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单词 Sun, The
释义  Related topics: Nature, Astronomysun1 /sʌn/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  1  the sun/the Sun the large bright object in the sky that gives us light and heat, and around which the Earth moves 太阳 → solar The sky was blue and the sun was shining. 天空蔚蓝,阳光明媚。 →4  See picture of 见图 SOLAR SYSTEM2  [uncountable]DN the heat and light that come from the sun 太阳的热和光,阳光,日光 → sunny Too much sun is bad for you. 过度日晒对身体不好。in the sun We sat in the sun, eating ice cream. 我们坐在阳光下,吃着冰激凌。 the warmth of the afternoon sun 午后阳光的暖意3. [countable]HA any star around which planets move 〔有行星环绕的〕恒星4  everything/anything etc under the sun ALL/EVERYTHINGused to emphasize that you are talking about a large range of things 世上一切,天下万物〔用于强调范围很广〕 You can buy jeans in every colour under the sun. 你可以买到天底下任何颜色的牛仔裤。5. catch the sun British English, get some sun American English if someone catches or gets the sun, they become slightly red or brown because they have been outside in the sun 〔人〕被晒黑 → make hay while the sun shines at hay(2) COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1 & 2verbsthe sun shines 阳光照耀When I woke, the sun was shining. 我醒来的时候,阳光明媚。the sun beats down/blazes down (=shines with a lot of light and heat) 阳光强烈照射The sun beats down on us as we work. 干活的时候,太阳火辣辣地照在我们身上。the sun comes out (=appears when cloud moves away) 太阳出来The rain stopped and the sun came out. 雨停了,太阳出来了。the sun rises/comes up (=appears at the beginning of the day) 太阳升起As the sun rises, the birds take flight. 太阳一升起,鸟儿都飞了。the sun sets/goes down (=disappears at the end of the day) 太阳落下It is a good place to sit and watch the sun go down. 这是一个坐看落日的好地方。the sun sinks (=gradually disappears at the end of the day) 太阳西沉nThe sun sank lower and the breeze grew cool.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + sunthe hot/warm sun 炎热/温暖的阳光The hot sun beat down on the men working. 炎热的阳光直晒在干活的人们身上。the blazing/burning sun 炽热/强烈的阳光Tourists trudge around in the blazing sun. 游客疲惫地在酷日底下行走。a bright sun 明亮的太阳It was a warm day with a bright sun overhead. 明媚的阳光当空照耀,天气十分暖和。the morning/afternoon/evening sun 早晨/午后/傍晚的阳光nWe ate breakfast outside in the gentle morning sun.the midday/noonday sun 正午的阳光nThey all sought shade from the blazing midday sun.the rising/setting sun (=the sun as it appears/disappears) 旭日/落日nThe fields were ablaze with light from the setting sun.phrasesthe sun is high/low in the sky 太阳高挂/低垂在空中They walked until the sun was low in the sky. 他们一直走到太阳西沉。nnounsthe sun’s raysThis moisturiser will also protect skin from the sun’s rays.sun2 verb (sunned, sunning)  sun yourself DLOLIE DOWNto sit or lie outside when the sun is shining 晒太阳 → sunbathe The beaches were full of families sunning themselves. 海滩上全都是在晒太阳的家庭。Examples from the Corpussun• a distant sun• The fireball sun, the treacherous sea?• This plant likes sun and water as well as a fertile, well-draining soil.• That side of the house gets the most sun.• The murdering sun had dipped below the horizon, and this was the time when she could forage for food.• The cold, even in the golden fragments of sun, was biting.• As the sun rose higher in the sky the shadow shortened until noon, when it disappeared at the sixth hour mark.• The view while lying face down, shielding our eyes from the sun with our hands, was superb.• He must have it or his sorrow will spoil like milk left in the sun.• Others will take it easier, relax in the garden and soak up the the sun• We spent all day lazing around in the sun.• As for the patio surface, remember that pale colours reflect light and can be dazzling in the sun.• Exhausted by their exercise, they were content to drowse in the sun.• The buckles glinted in the sun.• I get a rash every time I go in the sun.• The little Victorian station house stood there mellow in the sun, with tubs of flowers adding to the colourful scene.• Mr Grange sits patiently in his aluminum chair out in the sun.• Behind him the river sparkled placidly in the sun.• The car sits there while the dust settles, shimmering in the sun.• Put the plant on a window sill in the sun.• I can't sit in the sun anymore - it's too hot.• He studied in the sun, in the rain, by every shape moon.Related topics: ChronologySun. (also Sun British English)TMCthe written abbreviation of Sunday / Sunday 的书面缩写 ,星期日→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussun• Lee Ann took all her clothes off and lay down to sun herself on the flying bridge.• It was sunning itself on the path.• We had this balcony and I used to sit out there sunning myself with no clothes on.• We spent a week sunning ourselves on Australian beaches.• It was true there were many snakes there on hot days sunning themselves but that did not worry him.• Or will the Chief Secretary and his friends be sunning themselves in some tax haven by that time?nThe SunSun, The trademark  na British tabloid daily newspaper which sells more copies than almost any other daily newspaper in the UK. It has some articles about events in the news and politics, but many of its stories are about the private lives of well-known people, such as the royal family, television actors, and sports players. → Sun readerOrigin sun1 Old English sunnesun1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1sun2 verbSun.Sun, TheLDOCE OnlineChinese  light the gives in bright object Corpus large us sky that the




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