconds slower than she did in 1980.
68. She dived down and swam out strongly against the current.
69. I turned and swam a few strokes further out to sea.
70. Some clouds swam slowly across the top of the mountain.
71. At the moment another witty word swam into his mind.
72. We dived into the sea and swam to the shore.
73. The goldfish swam round and round in their tiny bowls.
74. A shoal of fish swam past heading for the open sea .
75. Alexis suddenly could take no more: he felt too hot, he couldn't breathe, the room swam.
75. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
76. I'm a realist - I knew there was no way I could win, so I swam for a good finish, for points.
77. He was rescued only when an exhausted friend swam ashore.
78. We swam in the sea, then stretched out on the sand to dry off.
79. We swam in the lake.
80. He swam away from the sinking ship.
81. He swam gracefully, with easy(), unhurried strokes.
82. The barracuda swam two complete circles with Trent watching.
83. He played snooker one-handed, and swam.
84. In the afternoons they sunbathed and swam.
85. We swam out to a flat rock to sunbathe.
86. Tom Jager, the world record-holder, swam in Lane 8.
87. Yet numerous younger sprats swam with a gang too.
88. Once, even, a grebe swam across.
89. Above him the sky swam greyly, suffocating the moon; the edge of the roof sailed free in space.
90. Steinkamp swam up to it and stuck her thumbs in her ears, seemingly making a childish face at it.
91. A great big eel, one day, swam past and touched her.
92. Carolyn's eyes swam with tears as she watched the baby, though she could not tell why.
93. The crew swam out from under the canoe and attached themselves to the upturned hull.
94. She swam slowly out into the sea, waiting for the ghastly ennui to pass.
95. When it rained they played squash or swam in the indoor pool.
96. A groan burst from his lips as he mounted his horse, and for a second the world swam before his eyes.
97. Many different species with such structures swam in the lagoons beside the Gogo reefs, together with other more antiquated kinds.
98. A water vole swam vigorously across from a little island, its round face and bright eyes showing above the water.
99. Mist hung over the water and the huge concourse of duck swam and ducked and preened.
100. Just as he was beginning to get worried in case she had gone too far, she turned and swam back.
101. Patients did calisthenics, practiced with their wheelchairs and crutches, walked, swam, and received massages.
102. They swam the Colorado and continued north into Davis Canyon.
103. We swam several widths.
104. She dived down and swam out strongly against the current, towards an orange buoy at the outer edge of the bay.
105. For hours the magician swam around,(http:///swam.html) with the normally chatty parrot perched silently on his shoulder.
