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单词 Honours
1, A fair death honours the whole life. 
2, Honours change manners.
3, We buried the general with full military honours.
4, He was knighted in the Queen's birthday honours list in June 1988.
5, He has received many honours for his research into cancer.
6, He's in the third year of his honours course.
7, The Colonel was buried with full military honours.
8, She passed with second class honours.
9, John, will you do the honours?
10, A second-class honours degree is the minimum requirement.
11, John has won many honours,but he wears them well.
12, He was buried with full military honours .
13, Connie did well at school and graduated with honours.
14, Honours were showered upon the hero.
15, He covered himself with honours at college.
16, He was knighted in the last Honours List.
17, He gained a first class Honours de-gree in economics.
18, Applicants should have at least a second-class honours degree.
19, Tom has just graduated with first-class honours in psychology.
20, Honours mean little to her.
21, He graduated with a second-class honours degree in physics.
22, He was showered with honours—among them an Oscar.
23, It was the British who scooped the honours at last night's Oscars.
24, Honours do not always go to those who merit them.
25, Students following the Honours course are expected to study Islamic History.
26, He observed that honours do not always went to those who deserved them.
27, He received a knighthood in the New Year's Honours list.
28, His name was put forward for inclusion in the Honours List.
29, She was made a Dame in the Queen's Birthday Honours list.
30, He was made a life peer in the New Year's honours list.
1, We buried the general with full military honours.
2, His name was put forward for inclusion in the Honours List.
3, He was knighted in the Queen's birthday honours list in June 1988.
4, He has received many honours for his research into cancer.
5, During the postwar years in Germany, many honours were heaped upon Einstein.
6, Honours were automatically awarded to senior officials just because they were senior.
7, Harry, could you do the honours? Tom and Angela both want gin and tonic.
8, He received honours and awards from the government for his contribution to agricultural production.
31, A well-known television personality did the honours at the official opening of the show.
32, She's on the borderline between a first - and second - class honours degree.
33, He received many honours from many cities, colleges and societies.
34, During the postwar years in Germany, many honours were heaped upon Einstein.
35, Both teams have won the same number of games so honours are even between them.
36, He came to the firm already credited with many honours.
37, Candidates must have at least an upper second class honours degree.
38, Would you do the honours and draw the winning ticket?
39, He has been made an MBE in the New Year Honours list.
40, Honours were automatically awarded to senior officials just because they were senior.
41, All students taking honours in Greek may also study Modern Greek.
42, Harry, could you do the honours? Tom and Angela both want gin and tonic.
43, He received honours and awards from the government for his contribution to agricultural production.
44, Who's going to pour the tea shall I do the honours?
45, He was buried with full military honours in Manchester.
46, Other joint honours degrees are listed in the table.
47, Faculty of Music - BMus, BMus with honours.
48, He graduated BA with honours in 1806.
49, Grimes went behind the bar to do the honours.
49, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
50, He took the natural sciences tripos in 1877 with first-class honours, and was appointed an assistant demonstrator.
51, The county's soldiers have a fierce reputation as a fighting force, with more battle honours than any other regiment.
52, Further honours awaited him at Bologna, where he applied for membership of the Accademia Filarmonica.
53, Les Stocker is another unsung hero in the Honours List.
54, The five-year MEng honours degree course is for particularly able students who expect to assume responsible positions in industry immediately after graduation.
55, Memories of a man coming home for burial, with full military honours ... Such a very long time ago.
56, As well as the single honours degree in Archaeology there are several other combinations, spread across three faculties.
57, Honours students may opt to include two literature in translation courses in their curriculum.
58, If you wish, you can go on from there to gain an Honours degree.
59, In the first two years of study the Geology and Geography courses offered to single honours students are compulsory.
60, Applicants must have an Honours degree in Psychology and some relevant experience.
61, With both Leicester and Sunderland still chasing honours, the situation will probably remain unclear until the season ends.
62, Bill Gates will supposedly do the honours himself in his Windows World keynote address.
63, Linguistics may be studied either as a single honours degree or as part of a joint honours degree.
64, When only eighteen he became a fellow of Exeter College in 1826, two years before obtaining first-class honours in classics.
65, Honours Degrees All single and joint honours courses are listed on pages 43-46.
66, Here we were sorted our into groups according to the types of honours and quite a long wait ensued.
67, The project consists of several months' fieldwork carried out during the summer term and long vacation of the Junior Honours year.
68, Direct entry to masters' courses is normally limited to those with good honours degrees or equivalent qualifications.
69, The mixed honours degrees mentioned below specifically cater for the non-vocational law student.
70, She took her finals in 1900 and was awarded second-class honours in the university examination for women.
71, Good, then Francesca can do the honours from Thursday and work for him thereafter.
