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单词 Cambodia
1. Cambodia is very rich in natural resources.
2. Cambodia has long been a victim of power politics.
3. The Pol Pot regime ruled Cambodia from 1974 to 1978.
4. As for Cambodia, the media's themes were familiar.
5. Living standards range from wealthy Singapore to impoverished Cambodia.
6. They were outraged by our incursion into Cambodia.
7. I shall deal with Cambodia and Chile elsewhere.
8. North Vietnamese stonewalling doomed Cambodia, however, to prolonged agony.
9. A schoolchild in Cambodia can have a Gmail account.
10. Other ASEAN members include Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, and Brunei.
11. Leaders of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia that claimed over 1 million in the 1970 s.
12. Article 17: Investors in the Kingdom of Cambodia shall be free to hire Cambodian nationals and foreign nationals of their choosing in compliance with the labor and immigration law.
13. When Japan attacked Korea, Chinawent to protect Korea, which then resulted in the First Sino-Japanese War. When Vietnam invaded Cambodia, the Chinese intervened.
14. Later he describes events in Indochina as "a quadripartite game of wei qi", just at the time when genocide was under way in Cambodia.
15. Based on the principle of market operation and mutual benefit, Yunnan-based enterprises with competence and credibility are encouraged to invest in Cambodia.
16. This is what American workers now must compete against: in China a garment worker makes approximately 86 cents an hour and in Cambodia a garment worker makes approximately 22 cents an hour.
17. On the noon of April 21, 2004, State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan met with Prime Minister Hun Sen of the Kingdom of Cambodia at Diaoyutai State Guest Hotel.
18. One such example is the Kampong Cham bridge in Cambodia, which connects two islands in the region and holds the distinction of being the longest bamboo bridge in the world.
19. But a hair-raising experience in the Cardamom Mountains is a more extreme option for those who want to see Cambodia under their own steam.
20. The best way out is for neither of us to get involved in Cambodia.
21. He used the occasion to clear the books on Cambodia.
22. Pasttrips have included a honeymoon to far-flung Patagonia, Chile and Machu Picchu,[/cambodia.html] and a luxury corporate retreat in the jungles of Cambodia.
23. China's heft was also clearly on display in December when Chinese and American diplomats went toe-to-toe over the fate of 20 Uighur Chinese who had fled to Cambodia and were seeking asylum.
24. Tom Steinfatt of the University of Miami, who studies the trafficking of women and children in South-East Asia, says under-age prostitution has declined sharply in Cambodia.
25. The Chinese side reaffirms that it respects the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
26. Tourists photograph skulls at a memorial for the victims of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.
27. Richard M. Nixon: They cant impeach me for bombing Cambodia. The president can bomb anybody he likes.
28. Youk Channg is the director of the Documentation Center of Cambodia, which is compiling evidence on the Khmer Rouge regime ahead of the upcoming trials.
29. Article 1: This law governs all investments projects made by investors who are Cambodian citizens and/or foreigners within the Kingdom of Cambodia.
30. The rest of the list of Asia also include South Korea's food, and Cambodia "fry the dog meat Wolf spider (a big fluffy appearance."
31. North Korea, Cambodia and China are the only Communist regimes left in the Eastern Hemisphere.
32. He had been run out of Cambodia for the same business.
33. Zhu went on to say that China always attaches importance to strengthening economic and trade cooperation between China and Cambodia, and actively supports Cambodia's economic reconstruction.
34. A group called American Assistance for Cambodia organized the project.
35. The United States returned the seven smuggled artifacts to Cambodia aboard the hospital ship USNS Mercy June 17, U.S. embassy spokesman John Johnson said.
36. East Timor, Bosnia and Cambodia are grateful for the help in stopping the bloodshed.
37. A food shop is full of customers buying gift baskets , April 12 , 2007 , Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
38. ASEAN members are Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
39. The qualification and expertise are not available in the Kingdom of Cambodia among the Cambodian population.
40. As the leading translation agency in Cambodia, we tirelessly strengthen this position through our quality services.
41. President Jiang Zemin paid successfully historical visits to Laos, Cambodia and Brunei.
42. The Ministry of Health (MoH) of the Kingdom of Cambodia has announced a confirmed case of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus.
43. A new species of blind, legless lizard has been found in the mountains of Cambodia, conservationists announced.
44. On June 27, the President voted the second Supplemental Appropriations Act with the " Cambodia rider ".
45. The Carter administration helped the Khmer Rouge to retain its seat at the UN, giving the impression that Pol Pot"s regime was still the legitimate government of Cambodia.
46. Torny : vietnam is also trouble makers, and is also dangerous tobe to cambodia.
47. And in the long run, Vietnam has key access to a vast and cheap labor pool across the borders of Cambodia and Laos.
48. He would tread, a little bird-like man with hands folded and head bowed, along narrow paths that threaded through the jungle-forests of central Cambodia.
49. Riel (currency code KHR) is the national currency of Cambodia. It is used mainly for buying local produce and other merchandise.
50. Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Lao PDR and Viet Nam committed to pilot testing the project for three years.
51. Cambodia North by Laos and Thailand. East South bySouth West by Gulf of Siam and Thailand.
52. The Chinese premier said that China would like to make concerted efforts with Cambodia to upgrade and enrich bilateral ties comprehensively.
52. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
53. Southern Vietnam and Cambodia followed, then, after the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71, the rest of French Indochina, Tunisia and Morocco, and almost all of western and central Africa.
