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单词 In response to
1, In response to your inquiry ...
2, She laughed in response to his jokes.
3, The law was passed in response to public pressure.
4, This is in response to your letter of November 4, 1998.
5, We are writing in response to your letter of October 21, 1998.
6, The government may declare martial law in response to the latest violence in the region.
7, The product was developed in response to customer demand.
8, Business development has slowed in response to the recession.
9, The quick recovery was truly in response to medication.
10, He gave a chuckle in response to her question.
11, Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal.
12, This cheaper model was produced in response to customer demand.
13, The West African forces went on the offensive in response to attacks on them.
14, The stock exchange rallied in response to the announcement of massive American investment.
15, Management have granted a 10% pay rise in response to union pressure.
16, I am writing in response to your letter of June 12.
17, Sudan even threat-ened to mobilize in response to the ultima-tums.
18, Hospital visiting hours were extended in response to pleas from patients.
19, The Prime Minister did/made a quick U-turn in response to all the adverse publicity.
20, The changes are in response to demand from our customers.
21, It was some time before the door opened in response to his ring.
22, Animal herds may form in response to the distribution patterns of food.
23, Millions of people gave freely in response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake.
24, Stock Exchange rallies strongly in response to open border.
25, Let me speak plainly in response to this paragraph.
26, The Supreme Court action was taken in response to a petition against the government's decision submitted by the Bar Association.
27, So said defence minister Peter Blaker last week in response to a question from Tam Dalyell.
28, If the seller then supplies goods or services in response to that order,[http:///in response to.html] there is a contract on those terms.
29, Her tone changes in response to quotation marks, and her spacing matches the length of pages, sentences, and words.
30, They were, however, undergoing significant change in response to an increasingly competitive and volatile business environment.
1, In response to your inquiry ...
2, She laughed in response to his jokes.
3, The law was passed in response to public pressure.
4, This is in response to your letter of November 4, 1998.
5, We are writing in response to your letter of October 21, 1998.
6, The government may declare martial law in response to the latest violence in the region.
7, The quick recovery was truly in response to medication.
31, As such it should be able to supply manpower statistics and other personnel information quickly in response to line management requests.
32, In response to the marriage boom, fertility reached an all-time high at around 1800.
33, But pleasure, and intellectual challenge, is in response to individual installations rather than to the exhibition as a whole.
34, United raised its prices in response to hikes at competitors, said Mr Hopkins.
35, It installed the device in 1994 in response to a complaint by a citizen.
36, In response to such shortages bureaux may mount campaigns to recruit more volunteers.
37, Two opposition groups were formed in response to the constitutional changes.
38, Efficiency should mean taking into full account the quality of services, including their ability to develop in response to unmet needs.
39, Overwhelmingly, improvements in roads and waterways happened in response to existing economic pressures and prospects.
40, Protocol 2 studied the phenomenon of adaptive cytoprotection in response to mild irritation of the duodenal mucosa in the three experimental groups.
41, Three other schools are to have ballots of parents on opting out, in response to regional rationalisation plans.
42, Eventually a letter arrived from London in response to Moran's exasperated inquiries about his elder son.
43, Most movement is voluntary; some is involuntary and in response to conflict, civil disorder, and natural disaster.
44, Antibodies formed in response to the allergens lead to the release of histamine, which is what produces allergic symptoms.
45, In response to local demand, we will be opening this store from nine till seven on Sundays.
46, In response to a question Sheila described the South London women's group who had produced the pamphlet arguing for wages for housework.
47, This has the effect of greatly increasing the strength of the withdrawal reflex in response to subsequence stimulation of the siphon alone.
48, Press Alt-F6, then press Y in response to the prompt Page formats affect the overall appearance of the page.
49, In response to the beard-shaving incident the Dwarfs chopped down entire virgin forests to spite the Elves.
50, He wrote Hollywood Haven in response to requests for information about where the migr s and exiles lived, worked and gathered.
50, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
51, A number of friendly faces appeared in response to her cries for help and one, Dave, took control.
52, Manufacturers cut jobs during November in response to weak consumer spending.
53, However subsequent research has shown that both negatives and passives are used in response to the presence of particular pragmatic factors.
54, Each of the four movements that cumulatively created the modern worldview arose in response to a noble quest.
55, The Direction was issued in response to growing concern at the spread of large, out-of-town retail developments, some on greenfield sites.
