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单词 Healing
1 They are transfigured by the healing powers of art.
2 This enables the healing process to continue uninterrupted.
3 The wounds were gradually healing .
4 I don't have any open wound healing is slaughtered,nobody knows my heart setbacks.
5 According to local lore, the water has healing properties.
6 The medical establishment is taking healing increasingly seriously.
7 A muscle tear will leave a scar after healing.
8 She seems to have a vocation for healing.
9 The wound was healing slowly.
10 They endowed certain plants with almost magical healing qualities.
11 The berries are prized for their healing properties.
12 Local people ascribe healing properties to this fruit.
13 The wound is healing nicely.
14 This plant has truly phenomenal healing powers.
15 Releasing these emotions is part of the healing process.
16 Spiritual healing has an ancient pedigree, with much evidence of success.
17 Broadly, it makes connections between ideas about healing and how they link to plants.
18 Vitamin A: renowned for its healing and anti-ageing properties.
19 He is credited with almost miraculous powers of healing.
20 Take wound healing or embryonic development.
21 It was a time of healing.
22 A history of prior slow ulcer healing.
23 Hydrcolloid dressings provide an ideal environment for wound healing.
24 I attribute Guruji's healing success to two main factors.
25 Usually haemorrhage was trifling and healing clean.
26 Change, like healing, takes time. Veronica Roth 
27 Superficial shortcuts result in incomplete healing.
28 People will always be sceptical about faith healing.
29 She was involved in many New Age activities such as yoga and healing.
30 Despite all the advances in modern medicine, demand for alternative therapies and faith healing keeps growing.
1 They are transfigured by the healing powers of art.
2 This enables the healing process to continue uninterrupted.
3 The wounds were gradually healing .
4 She seems to have a vocation for healing.
5 The wound is healing nicely.
31 That's the first step to healing.
32 Once this is done, healing is attempted.
33 Zorna is said to possess miraculous healing powers.
34 Your faith then may become the dominant factor in any healing that might take place.
35 It is a position of danger where miracles of healing may occur but miracles of disaster also.
36 First, healing became a much more central activity, with much of the liturgy and preaching revolving around it.
37 Oh, and Mashburn and team officials argued for weeks about whether he should undergo knee surgery or try healing through rest.
38 Healing, after all, is an integral part of the Pentecostal message everywhere.
39 This indicates that the stimulation of cell proliferation may not be the only factor in ulcer healing by sucralfate.
40 They have gone some way to healing their internal rifts.
41 Twenty three patients also had an acid clearance test before and after healing.
42 When you run your healing ball within yourself(/healing.html), you must roll it everywhere.
43 The Sky People allowed the Navajos to memorize each one as a sacred trust for healing purposes.
44 Aphrodite belongs in the place of healing, for while love stabs the heart, passion heals.
45 His tomb is believed to be a place for healing sick children.
46 The computer monitor verifies and records the healing process to its completion.
47 Bringing this to the light of day, she began the process of healing.
48 If healing loss is sudden, and it is severe or total, the withdrawal of this background information happens instantaneously.
49 Healing is accomplished by the restoration of an even, harmonious flow of bioenergy in the patient's body.
50 According to natural healing principles, these toxins can lead to disease if they are allowed to accumulate in the body.
51 All patients underwent oesophageal manometry and transit studies before and after complete healing of oesophagitis.
52 Deep wounds must be stitched together to help the healing process and they tend to leave scars.
53 Reduced blood supply prevents healing, leading to infections and the development of ulcers.
54 The active ingredient checks the growth of bacteria and so helps natural healing.
55 Healing with a launch failure A failure very close to the ground frequently results in damage.
56 If this book helps in the selection of remedies to assist the natural healing process then it will have achieved its purpose.
57 The chronically sick sought him out endlessly for healing from their never-ending weakness.
58 Re-creating a painful relationship from your childhood, in hope of healing the wounds?
59 Religion is part of the human make-up. It's also part of our cultural and intellectual history. Religion was our first attempt at literature, the texts, our first attempt at cosmology, making sense of where we are in the universe, our first attempt at health care, believing in faith healing, our first attempt at philosophy. Christopher Hitchens 
60 The timing of all subsequent follow up appointments and endoscopies in the healing phase was discretionary.
61 As my living was eked from my imagination, it now seemed sensible to link that imagination to my own healing.
62 Homoeopathy, the Bach remedies and herbalism are all different ways of utilizing the healing properties of plants and other natural substances.
63 The McNemar test was used to compare the incidence of failed peristalsis in patients before and after healing of oesophagitis.
