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单词 Sucked
1. He sucked hard for air to keep breathing.
2. He doesn't like being sucked around.
3. The canoe was sucked into the whirlpool.
4. The trees sucked up the rain.
5. The pump sucked water from the basement.
6. She sucked an ice cube into her mouth, and crunched it loudly.
7. Michael put the cigarette to his lips and sucked in the smoke.
8. He sucked the blood from a cut on his finger.
9. The whirlpool sucked down the canoe.
10. They waited in silence and sucked their sweets.
11. He sucked at the wound on his hand.
12. I was sucked into a vortex of despair.
13. Many visitors are sucked here every year.
14. The baby sucked on her bottle.
15. She sucked away on her thumb.
16. The river sucked him under.
17. She sucked on a mint.
18. The fluid was sucked from his lungs.
19. The baby sucked at its mother's breast.
20. They were being sucked into the maelstrom of war.
21. Who hates being sucked up to?
22. The canoe was sucked down into the whirlpool.
23. The whirlpool sucked down everything floating on the water.
23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
24. I sucked my thumb until I was seven.
25. He was finally sucked into the sea.
26. I don't want to get sucked into the row about school reform.
27. The mud had sucked him in up to his waist.
28. He sucked at his cigar and then agreed with what I said.
29. In breathing the chest muscles expand the rib cage and allow air to be sucked into the lungs.
30. The waves came crashing over my head and I could feel myself being sucked under by the currents.
1. He sucked hard for air to keep breathing.
2. He doesn't like being sucked around.
3. The canoe was sucked into the whirlpool.
4. The trees sucked up the rain.
5. The pump sucked water from the basement.
6. She sucked an ice cube into her mouth, and crunched it loudly.
7. Michael put the cigarette to his lips and sucked in the smoke.
8. He sucked the blood from a cut on his finger.
9. In breathing the chest muscles expand the rib cage and allow air to be sucked into the lungs.
10. The whirlpool sucked down the canoe.
11. The whirlpool sucked down everything floating on the water.
12. In his youth he had been sucked into a hippy cult.
31. Be careful not to be sucked in such a case.
32. He sucked in his stomach as he walked past the girls.
33. Everything that floated on the sea was sucked down by the whirlpool.
34. I really don't want any part in this whole argument, but I can feel myself being sucked into it.
35. The source has sucked.
36. In his youth he had been sucked into a hippy cult.
37. The US has no intention of getting sucked into another war in Europe.
38. He cut the orange in half and sucked out the juice.
39. While my brother was sick, I had to do all of his chores and it sucked.
40. London has sucked the surrounding towns dry of local talent.
41. A bird was sucked into one of the jet's engines.
42. Great quantities of water were sucked up into the air.
43. The country is gradually being sucked into the maelstrom of civil war.
44. She sucked a mint.
45. Jennie sucked up the last bit of milkshake with her straw.
46. Water in the engine compartment is sucked away by a hose.
47. He was sucked in and cheated of all his money by a little boy.
48. I sucked on her love like a leech.
49. He sucked on his cigarette.
50. You just sucked in air. 14.
51. He sucked in a deep breath.
52. Just one example: I sucked at driving.
53. He sucked one corner of his black moustache absently.
54. She sucked, and the cigarette end glowed.
55. He sucked his teeth for a minute.
56. I thought I was going to be sucked out.
57. The mud sucked at his shoes.
58. The baby sucked at his mother's breast.
59. The water was sucked into the pores.
60. The water sucked and swallowed itself beneath them.
61. With the breath sucked out of her lungs, she could barely stand upright in the face of the gusts.
62. Water is sucked through and around charcoal-impregnated filter sponges into the undergravel plate and up through the gravel.
63. Kinnear picked up his cards and pursed his lips and sucked in his breath and looked at his hand.
64. Computing becomes an end in itself as the fledgling hacker gets sucked into the loop between the human and the computer.
65. Bernice sucked in a deep breath, searching for a tell-tale smell - and there it was!
66. Carbon dioxide and other unwanted exhaled gases are sucked away through ceiling pendant into filter cleaner.
67. She sucked in her cheeks on it, manipulating her lithe tongue around its thickness.
68. Chesarynth sucked in another breath of the sweet, tangy air and melted into the crowd, shuffling inside with the rest.
