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单词 Move up
1 Move up, John, and let the lady sit down.
2 Hold the ladder tightly and move up a rung at a time.
3 She was anxious to move up the promotion ladder.
4 Can you move up a bit?
5 To move up, you'll need the right training.
6 The kids learn fast, and can't wait to move up to the junior team.
7 His chairs can swivel, but they can't move up or down.
8 There's room for another one if you move up a bit.
9 Optimists reckon house prices will move up with inflation this year.
10 You can move up to work in films and the theatre.
11 Children learn in mixed ability classes and move up a class each year.
12 We decided to move up a gear.
13 Just hard slog to move up the world rankings.
14 As officials move up the hierarchy they may be more involved in policy advice rather than managing budgets or people.
15 In the spring they would move up one rung on the remedial ladder.
16 The Edinburgh side needed to move up a gear to jolt Celtic out of their rhythm.
17 As we move up the hierarchy towards elite sport,[] there is an increasing demand to watch sporting competitions.
18 You can make the bike move up to 1.5 metres in a corner just by shifting your weight.
19 Roll the die, answer a question and move up the greasy pole to Downing Street.
20 Oil stocks continued to move up Friday on improvements in pricing as a result of severe cold weather across the country.
21 The move up to verse can be ineffective, deservedly so.
22 The track world now awaits his move up to 5,000m.
23 Teaching did provide an opportunity for young people to move up the social scale.
24 Though one was a Democrat and the other a Republican, the rivalry over which one would move up first was cordial.
25 She does think it is sometimes reverse discrimination but wonders how else people will move up.
26 Just as I was putting down roots, our family had to move up north.
27 Had your daughter inherited the stocks, her cost basis would move up to the value at the time of the inheritance.
28 As soon as anyone misses their cue they return to number one and all those below the number move up one.
29 Step down and make a delicate traverse left to move up into a recess and small ledge.
30 Rain had turned the battlefield to a swamp, and it proved impossible to move up heavy mortars to knock them out.
1 Move up, John, and let the lady sit down.
2 Hold the ladder tightly and move up a rung at a time.
31 Could you guys at the front move up a bit?
32 Without consultation, Hayling had invited Pilger to move up from being a mere adviser to the new post of editorial director.
33 Stamp duty suspension for properties up to £250,000 has certainly encouraged householders wanting to move up the housing ladder to start looking again.
34 I don't want to have to take out a new mortgage every time I move up the ladder.
35 My current mileage is only 10-20 miles per week, but I would like to move up to longer distances and triathlons.
36 Each group becomes more inclusive the further we move up the hierarchy.
37 Deep breath, hold it, whirr, click, move up an inch, breathe again.
38 A thermometer measures temperature. Red liquid can move up or down.
39 Move up a bit.
40 After burrowing into the lungs, they move up to the pharynx, where they are swallowed.
41 Those who drop the ball return to number one and those below that number move up one place.
42 It is among several which fear possible closure within months unless the new assessment and funding procedures move up several gears.
43 Jim Costas, D-Fresno, was the driving force behind a 10-year effort to move up the California primary.
44 We should try to establish the conditions in which large numbers of families can stay together and move up.
44 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
45 I wish to move up to higher positions.
46 I wish to move up to higher positions in the future.
47 The ascending mineralized solutions move up to the cap of nearly horizontal.
48 Hopefully, we can make a good start this time around and be in a better position to move up the field.
49 Comparisons of brains reveal that the proportion of glia to neurons increases greatly as animals move up the evolutionary ladder.
50 However(), governance is becoming increasingly important as IT organizations move up the SOA maturity curve.
51 Is this your fucking brilliant plan to move up to the National D . A . office?
52 The ends of the blue bars are attached to the chassis. Note how the axle is free to move up and down, but it can't move side-to-side.
53 That is, their relative values move up or down depending on market forces.
54 Because of inertia, though, the air column continues to move up, leaving a partial vacuum in and above the glottis that acts to slam the folds more strongly together.
55 However, if you were planning to get some sort of elective surgery or buy a Honda hybrid, for instance, it may be reasonable to move up your schedule for the tax benefit.