64 A personalised healing programme will be devised to suit your temperament and specific needs.
65 In matters of healing the body or the mind, vacation is a true genius! Mehmet Murat ildan 
66 For one thing, they show a concern for the dietary, and possibly healing, properties of growing things.
67 Patients are given highly diluted doses of natural substances which, say practitioners, boost the body's natural healing ability.
68 It was at this time that Margaret joined the Franciscan tertiaries and began to experience visions and healing powers.
69 It also contains calendula extract to stimulate the healing of small cuts and scratches.
70 If you're planning a risky aerial attack with a high-ranking character the Healing Potion might be a good idea.
71 The therapy works by increasing the healing and life energy within the body,(http:///healing.html) bringing about better health.
72 This brings us to the final, and possibly the most important aspect in healing: empathy between healer and recipient.
73 The healing process involves correcting imbalances and freeing blockages, thus restoring a proper energy flow through the body.
74 At this stage the healing area is reddish in appearance and is referred to as granulation tissue.
75 One is the jumbie dance, performed for healing or a blessing from the spirits.
76 An offering for the healing of a child whose favourite story this was?
77 His own wounds were healing quickly and the pain was almost gone.
78 Because there are some religions that believe in nonmedical spiritual healing, most states provide special laws pertaining to them.
79 The healing process is completed when epithelium grows in from the edge and covers the granulation tissue.
80 Blood vessels normally grow during the menstrual cycle, embryonic development and wound healing.
81 Beyond the rubble stood a chest of treasure with more healing potions and firepower beneath its lid.
82 If carried out with sensitivity rather than in a stiff and mechanical way, aromatherapy massage is a potent form of hands-on healing.
83 That was a beautiful time, a healing time-the fresh lumber, the new beginning.
84 The cream contains ingredients that augment the skin's natural healing processes.
85 The healers themselves always needed healing, as their own naked bodies blistered in the sun.
86 The presence of springs and these finds appear to suggest the centre of a healing cult, rather than a purely domestic villa.
87 It was seen as having both healing and destructive power.
88 They are stored within the basal membrane or extracellular matric and released in an active form to stimulate tissue repair and healing.
89 All I'm doing is sending energy to wake up your own internal processes of healing.
90 Franz Kafka perfectly exemplifies the efficacy of art in counteracting emotional wounds, if not in healing them.
91 Aromatherapy is the only healing art which could be described as creative in an artistic sense.
92 Children born of these unions were often gifted in the art of healing and became famed physicians.
93 Spiritual healing aims to correct these deep-seated imbalances by strengthening the flow of the life-force and removing any negative forces or imbalances.
94 Patients with incomplete ulcer healing after six weeks were reinvestigated by endoscopy at four week intervals.
95 In the past, the medical profession has been deeply sceptical about the value of healing.
96 As noted above, the Potion of Healing and the Amulet of Coal can also cause despair.
97 Early on the ninth night, he tells us, the crucial healing dance began.
98 Natural healing powers Our natural healing or life powers will cope with many of these stresses without ever producing any symptoms.
99 Here it is ten months later and they are able to say thanks, we are healing..
99 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
100 Its staring eyes and double row of fangs feature in many religious icons, and its skin has magical healing properties.
101 Healing spas were based on a local cult figure and the devotees underwent rituals which included bathing and communal eating.
102 Only at this point can we begin healing ourselves and our broken world.
103 Given their generally bad state of health and care, slaves turned both to faith and to magic for healing.
104 The increased healing rate in wine drinkers is consistent with other reports that moderate alcohol intake may be harmless or beneficial.
105 There could be no healing with hatred and blame in my heart.
106 Do not disturb this sleep unless there are other indications that the child is not sleeping a peaceful, healing sleep.
107 The relationship between music and the spiritual and emotional aspects of healing is widely shared.
108 A pin was inserted in Pollard's leg to speed the healing process.
109 Both instances were examples of those soccer healing miracles(), as Estrada was able to continue play moments later.
110 This requires a clear understanding of the cellular and biochemical process of wound healing and the mechanisms of individual types of injury.
111 The healing of the wounds between women and men is as important as the healing of the wounds between churches.
112 This residential healing centre has proved a great blessing to many of my friends.
113 Additional potential risk factors for delayed healing were examined in a subsequent exploratory analysis.
114 He says physicians should be well-trained in standard medical care and also grounded in preventive medicine and healing alternatives.
115 I did need a few stitches, but frequent use of the bidet helped fast healing.
116 The perception was frightening, but there was a sensation of healing in his chest and a pervasive sense of well-being.
