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单词 Supporting
1. The university has a long tradition of supporting the arts.
2. Supporting also have the chance to you but eliminated belongs to me and mesmerizing.
3. Your job as a supporting actor is to play np to the leading character.
4. Most supporting bands tend to be youngsters, and rarely upstage the star.
5. Applicants must provide supporting documentation .
6. The government should not waste money supporting lame ducks.
7. He sat up, supporting himself on his good arm.
8. He alternated between supporting me and opposing me.
9. The American public stopped supporting the war in Vietnam.
10. She had a small supporting part in the play.
11. Several major companies are supporting the project.
12. Children cannot be relieved from supporting their parents.
13. She's got a leading/supporting role in the school play.
14. Don't hazard your reputation by supporting that crook.
15. There was a wealth of supporting evidence.
16. Supporting documents must be submitted to the supervisory authority.
17. The drug company is supporting cancer research.
18. There is a 15-foot arm supporting the antenna.
19. Banks should be supporting small private businesses.
20. She had valid reasons for not supporting the proposals.
21. Charities depend on people supporting their activities.
22. The strain on the cables supporting the bridge is enormous.
23. I got to my feet[http://](), supporting myself on the side of the table.
24. We are committed to supporting democracy and reform in the region.
25. The government is dusting off schemes for supporting creative industries.
26. The movie featured Robert Lindsay in a supporting role .
27. Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it. 
28. The stakes are pushed or hammered into the ground and can be used for marking an area, supporting a plant or forming part of a fence.
29. They say he's certain to get a nomination for best supporting actor.
30. They had taken to poaching as a means of supporting fresh meat for the table.
1. The university has a long tradition of supporting the arts.
2. The stakes are pushed or hammered into the ground and can be used for marking an area, supporting a plant or forming part of a fence.
3. Your job as a supporting actor is to play np to the leading character.
4. Most supporting bands tend to be youngsters, and rarely upstage the star.
5. They say he's certain to get a nomination for best supporting actor.
6. Don't hazard your reputation by supporting that crook.
7. He has peddled the myth that he is supporting the local population.
8. His speech failed to sway his colleagues into supporting the plan.
31. Hamstrings are supporting muscles at the back of the thigh.
32. Britain looks set to send a major force of over 100 tanks and supporting equipment.
33. No one was more zealous than Neil in supporting the proposal.
34. I would like to thank everyone who attended our charity evening for supporting the event.
35. The organization has peddled the myth that they are supporting the local population.
36. He has peddled the myth that he is supporting the local population.
37. I felt I'd been bounced into supporting a proposal I didn't really agree with.
38. They remorselessly beat up anyone they suspected of supporting the opposition.
38. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
39. You can't make a statement like that without any supporting documentation.
40. She began by supporting monetarist economics, but later underwent quite a conversion when she saw how it increased unemployment.
41. His speech failed to sway his colleagues into supporting the plan.
42. The number of MPs now supporting him had increased significantly.
43. The explosion which followed blasted out the external supporting wall of her flat.
44. Most of the cash went on supporting his opulent lifestyle.
45. Her speech failed to sway her colleagues into supporting the plan.
46. He outlined three main lines of supporting evidence.
47. Each is dusting off schemes for supporting innovative industry.
48. He benefits, too, from an outstanding supporting cast.
49. Supporting arrangements are rarely readily available.
50. They have single, central piers supporting conical roofs.
51. Seven software companies are supporting the property inspection report.
52. Insurers have everything to gain by supporting clinical trials.
53. He took it, supporting its weight with his forearms.
54. The report goes on to offer an update on progress implementing the consultation document Supporting doctors, protecting patients.
55. It's time to stop supporting Linfield, John, and give the other clubs the credit they deserve.
56. The father had only been in the country six months and had no means of supporting his son.
57. Although irritable bowel syndrome is commonly believed to be a colonic motility disorder, the evidence supporting this hypothesis is inconsistent.
58. Despite the overwhelming scientific consensus supporting the existence of global warming, the media often portray it as a controversial scientific debate.
