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单词 Purchasing power
1) The purchasing power of people living on investment income has fallen as interest rates have gone down.
2) The real purchasing power of the rouble has plummeted.
3) The purchasing power of the local currency has halved.
4) Property in the city is beyond the purchasing power of most people.
5) Inflation reduces the purchasing power of people living on fixed incomes.
6) The cost of houses has risen faster than purchasing power.
7) Inflation erodes the purchasing power of the families with lower income.
8) The purchasing power of money has depreciated since she bought her savings certificates.
9) The purchasing power of the average hourly wage has risen in the last five years.
10) The drop in inflation boosted purchasing power, he said.
11) The purchasing power of the dollar has declined.
12) Purchasing power has been severely eroded.
13) That reduces the real purchasing power of wages.
14) But can the numbers and purchasing power of those following the Yuppy life-style be quantified?
15) Much is explained by the growth of purchasing power and consuming propensities among the middle ranks of society.
16) Dollars have less international purchasing power and more dollars have to be spent.
17) The average Mexican employee's purchasing power is still relatively low compared with U.S. workers.
18) As this happens equity is sacrificed as purchasing power rather than clinically diagnosed need determines which patients should be treated.
19) These facts support the contention that the market's purchasing power is high.
20) By diverting purchasing power from private spenders to government, taxes free resources from private uses.
21) The trouble was that the purchasing power of the workers did not keep abreast of what they produced.
22) The scarcity of housing here is mostly the result of the intense interest and enormous purchasing power of international buyers.
23) The goods became obtainable, but not purchasable, because of the lack of purchasing power among the population.
24) But smaller deficits brought on either by spending cuts or higher taxes reduce purchasing power.
25) The company can not compete on price in the volume markets because of outdated equipment and small purchasing power.
26) Money wage increases are valued in their own right: workers pay no attention to the purchasing power of the money wage.
27) The families of a nation have an enormous collective purchasing power over a very wide range of products and services.
28) Pensions represent a transfer of resources in the form of purchasing power from current taxpayers or pension-fund contributors to past contributors.
29) Inflation will rise if workers try to compensate for the reduction in purchasing power by bargaining for higher pay.
30) At the same time the peso was devalued by 600 % and inflation soared over consumers' purchasing power declined.
1) The purchasing power of people living on investment income has fallen as interest rates have gone down.
31) The minimum wage has been raised, but its purchasing power has fallen by 40 % since the late 60s.
32) Open tender for purchasing power transformer.
33) This is known as purchasing power parity.
34) Dwellers in this residential area have great purchasing power.
35) Although the official exchange rate between the US dollar and the RMB Yuan is around 1 to 8, the actual purchasing power of 8 RMB Yuan in China is far higher than 1 US dollar in the USA.
36) As the price of a commodity rises, overall purchasing power decreases (the income effect) and consumers move toward relatively less expensive goods (the substitution effect).
37) Among the rural population there is banked up a great mass of purchasing power.
38) The international dollar is a common currency unit that takes into account differences in the relative purchasing power of various currencies.
39) Either way, inflation is the opposite of stable prices, and over time can erode the purchasing power of your money.
40) The purchasing power of money has depreciated since she bought savings certificates.
41) Urban and rural pingdingshan's large market potential, the per capita income in the front rank, residents, purchasing power exuberant.
42) Beijing real estate market strong purchasing power who is the mainstream market?
43) On some projections, it may overtake the United States in terms of purchasing power parities as early as 2016.
44) In denomination of US dollars, Chinese economy will exceed Japanese this year, while in terms of purchasing power, China has long surpassed Japan as the second economic entity.
45) The general purchasing power of his income has therefore been reduced.
46) The new standard was set according to what economists call purchasing power parity.
47) Now , the irredeemable perpetual public debt presupposes the stability of purchasing power.
48) London rose frome 15th palce to sixth in the gross wages ranking, but was only 20th in domestic purchasing power.
49) In inflation, the real purchasing power of money decreased, the government's real income from the coinage tax is less than the nominal income.
50) Now consider the projections, measured at purchasing power parity, for 2015.
51) Comparative Price Level is the index for measuring the warp of GDP between the rate and the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).
52) It is a long-term phenomenon that RMB has its actual purchasing power higher than its nominal rate of exchange. And the appreciation of RMB is considered a long-term tendency.
53) If the price level rises, the future purchasing power of money over time will go down.
54) Or it is the rate of decrease in the purchasing power of money.
55) Your purchasing power changes throughout the day as your total trade equity and margins change.
56) This pits Amazon against giant retailers with huge purchasing power, like America's Wal - Mart and Britain's Tesco.
57) Purchasing power parity (PPP) is a theory of long-term equilibrium exchange rates based on relative price levels of two countries.
58) As virtual currencies take over more and more purchasing power,(http:///purchasing power.html) control over the effective money supply shifts from the central bank to the game developers.
59) The monetary unit's purchasing power never changes evenly with regard to all things vendible and purchasable.
60) Similarly, a decrease in the price level will increase the future purchasing power of money.
61) Income terms of trade: The net barter terms of trade weighted by the volume of exports. It gives an indication of the purchasing power of exports.
62) The program used purchasing power parity statistics to rank national wealth and poverty.
63) It does so because new injections of money tend to lower the purchasing power of money.
64) At present, Russia's GDP per capita measured in purchasing power parities, that is, standard of living, is a respectable one-third of that of the European Union.
65) You can adjust for that by using made-up conversion rates known as Purchasing Power Parities , or PPPs.
66) Purchasing power parity was developed by Swedish economist Karl Cassel.
67) The real rate of exchange reflects the deviation the purchasing power par with a balanced nature.
68) Then work out the real exchange rate of Renminbi by adjusted purchasing power parity and analyze the nominal exchange rate, subsidy and wage policy's effects on real exchange rate respectively.
69) Material standard of living is measured by gross domestic product per head at purchasing power parity.
69) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
70) The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 (N. I. R. A. ) was issued to create purchasing power, which would help industry recover and stimulate employment.
71) Within this global survey, the Asian giants—together accounting for nearly 30% of global GDP measured at purchasing power parities—loom large.
72) In Weimar Germany, the misinformed public always focused on rising prices, but never understood that prices were rising because the German mark was losing its purchasing power.
73) London rose from 15th place to sixth in the gross wages ranking, but was only 20th in domestic purchasing power.
74) First and foremost, a rise in the money stock necessarily leads to an impairment of the purchasing power of a money unit — compared with a situation in which the money stock remains unchanged.
75) With such strong industrial base, these employees are more stable income, purchasing power belittled.




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