117 However, not all the healing springs and spas were under priestly ownership.
118 Healing later left Abbey Mill, his new large steam powered Borough flour mills clearly of much greater importance.
119 Rough cider destroys one of the healing vitamins in the body if drunk to excess, and Tich was pickled in it.
120 Her shoulders were distorted by the greased flannel under her dress to encourage the healing of her back.
121 Until the healing process is well advanced, the body forms a scab over the wound to protect it.
122 The investigation of firing showed that it certainly didn't help healing, causing the horse considerable distress for no good reason.
123 A person with faith prays for healing in the belief that healing can take place.
124 This is a positive procedure, and when the healing has taken place the scab drops away.
125 These healing acts follow directly on from his teaching about the Kingdom.
126 Constant exposure to seawater, far from having a healing effect, actually caused boils and other skin infections.
127 I clambered on to the wheelbarrow, to pray for a healing miracle, laying aside my glasses and hat.
128 Studies have shown that laughter enhances healing and protects against disease.
129 For hundreds of years after his death the sick and the maimed and the blind came for healing to his temples.
130 Both said that doctors need to stand for healing and the preservation of life.
131 However(), Madeleine kept up a spirit of personal participation and deep involvement in her own healing.
132 All of the patients had an improved ability to walk, reduced pain and improved ulcer healing.
133 The sacrament embodies the reality of the power of love, known through suffering and division, as a healing power.
134 The hospital's south-facing site was chosen, after much debate, for its healing sea breezes and mild climate.
135 For thousands of years, some cultures have used plants and herbs believed to have healing properties or to alter consciousness.
136 We studied the healing of a standardized lesion on the dorsal surface of a four-day chick embryonic wing bud.
137 Miss Harris' experience of healing, however implausible it seems, is common in religious meetings.
138 Given half a chance, his body was healing, repairing itself.
139 She climbed wearily out of bed, consoling herself that her physical injuries, at least, were healing fast.
140 It was such an important day, a day of healing, of explanation, of real dialogue between mother and daughter.
141 Finding a therapist to help you Many complementary therapies exist which are concerned with holistic healing.
142 The cry for forgiveness was also the cry for inward healing and deliverance from the mental and physical effects of sin.
143 As a child, Tucson physician Lewis Mehl-Madrona was steeped in the traditional healing practices of his Cherokee grandmother.
144 Patients were excluded if they had taken ulcer healing agents, antibiotics, or cytotoxic drugs within one week of endoscopy.
145 The worship incorporates dreams, healing, trances, and a high degree of lay participation.
146 Effect of combinations of risk factors Risk factors identified by univariate analysis were examined in pairs to determine their effect on healing.
147 The bombing spawned a rare moment of national consensus and healing.
148 Reichian therapy, acupuncture and many other healing techniques have as their basic principle the concept of energy flows in the body.
149 Physical therapy and the physical therapist came to be the source and symbol of healing for patients.
150 The president closed the speech with a return to the racial healing theme of his Jan. 20 inaugural address.
151 Wound healing should be promoted by adherence to aseptic technique.
152 Having performed a healing miracle, she is packed off to a remote convent.
153 The water, drawn from a spring sacred to the druids, is celebrated for its healing properties.
154 The magic will be used in organised or private rituals for healing, and divination for guidance when important decisions loom.
155 In the medical context, drugs can save lives, relieve pain and promote healing.
156 After the healing winds of laughter had blown through her feelings in this area, the tension and self-contempt gradually disappeared.
157 In other words the states of mind that do nothing for the healing process.
158 They encouraged an interest in healing and produced tracts on the therapeutic properties of herbs and stones.
159 Obon is for closing off unfinished business, for restoring bonds, for healing and remembering.
160 Also, cisapride produces healing rates of up to 50% in erosive oesophagitis that are comparable with histamine H 2 receptor antagonists.
161 Physical stimulation releases healing growth hormones into the immune sys-tem.
162 By creating favourable conditions at every level, healing will take place quite naturally.
163 This cream is good for healing minor cuts and bruises.
164 His wounds are healing up [ over ].
165 The body has a marvelous healing process.
166 miraculous powers of healing.
167 Aunt Polly paused, perplexed, and Tom looked for healing pity.
168 Dogs were also associated with healing in the ancient world.
169 Conclusion: MEBO can promote regenerative healing of diabetic skin ulcer.
170 Persistent damage or inadequate healing may lead to chronic lameness.
171 Comrade Bethune was a doctor; the art of healing was his profession and he was constantly perfecting his skill.
172 There is rest and healing in the contemplation of antiquities.
173 Rapid capillary proliferation is a prominent feature of all early wound healing.




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