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单词 Boom period
(1) The boom period ensured that every prairie city had two and sometimes three stations, some of them very short-lived indeed.
(2) A boom period of speculative house building peaked between 1928 and 1936 when construction of 118,000 dwellings annually increased to 293,000.
(3) The period 1951-64 was a boom period for house building, both private and public.
(4) Over the boom period, we've been seeing a gradual uptrend; just as loan to value ratios were only 60% in the 1920s, now they're up to 90% or 100%.
(5) While very strong developing country growth during the boom period may reflect underlying growth potential, the global financial conditions that fueled it were clearly unsustainable.
(6) This is the boom period for the development of mobile communications.
(7) In other words, bank-credit expansion during the boom period encourages entrepreneurs to act as if savings had increased when in fact this is not the case.
(8) In the 80's and early 90's - Japan's boom period - this stream of Western architects became a river.
(9) Prior to boom period, usually there is a period of low interest rates, which is the precondition for the economy to cycle to boom.
(10) The style of the boom period is"district regional characters and folk customs", "the exploration of realistic painting"and"the printing technique obtained the further innovation and improvement".
(11) Eventually, the economy reaches the peak of the cycle - the so-called boom period.
(12) These are harder to come by now than in the boom period of the late 1980s.
(13) On the other hand, if the media starts talking about a boom period, everyone would hop on board and there actually would be a boom period.
(14) Since the reform and opening up and the birth of first financial leasing companies, financial leasing industry experienced a boom period, also experienced a sluggish period.
(15) These dislocations are at the root of the eventual credit crisis, which follows the boom period that was caused by artificially low interest rates.
(16) International capital costs will therefore be higher and investment rates lower over the next several years when compared with the pre-crisis boom period.
(17) I submit that the above chart is entirely consistent with the Austrian explanation of business slumps following an unsustainable boom period.
(18) Tramp rates fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand. In a boom period, the tramp rates rise; in a period of recession, they decline.




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