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单词 Supported
(1) The story negated the trade supported by the government.
(2) Eight massive stone pillars supported the roof.
(3) The dome was supported by white marble columns.
(4) They supported their sisters in the dispute.
(5) The roof is supported by stone columns.
(6) These measures are strongly supported by environmental groups.
(7) The temple is supported by massive columns.
(8) The roof is supported by eight massive stone pillars.
(9) The temple is supported by marble columns.
(10) My father supported the Labour Party all his life.
(11) She supported her family by taking in laundry.
(12) They supported the Democratic Party.
(13) He supported the heavy box on his shoulders.
(14) The roof is supported by four huge columns.
(15) We just need a tent supported on a rigid framework.
(16) Patriotism must be founded on great principals and supported by great virtue.
(17) The roof of the church was supported by stone pillars.
(18) The speech made by the president was supported widely by the public.
(19) The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage.
(20) The bill was supported by a large majority in the Senate.
(21) The poll showed that 80% of the population supported regional self-government.
(22) This play is supported by a grant from the local arts council.
(23) A big thanks to all of you who supported our fund-raising campaign.
(24) The local party supported her candidacy for the post of chairman.
(25) The advertising campaign will be supported by a PR and below-the-line promotion.
(26) His parents supported him as far as they could.
(27) Her parents supported her all through college.
(28) I would like to say a sincere thank you to everyone who has helped and supported me.
(29) He allied himself with the other members of the committee who supported his ideas.
(30) I want to thank everyone who has encouraged and supported me.
(1) The story negated the trade supported by the government.
(2) Eight massive stone pillars supported the roof.
(3) The dome was supported by white marble columns.
(4) The roof is supported by stone columns.
(5) These measures are strongly supported by environmental groups.
(6) The roof is supported by eight massive stone pillars.
(7) The temple is supported by marble columns.
(8) My father supported the Labour Party all his life.
(9) She supported her family by taking in laundry.
(10) They supported the Democratic Party.
(11) He supported the heavy box on his shoulders.
(12) The roof is supported by four huge columns.
(13) We just need a tent supported on a rigid framework.
(14) The roof of the church was supported by stone pillars.
(15) The speech made by the president was supported widely by the public.
(16) The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage.
(17) The bill was supported by a large majority in the Senate.
(18) The poll showed that 80% of the population supported regional self-government.
(19) I would like to say a sincere thank you to everyone who has helped and supported me.
(20) He allied himself with the other members of the committee who supported his ideas.
(21) This play is supported by a grant from the local arts council.
(22) I want to thank everyone who has encouraged and supported me.
(23) A big thanks to all of you who supported our fund-raising campaign.
(24) The local party supported her candidacy for the post of chairman.
(25) The advertising campaign will be supported by a PR and below-the-line promotion.
(31) The campaign is being supported by the Right.
(32) These policies were widely supported in the country.
(33) The soloists were ably supported by the University Singers.
(34) They have loyally supported their party and their leader.
(35) The group supported the armed struggle against the dictator.
(36) The church dome is supported by/on marble pillars.
(37) She is supported by left-wingers in the party.
(38) Cheques must be supported by a cheque guarantee card.
(39) The roof was supported on oak struts.
(40) He supported himself by means of a nearby post.
(41) The strike was solid(), supported by all the members.
(42) His family supported him in his decision.
(43) Deep down, she supported her husband'sinvolvement in the organization.
(44) His claims were supported with proofs and reasoned argument.
(45) The engine is supported by four rubberized mountings.
(46) The witness's story was not supported by the evidence.
(47) She supported her husband through many difficult times.
(48) The committee supported her proposal,(http:///supported.html) without qualification.
(49) He was indeed supported by your remarks.
(50) The MP supported the official line on education.
(51) I've supported Liverpool all my life.
(52) My wife supported me enormously.
(53) They supported the retention of a strong central government.
(54) Leaders in America have generally supported military action.
(55) The roof is supported by a central column.
(56) The ceilings are supported by oak beams.
(57) Only a minority of the people supported the Revolution.
(58) The results of the experiment supported her theory.
(59) Our school is supported by the government.
(60) Your assertion is not supported by the facts.
(61) Students should be encouraged, supported and succoured.
(62) The invasion on land was supported by bombers in the air.
(63) The US government supported sanctions but stopped short of military action.
(64) I've never opposed it. The contrary is true: I've always supported it.