59. Their supporting act was a guy dressed in black playing acoustic guitar.
60. Wynne-Jones detached himself from the supporting arm and came over to Tallis.
61. The riders use stirrups and large supporting saddles, so may be a cavalry unit.
62. They're carrying placards supporting a doctor who practises environmental medicine.
63. Underneath was a moulded jetty, close-studding with a herringbone gable, carved flaming torches supporting an oriel window.
64. The Liberal Democrats were supporting a Government which they claim to want defeated.
65. Knocked from its invisible supporting cradle of needle-thin tractor beams, the effigy swayed.
66. The fact-finding process involves a more formal discussion, during which each party again presents its position and supporting facts.
67. We will consider these three sources in the ascending order of their importance in supporting current expenditure.
68. Under the scheme,[] only vehicles carrying invalids or supporting the emergency services would be allowed into the centre.
69. Their mutual self - supporting pose is continuously almost - falling , like a standing wave in a spring creek.
70. Smith was targeted by environmentalists for supporting bills that they said would have weakened the Clean Water Act and other laws.
71. Plasticine is a good medium for supporting all sizes of specimen as it is easily moulded and re-used.
72. Like Allen, I would urge you to provide a systematic review of the empirical data supporting your proposal.
73. The great beams supporting the roof were held in place by equally impressive timbers.
74. Honda is supporting the ads for its new Civic model with a £750,000 direct marketing campaign through Jane Porter Direct.
75. I hope you will join me in supporting this initiative.
76. According to the committee, the government should be more imaginative in supporting research.
77. In theory, those who worked on the farms were capable of supporting themselves.
78. Rain left him supporting himself against a table as she fetched her shoulder bag.
79. Leave to dry out, supporting the door with jars until hardened into position.
80. Despite their claim that their argument is supported by historical evidence, Coakley and Hughes do not cite any supporting historical evidence.
81. He challenged the Republicans to approve legislation supporting the promises made in their platform.
82. It was an ornate old lobby with great marble supporting columns and big pots of palms standing around.
83. Whenever these arguments showed signs of running out of steam, we turned to complain about the inadequacy of the supporting papers.
84. Supporting that sound of debility and failure there were orchestrated snores.
85. An important part of good health care is supporting and comforting the lives of those whose death is inevitable.
86. He felt the other two were satisfied to play supporting roles to Gedge and to a lesser extent, himself.
87. All the above yarns will be available from your local Spectrum stockist together with a full range of supporting pattern leaflets and books.
88. The first products supporting the Telnet/OLTP extensions are expected to be available in the middle of the year.
89. It contained representatives of the three Armed Forces and of all the political currents supporting the Nationalist cause.
90. In all 646 soldiers and civilians were arrested and accused of supporting the rebellion.
91. Computerisation By the time this note appears, the changeover from manual to computerised records and supporting data should have been completed.
92. I saw this small sum not as a personal insult but as a gain for the charity I was supporting.
93. Although Thorn has backed away from chrome, other record companies are supporting it.
94. Since then, grass-roots groups have been supporting Communist candidates in local elections across the country.
95. The Cathedral of S. Dimitri was begun in 1194 and has a simpler plan with four piers supporting a single dome.
96. The large crowd at the meeting was nearly evenly divided between those supporting the ban and those against.
97. When the farm worker sees ex-workmates supporting a more grandiose life-style he becomes more aware of his own relatively lowly situation.
98. Independent directors issued a statement supporting Kay Whitmore, the chairman.
98. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
99. It will provide supporting material for the annual review of implementation and, where necessary, clarify or supplement information received.
100. The ability to search for supporting detailed information as time and necessity dictate. 11.
101. Run For Free led the charge in the £35,000 stamina test, and the Pipe supporting cast mopped up the minor prizes.
102. After that, he expects advertising revenue to cover the cost of supporting a customer.
103. The traditional ways of supporting the Three Pillars of Britain's grand strategy would need radical revision.
104. It was made by the Confederates on an artillery battery and its supporting infantry in the lines of General George McCall.
105. Few, however, would provide employees with any detailed information supporting their decisions.
106. We should be supporting the right to seek independent legal advice in support of an asylum application.
107. He discovered that two of them were writing editorials supporting him, one was supporting Samuel and the other was noncommittal.