56, This rapid shallow breath may occur in response to the adrenalin which causes the heart to speed up.
57, Hughes writes on a number of social problem topics, but at least some of this is in response to specific invitations.
58, The humour was heavy-handed and, in response to Simon Franks' nervous laugh, Blanche smiled politely.
59, The arguments for and against capping offered in response to this question tended merely to rehearse those already discussed.
60, We have received 2, 200 telegrams and 4, 000 letters in response to your Mideast statements....
61, No obvious regional differences in response to ligand were detected in these cultures.
62, Almost all growth occurs between March and October and, whilst other factors are doubtless involved, this is probably in response to temperature.
63, In response to continued encouragement from the localities they protested until the final passage of the legislation in August.
64, When they played a low grunt normally given in response to eagles, the majority of the monkeys looked up.
65, The disclosure came in response to reporters' questions about why the planes were not flying.
66, The decision was reportedly taken in response to the government's current austerity programme.
67, Other new appointments made in response to the changing balance in international relations between economic and political considerations were less significant.
68, Then there is no possibility of hostility and the two will work together very amiably in response to instructions.
69, If it is withdrawn, then the advertiser is in breach of contract with any bidder who had come in response to the advertisement.
70, In response to demands for figures of loyalists arrested, the police first announced that 130 nationalists and seventy-five loyalists were arrested.
71, Wages and membership will be sticky in response to iso-elastic demand shifts, while employment bears the brunt of the adjustment.18 5.3.
72, When Cheney and Seyfarth played a tonal call normally given in response to leopards, the majority of the monkeys ran to a tree.
73, In response to this survey, we received 150 completed questionnaires from 45 countries.
74, After the Civil War, the Bolshevik party had recreated itself in response to events; it was virtually a new organization.
75, In response to Sikh accusations V. P. Singh agreed to the holding of a judicial inquiry into his death.
76, In response to the two presses of the chair button Galvone hurried in to the living room.
77, But they were very reluctant to attend antenatal classes and so this club had been set up in response to this.
78, Encouraging literature, he organized poetry contests in which candidates improvised rhymes in response to his own verses.
79, The stock market, whose index had fallen throughout 1990, lost a further 7.5 points in response to the package.
80, The current business environment gives rise to unparalleled demands for flexible and dynamic management of the business in response to economic or legislative change.
81, The number of passives produced in response to the different pictures varied considerably.
82, The company has recently introduced a five-day option in response to criticism that they were not paying quickly enough.
83, Thus hearing a word, or producing it in response to an incomplete definition,[http:///in response to.html] will not prime visual word recognition.
84, The new measures are in response to the public outcry over illegal rave parties such as the one at Castlemorton Common last year.
85, In response to fluctuating hormone levels during each oestrous cycle, some eggs are released to resume development.
86, Also on an international scale, the price of grain rose in response to demand, and this in turn affected wages.
87, The third element is the flexible labour force, part-time and temporary employees who provide expertise and skills in response to changing needs.
88, So in Chapter 8 we will discuss how our social institutions are going to have to change in response to dejobbing.
89, The size and the number of actuarial firms is expanding rapidly in response to the demand for their services.
90, Work-inhibited children have erected emotional barriers to education and, in response to demands by adults, these barriers become more impenetrable.
91, President Nixon's staff were instructed to close ranks in response to the Watergate arrests.
92, Representations fall broadly under two headings: first, in response to invitations to comment, and second, representations originated by the Faculty.
93, Private hire cars also carry roof signs showing their telephone numbers, but are only allowed to carry passengers in response to telephone requests.
94, The queasy stomach common to hangovers is often attributable to the increased acids secreted by the stomach in response to alcohol.
95, The campaign came in response to a spate of fatal stabbings and involved extra police officers being drafted in to patrol late-night trouble spots.
96, The indium-111 leukocyte technique is particularly suitable for the present study since it utilises the homing properties of neutrophils in response to specific chemoattractants.
97, The decision came in response to an acute fuel shortage which worsened during December.
98, In addition, the activities of firms moving into the area in response to gasfield opportunities are also being monitored.
99, Most surviving examples are funerary, often commissioned quickly in response to unexpected death from disease, by no means uncommon in antiquity.
100, Immunity is another type of internal defence mechanism usually arising in response to an infection.
101, The Wingti government also claimed that the army's advance was largely unresisted and had been in response to the invitation of local chiefs.
102, Blood clots are made when small proteins link together in response to damage.