54. The Documentation Center of Cambodia, which collects evidence of Khmer Rouge crimes, estimates that five million survivors of the regime are still alive.
55. Richard M. Nixon: They can't impeach me for bombing Cambodia.
56. The goal, he told the 32nd National Health Congress, was “a Cambodia without malaria”.
57. He's got sales outlets in Cambodia and Laos as well.
58. A journalist reports on repair at the temple Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
59. After returning to China, led the broadcasting service to Cambodia of China Radio International.
60. Kissinger, who obsequiously went along with Nixon's expansion of the war, with the bombing of peasant villages in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
61. Clinton will continue traveling until November 8, and is scheduled to visit Guam, Vietnam, China’s Hainan Island, Cambodia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Australia and American Samoa.
62. Article 9: The Royal Government shall not undertake nationalization policy which shall adversely affect private properties of investors in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
63. However, Te Navuth, chairman of the MRC's Joint Committee, said Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam have doubts.
64. The bombing of Cambodia or covert operations in Chile were thrown into the cauldron.
65. IN KOH KONG, CAMBODIA Down a blood-red dirt track deep in the jungles of southwestern Cambodia, the roar begins.
66. Lu said his daughter, Ro Cham H'pnhieng of the Jrai ethnic minority group, probably spent most of the time in the jungle in Cambodia since she went missing in 1989.
67. Khmer Rouge was the Communist movement that controlled Cambodia from 1975 to '79 and was active as a guerrilla force for decades afterward.
68. Cambodia has long been the holy grail for dirt bike enthusiasts thanks to its network of crumbling roads.
69. Schemes in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Pakistan all got more girls into education.
70. Cambodia has proposed a joint management plan for the temple complex, which the World Heritage Committee is reviewing and may decide on next week.
71. Controversy is being outweighed by catharsis as Cambodia faces up to its past.
72. This law is adopted by the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia in Phnom Penh on August 4, 1994 during the extraordinary session of the first legislature.
73. The latest spat is between Thailand and Cambodia, whose prime minister, Hun Sen, went out of his way to antagonise the summit’s host, Mr Abhisit.
74. Their success over Cambodia doomed that country and therefore South Vietnam as well.
75. A sentinel surveillance system for Japanese encephalitis was developed and embedded within the routine meningoencephalitis syndromic surveillance system in Cambodia in 2006.
76. He is standing trial just outside the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, which is made up of Cambodian and international judges.
77. You must tell me many things from Vietnam and Cambodia.
78. ASEAN 10 includes Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.
79. In Cambodia, there was one teenager, Jen, a shy, sweet farm girl, whose freedom I had intended to purchase.
80. Nine foreign political leaders will attend, including President Topi of Albania, King Sihamoni of Cambodia, President Bozize of Central African Republic, President Nailatikau of Fiji, etc..
81. Membership includes Thailand, Cambodia , Laos , Vietnam, Brunei Daru alam , Indonesia , Malaysia , Myanmar, Phili ines and Singapore.
82. Hun Sen and the Royal Government of Cambodia, 104 km of road built by the Army engineering unit, " reads the town's only monument."
82. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
83. Cambodia is situated in southeastern Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand, between Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos. Cambodia has an area of about 181,040 sq.
84. Other countries where a shallow or weak civil society has abetted the entrenchment of elected authoritarians include Malaysia, Russia, and Cambodia.
85. Better Factories Cambodia is managed by the International Labour Organization and supported by the Royal Government of Cambodia, the Garment Manufacturers' Association in Cambodia (GMAC) and unions.
86. And then there was the snakeskin drum bought outside a temple in Angkor Wat, Cambodia.
87. I only offer myself to help and tag along the Cambodia Leadership Camp and have "a look-see look-see " attitude.
88. He sent troops to re - capture an American transport ship captured by the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia.
89. The group already started to work with Cambodia, Sierra Leone and Syria.
90. China's real estate development firms have barged into Cambodia with all the ambition, bumptiousness and verve that American fruit and tire firms employed in Latin America or Africa in decades past.
91. Over the years, U.S. assistance has helped destroy more than a million weapons in places like El Salvador, Suriname, Burundi, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Cambodia.
92. Manila became the resort of traders from China, Japan, Siasm, Cambodia and the Spice Islands.
93. Independence travel, from Cambodia to Vietnam or oppositely. And Phnom Penh to Angkor, Saigon to Honai.
94. Cambodia proposed Mohamed Al Bejawi, a former Algerian foreign minister and head of the International Court of Justice in the Hague.
95. In Cambodia, the government extended a tax holiday through 2012 on corporate income tax payments for foreign direct investors.
96. I was straining to bring off a cease - fire in Cambodia before the Congress acted.
97. Article 8: Investors shall be treated in a non-discriminatory manner as set by law, except for ownership of land as set forth in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
98. Laos lies between China, Burma , Thailand , Cambodia, and Viet Nam.
99. Mr. Ruan will then send the goods by air to Cambodia,(http:///cambodia.html) or bring them overland.
100. Icon of Khmer civilization, Angkor Wat in Cambodia endures as a revered religious shrine.
101. Praziquantel has been used successfully over the past 20 years to control schistosomiasis in Brazil, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Morocco and Saudi Arabia.
102. New factories in Cambodia and Vietnam will make up the shortfall.
103. Angkor Thom Monks, Cambodia, 1968 "Ghostlike faces surround two saffron-robed Buddhist monks in a window of the extravagantly carved Bayon, central temple of Angkor Thom."




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