56 Bonnet tendency to move up or down as pressure changes.
57 The pupae have rows of spines along their sides which enable them to move up and down within the soil during wet and dry periods.
58 Core indices have continued to move up in some countries even as headline inflation numbers have declined.
59 I wish to move up to toper positions with acquisition of more experience in the future.
60 The operator's cabin can move up and down along the mast. Semiautomatic control of stacker crane is realised by a control circuitry composed of contactors and limit switches.
61 Effective Range: The range of motion used when the knees move up and down.
62 During compression, clapper will slowly move up, away from the seat.
63 Interviewers want you to be a go-getter, but they also worry that you'll get restless if you don't move up fast enough.
64 Inside the shaft these probes move up and down and sweep round 360 degrees on a specially designed track held between two centralising spider assemblies.
65 Then the tanks would move up and fire, the Skink joining them and firing about 30 HEIT rounds per second.
66 It's possible they could move up to No. 3 even if they don't win the division, because the Suns still play San Antonio and will own the tiebreak with a victory.
67 The push rod, as it is lifted, causes the end of the rocker arm to move up.
68 Last month, domestic gold prices move up to the zenith of 145 yuan ( US $ 17.9 ) per gram.
69 To move up a level from the current context, just use the .. operator.
70 I began cutting after Guawan potato skin potato silk, and then stir - fried features a move up.
71 CONCLUSION:needling Zusanli makes the recovery time of gastroenteric function move up and reduce complication after an operation.
72 A simple formula might be: When fear recedes enough for investors to take on more risk, stocks all around the world move up-- and stocks in emerging markets move up fastest.
73 Thus, the old shells move up to make room, but continue their fade-in/fade-out cycles just like before.
74 An insect's versatile antennae can move up and down or laterally.
75 Gold buying in the hedge under the potential to continue to move up.
76 At the back of the pack,[http:///move up.html] he's starting to move up nicely.
77 The business idea seems open shop is actually simple, after all, the competitive advantage of this entity shop does not need to many people move up the opening of the brain.
78 Flexible joints allow the rear axle and wheels to move up and down without affecting operation.
79 Or, perhaps sales wants the new process established before the big sales event, which could move up your deployment dates substantially.
80 As managers move up the hierarchy, their planning role becomes more strategy - oriented.
81 Neural electrodes may eventually move up the spinal cord to what is often characterized as the body's primary erogenous zone.
82 The line of people waiting to go into the cinema began to move up a little.
83 Because you're still in command mode, you can continue clicking K to move up the history of commands executed or J to move down the list.
84 Even so, whether you're looking to land your first job out of school or move up from an entry-level position, you'll need to be smart about your hunt and your ultimate choice.
85 A good starting point would be 512MB, then move up or down to determine optimal value, measure throughput or response times, and analyze GC logs to understand frequency and length of scavenges.
86 A fixing baffle plate is provided above two ends of the top of a rubber chamber to restrict the rubber chamber to move up and a vertical angle stand-wedge to sway over or move up too.
87 The price of a security may move up or down, and may become valueless.
88 This pot should enable state governments to move up to 200,000 people from 27 current tiger sanctuaries, and another eight promised sanctuaries.
89 While in the missionary position have him move up on his knees while he continues to thrust.
90 In other words, teams can be at different levels of self-organization and can move up or down that scale at different stages.
91 When working, turntable with 13 sets die drives for rotating clockwise. Dies move up and down along the curve track, and complete pressing movement through the pressure roller.
92 The words provide one reason Ma has continued to work as a cinematographer even though he made the move up the command chain to become a movie director with Hot War (1998).
93 The location of the transverse sinus isn't invariant. Sometimes it may move up and the distance is 2cm about.
94 As the displacer begins to move down the piston continues to move up and the cold gas is transferred to the hot end of the cylinder and the cycle starts again.
95 To move a category , click Move Up or Move Down in the category's row.
96 As I stated in the post regarding the maturity curve, making the move up the curve will be an evolutionary move – one step at a time.
97 If the yield curve is positive sloping it will steepen as the longer yields move up more than the shorter ones.
98 At the nine-minute mark, Patricio signaled us to grab hold of the sloping bottom and move up against the current, hand over hand.




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