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单词 Visiting
1. The home team really blitzed the visiting team.
2. The visiting team kicked off.
3. They are visiting in that city.
4. We banqueted the visiting president in grand style.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
5. Now the visiting team is ahead.
6. No answer -- they must be out visiting.
7. The Prime Minister is visiting Japan at the moment.
8. They exchanged visiting cards with each other.
9. Armed escorts are provided for visiting heads of state.
10. Visiting Disneyland has fulfilled a boyhood dream .
11. She ducked out of visiting him in hospital.
12. He was visiting professor of geology at the University of Jordan.
13. Visiting her house was like stepping back in time/stepping back 50 years.
14. I spent six months as a visiting professor at Brown University.
15. Are you busy visiting and greeting relatives and friends during the Spring Festival?
16. I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often.
17. The government provided an armed escort for the visiting head of State.
18. The island is a staging-post for many visiting yachts on their way south.
19. The Society has an interesting talk by a visiting speaker every month.
20. People were visiting the house every day, sometimes in unmanageable numbers.
21. By visiting schools, the actors hope to inspire children to put on their own productions.
22. The crowd began to barrack the visiting team.
23. She is visiting her family after a long separation.
24. The visiting president was jostled by angry demonstrators.
25. We don't live here. We're just visiting.
26. The crowd gave the visiting politician quite a barracking.
27. I took Friday off, and spent a long weekend visiting friends.
28. It'seems as if we were barracking for home team as against the visiting team.
29. The actress was accorded all the deference of a visiting celebrity.
30. The Prime Minister was received with all the traditional pomp and ceremony that is laid on for visiting heads of government.
1. The home team really blitzed the visiting team.
2. The visiting team kicked off.
3. They are visiting in that city.
4. We banqueted the visiting president in grand style.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
5. Now the visiting team is ahead.
6. The Prime Minister is visiting Japan at the moment.
7. They exchanged visiting cards with each other.
8. Armed escorts are provided for visiting heads of state.
9. Visiting Disneyland has fulfilled a boyhood dream .
10. She ducked out of visiting him in hospital.
11. I took Friday off, and spent a long weekend visiting friends.
12. He was visiting professor of geology at the University of Jordan.
13. Visiting her house was like stepping back in time/stepping back 50 years.
14. It'seems as if we were barracking for home team as against the visiting team.
15. I spent six months as a visiting professor at Brown University.
16. I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often.
17. The island is a staging-post for many visiting yachts on their way south.
18. The Society has an interesting talk by a visiting speaker every month.
19. People were visiting the house every day, sometimes in unmanageable numbers.
20. By visiting schools, the actors hope to inspire children to put on their own productions.
21. The actress was accorded all the deference of a visiting celebrity.
22. The Prime Minister was received with all the traditional pomp and ceremony that is laid on for visiting heads of government.