(65) UN official reports supported the preliminary findings that the plane was brought down by a missile.
(66) The vice president insisted that he supported the hard-working people of New York.
(67) There are suggestions that he might be supported by the Socialists.
(68) The directors were trying to get rid of her, but her staff all supported her.
(69) The UN supported what it saw as the just struggle of an oppressed people.
(70) He supported the official policy in public, but privately he knew it would fail.
(71) Very few countries supported the United States in its action.
(72) The president prefaced his remarks by saying he has supported unemployment benefits all along.
(73) He had supported the local team faithfully for 30 years.
(74) The group is actively supported by several Members of Parliament.
(75) My wedding cake had four tiers, each supported by small pillars.
(76) I was supported by my parents when I was studying.
(77) People should provide for their own retirement and not expect to be supported by the public purse.
(77) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(78) Finding his own scheme met with no support, the Mayor faced round and supported the ideas of his Councillors.
(79) The inspectors found no evidence which supported any allegation of suppression of official documents.
(80) I just want to say a big thank-you to everyone who supported us.
(81) She supported herself through college by working as a waitress in a local bar.
(82) She walked carefully down the stairs, supported by her grandson.
(83) The middle part of the bridge is supported by two huge towers.
(84) He has supported the party loyally for over twenty years.
(85) Some of the members supported the changes, but the majority came out against.
(86) The Texan singer will be supported by two other bands, as yet unannounced.
(87) The results of the opinion poll showed that most women supported this action.
(88) In public he supported the official policy, but privately he was sure it would fail.
(89) This view is supported by a growing body of professional opinion.
(90) Since she supported none of the candidates, she spoiled her ballot paper.
(91) The roof of the new tunnel hasn't been properly supported; it shows signs of falling in.
(92) The movement is supported by key figures in the three main political parties.
(93) For many years he supported the development of the electric car, but he now thinks it's a lost cause.
(94) He has since 1965 faithfully followed and supported every twist and turn of government policy.
(95) To set the record straight, I must say now that I never supported the idea.
(96) He's supported the team for over ten years through thick and thin.
(97) The war is strongly supported by the mass of the population.
(98) It is a tenet of contemporary psychology that an individual's mental health is supported by having good social networks.
(99) Her claim was supported by the testimony of several witnesses.
(100) He is expected to be supported at the meeting by Dennis Skinner and Tony Benn among others.
(101) My family has always supported me in whatever I've wanted to do.
(102) Some members supported the opposition in the division lobbies .
(103) The family unit is supported by its integration into a wider social network.
(104) The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel.
(105) An exparte application is made, supported by an affidavit.
(106) This intuition is supported by sentence completion data.
(107) The Federal Highway Administration's trials have supported Dale's claims.
(107) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(108) The anecdotal evidence is supported Statistically.
(109) They are supported by a very detailed environmental assessment.
(110) In this he is supported by a flawless cast.
(111) The biscuit tin supported the open recipe book.
(112) Herrington is supported by some very accomplished women.
(113) The arches are supported on columns with Composite capitals.
(114) The electronic zoo consists of a 9m grid coffered slab supported by reinforced columns.
(115) These studies have been classified into those which supported normality and those which did not.
(116) Her goal proved to be a tall, thin building, leaning like an amiable drunk, supported by its neighbours.
(117) This particular conference also addresses the way in which teachers can be supported in their research.
(118) But in the clinical area it is possible to teach concepts by observation and experiences supported by language.
(119) Moreover, the major parties today are supported by two distinct coalitions of voters, each with core interests and demands.
(120) However, a consultation exercise last year showed that councils, police and courts supported the proposals.
(121) This coalition against the interests of peasants and workers was supported by a strong state that provides trade protection and labour control.
(122) Dole also switched his position on affirmative action, saying he wanted to dismantle a program he previously supported.
(123) Dole, with farmers and agribusiness at the core of his Kansas constituency, has strongly supported tax credits for ethanol.
(124) These are great vaulted underground caverns, the roof supported by columns which display a wide variety of capital design.
(125) It was supported in this claim by the Trustee of Lord Northampton's Settlement, who is co-defendant.
(126) The fact that such a cheque is supported by a cheque guarantee card makes no difference.
(127) The majority concede that a complaint which is not supported by evidence of injury is unlikely to be pursued by the police.