72, This applies equally to certificates, diplomas, degrees or honours awards.
73, Consequently they argue that if entry qualifications are ignored the universities produce a significantly higher proportion of good honours graduates.
74, Benjamin Braddock, who has just graduated with honours, flies back to his wealthy family in Southern California suburbia.
75, He graduated in 1956 with First-Class Honours in Medicine, a rare achievement, and later specialised in gastroenterology.
76, Many of the most apparently distinguished honours are a reward for little more than longevity or political servitude.
77, Competition is keen and candidates must offer a minimum of an upper second class honours degree together with evidence of satisfactory financial arrangements.
78, The honours list at least turned out to be more populist and less politically tainted than usual.
79, Sunderland and Huddersfield Polytechnics were discussing honours degree courses in science and education.
80, I was able to use the expedition as my final honours project which counted towards 20 % of my degree.
81, The honours system provides governments with a means of distributing favours at no cost.
82, The department offers general and honours degree courses in nursing.
83, Her first honours list contained fifty awards for Conservative party politicians and supporters.
84, The pair were meeting in the final for the fifth time in six years with honours even up to yesterday.
85, The allegation that the Liberals were selling honours in return for political contributions was brutally clear.
86, They would receive nominations from the parties,(http:///honours.html) but there would be no working peers or New Year's honours list appointments.
87, For there was a scramble for individual honours with just two ounces separating the leading four.
88, They are the ordinary citizens for whom the honours system was designed - people who have dedicated their lives to duty.
89, Sedgemore has improved so much since entering top grade rugby that club coach Alex Evans is tipping him for international honours.
90, In each case the honours subject occupies the whole of the final year with a research project as a major component.
91, Bill Gates will supposedly do the honours himself at his Windows World keynote.
92, When Elvis first became famous he had honours and awards showered upon him.
93, This continued on until 1958 after a war-time lapse with honours even after 22 contents.
94, The band presented the Company with a plaque commemorating their visit, together with a framed print displaying the regimental battle honours.
95, The third and honours years offer a wide range of subjects grouped under four headings - Compositional Studies.
96, Later, Qaddafi honours the captain in a moving public ceremony.
97, Minimum entry qualification is an Honours degree in Chemistry or its approved equivalent.
98, How Lord Mountbatten would have relished adding a saint to the other family honours he proudly displayed.
99, In 1914 he graduated with first-class honours as an associate.
100, The successful candidate must hold a first or second class honours degree.
101, The third year is spent abroad and the fourth year follows the pattern of the final year of the single honours degree.
102, Later he went up to Oxford, taking his degree with first class honours in History.
103, Biological Sciences Within Biological Sciences there are twelve single honours degree specialisations.
104, Most first-year students want a programme which leaves open the option of entering the legal profession and of taking an honours degree.
105, This represented the honours system at its most farcical, said Mr Wilson's original text.
106, Teachers and careers advisers tend to push students towards single honours physics or chemistry degrees, or, more usually, engineering.
107, Five past pupils had this year obtained first-class Honours degrees, an achievement performed only once before, in 1950.
108, Only about one fifth of names submitted make it through to the final roll-call of the main Honours Committee.
109, In their third year, honours students also write a 10,(http:///honours.html)000-word dissertation based on supervised research on a subject of their choice.
110, Entrance requirement: First or Second Class Honours in mathematics, or another science with substantial mathematical content.
111, Competition is keen and a good honours degree or meritorious performance in an ordinary degree is normally required.
112, The chief acting honours, however, go to Jean Marsh as the tense but battle-hardened Miss Madrigal.
113, Entering the University of Dundee, he graduated with first-class honours in history in 1975, and then pursued postgraduate study.
114, It honours the goddess Durga, who slew the fearsome buffalo demon, Mahisasura, thus freeing mankind from terror.
115, Underlying Mr Singh's campaign has been an implication that boys receiving awards and honours have not really been deserving of them.
116, He received his knighthood in the 1990 New Year's Honours List.
117, There, he sailed through a first class honours degree in maths.
118, In 1927 he took first-class honours in his final examination.
119, Applicants offering qualifications other than those acceptable for an honours degree will be considered for entry to the ordinary degree.
120, One thing was almost certain - either the top club honours were split, or they were both with East.
121, It is true that some of these people are recognised with honours.
122, Applicants offering qualifications other than those acceptable for the honours degree will be considered for entry to the ordinary degree.
123, Harold Wilson's resignation honours list was the one which has caused the committee most anxiety in recent years.
124, It is envisaged that the successful candidate will have a recent postgraduate qualification or a good honours degree.
125, The Cleveland schools were selected for honours after they were visited by assessors.
126, They are reburied with full military honours in the region's Commonwealth war graves.