108. While supporting change to allow the Crown the right of appeal against too lenient sentences, I would advocate another change.
109. Every one of them insists our public policies must do a better job of supporting and accommodating and encouraging the family.
110. Kawawa's intervention succeeded in rallying most backbenchers to supporting the measure, and the Bill was passed.
111. At this point the student should be supporting himself on his hands and the ball of his left foot.
112. Both Sheffield and Thomas enjoy stronger Triple Crown chances this season because of improvements in their supporting cast.
113. Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it. Mark Twain 
114. The rest of the supporting cast ranges from adequate to uncomfortable.
115. He wined and dined Princess Diana after supporting her favourite ballet school show.
116. He also angered some colleagues by supporting efforts to strip Sen.
117. We expect somebody supporting a candidate running against Carroll next year to attempt to use this ancient factoid against him.
118. However, the Blumenfeld lawsuit and supporting documents show possible inconsistencies in some of the reports Mr Goldinger sent to clients.
119. This may take the form of supporting evidence, additional explanation or illustrative details and examples.
120. Each zone typically includes a cluster of two or three secondary schools with their supporting primaries and special educational needs provision.
121. Her large supporting cast never really comes to life, and she allows too many strangely unfocused interruptions to her narrative flow.
122. After the first-round vote, it was reported that no candidate put up by the 30 parties supporting Milongo had been elected.
123. The first implementation uses the Ingres relational database, but versions supporting other relational databases will be available in 1993.
124. The methodology supporting Pareto's analysis is individualistic, resting on a view of human nature rather than directly on assumptions about society.
125. This is accomplished in the Web by using a core browser or application that is augmented by supporting applications.
126. This system was probably capable of supporting about 400 people per square mile.
127. In the assassination, Netanyahu was a supporting actor with an ambiguous role.
128. But in rock, lead guitar extravagance was crucial to the music and the supporting culture.
128. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
129. The wooden hoop supporting the foliage had almost collapsed beneath its weight.
130. Coupled with the financial implications if carers decided they could no longer shoulder this burden the case for supporting respite care becomes overwhelming.
131. Grimwood was half supporting Steve who had clambered to his feet, making their way further along Greenway Gardens.
132. We can help our children write well by supporting all the ways in which they live like writers.
133. But he had only reached the elbow on which the giantess was supporting herself when a car drew up beside him.
134. The disorder is caused by an inherited defect of collagen, long intertwined proteins that form the supporting matrix for bone.
135. With the prospect of supporting her grandfather she had somehow been full of confidence about the future.
136. For them, census statistics on local circulation areas play an increasingly important role in supporting their advertisement selling.
137. The evidence supporting the assertion would presumably be the available statistical data.
138. Effective transport and logistic systems are crucial for delivering drugs, vaccines and supplies, supervising staff and generally supporting health services.
139. This is a larger block set between the arch and the capital to provide a broader supporting top for the arcade above.
140. The Foundation has been delighted to be able to sow the seeds of international cooperation by supporting postgraduates.
141. To that end, a proforma and supporting papers are also enclosed.
142. Support Both families are staying close, supporting each other through their ordeal.
143. Dizzy with pain, Cassie sank into the cushions of the sofa and sat supporting her injured arm.
144. This means that every £1 held by the bank in cash is capable of supporting total deposits of £10.
145. In regard to supporting evidence, be sure to use every possible source including personal interviews with authorities in the field.
146. Hastings said he would approve the trip unless the defense attorneys could cite legal precedents supporting their argument.
147. A supporting cast of special guest bands is currently being finalised.
148. However, funny things do happen on the peripheries of the lame story, particularly from the talented supporting cast.
149. Perhaps they have been fearful that supporting lesbian colleagues would mean they too would have to come out.
150. We are losing all the supporting network of training, research, development and suppliers which keeps the manufacturing base in being.
151. Arteaga and Alarcon have publicly opposed the extreme economic measures Bucaram had announced, while supporting more gradual reform.