23. She is visiting her family after a long separation.
24. We thrashed the visiting team.
25. Foreign tourists feel happily secure while visiting the city.
26. They match the young baseball players against the visiting team.
27. Printing visiting cards on a thirty - inch press is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
31. Visiting heads of state usually stay in the palace.
32. I feel guilty about visiting her so rarely.
33. The building inspector is visiting the new housing project.
34. We gave the visiting team a real walloping.
35. Jane is visiting New York next week.
36. He'll be visiting four cities including Cagliari in Sardinia.
37. The game was a walkover for the visiting team.
38. The visiting side lost to the home team.
39. The visiting side were soundly thrashed.
40. When visiting London I like to travel by bus.
41. He begged off visiting his grandparents.
42. We thrashed the visiting team.
43. Out team will skin the visiting team alive.
44. He plays a flaky tourist visiting Europe.
45. She guested on several chat shows while visiting Britain.
46. Our team blanked the visiting team 2-0.
47. We thrashed the visiting team 6-0.
48. He is visiting at a hotel nearby.
49. Our football team annihilated the visiting team.
50. The match was a walkover for the visiting team.
51. We took the opportunity of visiting the palace.
52. Foreign tourists feel happily secure while visiting the city.
53. He reminded me of visiting the park.
54. Flowers were presented to visiting dignitaries.
55. Our team tied the visiting team.
56. She is visiting with her parents.
57. The visiting politician received coast-to-coast media attention.
58. We're visiting my in-laws on Sunday.
59. Do you live in this town?—No,[http://]I'm only visiting.
60. The visiting president was greeted by hostile demonstrations.
61. We don't live here, we're just visiting.
62. He's visiting his ailing father.
63. The visiting professor was cocktailed, partied and dined.
64. He was shipwrecked after visiting the island.
65. Jack dehorts me from visiting Israel.
66. The visiting team got bopped.
67. Visiting Angkor was the fulfilment of a childhood dream.
68. Invitations rained down on the visiting writer.
69. The school inspector is visiting next week.
70. The client left his visiting card on his desk.
71. He held up on the plan of visiting Europe.
72. The king was visiting France as a private citizen.
73. Visiting hours are between 6.00 and 9.00 p.m.
74. They match the young baseball players against the visiting team.
75. The college is host to a group of visiting Russian scientists.
76. The visiting team lost 3-0,[][http:///visiting.html] dismaying the folks back home .
77. Soaring room rates have put tourists off visiting the city.
78. If you enrol at a gym that's miles away, you won't be visiting it as often as you should.
79. A state dinner was held in honour of the visiting Japanese premier.
80. My daughter, visiting the city for the first time, gasped at the prices of houses here.
81. The ambassador is giving a banquet for the visiting president.
82. We spent a week visiting the wonders of Ancient Greek civilization.
83. The visiting politician's first port of call was the new factory.
84. I have clear memories of visiting my grandfather's farm as a child.
85. It was thought that the bomb might have been intended for a visiting MP.
86. The visiting fans returned to the railway station under police escort.
87. Anyone who's visiting in Beijing ought to go and see the Palace Museum.
88. A spokesman for the Palace confirmed that Her Majesty would be visiting South Africa next year.
89. The old harbour is still full of atmosphere and well worth visiting.
90. The teacher led the pupils off after visiting the exhibition.
91. Hospital visiting hours were extended in response to pleas from patients.
92. The President gave a reception for the visiting heads of state.
93. He picked up malaria when he was visiting the country on business.
94. People were falling over themselves to be introduced to the visiting film star.
95. A reception party of soldiers was there to greet the visiting head of state.
96. Visiting the country should give us a better handle on understanding the problems.
97. Buckingham Palace announced today that Her Majesty would be visiting Japan next year.
98. The college is playing host to a group of visiting Russian scientists.
99. I had to entertain visiting authors and some of them were real prima donnas.
100. Our team took the visiting team by 5 to 3.
101. He finally snapped when she prevented their children from visiting him one weekend.
102. Visiting my old school was a real trip down memory lane.
103. You'll enjoy traveling more if you read up on the history of the countries you'll be visiting.
104. The campsite has been nicknamed 'tent city' by visiting reporters.
105. At the visiting ground,[Sentence dictionary] we'll try our best to square the scores.
106. They went into town with the intention of visiting the library.
107. I felt like a voyeur visiting the war zone and seeing badly injured people being dragged from their bomb-shattered homes.