(128) Graceful, narrow arches supported by Corinthian columns flank its altar and frame its windows.
(129) The laboratories supported by the various cancer research agencies have, of course, made many valuable discoveries.
(130) In order to encourage participation, task groups are supported which consider, in depth, various Ada-related aspects.
(131) The case against Coleman was largely circumstantial, supported by some inconclusive forensic evidence.
(132) His cell was eight by fifteen with a solid oak door supported by steel bands.
(133) How you conduct negotiations from there is largely a question of individual judgment supported by sound professional advice.
(134) Despite their claim that their argument is supported by historical evidence, Coakley and Hughes do not cite any supporting historical evidence.
(135) Speech is heavily supported by gestures and other cues from context.
(136) The success of the modernisation drive was called into question as was the security of party leaders who supported the developmentalist line.
(137) For this reason, a mechanism must be built to ensure that assessors can be monitored and supported.
(138) All are lofty with high vaults supported by flying buttress schemes.
(139) Subsequent studies have supported the hypothesis that population mixing can influence the incidence of childhood leukaemia.
(140) Local stations and telecommunications facilities should be supported largely out of local contributions and appropriations from local communities.
(141) The essential characteristic of Byzantine dome construction is that such a dome is supported upon and covers a square form.
(142) The appeal is supported by notable musicians like the cellist Julian Lloyd-Webber.
(143) Health authorities are supported by medical and by administrative staff.
(144) Dole also supported an amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress, despite his own 35 years in that body.
(145) Though most of the tenants are probably Labour voters, the local Liberals and Tories have supported the co-ops.
(146) His strong defence was supported by authority members, convened in a small working party to investigate the allegations.
(147) This judgement is supported by the paradoxical result of replacing the adverb by its antonym:?
(148) Once this has been done the whole shuttle assembly is supported on the solid rocket boosters.
(149) Among all voters, Fabrizio found that two-thirds supported balancing the budget over cutting taxes.
(150) He presented Widnes with public baths in 1889 and supported convalescent homes in Heswall and Southport.
(151) Rothermere, a much bigger newspaper owner, supported Beaverbrook in uneasy alliance.
(152) The floor was of bare earth, and a ring of wooden poles supported the roof.
(153) But he supported an amendment that would have eased the restrictions.
(154) The authors believed that their serological results supported the view that infection with M paratuberculosis might cause Crohn's disease.
(155) However, at the committee's latest meeting he supported two amendments dealing with the status of church shops and newsagents.
(156) Supported reducing the age of consent for homosexual acts to 16.
(157) In 1986, for instance, Dole supported an inheritance tax code that greatly benefited the Gallos.
(158) The center said the loan had a favorable interest rate and came two weeks after President Clinton signed a bill NationsBank supported.
(159) The room had roughly plastered walls and a low ceiling supported on enormous joists trimmed out of whole trees.
(160) Moreover, and to add insult to injury, these off-centre policies are never supported by a clear majority of the electorate.
(161) Electronically supported meetings not only solve pressing business problems but offer their own advantages.
(162) It is supported by two Subordinate Committees, one examining the export applications and the other the technology applications.
(163) If Torricelli, the last holdout, had supported the amendment, it looked likely to pass.
(164) My family supported me, but as natural salads and bean eaters, to my astonishment they rather enjoyed it.
(165) These small copper alloy balances had an inverted T-shaped beam supported from its centre by a suspension arm.
(166) Ruling coalition Both the government and the opposition are supported by loose coalitions consisting of many political parties.
(167) The chart table is supported on a tier of large drawers and there is adequate space on the bulkhead for mounting instruments.
(167) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(168) Problem: Thirdfloor rear walls in old rowhouses often are masonry supported only by an old wood beam at the level below.
(169) The Party had supported Labour candidates and was calling for the return of a Labour Government.
(170) Supported by four applied science courses covering the biology, entomology and pathology of seeds, and plant breeding.
(171) The changes were supported by all the major parties and were expected to be approved by parliament in due course.
(172) This view was supported by the medical staff whom he consulted on the matter.
(173) He is supported by a wonderful cast which graces a movie that deserves the label of epic.
(174) That contention was supported by what happened in Game 3 at Jacobs Field, which began in the late afternoon.
(175) The combined effect is to leave individual teachers feeling more accountable, but more confused and less supported.
(176) Mr. Townsend Will my right hon. Friend confirm that that excellent facility is not supported from the aid budget?
