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单词 Geek
1, He's such a geek.
2, Does that make me a geek?
3, So is the Net basically a geek hangout?
4, Kids called me Four Eyes, geek, and nerd.
5, That was part of being a geek.
6, The journey from useless geek to Michael took about six months.
7, A geek is a carnival performer who bites the heads off live chickens and snakes.
8, He was fond of saying that as a geek I bore the stamp of whomever I had last spoken with.
9, Now I admit, even for a geek, it was a little embarrassing to let investors believe their white magic.
10, A climbing geek, shunned by his peers, shares a bivvy and his soul with the Devil.
11, Neal: You are such a geek.
12, He is a computer geek.
13, Sue: A computer geek wants to study piano?
14, Do you know what a geek is?
15, My friend is a computer geek.
16, The engineer in my office is a real geek.
17, Joan: You are such a geek,[http:///geek.html] Jeff!
18, Want a geek and chic tee?
19, Zina: Great. A 4 ) geek and a 5 ) punk all rolled into one. Just my type.
20, Herbert: They said, " how could a geek like Herbert write something like that? "
21, Best Buy is promoting its Geek Squad, promising shoppers before they buy that complicated electronic thingamajig that its employees will hold their hands through the installation process and beyond.
22, Thanks to the geek aesthetic of the high-tech industry, the work-in-your-jammies home office movement in today's low unemployment hiring environment, business casual wear has taken off in a big way.
23, Flora: Do you consider yourself a geek or a computer nerd?
24, I remember when I found out Mandy was sleeping with that geek Kevin, I felt like throttling the pair of them.
25, Our failure was an embarrassment to everyone from President Tom Strauss to the lowest geek in London.
26, Generally , those who excessively surf Internet are called internet geek.
27, Since the rise of Quentin Tarantino, that particular choice of career counts as a badge of wounded honor—the Purple Heart of the geek generation.
28, However, what makes it cool is the 640 x 480 camera disguised as a jacket or shirt button, which will make spy aficionados, assorted pervs and some Geek Squad employees very happy.
29, An IBMer who should remain nameless, but who worked at the AIX division, once admitted to this scribbler - back then just a computer geek - "I will never promote OS/2.
30, She seems friendly, spontaneous, outgoing - the absolute antithesis of " computer geek. "
31, Take, for example, Geek Poster Girl Anne Hathaway, who undergoes another 'Princess Diaries'-type transformation over the course of her latest film, 'One Day.
32, In a world where grandmothers send email, computer users aren't seen as pure geek any more.
33, Michael: Do you consider yourself a geek or a computer nerd?
34, My laptop died on me again. I need a geek!
35, The once painful epithets of "nerd" and "geek" are losing their negative connotations, Kakalios said, adding that he doesn't buy that Americans are anti-intellectual.
36, Herbert: Sure, but I'm too shy and they think I a geek.
37, For the geek who has everything: a 5,922-piece Lego set of the Taj Mahal, the world's greatest symbol of romantic love.
38, Its plot reads like something out of a cyberpunk novella, which in and of itself,[/geek.html] would probably make for interesting tech geek viewing.
39, I ran Girl Geek Day this year – a day dedicated to discussions in aid of Ada Lovelace Day – where we looked at mentoring young girls at college.
40, Being a geek is a way of earning good money.
41, If you're a tech geek seeking a relatively low-pressure career, you may want to check out the software engineering field.
42, It's no wonder that geeks now have their own consumer category — geek chic — with merchants gearing products toward them and advertisers courting them.
43, Another one of the great things about Android (if you're a geek or a tinkerer) is that you have lower-level access to the system itself.
44, Don't say this one is the artist, and this one is the computer geek.
45, But now I had no spares left and that's simply not acceptable for a card-carrying geek.
46, Neal: You sound like the technician geek on the second floor.
47, Zina: I really do not have time to deal with some 1 ) lovesick computer 2 ) geek .
48, Now Williams, a self-confessed web geek, has turned his template into an official Whitehall Twitter guide and posted it on the Cabinet Office's digital engagement blog.
49, He's as big a geek as Zuckerberg, but of a different type: the hypercritical, even sometimes nasty type.
50, Fashioned from a variety of computer components, they're also the ideal gift for the uber geek who has everything.
51, The World's Richest Man , is usually portrayed as the consummate computer geek.




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