108. A lot of the small towns in the area are definitely worth visiting.
109. The visiting team was too strong they walked all over us.
110. You can work from plans of a garden, but there's no substitute for visiting the site yourself.
111. The scientists are visiting this country as guests of the government.
112. The American couple complained about the high cost of visiting Europe.
113. The visiting team wrapped up yesterday's match twenty to six.
114. We usually offer our visiting lecturers an honorarium of £50.
115. The president is visiting the country on a peace mission.
116. He spends his spare time visiting schools to warn pupils off drugs.
117. The growing interest in history is clearly evident in the number of people visiting museums and country houses.
118. Printing visiting cards on a thirty - inch press is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
119. My daughter, visiting the city for the first time, gasped at the prices of house here.
120. At the beginning of the match, we surprised the visiting team.
121. I had been warned off visiting her while she was still unwell.
122. It feels strange to be visiting the place again after all these years.
123. I took the opportunity of visiting my aunt while I was in Birmingham.
124. Grandma always has a few titbits for the children if they're visiting at lunchtime.
124. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
125. You are strongly advised to take out medical insurance when visiting China.
126. She adores visiting museums.
127. Willy Brandt made history by visiting East Germany in 1970.
128. The high point of the trip for me was visiting the Pyramids.
129. Visiting officials were treated with great deference.
130. A day was spent visiting a convent in Filey.
131. Gradually the visiting midfield began to assert themselves.
132. Relatives of the prisoners were banned from visiting them.
133. It was like visiting a Tartar camp!
134. A visiting dignitary on the quiet lonely street.
135. Looking after yourself ... visiting the dentist.
136. Julie brightened up at the thought of visiting home.
137. I first heard of La Chupacabra over the Easter weekend while visiting family in Laredo.
138. Vanessa Smith and Shantel had been visiting a cousin, who lived in an apartment in back of theirs.
139. As I delved into the history of pentecostalism and began visiting all the pentecostal churches I could, some discoveries surprised me.
140. Representative staff will keep abreast of national developments by attending conferences and by visiting other schools piloting such courses.
141. Minstrel shows drew a good audience and visiting theater companies played at the Brooks Opera House.
142. In the first 28 days of September, Clinton spent 18 days on the campaign trail visiting 21 states.
143. People still exhibit articles for sale on the quayside for visiting cruise ships, but boys no longer dive into the murky waters.
144. Nearly every fortnight we sail right round the island, visiting the west coast caves and picnicking under great cliffs.
145. Our morning had been devoted to running errands and visiting the obligatory temples.
146. As for public buildings, I still like visiting the Getty Museum.
147. My enthusiasm transmitted itself to Malc and he left at the end of visiting time a happier man.
148. After visiting the men's room at 5, the late-night club, Miller considered EarthLink's message.
149. Stories were told about how they had actually done considerable damage to some visiting fans when situations had got out of hand.
150. This is especially so in the case of visiting competitors.
151. Following concerns expressed by the Visiting Group, a consultant has made a report on environmental conditions in the Library.
152. He took great pleasure from visiting their caravan at Loch Eck, near Dunoon, and enjoyed a good game of golf.
153. Driving through the mine is like visiting some futuristic industrial complex on another planet.
154. They also said they deterred other people from visiting the town.
155. This involves vehicle and foot patrols, public displays,[http:///visiting.html] and meeting local dignitaries as well as visiting places of work and schools.
156. He is looking forward to the new challenge of visiting arthritis sufferers in their own homes.
157. They ask visiting businessmen and dignitaries if they have any spare books.
158. Visiting the supermarket might have been a transforming moment for Alexei, a way of easing his contempt and shattering his paralysis.
159. Some visiting aircraft engineers having arrived just to collect a specific part, spend hours just browsing through the stock.
160. From time to time papers are offered by members of the academic staff and by visiting speakers.
161. Visiting local bookshops at random, I came across more and more books that had come from libraries.
162. During his absence, Jennie fell downstairs while visiting friends in Somerset, breaking her ankle.
163. I seemed always to be berating myself for visiting with friends and spending a Sunday afternoon talking.
164. Tax agents are visiting more than 5,000 businesses that deal in expensive items such as cars, boats, and jewels.
165. Rice takes comfort in visiting some clients with a. 380 Sig Sauer tucked in his Langlitz.
166. The Praga became a favoured haunt for upwardly mobile apparatchiks, visiting VIPs and wedding parties.
167. If afternoon winds are light it's fun to cruise along this spit visiting the beaches and anchorages along the north shore.
168. She tried to stop the children visiting their critically ill father.
169. Visiting with owners Kim and Greg over breakfast was a delight.
170. Utilising the help of visiting students or parents and helpers to listen to pupils retelling stories can be very constructive.