103, Hyperplasia is in fact initiated by the fish itself as a protective mechanism in response to hostile water conditions or parasite infestations.
104, Haven is also putting in PlayStation 2 venues in response to pleas for more computer games.
105, The shares jumped 93 to Pounds 31.80 in response to positive broker comment and some bullish options activity.
106, There is a move among many local politicians to demand increased powers in response to this offloading.
107, The former Soviet-bloc countries boycotted the 1984 Olympics in response to the boycott of the 1980 Games in Moscow.
108, It was early evening when the manager of the Langstone Hotel came to the reception desk in response to the ringing of the bell.
109, Freeh made the comments Wednesday in response to questions during a luncheon meeting with Washington Post editors and reporters.
110, On the other hand they are reluctant to reduce the dividend in response to a fall in distributable earnings.
111, In response to the protesters,[][http:///in response to.html] Western policymakers often trot out the line that globalisation is good for the poor.
112, Council workmen have had to tidy footpaths and repair roads and curbs, partly in response to the number of heavy lorries passing through.
113, There is, of course, no doubt that a payment made in response to an unlawful demand under duress or compulsion may be recovered.
114, The picture is often one of violent and rapid mood swings in response to stress.
115, At the same time land prices soared in response to peasant land hunger, and the option of selling became increasingly attractive.
116, Have physicians' fees fallen relative to other prices in response to the growing competition among the rapidly expanding numbers of physicians?
117, The project will also be exploring how identity, the self-concept, changes in response to educational and occupational experiences during adolescence.
118, In response to the story-boards, it became clear that attitudes towards the advertisements were mixed.
119, This is to enable us to continue to build up a database on the application of our provision in response to special needs.
120, Learning is the process by which a neural network modifies its weights in response to external input.
121, The pride, excitement, and extraordinary accomplishments Byrd refers to came in response to what was obviously a grand vision.
122, A novel of international intrigue in which Grace goes to Stockholm in response to a cryptic message from her sister, Willa.
123, Even so, President Clinton had no choice but impose additional sanctions in response to the shoot-downs.
124, A further important consequence was the more rapid implementation of planned petrochemical projects in response to sharp rises in oil production and oil prices.
125, To the contrary, he was the beneficiary of many resource and capability decisions made previously in response to different threats.
126, Parents may find their children want to negotiate payment in response to a simple request for help.
127, Initiatives undertaken in response to the widespread dissatisfaction with residential care have led to a general improvement in the quality of services.
128, Private hire cars can only carry passengers in response to requests by phone.
129, On Monday, Stanford athletic director Ted Leland issued the written apology in response to numerous complaints about the performance.
130, John's text moves the message into a philosophical setting, perhaps in response to the Hellenistic environment of his day.
131, Berdichev smiled tightly and gave the barest of nods in response to Clarac's respectful bow.
132, Ministry seems to have grown up in a haphazard manner, basically in response to the need that various functions be performed.
133, In the test the subjects were required to learn to press a given switch out of four available in response to a given light.
134, In response to widespread criticism, Kadhafi strongly attacked corruption and favouritism in the government administration.
135, As Warshall said, they also alter in response to fright.
136, Many brochures have already been sent out in response to requests from advertising.
137, Oil companies fell in response to weaker crude oil and natural gas prices.
138, About half the 6,000 white collar workers are likely to be made redundant in response to the shrinking market for coal.
139, Recommendation for exemption have been made in response to 16 applications.
140, In response to heavy recreational use, the Forest Service issued strict new regulations a year ago.
141, In response to these needs two new qualifications are being offered.
142, However, our role may need to broaden and develop in response to new policies and programmes introduced by Ministers.
143, These have frequently been made in response to pressure from major international aid donors.
144, In response to these needs a calendrical system of considerable complexity was devised.
145, Self-report studies usually involve asking people to give information about their past illegal activities, in response to a questionnaire or interview.
146, The announcement was made by the Home Secretary, in response to calls by officers for greater protection on the beat.
147, Clothes and bric-a-brac have been pouring into the hospice's charity shops in response to an appeal for more goods.
148, In response to the difficult situation schools find themselves in, a critical and forward-looking approach to curriculum renewal was developed.
149, Tonicity can then be regulated by the patient in response to thirst.
150, With it I almost completely rewrote my first draft in response to Guzzardi's urgings.
151, Over 50,000 people gathered in response to a opposition call to mobilize for the victory of democracy.
