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单词 Metamorphism
1, Rank-this depends on the degree of metamorphism.
2, Dynamical metamorphism under greenschist facies is the condition of mineralizing enrichment.
3, Granulite- and amphibolite-facies metamorphism was superimposed during the rapid uplift of high-pressure rocks.
4, Thegenesis pertains to dynamo metamorphism hydrothermal metasomatic deposit under structural control.
5, The strong silicified rock is a product of metamorphism and siliceous metasomatism of granite genetically correlated with Pangushan wolframite deposit.
6, Almandine originated from regional metamorphism to which magmatic thermal metamorphism superimposed.
7, MSD is remaked by metamorphism, deformation and pegmatization, and telescoped the hydrothermal polymetallic mineralization concerned with basic rocks in the period of principal folding phase.
8, The zone of coal metamorphism is evident and related to the distribution of diabase which intrusion after main coal formation.
9, Danba area has undergone multiperiod deformation, metamorphism and magmatism since Mesozoic time.
10, Magmatic contact metamorphism can lead to the variations of distribution patter of REEs in coal.
11, On the contrary, metamorphism plus alteration typed deposits yield aggregative grains of rutile, having a relatively thick grain size.
12, The Late Pan-African age of metamorphism is important when considering the location of the Mashan Complex and Jiamusi Massif during the late Precambrian to early Phanerozoic .
13, They are mainly composed of diopside,[http:///metamorphism.html] calcite and quartz. Geological and mineralogical studies on the deposite indicate that they formed through reginal metamorphism.
14, The amount of CO2 releasing is calculated and its relative calculation model is proposed during the contact metamorphism in carbonate rocks.
15, Molybdenum occurs as colloidal sulfides with carbon, sulfur and clay, and forms molybdenite through thermal metamorphism.
16, Its mineralization can be divided into three phases , deposition phase , metamorphism phase and reformation phase.
17, While its geologic activities include peat accumulation and transportation, embedding activity caused by diastrophism and geothermal metamorphism of coal.
18, The late stage is characterized by recrystallization in a stable enviroument. The metamorphism of low pressure type of low amphibolite facies only occurs on the main boundary planes of the zone.
19, They are probably related to the subduction of the Paleo-Asia Oceanic plate, and their intrusion resulted in the contact metamorphism of the Majiajie Group.
20, The bedded me tamorphite series in Foping area had been formed by regional metamorphism of amphibolite facies .
21, The process of alternating solid rock masses is called metamorphism.
22, From which, it is concluded that the Aegirine is a product of post-magmatic fluids reaction with wall rock dolomites, while the Riebeckite is forming in diagenesis to metamorphism.
23, Lecture 3 How to recognize equilibrium. Composition- assemblage diagrams; Contact metamorphism: the role of heat.
24, Epidote is one of the water-bearing minerals which can keep stable during peak ultra-high pressure ( UHP) metamorphism.
25, In 1997, he won First Prize of scientific and technological achievements, Geology and Minerals Ministry for lead editing "Coal Geology Progress" and "Coal Metamorphism of China".
26, There is a complete metamorphic series of coal from lignite to meager coal in Wumuchang area, Yimin, the main metamorphism type is contact metamorphism of coal.
27, It crystallizedmainly at the magma stage, while a certain part of uraninite resultedfrom autometamorphism and all chemical metamorphism.
28, Many references show that the water is indispensable to the ultrahigh pressure metamorphism.
29, The ore-body is consisted of arduinite and clinoptilolite, obviously resulting from syn-deposition metamorphism.
30, Attention: Melon and fruit does not want to wash, can wipe with dry cloth when need, allow easy cankered metamorphism otherwise.
31, Through late regional metamorphism, the phosphorite was turned into the apatite deposit.
32, On the basis of what is said above we put forward the concept and types of"Coal Metamorphism Region"and specifically divi...
33, Before Later Proterozoic era , in this area more than two times of thermodynamic metamorphism took place.
34, It composed mainly of serpentinized and epidotization marble. It was formed by regional and contact metamorphism. The Lantian Jade is denominated serpentinized and epidotized dolomite quartz marble.
35, Jinzhou coal-series kaolin rock belongs to Paleozoic epizonal metamorphism rock series. The kaolinite is schistose and scaly shape.
36, Graphite deposit of Heye was formed by metamorphism of the Permian coal bed.
37, Concepts of metamorphism , metamorphic reaction, prograde and retro – metamorphisms.
38, Accessory minerals and retrograde fluids are main factors controlling the trace elemental behavior during retrograde metamorphism.
39, The slate can be divided into three types: shaly, sandy and phyllitization slate. It was formed by regional metamorphism of fine detritus in continental shelf.
40, The middle Proterozoic crystalline schist series in the Panzhihua - Xichang region has undergone progressive regional metamorphism.
41, The Sulu - Dabie eclogite, which contains cosine, is the product of high - ultra high pressure metamorphism.
42, This paper deals with high - and pressure eclogite, its occurrence, classification,[http:///metamorphism.html] petrology and mineral features and metamorphism.
43, The appearance of staurolite indicates that the metamorphism has reached the low amphibolite grade.
44, The high - pressure metamorphic rocks underwent an isothermal decompressional retrograde process after the peak metamorphism.
45, The main reason for the rise of the coal rank and its composition transformation is the process of regional metamorphism and the influence of medium conditions around it.
46, This paper deals with high - and ultrahigh - pressure eclogite, its occurrence, classification, petrology and mineral features and metamorphism.
47, Cordillera type has a close relationship with high-temperature metamorphism and accompanied the emplacement of granitoid, giving rise to isothermal decompression and then isobaric cooling pT-t paths.
48, Agents controlling the metamorphism: temperature, pressure and chemically active fluid.
49, There is no distinction between the metamorphic age of the ortho- and paragneisses, indicating that they were tectonically interleaved prior to metamorphism.
50, Garnet amphibolites from Beiyuan in southwestern Zhejiang Province are the products of high - amphibolite facies metamorphism.
51, Afterward, global large-scale massive volcanic activity in Permian Period generally brought about metamorphism whole middle Cambrian Period volcanic sediment rock in research area.
52, On the basis of which the concept and types of coal metamorphism region was put forword.
53, Almandine originated from regional metamorphism to which magmatic thermal metamorphism sup...
54, Almandine originated from regional metamorphism to which magmatic thermal metamorphism$...
55, The metallogenesis is close related with the Caledonian - Indosinian regional metamorphism.
56, This ruby marble is occurred in an old metamorphic complex of dynamothermal metamorphism zone in-low amphibolite facies.
57, The early stage deformation was marked by nearly E W directed dextral shear accompanied by low greenschist facies metamorphism, while the late stage one by SE directed sinistral shear.
58, The rhodonite deposit was for- med mainly through two stages, sedimentation and regional metamorphism, and its genetic type belongs to epithermal metamorphic facies.
59, Types of metamorphic rocks: regional metamorphism, contact metamorphism and dynamic metamorphism.
60, The fossils data, deformation and metamorphism delineation of the studied strata into the Tianshuihai Group Complex.
61, Thus, the boron-bearing rock system and the magnesian rocks are the foundation of the borate deposits, whereas regional metamorphism and migmatitization and tectonism are the necessary conditions.
62, On the condition of thermal contact metamorphism, clay minerals in coal are changed into andalusite.




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