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单词 Come forward
1. Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward.
2. Detectives are hoping witnesses will come forward.
3. The director motioned to me to come forward.
4. No witnesses to the accident have come forward yet, despite the police's appeal.
5. They want any witnesses of the accident to come forward and help them with their inquiries.
6. Police have asked witnesses to come forward.
7. He crooked his finger: "Come forward," he said.
8. The police appealed for witnesses to come forward.
9. This question will come forward at the next session.
10. Come forward a bit and stand on the line.
11. So far, only one candidate has come forward.
12. Ben, I want whoever's responsible to come forward.
13. The police are appealing for more witnesses to come forward with information.
14. We're hoping that a sponsor will come forward with the extra money.
15. Hundreds of volunteers have come forward to offer their help.
16. Police have asked witnesses of the accident to come forward.
17. Nobody has yet come forward with any information relating to the girl's death.
18. But they are still urging witnesses to come forward.
19. No witnesses have come forward.
20. Will the owner please come forward?
21. He beckoned to Corrigan to come forward.
21. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
22. Now I have come forward and said my piece.
23. No other bidders have yet publicly come forward.
24. Police are appealing for witnesses to the accident to come forward.
25. Police officers re-enacted the crime in an attempt to get witnesses to come forward.
26. Motioning aside the other people in the room(), the doctor signalled to me to come forward.
27. The police have reassured witnesses who may be afraid to come forward that they will be guaranteed anonymity.
28. The police have appealed to anyone with information to come forward and talk to them.
29. Investigations have ground to a standstill because no witnesses have come forward.
30. It is thanks to this committee that many new sponsors have come forward.
1. Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward.
2. Detectives are hoping witnesses will come forward.
3. The director motioned to me to come forward.
4. Police are appealing for witnesses to the accident to come forward.
5. No witnesses to the accident have come forward yet, despite the police's appeal.
6. Police officers re-enacted the crime in an attempt to get witnesses to come forward.
7. They want any witnesses of the accident to come forward and help them with their inquiries.
8. Motioning aside the other people in the room, the doctor signalled to me to come forward.
31. Soon, prospective parents come forward.
32. The Region is also encouraging schools to come forward with proposals for particular curriculum models.
33. One hopes they come forward in sufficient numbers to make such an item available to all ecologically minded funeral-arrangers before too long.
34. In 1986, there was a nationwide appeal for anyone who may have seen Joan to come forward.
35. And as police step up their investigation, they're appealing for anyone with any information to come forward.
36. The mystery deepens as more witnesses come forward to tell different stories.
37. But to no avail; his ears would only come forward momentarily, and would then return to the backwards position again.
38. Will it be any easier for defendants to find witnesses who are prepared to come forward?
39. Read in studio Police are appealing for the owners of hundreds of stolen items to come forward and claim their property.
40. Genuine rape victims should always be encouraged to come forward, so anonymity is important.
41. The fish must have come forward to give the line some slack.
42. In similar circumstances you are, therefore, more likely to come forward with ideas again.
43. Ignored was the consideration that interrogators of prisoners do not come forward as witnesses against themselves before police boards or civil courts.
44. Single people have every reason to come forward and declare that they are entitled to a discount.
45. Payment for councillors might also persuade more working-class representatives to come forward.
46. Police say that the investigation is moving slowly, and they are hoping that more witnesses will come forward.
47. Now detectives can only hope that publicity surrounding the funeral will encourage some one to come forward and help them catch the murderer.
48. If and when points come forward the group meets to discuss and decide appropriate action.
49. Voice over Police are appealing for any witnesses to the attack to come forward.
50. I read the appeal in the newspapers for Madame V to come forward, but they said nothing about abduction or ransom.
51. Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month.
51. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
52. The number of operations may have to be limited unless more blood donors come forward.
53. This will enable a potential purchaser to come forward up until 1 July with the recommended £2 million or above.
54. An appeal has now been launched to encourage more donors to come forward - without them some patients will die.
55. It will come to pass, shortly I presume, that others will come forward to claim they wrote the book.
56. Police immediately launched an appeal for the mother of the sisters to come forward.
57. There was an appeal in the papers here, I know, for Madame V to come forward.
58. Police are appealing for anyone with information to come forward.
59. Police have appealed for witnesses who may have been in the area to come forward.
60. He had been startled to see so many people come forward to cooperate with the Communists.
61. It claims that its publication of the interface specifications, which include ABIs, will encourage multiple competing technologies to come forward.
62. If people have been wavering about giving the police information, this could be the thing to make them come forward.
63. Police are appealing to anyone who may be sheltering the wanted man to come forward.
64. Gray and Hunter were the first to come forward.
65. The matter will come forward at the next meeting.
66. Would Ms Lin please come forward?
67. Many activists have come forward.
68. Will no one come forward as a candidate?
69. They have come forward with an offer of help.
70. Only one witness of the accident has come forward.
71. Put 54 pistols in the small of the back, without telling anyone come forward to carry two bodyguards.
72. The people kindly made way for the poor man, so that he could come forward.
73. The king demanded that the man should come forward to answer the charge in a civil court, but Becket refused to allow this.
74. Let us therefore come forward with boldness to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace for timely help.
75. As at Matsushita, there were strong incentives for ITT manager to come forward on problems himself.
76. Niangs smiled to come forward to embrace a son:"At dry what?"The orotund gentleness is like the light breeze in March.
77. Bank Polytechnic in London students refused to come forward to receive awards from her.
78. Mr. Mandela appealed to others who had worked for the South African authorities of the time to come forward with any valuable documents and mementoes they might still own.
79. Tan Qing Rui instanter the buck come forward deliming, and that small car engine driver the resultant force commit suicide a said the female save down, and settle it to the paddy wagon inside.
80. The beneficiary will come forward to make claim of the consignment.
81. The FBI publically requested that the woman come forward and give them the footage she shot but she never did.
81. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
82. He had wanted to come forward and defend Ming - feng, but something had held him back.
83. Will the Graduating Class of Boston Latin High School, please come forward and receive your diplomas?
84. Theseus: Come forward. Let us finally see who is the greatest warrior in all of Greece.
85. Unhappily he did not dare to come forward, being afraid he should only be jeered at.
86. Despite the mounting toll from Aids, and some five million cases - the highest HIV/Aids caseload in the world - few public figures have come forward to say that Aids has affected their families.
87. But relying on allies who do not wish to come forward until the last minute is always a nerve-racking proposition.
88. " The word for "appeared" in the Greek text simply means "to show oneself openly, to come forward.
89. But 15 years on, a pensioner has come forward to cast doubt on the spectre.
90. A new environment, in which patients will not hesitate to come forward for diagnosis and treatment at any health facility, must be created.
91. Victims often do not come forward for fear of retribution or deportation back to China.
92. He wanted to come forward, to talk with them, fondly.
93. Camelot is waiting for the winning ticket holder to come forward and claim unimaginable riches.
94. Securities Industry Association has come forward to coordination and agreement, a minimum criteria for the charges.
95. The matter was deferred at last evening's meeting, but will come forward at our next session.
96. According to the show's site "200 Adult Men Who Were Molested Come Forward" would air on Friday, November 5 but Harpo insists it was not deliberate.
97. Those who do not come forward should be hunted down.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 5:48:11