106. In the summer, children swam, took boat rides, and sometimes even looked for fish in the river.
107. We explored dry creek beds, burned mesquite wood for campfires, flew kites, and swam in lakes.
108. The grypesh swam out after them, and there were battles fought there in a welter of blood and foam.
109. She jacked out so quickly the tutor's office swam around her before she knew what it was.
110. Hill swam out to haul Leach to shore and retrieve the barrel.
111. A thirty-pound tuna swam past, heading for the open sea.
112. McInerney swam over to the co-pilot and put a neck brace on him.
113. She swam in what she hoped was the direction of the stairs, only to come up against a wall.
114. Mother watched in horror as the fly fell from its mouth and it swam to freedom.
115. Steve swam up to the surface and gulped in air.
116. With powerful strokes, he swam across to the pillar, which was still elevated from my own adventure.
117. When the Blefuscans saw me, they were so frightened that they jumped out of their ships and swam to the beach.
118. At fifty feet he levelled out, slipped the safety off the spear gun, and swam slowly round the coral outcrop.
119. Jessica swam in and out of the local scene, and would be noticed, if not recorded.
120. Images of Roman and the time they had made love swam before her closed eyes.
121. She swam around and looked for a way out, but the pool was very big.
122. My head swam with the religious connotations of this new truth.
123. Very few of our men swam ashore, most of those who were rescued from the water being saved by small boats.
124. We literally saw the whales heading into the sunset as they swam towards deeper water.
125. He unlatched his web again and swam about the cockpit, fielding flotsam.
126. We swam in the chilly river of the Titou Gorge where it winds through caverns underground.
127. Silently, he went down into the water and swam across the moat.
128. After being freed Tuesday, the whale swam toward the ocean.
129. I swam out between the steep rocks to the open sea.
130. He swam vigorously, ducking his head in the water and flinging back his wet hair.
131. For a moment, tears swam in his eyes and he fought for control.
132. I woke slowly and swam up from the bottom of a dark sea.
133. The whale swam away with great sweeps of its tail.
134. Suddenly, I was in a strange world where schools of curious small, yellow fish swam around us and between us.
135. First he swam out shining his torch for the paddler to see.
135. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
136. So Thomas played bridge with them, and swam, and learned to use an aqualung.
137. Larne lad Fergus Bailie last night swam the fastest 100 metre breaststroke by a 13-year-old in Ulster.
138. He swam across the lake towards the silted-up island in the middle where a pair of swans nested.
139. They invariably took a late lunch to Mutton Cove and slept and swam the afternoon away.
140. They swam within a few inches of the raft or darted into the cracks between the bamboos.
141. The two girls swam until they were tired, then lazed on beach towels on the grass under the palm trees.
142. A school of fish swam around her feet, some nipping at her ankles.
143. Emily rubbed her eyes as the figures swam before her, that didn't make sense.
144. A small, glowing disc swam calmly through the clear morning air trailing sparks.
145. Two flannels, draped across this, were mermaids, who swam and flopped and basked on islands of flesh.
146. He went to Texas, and we swam against him for four years.
147. Slowly and carefully I swam round the dark walls of the castle.
148. Only one person really cared whether he sank or swam, and he was far off in Paris.
149. Then a face swam into view above him, filling his blurred vision, as he regained consciousness.
150. The water was so smooth that he swam confidently out to where it was very deep.
151. The moon, a half moon polished thin at the edges, swam low and gave a little light.
152. He was seized with giddiness and his head swam.
153. Six sick sea - serpents swam the seven seas.
154. Mrs. Goodhart swam an orthodox crawl.
155. Sven swam over the sea.
156. A spire swam into my ken.
157. He swam the Strait of Dover.
158. They swam in formation , looping and twirling.
159. She swam over the Strait of Dover.
160. He swam under the bridge to his brushy home.
161. The shark dived down and swam under the boat.
162. Broad disks of iridescent brightness swam under his lids.
163. We swam two miles inshore.
164. He swam down and down but touch bottom.
165. Words swam across the page out of focus.
165. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
166. Krill swam with the plankton , a school of young menhaden swam after the krill.
167. And they didn't seem to be hurting the birds: Several banded Adelie penguins that were taken thousands of miles from their home in eastern Antarctica swam all the way back in less than a year.
168. As the tarpon swam through the silversides, they eventually saw me and turned away.
169. Three months after he was released into the wild, KP2 swam to the southern shore of Molokai and started befriending wharf dwellers.
170. Here, discrete particle swam optimization algorithm is introduced to solve the problem of optimal restoration of distribution feeders during cold load pickup.
171. Shusheng swam with a great splashing after carton of biscuits bobbing on the waves.
172. He swam quartering upstream, but still was swept downward rather faster than he had expected.
173. The hybrid sturgeon in cement pool had the habit of hiding during the day and coming out at night, while that in deep water cage stayed at the base in riptide and swam in slack tide.
174. The swan swam gracefully in the pond of the park.
175. An oceanic whitetip shark swam near Nyad, but a diver on her team faced it off and it meandered away.
176. Fossils of Caproberyx indicate they swam the waters of Europe and Africa during Cretaceous period.
177. Bell swam in the Tigris River and often started her morning with a horseback ride through the city.
178. Noel: So, you swam for your varsity team in college?
179. He nearly lost his own life, too, when a Japanese gunship cut his PT boat in half, casting him into the water, from which he swam a crewmate to safety.
180. The children stripped off their clothes and swam naked in the river.
181. The images of the preacher swam in that void, grew large and powerful.
182. When the Auklet arrived at our second site, a female lingcod with tag number 28781 obligingly swam by and announced her presence with a ping.