152. Now it has submitted a new application and the council is supporting it once more.
153. The minimum wage is not, and was never intended to be, a basis for supporting families.
154. Help the Aged is a national fund-raising charity supporting projects which provide care and facilities for elderly people.
155. Middlesbrough Council and some local residents groups are supporting the Anchor application for a drinks licence.
156. First and most importantly, there is the time and commitment which people from industry put into supporting the school curriculum.
157. On either side of this were steel hoops covered in thick leather supporting the trunk.
158. The Clinton administration, though generally supporting open markets[Sentence dictionary], had taken a neutral position on the banana question.
159. On the other hand, Best Supporting Actress was hotly contested.
160. With considerable difficulty, Kirov managed to hoist the photographer to his feet, supporting his dead-weight by his arm-pits.
161. Other supporting evidence for the use of different sand sources can be found in the analytical data.
162. He argues for the coordination of agencies involved in supporting young people and considers the major issues these agencies need to address.
163. Rather than supporting the statusquo, the way things are, utopian ideologies advocate a complete change in the structure of society.
164. The dominant supporting character is Lady Davers, who supplies an analysis of society's reaction to such a misalliance.
165. And the Friends of Eastham Country Park are supporting their bid.
166. But for these hardy souls supporting Burnley isn't merely a pastime, it's more a way of life.
167. Whether as a bandleader or a creative supporting player, Blade's contribution is tremendously assured.
168. People who buy several souvenir buttons tell which candidate they are supporting.
169. Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. Thomas Paine 
170. One of the few surprises came when Marcia Gay Harden won the best supporting actress award for her acclaimed performance in Pollock.
171. As some one said ... him and Strach had an uncanny knack of supporting each other when needed.
172. What emerged was a declaration broadly supporting the anti-crisis programme, but altering it in several crucial respects.
173. Teachers supporting their local community's campaigns have also been subject to death threats.
174. She was deciding to devote herself to supporting him as he leapt from one peak to another.
175. Thank you for supporting new artists over the years and for being the most adventurous and innovative of magazines.
176. Mr Cunningham was supporting Arsenal on that day, and vividly recalled how excited he became during the match.
177. And considering that his claim of an 85 percent cure rate was presented without any supporting evidence.
178. The rest of the democrats are wavering between supporting Yeltsin and Yavlinsky.
179. For most members, supporting their frontbench is normal and the occasions when they rebel are rare and cause them some heart-searching.
180. The vote was 306-108, with the majority Republicans solidly supporting the bipartisan bill and Democrats split.
181. Parents and teachers are largely in agreement in terms of supporting the most recent developments in modern languages in schools.
182. The opposition were loyally supporting the Government, but were also pressing for a definitive statement.
183. At the same time use your supporting troops to tie up the enemy units you want to keep out of the way.
184. In addition, the Congress is considering legislation supporting its development.
185. I kept it up now for twenty minutes as Janir gripped the linked metal rods supporting his seat.
186. Benicio Del Toro won the best supporting actor prize for Traffic.
187. Your basic pension may be increased if you are supporting a dependent spouse or children.
188. Finally, and supporting all these new initiatives, we have introduced improved quality control procedures.Sentencedict
189. You can help by joining the Research Defence Society and supporting our work to safeguard the future of biological and medical research.
190. He was standing just inside the doorway, supporting Piper O'Rourke, who was looking old, tired and bruised.
191. The Human Rights Campaign is supporting an effort by Sen.
192. Few authorities were felt to have a coherent policy on supporting their older children.
193. Open steel mesh on the walkway decking allows visitors to see through to the supporting trusses and forest floor below.
194. It is an area of outstanding beauty supporting rare plantlife and the greatest asset to tourism.
195. It is gutsy stuff, Headline is selling it hard and it is well worth supporting.
196. The U. S. Justice and State departments are supporting that demand.
197. The first SBus solution supporting distributed voice processing applications, it will be generally available by June following a May beta.
198. The public can join and campaign, supporting beliefs and causes with the intent of influencing popular opinion and government.
199. The Bible's miracles, so far from supporting its claim to supernatural authority, served rather to undermine its credibility.