127, However the main focus is on the Honours which are now on display in the Crown Room.
128, Applicants should have a good Honours degree in Management, Economics or related discipline and/or have professional qualifications.
129, And we must both help Mum to do the honours.
130, Students have a free choice deciding on five honours subjects, which are chosen from a total list of about thirty.
131, Portsmouth accumulated just 55 disciplinary points despite the added pressure of chasing twin honours.
132, Then in June the honours scandal passed from the baroque to the rococo stage.
133, All the women competitors are home-based and another likely contender for honours is Tanni Grey from Cardiff.
134, They are not words which spring immediately to mind when considering the honours system in general.
135, If you take the single honours BCom degree, you will also study at least one year of economics and accountancy.
136, During the final year, students follow the curriculum for either the general degree or the honours degree.
137, Holders of the honours degree are eligible for partial exemption from the professional examinations for membership of the Institute of Actuaries.
138, She studied botany, taking the honours examinations as a private student, and also geology and mineralogy.
139, Cody was subsequently given a funeral with full military honours by the Aldershot garrison.
140, After they have been examined, they will be buried with full military honours at one of the war graves.
141, The Department of Economic and Social History offers two single honours degrees.
142, The real leg was buried in the field of battle-with full military honours.
143, The service was conducted with full military honours, ending in shots being fired over Paul's coffin.
144, Helping hands Four members of staff shared the honours for the show's success.
145, Outer Kent has been asked to do the honours at the next meeting. 24.
146, Applicants should have, or expect to have, a good honours degree in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering or Mathematics.
147, These honours subjects range over the whole field of legal interest.
148, Only marks gained on the Course are used in the calculation of honours.
149, She's at the head of the honours list.
150, The International Association of Lions Clubs honours Scouting.
151, During the postwar years, honours were heaped upon Einstein.
152, Applicants should normally hold a good Honours degree.
153, In the British honours system, a chivalric order founded in 1818 is also named for these two saints, the Order of St Michael and St George.
154, We created many scoring opportunities and won deservedly. It is a good thing that honours the sport.
155, Australia's National Floral Emblem is the golden wattle. It has been used in the design of Australian stamps and many awards in their honours system.
156, After graduating with a first-class Honours degree in Asian Studies, he joined the Department of Foreign Affairs.
157, Who also honoured us with many honours; and when we departed, they laded us with such things as were necessary.
158, The student worked especially hard and soon went to the top of the honours list.
159, Speedo will launch the race apparel in which Britain's fastest swimmers will chase honours at a home Olympic Games next summer.
160, People warmly welcome the return with full honours of the delegation.
161, Father being out, mother asked me to do the honours of the house and pour out the tea.
162, Li Bin graduated with honours from Tianjin Music School in 1996.
163, Others may be fond of titles and honours, but I am not.
164, He was the first in his family to go on to higher education, and he completed a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts (Honours) in Political Studies at Auckland University.
165, It aims to combine theory and research with practical training suitable to university degree level and leads to the award of the LLB Honours degree of University College London.
166, In 2005, I graduated from Simon Fraser University with a first - class honours degree English and Geography.
167, And the 26 - year - old is relishing the chance to add honours in England to his personal CV.
168, The accountancy firm KPMG has unveiled a plan to pay fees for students at universities including Durham, in a training programme leading to an honours degree in accounting.
169, You must race through the day and in all weathers to claim top honours!
169, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
170, On stage, Mr Leonsis discussed the significance of meeting on St Patrick's Day, which honours a Christian missionary who was condemned to death three times and survived regardless.
171, You shouldn't have written about the Ertix River which , staunchly honest , honours promises.
172, Neither riches nor honours can corrupt him ; neither poverty nor humbleness can make him swerve from principle ; and neither threats nor forces can subdue him.
173, I am delighted to learn from a friend of mine that your son graduated from Wuhan University with honours and has entered the General Motors Corporation.
174, Guodong Jia graduated in 1996 from Wollongong University, Australia with a degree of Master of Education (Honours), majoring in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL).
175, Julie has been named on Britain's Honours List and has been made a Dame.
176, Jay is a graduate of McMaster University and has an honours degree in economics.
177, After graduating a first - class Honours degree in Asian Studies, he joined the Department of Foreign Affairs.
178, The International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade honours the millions of Africans violently removed from their homelands and cast into slavery.
179, "Claiming bank" means a bank that honours or negotiates a credit and presents a reimbursement claim to the reimbursing bank.
180, Mary, you do the honours. Somebody has to pass out the presents.
181, Edwin Cameron studied at Stellenbosch, Oxford and the University of South Africa, winning the top academic honours at all three universities.
182, Mr. Larsen holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honours ( First Class ) from the University of Melbourne.




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