(177) Kerry called the labor laws "a legitimate collective effort to protect our children" and said he supported them.
(178) The Labour Party's main coalition partner, the leftist Meretz, supported the move.
(179) The financial backers may also be sensitive about the disclosure of the purchase price that they had supported.
(180) Finally we would like to thank all our neighbours who have consistently supported us in our bid to settle permanently in Passfield.
(181) Premiums are usually reasonable, provided the investigation is thorough and well documented and supported by affidavits.
(182) The central space or nave was 280 feet long and 80 feet wide and the roof was supported on 96 granite columns.
(183) All 3 political groups on the county council, supported by hundreds of parents, agreed an education budget above Government limits.
(184) Coleman seems to have been rather silently supported by Sewell as assistant professor.
(185) She supported him unquestioningly.
(186) Losses by candidates he has supported could affect his ability to extend his stay in power as Yugoslav president.
(187) A thin steel cord was bolted to the beam that supported the boxcar roof.
(188) Woods supported Motown with ample airplay and was rewarded with the exclusive rights to promote the Revue when it reached Philadelphia.
(189) Since her contentions are not supported by evidence(), her allegations should not be confused with fact.
(190) Months before then, the administration must forge a position broadly supported at home.
(191) This may need to be supported by actual action likely to undermine public confidence in the exchange.
(192) This draconian measure is something that, in a consultation exercise, was supported by an astonishing 94 % of respondents.
(193) Few other authorities have supported Jennings' assertion and it has not found acceptance by most practitioners of government.
(194) Outraged by this action, the miners, supported by the Colorado labour movement, took up arms and raided local mines.
(195) He supported individual artists financially, and before long Perkins Cove lured them north.
(196) The new approach is generally supported by child support collectors, but some think Morales' optimism is unrealistic.
(197) In the games room, supported by slate and iron pillars, a tracery of iron girders held the low glass ceiling.
(198) Everything in the Kennedy record pointed to increased aid to Diem, and nearly everyone in the Kennedy administration supported the decision.
(199) Back in the United States he supported himself by doing construction work while trying to publish short stories and novels.
(200) He agreed to restore the money once a testing bill he supported reached his desk.
(201) More than 70 pen functions are supported allowing application developers to create exciting new pen applications.
(202) Prior to 1980 Bush had supported the right of women to choose to have an abortion.
(203) The army was a mainly infantry force, with a light cavalry screen, supported by a strong artillery arm.
(204) This is supported by our observation that the G cell and parietal cell densities were negatively correlated.
(205) Mr F, 35 has an alcohol problem and his wife, 32, has supported him through many difficult periods.
(206) He did not mention the other proposed amendments, although in the past he has supported all but one.
(207) Clinton consistently supported women's right to abortion at a time when Bush adopted an anti-abortion stance.
(208) Since almost all are high mountain areas, agricultural development is anyway unlikely but traditional agriculture for conservation objectives is supported.
(209) The large barn, supported by stone buttresses, may have been the charcoal store.
(210) In 116 stories, Republicans who supported legal abortion were described as moderates.
(211) If by history is meant accurate accounts of past events supported by evidence, they are certainly not that.
(212) Some middle-class voters have supported the Labour Party and about one-third of working-class voters have traditionally cast their ballots for Conservative candidates.
(213) This seems a clear example of his allegiance to popular dissent against the Church and social elite who supported the Restoration.
(214) He supported the demand for private farmers to be allowed the use of firearms to combat rising crime against them.
(215) Berlusconi wants a new broadly supported government to look into constitutional reforms.
(216) Legislators who supported the right to abortion immediately took steps to negate the effects of the Rust v. Sullivan ruling.
(217) I knew that the press was doing a selling job when we supported a newly arrived unit from Hawaii.
(218) You are also asked to keep your church leaders informed of your involvement so that they can ensure you are adequately supported.
(219) These activities supported high-stakes gambling, for example, on the outcome of fights between selectively bred bull terriers.
(220) Cattle fattening on the coastal marshes supported a prosperous peasantry as in Lincolnshire.
(221) But if the plea can be supported by a finding of guilt alone, a defendant might escape punishment altogether.
(222) Later work, including a recent ESRC- supported investigation by Sugden and Starmer, has tended to confirm these predictions.
(223) The General Household Survey in 1979 found that only 20 percent of economically active married men supported a dependent wife and children.