69. Then, they were the footfalls of voters turning away from him in the opinion polls as scandals sucked him downward.
70. With excruciating slowness and delicacy he sucked it before running his tongue in the space between the last two toes.
71. At once, Poole could hear the throbbing of the pumps as precious air was sucked out of the lock chamber.
72. The branch shattered in half, and the gulls crouched to leap, only to be sucked under the bow waves.
73. Consequently some people become sucked into what they see as an exclusive club which will eventually pay them a hefty financial dividend.
74. Where would we be if the pioneers sucked at driving?
75. I think they just sucked up to David, and began to put the boot in really, quite unnecessarily and unfairly.
76. He pinched the last quarter inch of his cigarette tightly, and sucked on it so hard it squeaked.
77. They discarded clothes, finished their water and desperately sucked at the tomatoes for moisture.
78. He felt as if every last drop of feeling had been sucked out of him.
79. Dexter lounged in, sucked the last goodness from his cigarette and stubbed out the butt in Blanche's wastepaper bin.
80. There is the fallible narrator, escaping his past, indulging his dandified sensibilities, inevitably sucked into danger beyond his understanding.
81. Likewise the drinking straw would have to regulate its volume no matter how hard one sucked.
82. As the hot cooking air was sucked through the window, the little kitchen grew cooler.
83. I had to brace myself against the side to keep from getting sucked into the overheated pit he created with his body.
84. Otherwise, there will be no reserves(http://), imports will be sucked in and workers abroad will benefit.
85. But then it turned to mud - horrible stuff that sucked at my feet, and stank.
86. Just like that, she was sucked into the whirlpool that was threatening to swallow the Olympics.
87. I sucked on breath mints, rubbed deodorant under my arms and on my feet.
88. Zeno's head shook with fury as he sucked her and bruised her.
89. The waiting crowd of marchers groaned and sucked in their breath in sympathetic pain at every blow.
90. Our reporters uncovered a generation who have been sucked into a dark underworld of solvent abuse and hard drugs.
91. He sucked a bit of juice from one of his fingers and tried to think of something to say.
92. Entire shoals are surrounded by nets and sucked in for processing and freezing, leaving nothing left to breed and replenish stocks.
93. Very quickly these two understood that they could persecute anyone they cared to as long as they sucked up to Chutra.
94. She popped his lollipop back into her mouth with a sigh, and sucked.
95. He brought his hand to his mouth, sucked the back of his forefinger.
96. I think good skin care is really important so I get sucked in by anti-wrinkle creams and things like that.
97. If any character enters the chamber, he is sucked into the Chaos-stuff instantly and lost for ever in the Warp.
98. The character, the flamboyance is being f-ed and sucked out of a business that traditionally thrives on the outrageous.
99. Liverpool's inexperience meant they got sucked into the type of game a more experienced side would never have got involved in.
100. A variety of objects are placed in the mouth or sucked via the sucking reflex.
101. Don't get sucked into the retrogressive reactive syndrome, responding only to problems after they have arisen.
102. And she couldn't bear the thought of being sucked back into the ebb tide of loneliness again either.
103. But after he bares his fangs, she wobbles as if the blood had been sucked from her veins.
104. Her shoulders slumped a little as she sucked the smoke into her lungs.
105. The world fell away below him, sucked into a chasm.
106. Eikhl sucked on his cigarette, but it had gone out.
107. When the autumn gales blew you could see the smoke being sucked out through the wall like water out of a leaky bucket.
108. He scratched his neck under his stiff collar, smoked cigarettes, and sucked mints to make his breath smell good.
109. She sucked so hard that she drew the splinter of wood out of her finger.
110. Rory sucked at the tiny wound and spat, trying to remove any dirt.
111. But he just shook his head, sucked his teeth and shuffled out.
112. The centre of Dixie's shirt caves in instantly, as if a hidden mouth inside had sucked at it and vomited blood.
113. Mention his name to these pre-war survivors and you hear a sound like soup sucked through clenched teeth.
114. Most fetuses sucked their right thumb(http:///sucked.html), with only 5.4% preferring their left.
115. He sucked like a babe, as she teased his back with her long fingernails.
116. The 11-11 mark over the past two years has sorta sucked the life out of Wildcat fans.
117. This toxic recycling has sucked the life out of political debate.
118. The initial acquisition of the house sucked most people into debt, often more debt than they could service.
119. His cheeks sucked in and his eyebrows arched as if he were angry.
120. He smiled without humour when Frankie sucked at the soap-filled cloth in order to sluice the taste of rancid beck-water from his mouth.