200. Substitute care was seen as supporting parents as well as providing for children's needs, and practical assistance as preserving the family unit.
201. Recognizing the volatility of the issue in an election year, 27 Republicans joined all 47 Senate Democrats in supporting the measure.
202. Each one has its silvery gray live-oak lintel, still supporting the column of lovely pink brick.
203. Twenty copies of the form must be supplied along with between copies of supporting documentation.
204. Our regiment was on the left, and supporting the assaulting column.
205. We have recently produced direct evidence supporting the possibility of amplification of the birth weight-blood pressure relation in childhood.
206. Three protestors supporting President Gamsakhurdia have been shot dead by gunmen in Tblisi.
207. It was a way of reaching out to social and religious conservatives who suspect him of supporting abortion rights.
208. Why say that the West gets another chance at supporting democracy?
209. Residents supporting the £1.2m Anchor International scheme backed by Middlesbrough Council clashed with the project's opponents on the common.
210. It was they who formed the core of the strikers, persuading and supporting other weaker women.
211. He not only saw off no-confidence motions, but won the Congress round to supporting direct elections for an executive presidency.
212. A market downturn in rig moves was more than compensated for by a significant increase in supporting offshore construction projects.
213. But it was confirmed he briefed an official of the Parades Commission, which is supporting his attempt to resolve the impasse.
214. There is no better way to help people in need than through supporting Care.
215. Most Roman sculptors were very cautious about supporting large blocks of marble.
216. The meats are unfailingly tender and flavorful, and the stuffed tomatoes deserve a Tony Award for best supporting actor.
217. History books have their main ideas, supporting evidence and factual details arranged in a particular manner.
218. But other organisations supporting traditional woodland management have more far-reaching objectives in mind.
219. This form, together with any supporting documentation,[http:///supporting.html] will be sent by the person who requested the change to the Change Coordinator.
220. The supporting cast, especially Danny Glover and Gregory Hines, are also superb.
221. But supporting a bewildering variety of good causes is typical of the famous in the late-80s.
222. It boasts a wide range of habitats supporting an impressive variety of plants, birds and butterflies.
223. We need to carry on in our supporting role, offering a reliable, efficient and friendly service.
224. But when she glanced at him she saw he was supporting his chin on one hand and gazing directly at her.
225. That was how she felt - as though those dear supporting figures of her childhood were once again hovering over her.
226. Evidence supporting a genetic component to predisposition comes mainly from a large study of 15924 male twin pairs.
227. Will the Government stop pressurising authorities to cease supporting small primary schools through additional support across the county?
228. He slumped forward in his seat, supporting his arms on his knees, when the jury foreman announced the verdict.
229. So, I guess I started supporting Leeds just as they started their downward trend.
230. I commiserate with my hon. Friend on his misfortune this evening, in finding himself inadvertently supporting us in the Lobby.
231. As a result the Edinburgh Conference of 1936 passed resolutions leaving the Labour Party supporting collective security but opposing rearmament.
232. The regime has been accused of supporting extremists in other countries in the region.
233. There's too many metal and dirge infested undertones but they'd go down a storm supporting Silverfish.
234. An especially large debt is owed to the Bunting Institute of Radcliffe College for supporting my research at a critical time.
235. Work has so far included research into early medieval glass beads which provides supporting evidence for the fragmentary work on vessel glass.
236. The series started off a few years ago with a different name and a different supporting cast.
237. If this macroscopic change altered the microscopic laws, these laws would eventually reach a form capable of supporting an H-theorem.
238. She won an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress.
239. Two arms curving and inspiration, supporting and expiration.
240. Hats off to them for supporting the homeless.
241. Part time Supporting new projects commissioning in whole China.
242. The supporting case is the outer enclosure of the gyro component.
243. Lightweight aluminum portals add horizontal stability and brace the self - supporting inflatable skin.
244. Attached are all as supporting documentation, the Inspection Affidavit, and the Inspection Exit Interview Record.
245. Agrotechnical promotion is supporting the process of agricultural industrialization again.
246. Cryptography is the foundation of supporting authentication, integrality and confidentiality.




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