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单词 ideological
释义 Word family  noun ideology ideologue adjective ideological adverb ideologically  i·de·o·lo·gic·al /ˌaɪdiəˈlɒdʒɪkəl◂ $ -ˈlɑː-/ ●○○ AWL adjective  BELIEVEbased on strong beliefs or ideas, especially political or economic ideas 思想上的;思想体系的;意识形态的〔尤指政治或经济思想〕 The party is split by ideological differences. 意识形态上的差异造成该政党分裂。 —ideologically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusideological• Many coed schools provide excellent educations, but the reasons for the movement seem to be less academic than financial and ideological.• Both men are staunch conservatives, but of the two Lott is the more ideological and aggressive.• Whatever their other differences, good middle-class reformers would not countenance such ideological backsliding or remain passive before fashionable aristocratic interventions.• Shades of religious or ideological belief mean that a rhetorical justification is always to hand.• The two Communist powers split over ideological differences in the late 1950s.• Evidently the attainment of an ordered world consonant with divine laws remained the ideological framework of antislavery.• The chief obstacles to Ecotopia lie in the economic, political, cultural and ideological levels.• However, the ideological meaning of this rhetoric is not necessarily clear.• His ideological step has lost its bounce.i·de·o·lo·gic·al adjectiveChineseSyllable  on ideas, strong especially beliefs Corpus political or based or




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