(224) The two bodies lay under canvas sheets on wickerwork mats supported by wooden trestles.
(225) They were ably supported by the Corradini Ensemble and the University Singers, two groups made up of current students.
(226) A wide range of software is supported, including specialist statistical packages, databases, and software for computer modelling.
(227) Modern houses have their joists supported in metal brackets and do not enter the brickwork.
(228) Bellow supported Roth's early work,() and Roth's work was to bear a resemblance to Bellow's.
(229) Supported Ethernet gateway configurations are similar to those currently supported by 3174 Token Ring gateway configurations.
(230) The other four domes are supported in a like manner and short barrel vaults connect one dome to another.
(231) While Eckstrom and Bronson both supported Grijalva for board chairman, there was considerable debate over that position among the three Demos.
(232) The second alternative is supported to some extent by the coinage.
(233) The alternative for Clinton is to adopt a slower approach supported by the Pentagon and many in the White House.
(234) The Commissioner supported the application and a solicitor was appointed.
(235) Daily running checks need to be made and these checks must be supported by a workable maintenance system.
(236) Our campaign against drug abuse is supported by the medical profession.
(237) Last week their friends and relatives staged a demonstration alleging that police covered up evidence that would have supported that claim.
(238) Fiona Explains how she coped with pressure and David explains how everyone supported each other.
(239) The marches were little more than an escape valve for an establishment broadly supported in its basest enterprises by the mainstream.
(240) When he brushed his cheek against hers or supported her waist in multiple pirouettes the sensual heat was unmissable.
(241) The argument rests on an analogy with the right of conscientious objection which is supported by Dworkin.
(242) But it also has long supported the idea that the small company audit should go.
(243) She and her husband, Henry I, supported a number of charities.
(244) The concept of authoritarian population implies, for Jessop etal., a monolithic, relatively stable and widely supported form of government.
(245) The AFL-CIO waged a million-dollar television campaign against the measure, and threatened to target House and Senate lawmakers who supported it.
(246) All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others. Douglas Adams 
(247) Since my first days in the Congress, I have supported efforts to turn off the faucet of big-money campaign contributions.
(248) Unfortunately this is a commitment which is unlikely to be supported by higher pay or additional allowances.
(249) He supported orphanages and schools, underprivileged children went on camping holidays at his expense.
(250) Evaluations of policies are conducted through research and expert analysis supported by the Presidium's administrative staff.
(251) The ruling of incompetency supported Costa Rica's interests in a way that a holding of material breach would not.
(252) Presbyterian in religion, he was tolerant of other sects, and supported proposals to abolish tithes and remodel the universities.
(253) Anthony Hope would hardly have supported any grandiose claims for his tales of Ruritania.
(254) Most of the tables supported big red-and-white parasols beneath which an assortment of elderly ladies were chatting away.
(255) An opportunity was afforded when the council supported El Universal in its uncomplimentary evaluation of the work of the early independence leaders.
(256) Beyond this, however, many of the claims were supported by anecdotal and subjective impressions only.
(257) They unanimously supported calls for action to prevent bail hostels being used by potentially dangerous offenders.
(258) That same year, she supported gay activist Cleve Jones when he considered opposing Brown for his Assembly seat.
(259) Exit polls also found that one in four voters had at one time supported Dole but changed their minds.
(260) While the work of the local development agencies should be supported, their performance should also be monitored.
(261) A cloistered walkway bordered the courtyard on three sides, arches supported by white pillars, on each pillar a lamp.
(262) There she was, ably supported by active and intelligent people while she sat at home feeling cold and tired and guilty.
(263) The heavy brown head lolled a flushed cheek on the red cushion that supported his bandaged shoulder.
(264) The porch is supported by six immense pillars.
(265) Not surprisingly, they supported their co-religionists.
(266) Stem-cell research is supported by many doctors.
(267) These interactions are typically supported by clear cursor hinting.
(268) This recommendation is supported by more recent evidence.
(269) His jacket, I know, concealed a body brace which supported his spine.
(270) Many madrasas in Bangladesh are supported with money from Saudi Arabia.
(271) It is frequently supported by other weapons, such as picketing and boycott.
(272) Their attack was also supported by tanks and armoured cars.
(273) The buoyant world economy in 1984 supported this adjustment effort.
(274) Adherence is supported as needed by case manager, nursing staff and physician.




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