152, In response to these demands for change, an interdepartmental committee was set up to consider the criticisms and evaluate the suggestions for alternative procedures.
153, An observation statement is one made in response to certain stimuli and strongly verifiable by appeal to the occurrence of such stimuli.
154, After 1955 an increasing amount of inner-ring suburbanization was produced by developer builders in response to market demand.
155, The concern of these groups has grown in response to a perceived widening of the gap between cherished moral values and actual day-to-day behaviour.
156, This measures the percentage change in the value of the call in response to a given change in the price of the share.
157, There was no single discipline of ecology created in response to a theoretical initiative, or to a particular philosophical position.
158, Further large-scale deforestation is occurring in response to government-sanctioned development projects, many of which involve cash cropping and ranching.
159, I have been told that this decision was partly in response to lobbying by feminist groups.
160, Only these taxis should be hailed in the streets. Private hire cars can only carry passengers in response to requests by phone.
161, These local strategies are subject to change, as local political activity changes in response to different social and economic circumstances.
162, The Act was hurriedly drawn up in response to quickening deforestation which included new roads being driven into virgin wilderness.
163, Over time the structure of interest rates may change in response to changes in the inflation rate and the anticipated inflation rate.
164, The displays provide a vivid insight into the way the castle grew in response to new developments in contemporary warfare.
165, Cybercommunities, organizing themselves rapidly in response to slow central governments will be very influential.
166, In response to such criticisms, many feel that a more flexible approach to green belts is required.
167, However, the coup was also in response to what leading factions within the army perceived as attempts by Chatichai to undermine their influence.
168, We were unequivocal in response to the third question.
169, Bohr's unposted letter was written in response to Heisenberg's apologia.
170, The seismograph showed a sharp spike in response to the temblor.
171, Associations differed from one another in response to climatic differences within the region of the formation.
172, Cells in the right parietal operculum operate as we act in response to other's gestures.
173, The crown - rust fungus has changed continuously in response to the living substrate provided by man.
174, The Mormons, organizing themselves in response to a religious vision[/in response to.html], practiced polygamy in all their settlements.
175, The uptick rule is an example of a bad law passed in response to mass hysteria.
176, The seismograph showed a sharp spike in response to the trembler.
177, If they try to subsidise their excess supply, in response to falling demand, retaliation seems certain.
178, In particular , literature pertaining to glaucoma in response to intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide will be reviewed.
179, DSC acknowledgements are normally transmitted by coast stations in response to a received DSC distress call.
180, The workers went on strike in response to the company's downsizing.
181, In response to a question about the American accent of his synthesiser.
182, The bill had to be withdrawn in response to vociferous and widespread objection.
183, Using window function design FIR filter, given in response to its sample.
184, Detects antibody produced by patient's immune system in response to hepatitis A virus.
185, In response to your letter of the 8 th inst,[] I am pleased to say that Mr.
186, Chemotaxis ( chemotactic movement ) A TXIS in response to a chemical concentration gradient.
187, The meeting was called in response to a request from Venezuela.
188, Take prompt and professional action in response to intelligence and reports of triad - related activity and crime.
189, Perform scripted actions in response to system shutdown or logoff.
190, Emergency action was taken by contractors in response to 10 reports on landslip incidents.
191, He didn't get far. A roadblock had been set up in response to the 911 call.
192, These cells release serotonin into the limbic system in response to sensory - nerve stimulation.
193, In response to those divisions, the mainline denominations have attempted to come together through ecumenical movement.
194, In response to an outside electric field, the electron wave is slightly distorted or displaced.
195, Cereal farmers are using less chemical fertiliser in response to concern over pollution.
196, Lastly, sepia - toned melanin in response to ultraviolet rays, appears in large amounts.
197, A shift register that transfers information from stage to stage in response to timing signals.
198, Proctor did so in response to two earlier plays in the contest.
199, The profile is established in response to the amount and type of detritus available.
200, Harking back to older ideas , Pavlov suggested that this happened partly in response to monotony.
201, Tissues of many mature trees remain somewhat recalcitrant in response to most standard practices.
202, Abrupt termination of Indian Ocean dipole events in response to intraseasonal disturbances.
203, In plant cells, actin cytoskeleton plays important roles in response to biotic and abiotic stresses.
204, I hurried in response to my friend's summons for help.
205, Diversification of color and pictorial, in response to a different friend's preferences.




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