183. Then they disrobed and swam in the waters. And after the while Ugliness came back to shore and garmented himself with the garments of Beauty and walked away.
184. "Come and play with us!" "Here I come, " said the Rainbow Fish and happy as a splash, he swam off to join his friends.
185. There never was a rock that bounded like a kangaroo, never a pebble that crawled like a beetle seeking a mate, never a sand grain that swam like a water flea.
186. In ancient Greece, the torch of Hero, the priestess, shone on the eyes of Leander , who swam across the bay every night.
187. On this circle the old man could see the fish's eye and the two gray sucking fish that swam around him.
188. Anumbers of Fairy shrimp swam around in the paddy field.
189. When they saw the shark, the bathers swam at full tilt to the shore.
190. And with a disdainful flick of his tail, he swam away.
191. In 1998, 400 disoriented sea lions died along California's central coast — domoic acid was traced back to contaminated fish that swam through a toxic bloom before being eaten by the sea lions.
192. Centuries ago, Long Islanders hunted whales for oil, Clark said, and in the 19th century, they swam underneath what's now the George Washington Bridge.
193. When he swam back to take the fifth girl, he said happily, "Ha, this is the fifth one."
194. Washington (CNN) -- In 2002, a male killer whale, or orca, who had been on public display in concrete tanks for 19 years, swam off on his own into the Atlantic Ocean.
195. When the swans saw the young bird, they swam to him.
196. Carol laughed and swam out of the anemone to avoid getting caught by her husband.
197. Even the Fujitsu guy ducked once when the virtual fish swam too close to his head.
198. Narrator 2 And the fish swam away, deep down under the water.
199. The boat's operator, Mark Bargenquast, told the Fraser Coast Chronicle, "He came up then swam around and around us for about half an hour, eyeballing us each time he went past.
200. Sixty - six seasick sea serpents swam the seven seas.
201. So while the children swam and played and splashed water at each other, Wilbur amused himself in the mud along the edge of the brook, where it was warm and moist and delightfully sticky and oozy.
202. Particle Swam Optimization (PSO) algorithm is an evolutionary computation method, which has the features of rapid calculation speed and simple realization.
203. Shemsen cast aside his trident and swam against the surge.
204. These are the caves beneath the waves, where stripy fish with feathery fins and sharks with hideous toothy grins swam round the whale and the snail on his tail.
205. After a few months, little penguins grew up and wore swallowtail coats. They swam together in the ocean.
206. Dutchman Wim Hof, also known as the Iceman, is the man that swam under ice, and stood in bins filled with ice.
207. She swam for her country from age 14 until February 2001 when, riding home from swimming practice on a motor scooter, she was involved in a car accident.
208. A big frog plunged into the river agilely , swam in its life space stretching their legs heartily.
209. She went on safari out of Nairobi, and swam in the Indian Ocean.
210. A great numbers of Fairy shrimp swam around in the paddy field.
211. They nonchalantly dived in, swam swiftly across the pool and pulled themselves up on the big rocks to luxuriate the sun.
212. The dolphins swam alongside the patrol boat for four hours, frequently making leaps and dives in and out of the water.
213. About a week ago, he swam the Golden Gate Bridge the shores of Corte Madera.
214. Herbert, for whom it was too deep, swam like a fish, and got through capitally.
215. Doubtless open-mouthed themselves, Pitman and Durban — along with a film crew from the BBC Natural History unit — watched as one seal, swept into the water by the orca, swam towards the humpbacks.
216. As the tarpon swam through the silversides, they eventually saw me and turned away. Just like you see in the picture.
217. With determination he drew up his shoulders, gathering his energy, and swam the crawl in a sprint straight towards the Shanxi rock wall, the green moss of which he felt was already within reach.
217. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
218. Today I really swam to my heart's content . I did 3,000 metres at a stretch.
219. The research, outlined in the latest issue of the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, strengthens the belief that snakes evolved from a lizard that either burrowed on land or swam in the ocean.
220. The women had on teensy- weensy bikinis, and one of the guys was standing on the bow, and then he jumped in the bay and swam around the boat.
221. Accordingly, separating herself from her companions , she swam, solitary and majestically, round the pond.




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