121. Her skin was drawn tight over her sunken face-her cheeks sucked deep into her mouth, her eyes bulging.
122. He fell to his knees and greedily sucked up the water like a thirsty horse.
123. Which supermodel is featured in the book having her toe sucked by Madonna?
124. Sometimes his fingers strayed between her lips and when she closed her mouth she accidentally sucked on them.
125. At the fence, he suddenly sucked his stomach in and puffed his chest out.
126. The young, the old, the frail are all sucked into its sweeping tide.
127. As he sucked in his breath, the hand covering her mouth fell.
128. They seemed happy to be sucked into politics, telling the media that Manchester deserved to win.
129. Denis whisked open the fridge and sucked on his teeth.
130. After midnight, he awakened, gasping as if the breath were being sucked from his lungs.
131. The yellow one muttered a remark to her companion, who laughed and sucked on a cigarette.
132. People would have grabbed door handles to get out and been sucked into the fabric of the door.
133. Pumping air into these causes water to be sucked through with the bubbles as they rise to the surface.
134. Hence the oocytes are flushed out of the oviducts from below-they are not sucked out from above.
135. Plastic Grids were placed in the bottom of the main vat to stop the fish from being sucked into the pump inlet.
136. Some residents fear the crops would attract birds that might be sucked into jet engines.
137. Then he led her to his bed and let her sleep, childlike in her position as she sucked her thumb.
138. When he had finished decoding, he sucked in his cheeks.
139. Bernice sucked in air with a rasping gasp that hurt her throat.
140. It will take a political Houdini escape trick to keep him from being sucked further into the mire.
141. If the water contains dye, the dye will be sucked up too - right to the top of the plant.
142. The baby sucked contentedly.
143. Only a small amount of sand is sucked up if the air flow is kept low.
144. Eagles may soar,() but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. Steven Wright 
145. Kenneth Stumpf minces no words concerning this weapon: The M16 sucked.
146. I sucked at the little trickle of blood from my finger.
147. The same mud which sucked at my shoe, battening on the heel like an animal.
148. A white preacher who prayed for their souls while Sethe peeled potatoes and Grandma Baby sucked air.
149. The customer was sucked in By the wily Businessman.
150. He sucked Coke through a straw.
151. He sucked ice - cream soda through a straw.
152. The little boy was sucked into the marsh.
153. Jim sucked and sucked at the jug.
154. This pill is to be sucked , not swallowed.
155. The air is sucked out by a high-powered fan.
156. Splashdown, sucked into a vortex. No capes!
157. I've just been sucked in by a con artist.
158. He sucked all the fart sealed in the jar.
159. The whirlpool sucked down the boat.
160. The maelstrom sucked in the canoe.
161. But sucked on country pleasures, childishly?
162. He couldn't stay at the Lorelei, or he would be sucked into this team of chiselers.
163. Even spotlight - shunning stars find themselves sucked into festivities to plug their work.
164. If submit pulverous form, usable cotton dips in water will be drossy touch, or it is the grain of rice that drop a point after adhering its, sweep case, reoccupy cleaner is sucked clean.
165. When seeds sucked on the seed suction hole of a seed suction tube rotate to the thin side of the wedge-shaped plate, seeds at two sides contact two forks of the wedge-shaped plate.
166. The ground sucked at his feet as he trod relactantly towards the Nissen hut.
167. Granted, eastern Europe will not be sucked into a Chinese sphere of influence any time soon.
168. Once sucked into an airplane’s turbines, the abrasive material can easily cause engine failure, but an aircraft’s weather radar can’t spot the ash.
169. That breakout has cleaned out stops placed by bulls and sucked the most rabid bears shorted.
170. The well-developed experience of foreign countries ought to be sucked up in the cooperation between university library and bookman , and the cooperative substance value should be thoroughly unearthed.