171. His management trademark is carrying index cards in his shirt pocket so that he can note mistakes while visiting Darden restaurants.
172. He will be permitted to meet members of Congress as well as visiting Wall Street and watching a baseball game.
173. One Easter, whilst visiting Benbecula, my thoughtful daughter-in-law, Barbara, suggested a fishing picnic to Stilligarry.
174. You can dish them out to visiting dignitaries at the end of a state visit.
175. He also has accepted a visiting lecturer position at Stanford University for the academic year starting in the fall.
176. Use a checklist when visiting properties to buy, so that you keep a record of which features you liked and didn't like.
177. Hopkins, during the later months of 1967 was being visited, rather than visiting, after his marijuana conviction.
178. It decided to join the team visiting Berkshire to discuss the BEd revisions.
179. The Mazda 323 1.6i fastback is to be used mainly by crime prevention officers for visiting schools and exhibitions.
180. But, set down in the Globe, the production is simply visiting exotica.
181. Britain's newest taxpayer took her economy drive even further by visiting the Oxford Oxfam shop.
182. Philanthropic work, like workhouse visiting, inevitably raised the question of women's representation on public bodies at the local level.
183. The families of the nobility have always fascinated the visiting public more than their historic homes and works of art.
184. State officials said the visiting police helped state agents detain 12 people and recuperate 12 stolen cars.
184. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
185. But I met one girl by accident when I walked into the hostel one night and she was visiting another girl there.
186. You were on business visiting the offices where she works and decided to sample the food in the canteen.
187. Like generations of art collectors before him, Thomas Baron enjoys visiting art galleries.
188. Alice Berwicke, visiting Plymouth for the association in 1881, found reclamation and educational work in full swing in the local branch.
189. You are strongly advised to buy medical insurance when visiting China.
190. In general, users were treated on an out-patient basis, living at home in the community and visiting the clinic at intervals.
191. There was also a large saloon on the main deck which was a great asset for visiting V.I.P's and crew comfort.
192. The Regional Committees have reported that the presence of a top visiting senior coach proved to be particularly beneficial for the youngsters.
193. Check with your travel agent or in your holiday brochure about the voltage of the country you're visiting.
194. Perhaps he should put him top of his visiting list: at his age, it might be urgent.
195. Many officials now spend most of their working hours entertaining visiting delegations, meeting donors, and preparing project documents.
196. The motive behind much late nineteenth-century visiting was to put the social classes back in touch with one another.
197. Mr Trimble is visiting all 18 constituencies in Northern Ireland this week to promote a return to devolution.
198. After he achieved celebrity status through Dynasty he took to visiting hospitals and rehabilitation centres warning youngsters of the dangers of drugs.
199. Many new school volunteers were apprehensive about visiting the hospital, anxieties fed by their fear of the unknown.
200. One hundred entries from 14 nations were in competition with 30,000 spectators visiting the event.
201. We were both pretty excited about visiting Saigon, country boys coming in to see the big time.
202. Some of them have been visiting inappropriate Web sites, as was evidenced by the History folder.
203. A relaxed regime of visiting the lavatory after each main meal and at bedtime is established with the parents keeping a record.
204. The Prince was visiting handicapped children being looked after by members of his father's award scheme.
205. She fell ill immediately after visiting Club Med early last year, she said.
206. In the course of dining with the visiting horologist, Mudge waxed loquacious on the subject of H-4.
207. It was aimed at teaching children correct diet, oral hygiene instruction and the importance of visiting the dentist.