171. We pitched nose down, the windows blew out. The noise was deafening. Papers, clothing, everything was being sucked out of the windows.
172. He was sucked greatly accepted this fact at a heat.
173. He warned that if the President tried to enforce control, the country would be sucked into a power vacuum.
173. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
174. His advisers are rightfully hesitant to let the United States be sucked into the conflict.
175. A : Madrid? Sucked! You know Lisa and I had our long overdue meltdown.
176. Its dash for development matched the west's consumption boom, and sucked in forests, minerals and fuel from all over the world.
177. Graphic output has been edited sucked graphics output to the desired process on the media, generally using plotter or printer output.
178. At the same time air is sucked into the inlet to replace the exhausted air.
179. So, he tells Ed Pilkington , carbon dioxide must be sucked out of the air, captured and neutralised.
180. They felt they were being sucked into a whirlpool of publicity.
181. When aspiration best every place is sucked twice, the first go against carpet fiber and suck, although use muscularity but but complete aspiration.
182. Through the device, the dirt in the net cage is convenient to collect on the bottom of the hopper, and is sucked and lifted by a pipeline into the dirt collecting box.
183. The suspense, hilarity and seduction will keep you sucked in'till the bittersweet enthralling end.
184. The chemist sucked up 20 cc. of acetic acid into a pipette.
185. The mosquito lay on IT forehead and sucked IT blood greedily.
186. Air was sucked through large funnel-like structures that directed a smooth flow of air past the staging area where airplanes, helicopters, race cars and even a Navy SEAL submarine were tested.
187. The uneducated farmer was sucked in by a clever crook.
188. The credit squeeze in the past couple of years has sucked the life out of this export drive.
189. The ground sucked at his feet as he trod reluctantly towards the Nissen hut.
190. Today, the cobblestoned streets are lined with defeated clapboard houses that look as if the spirit’s been sucked right out of them.
191. When an insect bit my hand, you sucked the bad blood out.
192. Cassia bark sticks – to be sucked on in the evening of day 3 and 4.
193. The boy sucked his thumb and stared at Hebburn with huge, round eyes.
194. They discovered that when the nanotubes were just touching the glue, they sucked it up by capillary action, the same physical mechanism by which plants draw water from the soil.
195. In sealing off, take away the plug , clean it with vaseline by oil - sucked cotton.
196. Air at atmospheric pressure is sucked into the combustion chamber.
197. Nearly 10,000 Chinese citizens each year are sucked into unsanctioned 'black jails'.
198. Winston fitted a nib into the penholder and sucked it to get the grease off.
199. No relief in sight for residents sucked in by snow upstate NewYork.
200. The old man relit his pipe , and sucked at it reflectively.
201. No relief in sight for residents sucked in by snow in upstate NewYork.
202. With all this choice it's no wonder we get sucked in hour after hour.
203. Then sucked it in her mouth slowly and in good taste.
203. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
204. Conclusion Soft tissue augmentation of concave body surface by sucked fat reimplantation is an effective, safe and simple technique.
205. Application: This system mainly runs by vacuum motor, treadle air switch and pneumatic components. Any waste and thread ends cut by chain cutter are sucked into the waste collector.
206. The baby sucked ( away ) ( at its bottle ) contentedly.
207. A quart of milk got sucked up inside my girdle.
208. My whole living was in this suit , and has been thus shamefully sucked away.
209. One such man, who called himself Mohammed Ofzal, struck a match beneath a piece of foil and sucked in the blue smoke that rose from the liquefying little mass.
210. Mostly, Danielle felt her host was a narcissist, delighted by the sound of his own voice and the humor of his own jokes, and by the pipe he fiddled with and sucked upon between courses.
211. The experimenter sucked up 20 cc of acid into a pipette.
212. When load-bearing external walls are weakened, destroyed or sucked outwards, the bulk of the debris falls on the ground or street.
213. This was exactly what he had hoped for when, well before his bar mitzvah—probably at nine or ten—he had first lit up the little white tube and sucked in the taste of tar.
214. I eat so much, suck with lodestone, why is one also sucked?
215. Balut is the extraordinary Filipino dish of a chicken or duck embryo boiled and sucked from its shell often credited with the power to cause tumescence.




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