208. But it turned out she was only visiting the bar behind them to get a drink.
209. And the best part of visiting both is that eating haggis is not mandatory.
210. So whether you're visiting Perth or Penzance, you need never go short of cash.
211. She came up with a routine for visiting the tables, and even managed to empty a few ashtrays.
212. They may have bad experiences from visiting prisons in the past.
213. The Takaroa operates from Cairns, and allows the visiting diver to venture further afield.
214. Seth Bede walks with Dinah back to Hall Farm,[] where she is visiting her aunt.
215. The only consolation was a crowd at the Harvey Hadden Stadium of 2,581, boosted by visiting fans.
216. It was the typical extended family time with grandmother and other visiting relatives.
217. The idea for the new advertising campaign came to me while I was visiting Thailand.
218. Today they got full backing from the visiting Prison's Minister.
219. The writers spent a year talking to workers and visiting the factory to make sure their production was as authentic as possible.
220. This tends to support the hypothesis that although customers will complain about price increases it does not necessarily alter their visiting behaviour.
221. On Friday evenings Carrie was in the habit of visiting her parents in Bacon Buildings.
222. Uefa is to rule on Leeds's decision to ban visiting supporters in an attempt to prevent further violence.
223. Visiting Buffalo, he contrived to see her but again did not express his feelings for her.
224. Visiting Stanley village, we walked along a crowded street of shops and many street traders.
225. The visiting officer found him living in one room which was almost entirely filled by a double bed.
226. She had two adult children who lived nearby, and had stopped visiting them as was her usual custom.
227. Anyone caught visiting the Bookman during these was automatically punished and he kept swapping them around to try and catch people out.
228. High winds now prevented us from visiting the Monach Isles, reputedly site of the world's second largest seal colony.
229. The governor will be visiting a rural constituency north of Charlotte.
230. He died of heart failure 9 April 1930, at home in South Marston, after visiting his dying wife in hospital.
231. Him showing visiting dignitaries the squadron of MiG fighters at Entebbe.
232. Protect your teeth and gums by eating a well-balanced diet and visiting your dentist regularly.
233. Meanwhile, Agnes begins to rethink her decision while visiting the handsome doctor in his splendid Venetian mansion.
234. The man was a visiting Texan who was in Britain as manager of a fellow countryman, a concert pianist.
235. Clinton has tried to show his concern for the state by visiting it more than 20 times since his election.
236. Students on the part-time course will work from home, visiting Middlesbrough only for the final examination.
237. My mother avoided visiting Bali on the quite false assumption that the place is full of tourists.
238. Under the Apostolic listing are prison visiting, family contacts, catechism classes, Catholic action groups and Sunday schools.
239. She was visiting Glasgow's Western Infirmary to learn about pioneering work to find new ways to treat asthma.
240. Driving into the mountains here is like visiting an archaeological dig.
241. During the next three months Alexander spent all his hard-earned money visiting the theatre, art galleries or going to concerts.
242. Blakes's dramatically designed interior and glamorous suites have long attracted visiting celebs.
243. Afterwards, Mr. Reynolds announced that the President would be visiting Ireland in the not too distant future.
244. The two doctors' efforts were amplified by visiting medical groups and support from international agencies.
245. Harrison spent much time visiting other clinics up and down the country advising on how they might be run more efficiently.
246. They both love browsing in antique shops wherever they happen to be visiting, and appreciate good quality modern and reproduction designs.
247. The club had field meetings, following leys and visiting ancient sites, a member who knew the area acting as leader.
248. An old acquaintance visiting from California once asked to borrow my Teflon skillet to demonstrate his culinary skills.
249. The popularity of organised tours visiting the Balearics and the interest of the locals has encouraged the club to expand.
250. They appoint Visiting Groups within disciplines to assess the value of particular scientific research programmes and groups of workers.
251. a state banquet in honour of the visiting President.
252. The rain stop us from visiting the archaeological site.
253. Mike is visiting his cousin , Gill , in Cardiff.
254. While visiting a museum, a cursed artifact transports Annabel back in time!
255. Whenever I'm in Canterbury I make a point of visiting the cathedral.
256. He'd made it seem rather a lark, to be visiting a supposedly haunted house.
257. From the archaized visiting card, he is a curator of a museum.
258. The visiting president was greeted by an ecstatic crowd at the airport.
259. The gossip columnist got his information by visiting nightclubs every night.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 13:48:16